Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.
According to the write up, he caused falling damage in a few of the other tests as well. Really what I'm looking for here is your analysis of this question: Is this Iron Man worth 150 points on a map where he can't cause falling damage on an enemy figure?
I don't know, probably. It seems that he has enough of an arsenal to handle any situation. If he can't "fall" you, he can remove Orders, or just use his Special Attack to get around defense powers, or knock you back, or use his magnets to gain height or throw you into harm.
I think the flying and special attack definitely give him more "oomph" than Mark I for sure. If he's coming in lower than 150 in the public tests, though, I think the map might be one of the reasons why. If that's the case, I think we'd be better off leaving his design as is and dropping him to 130-140 or so. But, we'll see what public testers think on this before rushing to anything!
Here's my preemptive yea to playtesting when the time comes.
Yeah, I mean the whole point of additional playtesting from other people is to get different perspectives from different situations. As always, the additional testing will have a huge affect on the design.
LIFE = 4
MOVE = 5
POINTS = 150
After moving and before attacking, you may choose a small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Iron Man. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 9 or higher, you may place the chosen figure on any unoccupied space within 4 spaces of its original placement. The chosen figure will not take any leaving engagement attacks and, when moved lower, will take any falling damage that may apply. After using Magnetic Turbo Insulators, Iron May use it one additional time.
When a Unique Hero receives one or more wounds from this special attack, randomly remove one Order Marker from its card.
Looks about right. I think Monobeam could probably adopt Silver Surfer's Cosmic Force Blast wording without any problems:
Monobeam Special Attack
Range 3. Attack 4.
If a Unique Hero receives at least one wound from the Monobeam Special Attack, you may remove one unrevealed Order Marker at random from that hero's Army Card.
Hey Griff, will you take a good look at end of test 2 and make sure I played Wonder Womans Warrior Engagement and also her against Mr Mxy properly. I played that when WW hits another person WITH KB the character has to roll for her Warrior Engagement, if they fail, they take a wound and don't leave her side. Also, she Golden Lasso'ed Mr and took away his ability, for a easy KO. Played Correctly???
- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them. None, and heck yeah he should be able to destroy objects.
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game. Help, we're Magnetized together and we can't get apart!
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding. None noticed
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak. None noticed
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any. None noticed, Monobeam seems accurate
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play. YES!
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against. YES!
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting. YES!
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable. Monobeam wasn't used as much as I'd like, each time it could have been used, Iron Man had a better chance of hurting his opponent with a normal attack than, hurting and taking away OM. Magnetic was constantly used. AWESOME POWERS!
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game. Yeah a tad, he can bring units into the fight, DIDN'T even think till just now to move YOUR OWN teammates this way!! UGGH! duh. I used it mostly on opponent units
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes - What should be the unit's point value? .150 or higher, I usually can only get a good idea by playing units head to head with others in it's point range. This Iron Man has alot of ability! - Give a brief overview..AWESOME ENDING!
Map: .Mole Hills
Units: .Mark II Captain America (marvel) Green Goblin VS Super Skrull and Collosus 600points
Spoiler Alert!
(summary). RD1 Cap and Skrull start out, Mark II comes in and his Magnets fail...but, he does hit Skrull for 1W. Skrull goes Invis and attacks Gob for 2W. Mark's mags start working and he moves Skrull away but misses his attack. RD2 Skrull Invis to top of the hill and att Cap, but only rolls 1 shield and Cap's Counter inflicts 1W on Skrull. Mark flys over and throws the Skrull into the water and inflicts 2W on him with an attack. Skrull screams enough Invis to top of hill again and throws a 4W on the Mark II KO! Coll comes running and Cap throws his Shield at him for 2W and misses Skrull. RD3 Goblin takes a shot at the Skrull while Cap holds him in a fray, but misses. Skrull 2W the Cap. Cap lets his Shield go again and 1W Col and 1W Skrull. Skrull keeps higher ground and nails the Cap for a 4W hit and another KO. RD4 Skrull turns his attention to the Goblin and 2W him with 2KB. Goblin flys over the Skrull and Pumpkins, but, misses he circles back around and attacks for a 1W KO. Goblin bears down in a streak at Collosus, and drops his Pumpkins 4 skulls with 4 die, 3W on Collosus and a KO, Goblin can't pull up in time and runs into his own bombs 2W himself and KO's. Who won and how many wounds did they have?.No one's left on the battlefield, Goblin took the risk with a special attack against collosus's hardened skin and it paid off, but, also lost his life too
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? .Yes - What should be the unit's point value? .150 or more see above, I'd have to run head to head tests, he seems pretty tough. Tougher than a Manhunter..haha - Give a brief overview..CAT FIGHT!
Map: .Mole Hills
Units: .Mark II She Hulk and Mr Mxy VS Graviton and Wonder Woman
Spoiler Alert!
(summary).RD1 Mark II moves in and Graviton is Antagonizes by Mr for 1W. Mark moves and is Reverse Graved by Grav, but no wounds result, tough cookie. She moves and Grav is Antagonized again for a 1W. RD2 Mark uses his Mags to try and move Grav, he fails his Gravitational Grasp and is moved adj to Mark II he hits Grav for 1W. WW flys in and Golden Lassos the Golden Avenger, with his powers gone, she 2W him. Mark, not wanting to roll to break adj, but, hoping to hurt enough to KB WW gets a 2W hit in, but, no KB. WW retaliates with a 3W hit with a 1WKBD, due to her Warrior Engagement. She Hulk stays just outside of Gravs Grasp and rushes in for a 3W attack and KO's Grav. RD3 She hits WW for 1W and 2KB, uh-oh. Space is not what She Hulk wanted. WW Golden Lassos, KINKY, and 3W her with 1WKBD because of Warrior Engagement. She Hulk, knowing it'd be to hard to break WW engagement attempts to hit her, but she's so weak. only 1W. WW hits her back for 2W and KO. WW flys over and easily ropes in Mr, without his powers he's defenseless against a WW roundhouse for 1W and final KO. Who won and how many wounds did they have?.Wonder Woman, with 4 wounds.
Leaving engagement attacks DO NOT OCCUR during knockback. Also, your short hand was far too difficult to understand.
Mxy is easily countered by WW, but as long as you have an army left, and as long as his chosen antagonized figure is alive, he could potentially come back.
- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them. None, and heck yeah he should be able to destroy objects.
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game. Help, we're Magnetized together and we can't get apart!
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding. None noticed
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak. None noticed
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any. Monobeam seems accurate. Just don't know about the DOUBLE Mag Insulators, seems pretty powerful at this level. Talked with Griff about it.
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play. YES!
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against. YES!
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting. YES!
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable. Monobeam wasn't used as much as I'd like, each time it could have been used, Iron Man had a better chance of hurting his opponent with a normal attack than, hurting and taking away OM. Magnetic was constantly used. AWESOME POWERS!
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game. Yeah a tad, he can bring units into the fight.
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes - What should be the unit's point value? .150 or higher, I usually can only get a good idea by playing units head to head with others in it's point range. This Iron Man has alot of ability! - Give a brief overview..AWESOME ENDING!
Map: .Mole Hills
Units: .Mark II Captain America (marvel) Green Goblin VS Super Skrull and Collosus 600points
Spoiler Alert!
(summary). RD1 Cap and Skrull start out, Mark II comes in and his Magnets fail...but, he does hit Skrull for 1W. Skrull goes Invis and attacks Gob for 2W. Mark's mags start working and he moves Skrull away but misses his attack. RD2 Skrull Invis to top of the hill and att Cap, but only rolls 1 shield and Cap's Counter inflicts 1W on Skrull. Mark flys over and throws the Skrull into the water and inflicts 2W on him with an attack. Skrull screams enough Invis to top of hill again and throws a 4W on the Mark II KO! Coll comes running and Cap throws his Shield at him for 2W and misses Skrull. RD3 Goblin takes a shot at the Skrull while Cap holds him in a fray, but misses. Skrull 2W the Cap. Cap lets his Shield go again and 1W Col and 1W Skrull. Skrull keeps higher ground and nails the Cap for a 4W hit and another KO. RD4 Skrull turns his attention to the Goblin and 2W him with 2KB. Goblin flys over the Skrull and Pumpkins, but, misses he circles back around and attacks for a 1W KO. Goblin bears down in a streak at Collosus, and drops his Pumpkins 4 skulls with 4 die, 3W on Collosus and a KO, Goblin can't pull up in time and runs into his own bombs 2W himself and KO's. Who won and how many wounds did they have?.No one's left on the battlefield, Goblin took the risk with a special attack against collosus's hardened skin and it paid off, but, also lost his life too
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? .Yes - What should be the unit's point value? .150 or more see above, I'd have to run head to head tests, he seems pretty tough. Tougher than a Manhunter..haha - Give a brief overview..CAT FIGHT!
Map: .Mole Hills
Units: .Mark II She Hulk and Mr Mxy VS Graviton and Wonder Woman
Spoiler Alert!
(summary).RD1 On his 2nd turn Grav is Antagonized for 1W by Mr Mxy. Iron uses Grav to move Graviton adj and hits him for 1W, his 2nd attempt fails. WW Lassos Iron adj to her & a tree. She hits Iron for 2W+1WKBD into tree. She Hulk leaps at Grav but misses. RD2 Grav successfully Reverses Grav on She, but, ends ups just throwing her around as she laughs at him. Iron attacks WW, he misses but does 1WKBD. WW sees her chance and flys over and Lassos She Hulk, hitting her for 4W. She Hulk trys to attacks but Grav's Grasp holds her in place, her turn is wasted. Grav fails his 1st attempt, but rolls successes on last two Reverse and slams She Hulk into the ground for 2W and a KO. Mr Mxy misses his attack on WW but, holds her adj. RD3 WW misses her attack on Mr Mxy. Iron man uses his Mag to bring Grav adj to him, but, then misses his Monobeam attack, trying to get rid of some OM's. Grav Reverse Iron and it takes a couple of trys to finally hurt the tin can, he KO's him with 1W. Mr Mxy, stays put because of Grav being close by and misses his attack on WW.Grav figures he can't hurt Mxy with his Reverse so he flys over and attacks he misses. Mr Mxy attacks him and he also misses. RD4 WW takes a leaving engagment 1W to fly away from Mxy. Mxy sees his doom and attacks Grav, removing 1 OM with a miss. WW flys back over Lassos Mxy and nails him for 4W and ends the game. Who won and how many wounds did they have?.Wonder Woman 2 wounds and Graviton 2 wounds.
- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them. Pass
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game. Pass
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding. Pass
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak. Pass
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any. Pass
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play. Pass
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against. Pass
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting. Pass
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable. Pass
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game. Pass
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes - What should be the unit's point value? 150 - Give a brief overview.This battle was slated against Iron Man and his team. They just couldn't seem to get their feet under them long enough to retalliate.
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Iron Man, Scarecrow, MODOK(650) Vs. Blsck Canray, Red Skull, 3xHydra Agents(650)
Spoiler Alert!
Round 1 In turn 1 the Hydra advanced and activated Red Skull who advanced and used the Cosmic Cube to take height, and Iron Man advanced. Turn 2 advance. In turn 3 the Hydra advanced and activated Red Skull who advanced and used the Cosmic Cube to engage MODOK and gave him 3 wounds activating Black Canary who advanced, and Iron Man took height and used his Magnetic Turbo Insulators to move Red Skull. Round 2 In turn 1 Scarecrow advanced and Gassed the area around Black Canary, and the Hydra advanced activating Red Skull who advanced and used te Cosmic Cube to move Iron Man giving himself height and gave him 2 wounds activating Black Canary who advanced engaging MODOK and giving him 1 wound. In turn 2 MODOK disengaged, and the Hydra advanced and activated Red Skull who Used the Cosmic Cube to engage Black Canary to Iron Man and took him out with his normal attack activating Black Canary who dropped from height rngaging MODOK who revealed the X to block the attack. In turn 3 OM on Iron Man, and the Hydra took out MODOK and activated Red Skull who used the Cosmic Cube to to advance and gave Scarecrow 2 wounds with his Dual Luggers. Round 3 In turn 1 Scarecrow Gassed the area and gave Red Skull 1 wound causing him to drop the Cosmic Cube, and the Hydra advanced shooting down Scarecrow. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Red Skull and his team. Red Skull had 1 wound, Black Canary had none, and there were no Hydra Agents lost.
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes - What should be the unit's point value? 150 - Give a brief overview.Iron Man and Mandarin make a fairly devestating team. Use Iron Man to clump some figures together, and then use Mandarin and his Energy rings to potentially take out a bunch of Squad figures all at once, or wound a lot of figures, either way it's pretty devestating.
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Iron Man, Mandarin, Daredevil, 4xMoloid(650) Vs. Red Skull, Black Canary, 3xHydra Agents(650)
Spoiler Alert!
Round 1 In turn 1 Mandarin advanced and used the Electromagnetic rings to take height, and the Hydra advnaced activating Red Skull who advanced and Used the Cosmic cube to take height and gave Mandarin 1 wound with his Dual Luggers. In turn 2 Iron Man davanced, and the Hydra advanced giving Mandarin 2 wounds and activated Red Skull who used the Cosmic Cube to move Mandarin giving himself height. In turn 3 Mandarin advanced and used the Electromagnetic Rings to move Redskull giving himself height and gave him 2 wounds forcing him to drop the Cosmic Cube and Mandarin used the Energy Rings to give Red Skull 2 wounds, and the Hydra advanced giving Mandarin 1 wound and activated Red Skull who advanced and took out Mandarin scattering the Rings and activating Black Canary who advanced picking up the Electromagnetic rings and using them to take height. Round 2 In turn 1 Iron Man flew to height picking up the Energy Rings and used his MagneticTurbo Insulators to move a Hydra and used the Energy Rings with a roll of 13 to take out that Hydra and Red Skull, and the Hydra advanced. In turn 2 Iron Man advanced and used his Magnetic Turbo Insulators to move Black Canary and gave her 2 wounds with his Monobeam removing an OM causing her to drop the Electromagnetic Rings and used the Energy Rings with a Roll of 17 to take out 3 Hydra and give Black Canary 1 wound, OM removed. In turn 3 Daredevil advanced, and the Hydra advanced shooting at Daredevil giving him 2 wounds. Round 3 In turn 1 Black Canary advanced picking up the Cosmic Cube to heal and give Iron Man 1 wound causing him to drop the Energy Rings and took 1 wound for using the Cosmic Cube dropping it again, and Daredevil advances picking up the Electromagnetic Rings amd uses them to engage Black Canary taking her out. In turn 2 the Hydra advanced shooting at Daredevil who Radar Sensed, and Iron Man retrieved the Energy Rings. In turn 3 the Hydra advanced and gave Daredevil 1 wound, and Iron man advanced and used his Magnetic Turbo Insulators to move a Hydra and pull Daredevil out of the midst of the Hydra. Round 4 In turn 1 the Hydra advancedand Iron Man used the Energy Rings wth a roll of 18 to take out 4 Hydra agents. In turn 2 the Hydra advanced giving Iron Man 1 wound causing him to drop the Energy Rings, and Daredevil engaged a Hydra taking it out. In turn 3 the Hydra advanced, and Iron Man advanced retrieving the Energy Rings. Round 5 In turn 1 the Hydra Took out Iron Man causing him to drop the Energy Rings, OM on Iron Man. In turn 2 the Hydra Shot at Daredevil who Radar Sensed out of the way, and Daredevil took out 2 Hydra. In turn 3 the Hydra shot at Daredevi lwho Radar Sensed out of the way, OM on Iron Man. Round 6 Turn 1 advance. In turn 2 Daredevil took out the last Hydra. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Iron Man's team won. Daredevil had 3 wounds and there were 4 Moloids remaining.
Army Test - Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes - What should be the unit's point value? 150 - Give a brief overview.In the beginning, and for most of the game, it looked like Ultron and his team would win just by Ultron's sheer power alone, but then Iron Man showed his mettle and took on Ultron greatly weakening him and the Sentinel finished him off and blasted through the remaining enemy ranks.
Map: Turret Rocks
Units: Iron Man, Jean, Magneto, Graviton, 1xSentinel(1200) Vs. Ultron, Bullseye, Chronos, 1xKang(1200)
Spoiler Alert!
Round 1 Turn 1 advance. In turn 2 Chronos advanced dropping a Glyph of Temporal displacement in his Start XZone along the way. In turn 3 Graviton advanced and threw Ultron, and Ultron advanced hitting Graviton with his Encephalo Ray for 1 wound and rolled a 20+1 for Program Transmission allowing him to take Graviton's place. Round 2 In turn 1 Ultron advanced and hit Jean for 1 wound with his Encephalo Ray, and Iron Man advanced and threw Ultron. In turn 2 Iron Man engaged Ultron. In turn 3 Ultron disengaged and engaged Magneto giving him 2 wounds, and Magneto removed the Magnetic Marker trowing Ultron for 1 wound. Round 3 In turn 1 Jean threw Ultron for a wound and gave him another, and Jean Blocked Ultron's Encephalo Ray. In turn 2 Jean threw Ultorn for 1 Wound and gave him another. In turn 3 Magneto threw Ultron for 2 wounds, and Magneto blocked Ultron's Encephelo Ray. Round 4 In turn 1 Jean threw Ultron for 1 wound, and Jean gripped Ultron and Iron Man Blocked his Encephalo Ray and Ultron used Program Transmission to take Jeans spot and fully heal. In turn 2 OM on Jean, and and Chronos advanced dropping a Glyph of Temporal displacement in the enemy Start Zone and gave Magneto 1 wound. In turn 3 Msgneto threw Ultron for 2 wounds. Round 5 In turn 1 Magneto Replaced the Magnetic Marker and used the Glyph of Temporal displacement to move Chronos giving himself height and gave him 1 wound. In turn 2 Iron Man used his Magnetic Turbo Insulators to to throw Ultron giving himself height and gave him 2 wounds. In turn 3 Magneto used Temporal Displacement to move chornos giving himself height and gave him 2 wounds, and Kang advanced. Round 6 In turn 1 Magneto took out Chronos, OM on Chronos. In turn 2 Iron Man advanced and used his Magnetic Turbo Insulators to move Ultron and gave him 2 wounds from height, and Kang advanced giving Iron Man 3 wounds. In turn 3 Iron Man gave Ultron 4 wounds, and Kang took out Iron Man. Round 7 In turn 1 Magneto removed the Magnetic Marker and threw Kang for 1 wound, and Kang took out Magneto. In turn 2 the Sentinel gave Kang 1 wound. In turn 3 the Sentinel gave Ultron 1 wound. Round 8 In turn 1 the Sentinel gave Ultron 1 wound. In turn 2 the Sentinel took height taking out Ultron, OM on Ultron. In turn 3 the Sentinel advanced giving Bullseye 3 wounds. Round 9 In turn 1 the Sentinel took height Giving Kang 1 wound, and Kang used Temporal Displacement to advance bullseye and gave the Sentinel 2 wounds. In turn 2 Kang used Temporal Defense to block the Sentinel's attack. In turn 3 The Sentinel took out Kang. Round 10 In turn 1 the Sentinel used Temporal Displacement to move Bullseye off of height. In turn 2 the Sentinel took out Bullseye. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Iron Man's team won. The Sentinel had 2 wounds.
Iron Man is a rather interesting unit. He took a while to get the hang of, but once I did, and in the right army, he can prove devestating
After moving and before attacking, you may choose a small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Iron Man. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 9 or higher, you may place the chosen figure on any unoccupied space within 4 spaces of its original placement. The chosen figure will not take any leaving engagement attacks and , when moved lower, will take any falling damage that may apply. After using Magnetic Turbo Insulators, Iron Man may use it one additional time.
The only way to receive "any falling damage that may apply" is by moving lower, making "when moved lower" redundant and unnecessary. You could replace "and" with "but" if you wanted to emphasize that one does not occur while the other does.
I do like that lack of redundancy, but could you please post in each thread that uses that terminology and have it changed there as well? Iron Man MK I and Super Skrull come to mind.
I do like that lack of redundancy, but could you please post in each thread that uses that terminology and have it changed there as well? Iron Man MK I and Super Skrull come to mind.