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The Book of Iron Legion Drone


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The Book of Iron Legion Drone



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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Avengers - Age of Ultron Movie Gravity Feed set.
Its model number and name are #002 / Iron Legion.


Character Bio - The Iron Legion Drones were created by Tony Stark to assist the Avengers. Controlled by an A.I., six models were deployed to protect Sokovian citizens while the Avengers raided a HYDRA base. They were later destroyed after being taken over by Ultron.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • If you have a Tony Stark in your army, Iron Legion Drone may use its Autonomous Combat Circuit special power.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing




LIFE = 3

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 100

If a figure with the identity of Tony Stark is in your army, once per player turn, after revealing an Order Marker on a Unique Hero you control and before taking a turn with that figure, you may:
• Move with this Iron Legion Drone. If you do, that figure cannot move this turn.
• Attack with this Iron Legion Drone. If you do, that figure cannot attack this turn.
Only one figure you control may use this special power per player turn, or two if the Army Card you revealed an Order Marker on has the identity of Tony Stark.

Figures engaged with this Iron Legion Drone and at least one other Unique Hero you control cannot move.


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Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

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Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Wondering if we should get the Power Armor keyword in here.

Besides that I'm pretty happy with how this design is looking. Gives Stark armies some love, and 120 gives you some solid looking builds.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Happy to see these guys finally break free of the bureaucracy! :p

So a few stray thoughts:

-One comment that was brought up in voting was a desire to make the bonding more unique. I know LP is a bit busy with IRL stuff rn, but hopefully he can pop in with some ideas on that. But just off the top of my head, is something like this worth considering?
After revealing an Order Marker on a Unique Hero you control, instead of
-Moving with that figure, you may move with this Iron Legion Drone.
-Attacking with that figure, you may attack with this Iron Legion Drone.
Only one Iron Legion Drone may use this special power per turn, or two if the figure you revealed an Order Marker on has the identity of Tony Stark.
Like that’s a rough draft, but it trades off some of the utility in a pure Iron army for being able to mix them into more generalist stuff, like Avengers. Should probably only work if you control a Tony just to keep you from tossing them into random builds.

-House Party does feel a bit superfluous when they already have a turn bonding thing. Also doesn’t feel majorly relevant to their role in the movies or comics. Don’t hate it, just wonder if it’s the best fit.

-On a similar note, so much of their role in the films/comics has to do with guarding/crowd control/etc. That’s something that Iron Man V really needs/wants, so wonder if there’s a way to give them that role?

-Repulsor Blasts feels pretty complex for what it’s doing. That’s totally just the nature of that kind of power, but I wonder if there’s a simpler way to portray the Repulsor theme?

-Slotting Power Armor in there might be a good idea.

Writing that out, it seems like a lot of criticism, but I actually like the design a lot as-is! Excited for what this adds to Iron armies.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Happy to see these guys finally break free of the bureaucracy! :p

So a few stray thoughts:

-One comment that was brought up in voting was a desire to make the bonding more unique. I know LP is a bit busy with IRL stuff rn, but hopefully he can pop in with some ideas on that. But just off the top of my head, is something like this worth considering?
After revealing an Order Marker on a Unique Hero you control, instead of
-Moving with that figure, you may move with this Iron Legion Drone.
-Attacking with that figure, you may attack with this Iron Legion Drone.
Only one Iron Legion Drone may use this special power per turn, or two if the figure you revealed an Order Marker on has the identity of Tony Stark.
Like that’s a rough draft, but it trades off some of the utility in a pure Iron army for being able to mix them into more generalist stuff, like Avengers. Should probably only work if you control a Tony just to keep you from tossing them into random builds.

-House Party does feel a bit superfluous when they already have a turn bonding thing. Also doesn’t feel majorly relevant to their role in the movies or comics. Don’t hate it, just wonder if it’s the best fit.

-On a similar note, so much of their role in the films/comics has to do with guarding/crowd control/etc. That’s something that Iron Man V really needs/wants, so wonder if there’s a way to give them that role?

-Repulsor Blasts feels pretty complex for what it’s doing. That’s totally just the nature of that kind of power, but I wonder if there’s a simpler way to portray the Repulsor theme?

-Slotting Power Armor in there might be a good idea.

Writing that out, it seems like a lot of criticism, but I actually like the design a lot as-is! Excited for what this adds to Iron armies.

Quick reply before I go to the gym :

I was actually considering doing something that made them work in a general Avengers build! Wasn’t sure if people would be super open to it since they seem to be getting a lot of love soon.

Could see doing something like you suggested, but maybe with Avenger Marker figures instead of any Unique Hero. Down to hear what LP thinks if he finds the time.

Very open to dumping HPP for a defensive power. Maybe something like a “Power Armor : Defensive Protocol” that lets the Drone eat wounds/die for a figure. Maybe make it more effective for Tony Stark figures.

I pulled Repulsor Blasts from Iron Mans Repulsor Beam, but yeah it’s a lot of real estate. Open to tweaking and keeping the mechanic of pushing something away, doesn’t really need to be a special attack.

Definitely not too much criticism! Love these kinds of comments, helps a ton.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Big fan of this design. Looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

This is a fun design. I like that their bonding works alongside Iron Man Mark V.

I agree that House Party Protocol seems unnecessary when you've already got the bonding in the first power.

You can reword the special attack to cut down the amount of words. The Iron Men have some extraneous wording in their powers like the falling damage line. There's also a few typos I fixed. The other powers should refer to "Iron Legion Drone" as well.
Range 5. Attack 3.
If an Iron Legion Drone inflicts one or more wounds on a small or medium figure with this special attack, you may move the defending figure one space. Figures moved with this special attack ignore leaving engagement attacks and may not be moved closer to this Iron Legion Drone.
That said, it's not a very powerful special attack, and pretty much all the other Iron Men already have the repulsor blast theme and enemy movement mechanics down already. Might be worth exchanging that special attack for some other special attack or offensive power just for variety within the faction.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Wondering if we should get the Power Armor keyword in here.

No they’re robots not suits of armor.

I’m also not a fan of two bonding powers here that both get past the no additional turns language. Just creating longer turn chains in factions is power creeping and eventually everyone is going to be trying to sneak in free extra turns into factions to keep up.

The special attack is fine but nothing fancy.

As is I feel like they’re gonna be stronger than 120 points so your target is a little low.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

This is a fun design. I like that their bonding works alongside Iron Man Mark V.

I agree that House Party Protocol seems unnecessary when you've already got the bonding in the first power.

You can reword the special attack to cut down the amount of words. The Iron Men have some extraneous wording in their powers like the falling damage line. There's also a few typos I fixed. The other powers should refer to "Iron Legion Drone" as well.
Range 5. Attack 3.
If an Iron Legion Drone inflicts one or more wounds on a small or medium figure with this special attack, you may move the defending figure one space. Figures moved with this special attack ignore leaving engagement attacks and may not be moved closer to this Iron Legion Drone.
That said, it's not a very powerful special attack, and pretty much all the other Iron Men already have the repulsor blast theme and enemy movement mechanics down already. Might be worth exchanging that special attack for some other special attack or offensive power just for variety within the faction.

Yeah, House Party is gonna go for sure.

Thanks for cutting down the language on the SA! Doing something different since the repulsor theme is already in the faction could work. My only hold up is that I'm not sure these guys did anything besides shoot some repulsor blasts LOL

The Iron Man wiki says that they have mini missiles, but I haven't seen anything like that in the movie clips/comics appearances with these guys.

Wondering if we should get the Power Armor keyword in here.

No they’re robots not suits of armor.

I’m also not a fan of two bonding powers here that both get past the no additional turns language. Just creating longer turn chains in factions is power creeping and eventually everyone is going to be trying to sneak in free extra turns into factions to keep up.

The special attack is fine but nothing fancy.

As is I feel like they’re gonna be stronger than 120 points so your target is a little low.

Honestly I'm pretty sure I just forgot to put the no additional turns language when I wrote this design. Either way HPP will get dropped, most likely for some defensive, "sacrifice this ILD instead of the target" kind of thing. Still workshopping it.

I've got no strong feelings on Power Armor either way, I'll defer to you guys on that one.

I'm cool with weakening them a bit to hit 120. Comparing them to the uncommon Green Lantern, a defense drop might be a good start.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Aren't they just Power Armor with AI running them, though? Seems like the same basic technology present in any Power Armor, just with a different operator, so it makes sense to me for them to be included in any Power Armor keyword synergies.

We have repulsor powers off other cards that could be reused if we want that here, yes?

That and a simple Power Armor power instead of the House Party power would make sense to me.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Aren't they just Power Armor with AI running them, though? Seems like the same basic technology present in any Power Armor, just with a different operator, so it makes sense to me for them to be included in any Power Armor keyword synergies.

This design is based on the Iron Legion from Age of Ultron which are just androids and unable the be piloted. So I don’t see why they would have the Power Armor keyword.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Do we know they weren't able to be piloted? They looked like any other suit of armor he had to me, just with autonomous programming.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

They're just droids. The first Iron Legion was a bunch of Iron Man suits, but these guys aren't the same. They're made to be controlled by an AI, not for anyone to hop in and pilot

Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Yep. The original Iron Legion is already covered by Iron Man MK V. That’s from Iron Man 3 where Tony has all his empty suits attack. These are from Age of Ultron and they’re just robots. So they really shouldn’t have power armor since we are using that keyword for people in techno-suits of armor.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Yeah, they're droids, but they're droids specifically to design to look like Power Armor that are going to want to hang out almost entirely with other Power Armor rules. I think it's worth bending (I'm not even going to call it breaking) the rules here.

I’m also not a fan of two bonding powers here that both get past the no additional turns language. Just creating longer turn chains in factions is power creeping and eventually everyone is going to be trying to sneak in free extra turns into factions to keep up.
I think that time has come? Hawkeye (Avengers) is offering the same kinda deal these guys are on a generalist level, just cheaper and (probably) better than they are.

When I was talking about a protection/guard power, I wasn't really thinking a Beat Cop-style "absorb wounds" deal. That kind of power is insanely useful, and I think it'll make it incredibly hard for them to meet their projected 120 goal. Some sort of tie-down power could really help IM Mkv though, something like this:
If a figure engaged with this Iron Legion Drone is engaged with at least one other friendly Iron Legion Drone, that figure cannot move.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Honestly I'm pretty sure I just forgot to put the no additional turns language when I wrote this design. Either way HPP will get dropped, most likely for some defensive, "sacrifice this ILD instead of the target" kind of thing. Still workshopping it.

I've got no strong feelings on Power Armor either way, I'll defer to you guys on that one.

I'm cool with weakening them a bit to hit 120. Comparing them to the uncommon Green Lantern, a defense drop might be a good start.

The no additional turn not in there was intentional as it was intended to take the turn for IM V in his two activation turn. But that was before the bonding got boosted.

For me the key was to not have to take a turn with V and still get full benefit of Vs bonding with another suit.

Also agree on the no power armor for what its worth
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Just double checked and yeah you came up with the current version of the bonding japes! The working with MkV is def gonna stay around, no plans to add the "no additional turns" language.

Iron Grasp (cool name) sounds pretty solid, would keep the ranged Iron Man suits away from melee people. Gonna keep thinking of defensive powers but I'll keep this one around for sure.

After revealing an Order Marker on a Unique Hero you control, instead of
-Moving with that figure, you may move with this Iron Legion Drone.
-Attacking with that figure, you may attack with this Iron Legion Drone.
Only one Iron Legion Drone may use this special power per turn, or two if the figure you revealed an Order Marker on has the identity of Tony Stark.

I think the only change I'd make here is that the single activation only activates for figures with Avenger Markers. Ties these guys to Avenger/Iron Man armies, and keeps it thematic. Not sure how to get that wording while letting you still use a non-Avenger Marker Tony though.


The Drones have mini missiles like in the pic I posted higher in the thread, so could do an offensive power with those instead of a repulsor power.

Instead of moving or attacking normally with this Iron Legion Drone, you may use this special power. Choose a space within 5 clear sight spaces of each Iron Legion Drone that you control and roll the 20-sided die for each space. If you roll 16 or higher, any figure occupying the chosen spaces receives one wound. A figures may only be wounded by this special power once, and you may only use this special power once per game.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

You definitely don't want to keep the open bonding with too many figures then. No additional turns AND more open bonding will likely be very bad.

Weakening them to get to 120 should help ease worries there also.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

After revealing an Order Marker on a Unique Hero you control with an Avenger Marker on its card or a Tony Stark figure, instead of
-Moving with that figure, you may move with this Iron Legion Drone.
-Attacking with that figure, you may attack with this Iron Legion Drone.
Only one Iron Legion Drone may use this special power per turn, or two if the figure you revealed an Order Marker on has the identity of Tony Stark.

Probably not the cleanest language, but this is what I'm thinking with Combat Circuit. I don't have the full scope of what the Avenger faction is becoming, but does subbing a figures move or attack while keeping bonding feel like too much?
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

So I don't love Avenger Marker callouts on cards that don't hand them out, but I'll totally admit that's just a personal thing, we've clearly done that kind of callout on units like Coulson. My main question is if an Avenger callout is too damaging if you want to bring War Machine (or any other Tony ally) in a MkV army.

I also did realize we probably want to reword it slightly to make it play like originally intended. In my rewritten version, only 1 Drone can move per turn and only 1 Drone can attack, though if you reveal an OM on Tony you can do one of each. Something like this would be more like the original intent.
After revealing an Order Marker on a Unique Hero you control with an Avenger Marker on its card or a Tony Stark figure, before taking a turn with that figure, you may
-Move with this Iron Legion Drone. If you do, that figure cannot move this turn.
-Attack with this Iron Legion Drone. If you do, that figure cannot attack this turn.
Only one Iron Legion Drone may use this special power per turn, or two if the figure you revealed an Order Marker on has the identity of Tony Stark.

I really don't think what they're providing is anything crazy, or anything more than what other units in the game are handing out. You need at least 2 of them for maximum effectiveness, and even then you have to take a turn with Tony to get that maximum effectiveness.

Here'd be my personal pitch. Again, I don't think it offers anything that you can't already get elsewhere, and I think it makes for more thematic builds than just an Avenger Marker callout.
After revealing an Order Marker on a Unique Hero you control, before taking a turn with that figure, you may
-Move with this Iron Legion Drone. If you do, that figure cannot move this turn.
-Attack with this Iron Legion Drone. If you do, that figure cannot attack this turn.
Only one Iron Legion Drone may use this special power per turn, or two if the figure you revealed an Order Marker on has the identity of Tony Stark. You may only use Autonomous Combat Circuit if there is a Tony Stark in your army.
I agree with japes that weakening their stats a little is also probably a good knob to turn though.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

I really like that version you proposed. I didn't love the idea of absolutely anyone being able to work with the Drones, but only being able to use it with Tony around makes sense.

Down to drop their stats as needed.

Gonna start to update the SP
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Once per round, instead of moving and attacking normally with this Iron Legion Drone, you may use this special power. Choose a figure within 5 clear sight spaces of each Iron Legion Drone that you control and roll the 20-sided die once for each figure. If you roll 16 or higher, the chosen figure receives one wound.

Any thoughts on something like this over the Repulsor Blast? It's a rough draft, but I think some autowounds could be useful for the faction, and give the Drones more of an identity.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

I guess my question is if they’re ever shown using mini missiles? Honestly don’t recall. I do think it’s usually better to stick to things the character is shown doing, over something that’s just mentioned in say…a bio somewhere.
Re: The Book of Iron Legion Drone - Breathing

Ya know, I was thinking at the end of Age of Ultron that its still Iron Legion Drones that Ultron is controlling, but at that point its straight up Ultron drones.

I'm pretty sure this is the only movie scene where the drones get any action in, they just fly around blasting repulsors. They don't do anything at all from what I saw in the tie in comics either, I'm really scraping for things they actually do :lol:

Sticking with the Repulsors is fine with me. The only thing we ever see of missiles is on some promo pictures and action figures.