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The Book of Joker (III)

Re: The Book of Joker (III) - Design Phase

Since the 'spear' is bigger, heavier, and less aerodynamic than a bullet it wouldn't travel as far as accurately as one so I could see a drop in range to 4 to set it apart from the pistol range of 5.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - Design Phase

I'd be fine with either 4 or 5 Range - that range feels fine to me. I'd rather keep it at 5 but am willing to change. Anyone else have a preference?

I'm updating the second post with the beefier version of the attack, which I think will make for more interesting gameplay. With that I think we should be good.

Next up, we're definitely using the newest Joker figure as per our discussion with Xorlof, but I feel like - unless someone else out there has plans for a Joker with a BANG! gun and/or a joy buzzer - it'd be a missed opportunity to not use THIS FIGURE or THIS FIGURE as the official one here. Does anyone else have an opinion here? Would we be okay with the Xorlof figure as an alternate for that release, and one of the two listed above as the "official" version? Assuming we can get pictures, of course.

I'm also having some trouble finding good comic art here, so any idea would be appreciated.

Anyways, I ALSO PROPOSE WE MOVE TO INITIAL PLAYTESTING! Assuming this goes through, I can run the initial next weekend, since I have a four day weekend.

And I'll go ahead and tag everyone now - if you have a Range preference for the special attack, if you have any opinion on the bonus figure here, and voting for the Initial. @TrollBrute @Viegon @Yodaking @japes @Tornado @Zettian Juggernaut

And I'll also tag the CRB as well. Second post is up to date. @dok @Dysole @Soundwarp SG-1 @weebaer
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - Design Phase


Slight preference for 4 range. I'd just stick with the mini Xorlof bought up personally, but I don't care that strongly about it. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - Design Phase

I think Xorlof already purchased the figures so I think we better plan on using those!

Re: The Book of Joker (III) - VOTE for Initial Playtest

Yea, 4 range.

The official Figure should be the one he already bought, but posting a card with the other figure as an alternate card (free or for purchase) in the thread would be fine with me.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - VOTE for Initial Playtest

Yes, exactly and 4 Range also.
Joke's On You


Competitive Concerns
Does the design offer worrisome Order marker movement or efficiency? No.

Does the design offer superior Auto wounding? Acid Flower is once per round so it's not superior auto wounding.

Does the design cause the prevention of abilities (Blob, Polaris, Meteorite)? Acid Flower and Joy Buzzer in tandem could make this guy a pain. Thank goodness for low defense and adjacency requirements.

Does the design move other figures? No.

Does the design boost other figures (outside of a narrowly defined set)? No.

Does the design have one or more excellent defensive powers? No.

Does the design auto destroy or take control of other figures in a way that unbalances the design? No. (Unless you like negate a lava resistant figure on lava which is almost never happening and you kind of deserve it there)

Does the design have any other concerns? No.

Summary of Any Competitive Concerns/Suggestions for Changes: He will probably be a little frustrating but adjacency and low defense keep him in check. Is probably better than II and in some cases may be better than I (admittedly it's more that he's harder to counterdraft than I is)

~Dysole, pretty sure that's our 3 Jokers for the 3 Jokers theory ~_^
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - VOTE for Initial Playtest


Prefer 4 Range, but I'm okay with 5.

Definitely should stick with the mini Xorlof chose, but I'm okay doing an alternate as well.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - VOTE for Initial Playtest


Prefer 4 Range, but I'm okay with 5.

Definitely should stick with the mini Xorlof chose, but I'm okay doing an alternate as well.

My sentiments are the same...including the YEA
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - VOTE for Initial Playtest

Is joy buzzer supposed to end the turn for a whole squad when one member triggers it? Because if not it really needs to be reworded just like Mikey's card does to match Spider-Woman and such.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - VOTE for Initial Playtest

So this passed. Seems like the preference is for 4 Range, so I'll make that change now.

Is joy buzzer supposed to end the turn for a whole squad when one member triggers it? Because if not it really needs to be reworded just like Mikey's card does to match Spider-Woman and such.

Yeah, definitely should just be the individual figure. Does this read right, everyone?

If an opponent's figure moves adjacent to Joker, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 13 or higher, that figure cannot move, attack, or use any special power on any Army Card or Glyph for the remainder of its turn.

And as mentioned I'll be running the tests for him this weekend. Hoping he ends up somewhere between 140 and 190 - between our last two Jokers, that is.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) - VOTE for Initial Playtest

That wording looks good. :up:
Re: The Book of Joker (III) (Intial Playtest Phase)



Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero Tests
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Minnesota Mudlands (Custom Map)
Units: Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Floronic Man (590 Points) vs. Batman: Bruce Wayne, Catgirl, Black Canary, Green Arrow: Oliver Queen (600 Points)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Minnesota Mudlands (Custom Map)
Units: Joker, Hugo Strange, Deadpool (600 Points) vs. Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jewel (600 Points)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Minnesota Mudlands (Custom Map)
Units: Joker, Joker Goons, Harley Quinn, Hugo Strange, Green Goblin (795 Points) vs. Yellow Lantern: Jonathan Crane, Sinestro Corps Soldier x5 (790 Points)
Spoiler Alert!


THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT'S COST, BALANCE, & DRAFTABILITY: I think he's in the right range. He's a frontline unit - has to stay within 4 spaces to do anything - with only 3 Defense, so it's pretty easy to peck away at him. (One reason why the Goons are a good choice for him - definitely a team to test with.) I'm going to tone down the defense reduction to -2 to make him a bit less swingy, but I'm comfortable with him at 160 for the moment.

GENERAL THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT: Very happy with him. He played how I wanted - lots of motion, lots of tricks to use, a pain to get in close but even worse if you try to keep him away. He's a different beast than the first two Jokers, more of a run-and-gun style, which I think justifies his existence. Like I said, tweaking BANG! down a notch but otherwise I wouldn't change anything.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) (Intial Playtest Phase)

Looking good; I agree with the tweak to his SA. :up:
Re: The Book of Joker (III) (Intial Playtest Phase)

Haven't seen any objections, so I PROPOSE WE MOVE TO PLAYTESTING!

I believe we were going to hold him for internal testing, right? Do we have enough people out here that would be willing and able to test him in the near future? We still have some time until he's needed but I think the more time for Xorlof the better.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) (VOTE for Playtesting)


I'll make this one my next priority for testing, but I probably won't get to it until next weekend at least.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) (VOTE for Playtesting)

I'll also try to get some tests done at some point. Just not sure exactly when.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) (VOTE for Playtesting)

I have a rules lawyer question about this power.

If an opponent's figure moves adjacent to Joker, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 13 or higher, that figure cannot move, attack, or use any special power on any Army Card or Glyph for the remainder of its turn.

Does a figure flying past or over Joker move adjacent to him? I know they are not engaged but would they not technically still be occupying a space that is adjacent to the space he is on? As you move past Joker with a Ghostwalk type power you could actually be adjacent to him twice before moving on, would you roll twice or once? I think we may be better off just having it trigger at the end of a figures normal move.

If an opponent's figure ends its move adjacent to Joker, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 13 or higher, that figure cannot move, attack, or use any special power on any Army Card or Glyph for the remainder of its turn.

The movement shutdown would still effect those with powers that allow them to attack and then move.
Re: The Book of Joker (III) (VOTE for Playtesting)

Hmm, shouldn't we just be using normal Engagement Strike wording here?
Re: The Book of Joker (III) (VOTE for Playtesting)

This passes! Thanks all.

And yeah, we probably should just be using Engagement Strike here. I think that was the base at some point but got twisted and rewritten a bunch and, well, here we are.

If an opponent's small or medium figure moves adjacent to Joker, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 13 or higher, the opponent's figure cannot move, attack, or use any special power on any Army Card or Glyph for the remainder of its turn. [[Figures may only be targeted as they move into an engagement with Joker.]]

The last part isn't in our current version but I think it makes sense thematically, and also solves the clarity issues that Yodaking has.