Re: The Book of Joker (III) - Design Phase
I'd be fine with either 4 or 5 Range - that range feels fine to me. I'd rather keep it at 5 but am willing to change. Anyone else have a preference?
I'm updating the second post with the beefier version of the attack, which I think will make for more interesting gameplay. With that I think we should be good.
Next up, we're definitely using the newest Joker figure as per our discussion with Xorlof, but I feel like - unless someone else out there has plans for a Joker with a BANG! gun and/or a joy buzzer - it'd be a missed opportunity to not use
THIS FIGURE as the official one here. Does anyone else have an opinion here? Would we be okay with the Xorlof figure as an alternate for that release, and one of the two listed above as the "official" version? Assuming we can get pictures, of course.
I'm also having some trouble finding good comic art here, so any idea would be appreciated.
I ALSO PROPOSE WE MOVE TO INITIAL PLAYTESTING! Assuming this goes through, I can run the initial next weekend, since I have a four day weekend.
And I'll go ahead and tag everyone now - if you have a Range preference for the special attack, if you have any opinion on the bonus figure here, and voting for the Initial.
@TrollBrute @Viegon @Yodaking @japes @Tornado @Zettian Juggernaut
And I'll also tag the CRB as well. Second post is up to date.
@dok @Dysole @Soundwarp SG-1 @weebaer