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The Book of Jackal


Supernatural Mystic
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The Book of Jackal



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the WEB OF SPIDER-MAN set.
Its model number and name are #046 / Jackal.


Character Bio - Miles Warren was a professor at Empire State University. He was born into a family that had a special love for science. His brother was a teacher of Peter Parker’s, but Miles wanted to be more than “just” a teacher. After he got his Ph.D. in biochemistry he joined the High Evolutionary so he could experiment and learn from him. He tried turning animals into humans, but most of his subjects never lost their animal appearance. He ended up developing a fondness for Gwen Stacy, who was a student of his. After Gwen was killed by the Green Goblin, Miles blamed Spider-Man for her death. This led Miles to put Jackal DNA into his body becoming the Jackal. Jackal is responsible for the creation of Carrion, as well as several Spider-Man clones (Scarlet Spider, Kaine, Jack, Guardian, and Spidercide).

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • Jackal may choose a Unique Human, Mutate, or Clone Hero for his Experimental Cloning special power. Current Humans, Mutates, and Clones.

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: Karat - Cloning 16+ any Unique H, C, or M; Degeneration: 1 unlbockable die @220 points
  • Second playtest: Ronin - Cloning 18+ any Unique H, C, M; Degeneration: 2 unblockable dice @235 points
  • Third playtest: Viegon
  • Fourth playtest: bsbush7690 - Cloning 17+ any Unique H, C, M; Degeneration: 1 auto-wound after turn, 2 auto-wounds after round @ 255 points
  • Fifth playtest: Tornado
  • Sixth playtest: Ronin - Cloning at 15+ Clones get cloned with 2 wounds any Unique H, C, M; DTC lowered to 12+; Degeneration: 1 wound after turn and round @ 265 points
  • Seventh playtest: Midgieboy3
  • Eighth playtest: b57123m
  • Ninth playtest: Hidicul - Changed Cloning to choose a single Unique H, C, M for the entire game @265
  • Tenth playtest: TrollBrute
  • Eleventh playtest: Karat - Current SP
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Art by japes
Card Updates:
7 March 2021 - Class changed to Genius
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Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 255

At the start of the game, you may choose a Unique Human, Mutate, or Clone Hero on the battlefield. Before placing Order Markers each round, if the chosen Hero is destroyed, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 15 or higher, the chosen Hero becomes Jackal's Experiment. Remove all Wound Markers from the chosen Hero’s Army Card and place the chosen Hero on any empty space adjacent to Jackal. You now control the chosen Hero, and it has the species of Clone instead of what is listed on its card.

After attacking an adjacent figure with Jackal's normal attack, if the defending figure received one or more wounds but was not destroyed, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 12 or higher, remove one unrevealed Order Marker at random from the defending figure's card. Androids, Constructs, and destructible objects are not affected by Drug-Tipped Claws.

For the entire game, after taking a turn with Jackal's Experiment and at the end of each round, place one Wound Marker on its card.
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Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I really like this design. I am glad you went with it. :)
Interesting synergy and powers. Should be fun.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I really like the direction with this design; the Cloning mechanic is a lot of fun, and I love how Jackal works with it. I worry that his Cloning power could turn out be a little too strong, but if that's the case, we could easily either tweak the roll or switch Cellular Degeneration to an automatic wound instead of the unblockable attack die.

The only issue I see right now is the wording for his claw power. Right now, if Jackal attacks a Counter Strike unit and takes wounds himself, he'd still get to roll for it because of the too open wording of "if a figure received one or more wounds". I suggest:

After attacking an adjacent figure with Jackal's normal attack, if the defending figure received one or more wounds but was not destroyed, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, remove one Order Marker at random from the defending figure's card. Androids, Constructs, and Destructible Objects are not affected by Drug Tipped Claws.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

Yeah, I'm also worried that bringing back figures on 16+ with no once per game restriction like Zola is overpowered. I'd like to see Cellular Degeneration go ahead and be an auto skull right now, and keep open the possibility of further restrictions later.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I'd rather wait on that and see how strong it is first, and even then I'd rather see rolling more dice or a once per Unique Hero restriction than a staric wound. The degeneration is and should be random :2cents:

{Edit} Or even upping the roll for returning an Unique Hero.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

Love the direction here. No real stance on his power as of yet and fine with waiting and seeing.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

How many points are you aiming for, Karat? The degeneration can be really slow right now and isn't much of a drawback at all. Resurrecting so many different figures at 16+ multiple times per game screams "future reevaluation" to me. I'd rather check it more in advance.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

250 or so as a cap, but I don't have a set cost in mind. I'd rather see the roll go up than the degeneration go automatic.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I wouldn't be as worried about him if the roll was at 20, but I fear that'd restrict him to specific builds to get his value (Sage, Brainiac V, Fan Four kind of deals).
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I like what ya got Karat. More clone synergy should be fun. I do share Bat's concern though, it may prove to be to powerful and that d20 may need tweaked some. If so, testing will show what and where any changes are needed.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

Exactly. In order, here are the changes I'm contemplating, if they're needed: 18+ for the roll, 19 if needed, and then 2 unblockable attack die for degeneration.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I'd like to see the roll at 17-18 and Cellular Degeneration left as is. Test him carefully and we can make more changes later if needed. If we test him well enough, he won't need reevaluated.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I think I'd rather test him as is before upping the roll.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I could see starting him as is at 250. My other concern is the possibility of his making Zola undraftable, since they have a lot of overlap in the resurrection power and Jackal's resurrection is (currently) much superior.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

That's a really good point Bats. Maybe we should start him with a roll of 18+.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I don't feel he overlaps Zola that bad, one of the nice things about Zole is the he doesn't change the class on unit he clones, where Jackle does. I think making changes to other powers over upping the roll would be better, 'cause if you get the roll to high, it just won't be as fun. I was thinking one of the ways you could make him weaker would be to make Cellular Degeneration activate after taking a turn with a Clone (it activates for that Clone) and at the end of the round, so if you use it on some one like Ms. Marvel it wouldn't be as strong, than making the roll really high.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

I like that ZJ. The more active they are, the more they degenerate plus the standard degeneration. I think that addresses Bat's concern nicely.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

Here are tbe changes I'm looking at making once the 48 hours are up.

After attacking an adjacent figure with Jackal's normal attack, if the defending figure received one or more wounds but was not destroyed, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, remove one Order Marker at random from the defending figure's card. Androids, Constructs, and Destructible Objects are not affected by Drug Tipped Claws.

After taking a turn with a Clone Experiment you control, roll an unblockable attack die against that figure. At the end of the round, roll an unblockable attack die one at a time for each Clone Experiment you control. You must roll for Cellular Degeneration even while Jackal is destroyed.
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

While we will have to be very cautious with Jackal, I don't think it's as worrisome as some think. Jackal and Arnim will have some overlap, but as ZJ said, the fact that Jackal changes the units class and opens them up to Degeneration will make them quite different. Also, Arnim Zola has 2 more life and his Consciousness Transmission power that makes him considerably tougher than Jackal.

For what it's worth, if changes are being made, I much prefer to see Degeneration tweaked (either with ZJ's suggestion or by making it an auto-wound, or whatever) then increasing the roll (Arnim Zola already struggles from being too unreliable at times, I've had him go whole game without hitting his roll; if Jackal's roll was to be even higher, I worry he'd become unreliable to the point of not being enjoyable to play).

EDIT: I like that, Karat. :up:
Re: The Book of Jackal(Design Phase)

Any other thoughts before tine expires and I update and send him out to ERB?