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The Book of Ice Troll Berserker

I like this guy as cleanup against an enemy who brought rats and range. Since you have the troll you'll probably bring some AGs who can bond with Mimring who can bypass scatter and hit a bunch of rats. AG can then disengage with swog in tow to get at the ranged squad or hero the rats are trying to protect. With AG you might bring Krug who can deal with heavy hitters and expensive heroes. Once you reach the cleanup stage it'll probably be a few gruts and the ice troll against a few rats. With the trolls ability to regenerate the rats will probably never generate enough wounds to destroy him and his 5 attack can smash roborats to bits. So a good army against rats and range would be:
Arrow gruts x4
Swog x3
Ice Troll
30 point filler for standard tournament armies. (Eldgrim is a good choice to make a speedy Ice troll).
In the start of a game here,

Can the Ice troll continue his movement via Ice Troll Charge after picking up a T-Glyph?

No, picking up a Treasure ends your movement.

This is incorrect I think. You can keep moving after picking up at reasure. Let me find a ruling...

Here it is:
DnD Rulebook Page 14 said:
2. Treasure Glyphs do not force figures to stop when moving onto them.
However, a Unique Hero figure that ends its movement on a space with a
Treasure Glyph may attempt to pick it up or activate it, depending on the
Treasure Glyph's individual rule.
Read it more closely, greygnarl. ;)

If you end your movement on a treasure glyph, you may pick it up.
THis gut can be terrifying in the right situations. Against a low attack hero on ice, he is nearly impossible to kill. He can't be killed from one attack of two a turn and an attack of three needs 3 skulls(1/8) no shields(4/9) twice in a row to kill him. If he isn't killed quickly, he can stick around a while in the right scenarios.

I'm hoping the Snow and Ice, and heroes only format help him out in

Escape Through Endor! - a HoSS Scenario.



I'm hoping the Snow and Ice, and heroes only format help him out in

Escape Through Endor! - a HoSS Scenario.


While I guess that pointing out the advantages of using an ice/snow unit on ice and snow is helpful, this seems to be more of an advertisement for your scenario than a post concerning the ITB.:headshake:

Recently, I've been playing some old-school Arrow Grut armies but substituting two Ice Trolls for Mimring (ITB x2, Krug, Swogs x3 and Arrow Gruts x3 or x4 - depending upon the points). More often than not I've thrown Krug out there early and saved the ITBs for late-game.

High defense units and superior range really whoop up on the army, but absent a poor match-up, the army has done pretty well, particularly if Krug can get the enemy to fight him early on. That way the ITBs can be more effective (read: less likely to get owned!) in the late-game.

EDIT: Also, sure the ITB and his orc buddies could use a little bit of Raelin's help, it requires you to skimp on bonding heroes or Arrow Gruts. That, and thematically I don't really like the idea of Raelin hanging out with a bunch of orcs and trolls!
Well met!

While I guess that pointing out the advantages of using an ice/snow unit on ice and snow is helpful, this seems to be more of an advertisement for your scenario than a post concerning the ITB.:headshake:

It's not just the Ice and Snow; it's also the heroes only format, and the ease of movement onto height (and the Ice up there). :johnwoo::poorpost: This scenario was designed for the inclusion of the ITB, and the GIE (same post there ;)), while we're at it.
Ice Troll Berserker
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
This works the same way as frenzy right? Move the troll, roll, move again, roll again, move again and then attack? That's what I get out of it when I read it... u can keep rolling to keep moving until u fail or attack.
This works the same way as frenzy right? Move the troll, roll, move again, roll again, move again and then attack? That's what I get out of it when I read it... u can keep rolling to keep moving until u fail or attack.

What you say is correct. The Ice Troll can keep rolling for Ice Troll Charge until you a) Don't roll a 13 or higher b)Attack with the Ice Troll.
@Snuffelupecus - No it is only once! It is "After moving and before attacking..." If you successfuly roll for the charge, you can move one extra time then attack.

I am possibly wrong but don't think so. I have not played him enough.
Here is the ruling
BERSERKER CHARGE : Continuous Move
If I move once and am successful rolling for Berserker Charge, can I roll for it again after I'm done moving a second time?
Yes. You can keep rolling for Berserker Charge until you roll less than a 15 or choose not to roll any more. Once you attack though, you cannot roll for Berserker Charge that turn. (Hasbro FAQ)