Note: Batman utility glyphs are First Aid Kit, Infrared Goggles, & Bat Shuriken.
Round 1: Inmates & HQ move up. Huntress & Robin move up adj. to each other, a bush, and on a shadow tile. Inmates in SZ move up, HQ moves up by rocks. Batman (II) moves up next to tree & Robin, then att. from HG 2 times w/shuriken, dead, blocked – Inmate moves adj. to Batman & tree – 1W, att. from even ground, blocked – Inmate moves into shadow adj. to Batman (II) & Robin – 1W. Robin att. adj. Inmate, dead. Inmates in SZ move up. HQ moves around rocks, throws bomb adj. to Huntress, Batman (II), & Robin, 4 skulls rolled, 2W, blocked, blocked, rolled a 7. Batman (II) moves back behind Huntress & Robin onto HG, uses shuriken to attack 3 times, blocked – Inmate moves to even ground but can’t reach Batmen (II), att. different Inmate, blocked – Inmate moves but can’t reach Batman (II), attacks him again, dead. Robin moves up adj. to Batman (II) & Inmate then att., dead.
Round 2: Batman (II) uses First Aid Kit, heals 1W. 3 Inmates in SZ move up, HQ moves adj. to Batman (Terry) & att., 2W! Batman (II) att. HQ w/shuriken, blocked, moves 1 space, miss, blocked, moves 1 space adj. to bush. Robin moves adj. to HQ & bush then att., blocked. Inmates move up, HQ att. Robin, blocked. Alfred extracts Huntress, heals 1W, moves adj. to Batman (Terry) & Robin. Joker Goons move up by rocks, Scarecrow moves up by rock.
Round 3: 3 Joker Goons move up by rocks, 1 moves into shadow & att. Batman (II) from lower ground, blocked, Scarecrow moves up, places Fear Gas so that both Batmans, Alfred, & Robin are all effected, Scarecrow moves adj. to Batman (II) & att., 1W, Joker Goon in Shadow is destroyed. Batman (II) reveals OM, 9 rolled for Crippling Fear, moves around Scarecrow to get out of range of Fear Gas then att., 2W. Robin uses Bat Grapple to move out of range of Fear Gas but remains adj. to HQ & att., blocked, moves adj. to Alfred & bush. Scarecrow reveals OM, takes LES, 1W, moves adj. to Batman (Terry) & att., 2W – dead! HQ att. Alfred, blocked. OM 2 on Batman (Terry). 1 Inmate moves up adj. to Batman on even ground & att., 17 rolled for Shadow Strike, Batman moves, Inmate dead, 2 other Inmates move adj. to Robin & att., blocked, 1W. Batman moves adj. to Alfred & Scarecrow, att. Scarecrow while effected by Fear Gas, blocked. Fear Gas Glyph picked up.
Round 4: 1 Joker Goon moves up to be within 6 clear sight spaces of Scarecrow, then att. Alfred from lower ground, 1W, Scarecrow moves adj. to Alfred & Batman, places Fear Gas so that Batman, Alfred, & Robin are all effected, att. Alfred, dead, att. Batman, blocked, Joker Goon that moved is destroyed. Batman reveals OM, 7 rolled for Crippling Fear, att. Scarecrow while effected by Fear Gas, dead! Robin uses Bat Grapple to move out of range of Fear Gas and onto HG, att. Inmate, dead. 2 Inmates move up from rear, 1 moves adj. to Batman & att., 18 rolled for Shadow Strike, Batman moves back adj. to Huntress & out of range of Fear Gas, Inmate is dead. HQ moves up adj. to Robin on even ground & att., blocked. Batman moves up by bush & att. Inmate from HG w/shuriken, dead, att. HQ twice from lower ground, missed, blocked. Robin moves aroubd HQ & att., missed. 3 Inmates move up. HQ att. Robin, missed. Huntress moves up 6 spaces to be 2 spaces away from Inmate on HG, att. w/SA, dead, att. Inmate by Bush in Shadow 5 spaces away, blocked, Inmate moves but can’t move adj. to Huntress so moves adj. to Robin instead. Fear Gas Glyph picked up.
Round 5: Huntress moves 2 spaces away from an Inmate adj. to a bush & att. w/SA, dead, att. HQ from lower ground 3 spaces away, blocked. Robin att. adj. Inmate from HG, dead. Last Inmate moves up, HQ att. Robin, blocked. Batman moves adj. to HQ & Robin, then att., blocked, Robin att., blocked. Joker Goons & Firefly move by bush. Huntress moves adj. to Inmate & att. from HG, dead. Joker Goons & Firefly move up by bush & rock.
Round 6: Joker Goons move up by rocks, Firefly flies over rocks to land 2 spaces away from Robin, att. w/SA and hits Batman too, 1 skull rolled, blocked, blocked. Batman att. HQ, blocked. Robin att. HQ, 3W!!! Joker Goons move up to HG by rock, att. Robin twice, missed, 2W. Firefly flies over Batman & Robin, rolls for Raining Fire, 1W Robin –dead, no W to Batman. Firefly flies over Huntress & Batman, lands adj. to Batman, rolls for Raining Fire, 1W Huntress, no W to Batman, Joker Goon destroyed. Batman att. Firefly, 1W. Joker Goon moves closer & att. Huntress from HG, 1W, Firefly takes LES, miss, flies over Batman & Huntress, rolls for Raining Fire, 1W Batman, no W to Huntress. Firefly flies over Huntress & Batman, lands adj. to Batman, rolls for Raining Fire, 1W to Huntress, dead, no W to Batman, last Joker Goon destroyed. OM 3 on Huntress.
Round 7: Batman att. Firefly, blocked. Firefly takes LES, 1W, flies over Batman, rolls for Raining Fire, no W. HQ att. Batman, blocked. Batman att. HQ, blocked. Firefly flies over Batman, rolls for Raining Fire, 1W, dead.
Who won and how many wounds did they have? Firefly w/2W & HQ w/3W win.