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The Book of Jack-Jack Parr


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The Book of Jack-Jack Parr



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The figure used for this unit is a Nano Metalfigs figure from the Incredibles 2 set.
Its name is Jack-Jack Parr.


Character Bio - Youngest child of Robert and Helen Parr. Superhuman infant with a wide range of uncontrollable powers.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

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Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

NAME = Jack-Jack Parr

SPECIES = Superhuman
UNIQUENESS = Unique Hero
CLASS = Trickster
PERSONALITY = Enthusiastic


LIFE = 2

MOVE = 3


At the start of the game, choose a Unique Superhuman Hero you control to be Jack-Jack’s Babysitter. For the rest of the game, if his Babysitter is not within 3 clear sight spaces of him, subtract 2 from his Babysitter's Defense number. Before taking a turn with his Babysitter, take a turn with Jack-Jack. After moving with his Babysitter, if he was adjacent to his Babysitter at any point before or during his Babysitter's movement, you may place Jack-Jack on any unoccupied space adjacent to his Babysitter. Jack-Jack is never attacked when leaving engagements.

Before taking a turn with Jack-Jack, roll the 20-sided die. For this turn, if you roll:
• 3-5, add 4 to his Range number;
• 6-8, add 1 automatic skull to whatever is rolled when he attacks and he does not have to roll for Molten Lava damage;
• 9-11, instead of moving normally, choose an empty space exactly 5 spaces from Jack-Jack. Place him on the chosen space;
• 12-14, he may attack 2 additional times, and may move up to 3 spaces after each attack;
• 15-17, instead of attacking, roll 1 unblockable attack die against all adjacent figures without the Lava Resistant special power; or
• 18 or higher, when he attacks, all blanks rolled count as unblockable hits on the defending figure.
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Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

@Lord Pyre
@Soundwarp SG-1

My plan for this design is to test him in the 800 point Incredibles build at 25-35 points and then remove those points from the kids and Elastigirl (preferably removing 5 from her so her and Jack-Jack are a pairing) to have him fit in that army. I think there is room in there for this to happen. Let me know know if you have any issues with that.
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Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

I also considered dropping the defensive power, giving him TOO CUTE TO KILL and TAG ALONG.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

I also considered dropping the defensive power, giving him TOO CUTE TO KILL and TAG ALONG.

I could see going that angle. Incredibles don't really have bonding, and nothing screams put an Order Marker on me for Jack Jack. The reality is that even with the Defensive Power, if someone is attacking him, he's probably going down regardless of what is rolled.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

I'd probably make his defense 4 with that change to represent his different defensive forms, but he's still gonna fall easily when it comes to it.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

Leaving him "at home" is kind of thematic though. I mainly assumed he'd be the kind of unit that just sits in your SZ as a last ditch effort if the rest of your team falls.

I feel like a Jack-Jack that wants to be in the battle with his family might want to be doing more passive stuff, cause I'm not sure taking a turn with him will feel worth it.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

Right now you kinda want to put OMs on him to trigger Elastigirl, so giving him Too Cute To Kill actually helps keep his cost down.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

I'd have more issues with the figure if we're not representing his metalic skin ability on the card. Also, the Demon Baby bit is really cool.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

You can represent things without spelling it out on the card. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

You can represent things without spelling it out on the card. :shrug:
Huh. Wish someone had told me that when I wanted to represent backup/redundant/self-repair systems on Avengers Stark by giving him 5 Life instead of telling me it had to be a special power if I was going to rep it.
Still honestly not really happy with that card because of that. He always feels too fragile.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

Seems a bit unrelated, but I think Avengers Iron Man is great. Excellent LD that I use a ton. I do dig the Demon Baby bit, that's a really fun concept in general.

What if he had a Move of 2, some sort of Tag-Along/Carried/whatever, and Super Baby? that seems like a cool set of powers that will keep him in the fray while also making him fairly cheap - Defense/Life can be tweaked to meet cost.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

Yea I was thinking with Tag Along I’d toss Too Cute to Kill on there so it’s a bit harder to make him a cheap enabler for Elastigirl.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

If you went that (or a similar) route I'd be in favor of adding a metal bullet for the offensive power to rep that aspect. I do think it's worth repping on the car if possible.

And Avengers Iron Man is easily, unquestionably my favorite LO LD.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

NAME = Jack-Jack Parr

SPECIES = Superhuman
UNIQUENESS = Unique Hero
CLASS = Infant
PERSONALITY = Enthusiastic


LIFE = 2

MOVE = 3

POINTS = 25-35

Before taking a turn with Jack-Jack, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll, then this turn:
• 1-4, Laser Vision: add 4 to his Range;
• 5-8, Metal Form: add 1 automatic skull to whatever is rolled when he attacks;
• 9-12, Teleport: instead of moving normally, you must choose an empty space within 6 spaces of Jack-Jack. Place him on the chosen space;
• 13-16, Combustion: instead of attacking, roll 1 unblockable attack die against all adjacent figures without the Lava Resistance special power; or
• 17 or higher, Duplicate: he may attack 2 additional times, he may move after each attack.

Before moving a friendly adjacent figure that is not tiny, if Jack-Jack is not engaged, you may choose that figure for Jack-Jack's Carried special power. After moving the chosen figure, you may place Jack-Jack on any unoccupied space adjacent to the chosen figure.

An opponent's figure cannot target Jack-Jack for an attack or choose him for a special power if it could instead target another figure you control, and may not roll for leaving engagement attacks against Jack-Jack. Cruel, Nihilist, and Sadistic figures are not affected by this special power.

Thinking about this, I think this looks better, Too Cute to Kill also covers the LEA part of Teleport. I dropped the LEA part of carried but if we want to make a new version of the power for this we could do this:
Before moving a friendly adjacent figure that is not tiny or small, if Jack-Jack is not engaged, you may choose that figure for Jack-Jack's Carried special power. After moving the chosen figure, you may place Jack-Jack on any unoccupied space adjacent to the chosen figure.

I think I like this direction more than the current version in the SP.
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Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

I like it. I'd just stick with Carried, though. If Dash or Violet were Small, I'd see the reason to do Small Carried, but since they're Medium, I think you have everyone you want to carrying him unless someone for some reason is planning to run an Edna "E" Mode. :p
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

Cool, unless people object I will probably update with that when the 24 hours are up here. I like this direction a lot more.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

Too Adorable To Kill is a specific quote about a specific character. I think it’s generic enough for reuse, but it feels like one of those things that’s worth making sure everyone is okay with. Dig this direction in general though.

I do think Move of 2 would be a funny gag, but that’s a minor thing.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

I mean it doesn't have quotes and I think it works here so I don't see why there would be an issue with it.

I think even just crawling deserves a move of 3. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

What about swapping out combustion for Demon Baby? I feel like that's a really recognizeable power for Jack Jack, and could be a cooler top power than Duplicates currently is. Don't think anyone is writing home about 3 attacks of 2.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

I'm pro move 3, cuz that kid disappears fast.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

I'd also be fine dropping the Teleport.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

Personally I like the power set you have now. :shrug: Teleport seems necessary, IMO, because it represents how tough he is to catch up with sometimes, and the duplicate and metal powers make a lot of sense with the sculpt.

Demon Baby is a big one for the character, but I don't think it has an obvious mechanical translation the way most of the others do.
Re: The Book of Jack-Jack Parr - Design

Demon Baby is a big one for the character, but I don't think it has an obvious mechanical translation the way most of the others do.

I think you could literally keep the blanks as unblockable hits that he had on the defensive and it would still be pretty cool.