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The Book of Jason Voorhees


C3G Con Champ 2021 and 2022!
The Book of Jason Voorhees



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Modified Horrorclix figure from the Freddy vs. Jason Action Pack set.
Its model number and name are #004 / Freddy vs. Jason.
Remove Freddy from base for modified figure.


Character Bio - Jason Voorhees, the son of Pamela Voorhees, was born deformed. He lived with his mother at Camp Crystal Lake (his mother was the camp cook), in the city of Crystal Lake. Jason was bullied incessantly until, in 1957, he tried to prove to the bullies that he could swim and drowned in Crystal Lake.

One year later two of the Camp Crystal Lake counselors were murdered and the camp was shut down. Future attempts to reopen the camp were plagued with problems, including poisoned water and unexplained fires.

In 1980 eight new counselors planned to reopen the camp, but ultimately all but one of the new counselors were murdered. The killer is ultimately revealed to be Pamela Voorhees. Pamela is then beheaded by the only survivor, Alice.

The very next year Alice is murdered by an unseen killer in her home. Five years after Alice's murder a group of counselors return to Camp Crystal Lake for training, and all but 2 are murdered (though one of the survivors cannot be found). The killer turns out to be Jason Voorhees. Full grown and seemingly indestructible, Jason kills to avenge his mother's death and to carry on her quest to keep the camp closed.

In each new incarnation Jason returns to be an unstoppable killer, only to be "killed" then later resurrected.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q: Friday the 13th says to place Jason "on any empty space on the battlefield where he will not be in clear sight of any opponent's figure". If there is no such space, then Jason can't be placed back on the battlefield, correct?

A: Correct. If he can't be placed outside of clear sight, then he can't be placed anywhere.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • Allowing Jason to stay out of clear sight is important, and very helpful for "Ki Ki Ki, Ma Ma Ma" and essential for Friday the 13th. Obsidian's Enveloped in Shadows is currently the only special that allows Jason to be completely out of clear sight, when adjacent to Obsidian. So naturally, they make a good combo.
  • Relentless Assault requires an enemy figure to end their turn adjacent to Jason in order to activate. Potential good combinations for Jason would be figures that deny the opponent from moving such as Blob, Doctor Octopus, Clayface, or Jean Grey etc.; or ending their turn such as Diablo, Mr. Mxyzptlk, and Star Sapphire(Uncommon) etc.
  • Jason always takes 1 fewer wound. This gives him a lot of immunity to smaller auto-wounding specials, as well as leaving engagement attacks and minor falling damage. An example would be Magneto's Magnetic Assault. It is also best to use Jason to engage lower attacking figures, who will struggle more to destroy him.
  • Jason Voorhees strategy guide
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Last edited by a moderator:
NAME = Jason Voorhees
SPECIES = Undead
UNIQUENESS = Unique Hero
CLASS = Slasher
PERSONALITY = Relentless
SIZE/HEIGHT = Medium 5

LIFE = 6
MOVE = 4
POINTS = 175

After an opponent reveals a numbered Order Marker on an Army Card that opponent controls, you may immediately either:
  • move Jason Voorhees up to 2 spaces; or
  • if Jason is not in clear sight of any figure on that card, you may place Jason on any empty space within 5 spaces of his current placement.
Jason will take any leaving engagement attacks when moving with this special power.

If Jason would receive one or more wounds, ignore one of those wounds.

If an opponent's figure ends its turn adjacent to Jason, you may roll the 20-sided die, subtracting 6 from the roll if the figure has Super Strength. If you roll 9 or higher, that figure receives 1 wound.

At the end of the round, if Jason is destroyed, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 13 or higher, immediately place Jason on any empty space on the battlefield where he will not be in clear sight of any opponent's figure and remove all Wound Markers from this card.
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Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Still a fan of combining Bloodshed and Undead Resilience into one power here.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

I'm not against it if you can make it work, and sound fluid. I'm fine with it as-is since all 4 powers are short and simple.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

When Jason is attacked by an opponent's adjacent figure, and no skulls are rolled, the attacking figure immediately receives one wound. If Jason receives two or more wounds from a single attack but is not destroyed, you may immediately remove up to two of those wounds.

Not sure I love that, but I guess that'd be my first stab at it.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

I was about to type the exact power you just posted. I was going to call it Undead Serial Killer though (I know, terrible name). Tbh I think they mesh well together since they both are tied to opponents attacks, and how they affect Jason

Maybe call it HACK AND STAB. Because the first part is about Jason Hacking on figures who wiff on defense, and the second part is about small injuries not affecting him, like getting stabbed and blowing it off. Plus it sounds cool.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Also I love that third picture! The perspective of Jason killing the card holder is amazing!
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Looks good. I have a slight preference for keeping Undead Resilience and Bloodshed separate, but it's not a big deal either way. I do worry a little about how powerful he is considering he'll be coming back so often, but that's something we can work out in playtesting.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

I'm thinking as-is, he'll be a pain, but not broken. If he's doing too well, we can either raise his points or lower his life.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Considering three(and a half) of his powers only activate if you choose to attack Jason, I do not see an issue. Much like Judge Death, if you choose to attack and destroy Jason, that is on you.
If he had an enhanced LEA power I may be a little more concerned but how scary is a single 4 dice adjacent attack?

That third piece of art is amazing.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Any preference on miniatures? HERE are the Freddy vs. Jason Horrorclix; our options are the one in the back, the one with Freddy, or the one on the right. I'd discount the back one (as he's carrying Freddy's head), and go with either the duo (#004, using it for both Freddy and Jason) or the machete (#003).

Here's another option for comic art as well:


Overall I'm good with this one. I'd also prefer the powers kept separate, but I'd like a new name for Bloodshed. Can't think of one right now; I'll brainstorm a bit.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

That was just a placeholder name, I figured we'd try to get something more thematic to the series/character. Machete Massacre, Slashing Resiliance(if combined), Slasher, Take Your Best Shot...

I like the 3rd art best, but I don't know the rules on fan art vs comic art.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

With such an easy chance to come back from the dead, I do worry that he'll be too strong. Numbers can be tweaked in testing though, and I like the overall design. Nicely captures the slow, relentless stalker feel.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

First thing I'm going to pair him with is Iron Patriot. I can't stand a long wait on a slow figure.

Probably Cap or Star Lord too, just because I want to see how he plays at 5 attack. Jason definitely deserves at least 5 attack with how strong he is.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

I'd say his advance needs to be more surprising, and also represent more danger. Maybe something like this:

After an opponent's figure ends its turn, you may reveal an X order Marker on this card to place Jason on any empty space within 6 spaces of his current position. After placing Jason, if he is adjacent to a figure who's turn just ended, you may roll one unblock able attack die against that figure, or two unblockable attack die if the figure was engaged with Jason at any point during its turn.

To me, a slow, relentless approach is not appropriate... He almost supernaturally appears out of nowhere... And usually kills somebody right away. If think this would more accurately capture the feel of his "think you've escaped, but there he is!" nature.

As for coming back from the dead, I'd say it's more iconic for him to escape seemingly fatal wounds than to come back from the dead. To me, his returning from the dead would not happen multiple times within the time span of a battle. Maybe something like this:

If Jason is attacked by an adjacent figure and receives no wounds from that attack, the attacking figure receives a wound. At the end of the round, if Jason is not destroyed, remove all wound markers from this card.

Combined with 6 lives or so, he would give the enemy a chance to chip away at him, but if they don't finish him, he'll be back with a vengeance.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

That sounds very OP Margloth..I'd want the life reduced further than 6 for that.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Even with 0 defense? It could be tweaked of course.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Right, I keep forgetting he has no defense..I'm not used to figures having no defense..in which case, I'd worry more about play-ability. Personally I'd just Super Leap someone like Hulk adjacent and smash the crap out of him in round 1 and be done with it.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Wow, interesting to see Jason! I know we voted against him in C3G a while back. I personally thought I could see superheroes fighting him, so cool to see! :)
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

I don't care so much for the Unnatural Resistance. With 0 defense, and 6 life, he'll easily be dealt with then that's that. I can't see many people wanting to draft a figure with 0 defense, with no defensive/wound removing boost when attacked, and once destroyed can't come back. Especially if he's sitting with an attack of 4, even with his Out of Nowhere unblockables. As Karat said, in most cases, it'll take any decent hitter one round and he'll be done for. Not really worth the investment, and I don't think one would enjoy playing as him in that case.

I think the Resilience + Ft13th, 0 defense makes for a great play experience on both sides, as well as thematic. The idea being that Jason in many ways looks like he should die, and does die, but then he pops up again, often times in the same film. Even some films take place the next day from the previous film. So IMO, him being destroyed then coming back once he rolls a 13 or higher(he only has 1 shot per round to do this btw, that's less than 50% chance), represents him getting back up and fighting again very well.

I do like your Out of Nowhere approach. I'd still want the original name on it, as it's iconic to the character, but I think your approach is worth considering for that. I like the slow moving stalking aspects, but I do wish he had a way to essentially teleport, and the unblockables are a nice add on. So if we can somehow merge the two, it might make for the best. I'll let others chime in on that, before making my own judgment.
Jason and the Argo

I can run some numbers if you want to give you an idea of survivability.

~Dysole, noting that it likely won't be for about a day or so
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

What is your opinion of the design currently in the SP Dysole?

Great to see you Margloth. Some great mechanics and theme in those suggestions.
Re: The Book of Jason Voorhees (Breathing)

Ok, after thinking on it, I do like Out of Nowhere, and think it has a better representation of how the character works. It needs tweaked a bit, as I don't know if it's exactly how it should be, but I like the execution and theme it brings.

The problem with the way the current power works, in the SP, is that Jason doesn't really slowly follow his victims for long distances. Having him move 2 spaces at a time, is more like a tracking ability, or a zombie, than how Jason operates. Jason pops up, goes for the kill, fights a bit, and if he doesn't kill them right then, he disappears again to pop up elsewhere. He can also mysteriously appear in front of them, even though they were clearly out running him. He can pop up on top of a building, when they just took the time to climb up there. He very much teleports, and stays hidden until he goes for the kill. He does have some stalking going on, as well as hunting and tracking, but he isn't supposed to be out in the open moving slowly the entire time.

So I like the thought put into yours. He pops out, and immediately goes for the kill. I also like the idea of them escaping in that turn, only for him to pop out and surprise them. That's where we need to put the focus on for this power. He should be surprising your opponent. Sure, we have that a bit with Friday the 13th, placing him anywhere on the field, but him popping up all of a sudden, in surprising fashion, and going for the kill, is a great representation of the character.

The one thing I don't know if I'm completely sold on, is having it take place by revealing an X after your opponent takes a turn. I like that idea, and the execution, but I don't know if that's going to cause problems mechanically, or balance wise with him not requiring a turn to actually harm the opponent. So we may need to flesh that out a bit. Perhaps we add a "if there is at least one unrevealed numbered Order Marker on this card, you may reveal the X" requirement in there?