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The Book of Ice Troll Berserker


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The Book of Ice Troll Berserker

Moltenclaw's Invasion – Collection D3 – Icewind Scourge

Spoiler Alert!

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check the HeroScapers Gallery or Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio (from front page): The Ice Troll Berserker is a quick, low cost hero which can bond with the Arrow Gruts. He is really a force to be reckoned with on any snow filled battlefield!

-Rulings and Clarifications-
Ice Troll Charge: Ice/Snow movement penalty
Q: Does the Ice Troll Berserker count "Slippery Ice" and "Heavy Snow" as 1 space like the Dzu-Teh?
A: No, it takes the movement penalty, but that is partially offset by the fact that it gets to roll to move again.

Q: How do Uncommon Heroes work?
A: See The Book of Feral Troll, Clarifications section
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Arrow Gruts: Beast Bonding:
As a beast, an Ice Troll Berserker may benefit from the Arrow Gruts' BEAST BONDING activation bonus.

Greater Ice Elemental: Ice Cold:
Because of his ability to turn water into ice, the Greater Ice Elemental may assist the Ice Troll Berserker when the Ice Troll Berserker rolls for ICE TROLL CHARGE. If the Ice Troll Berserker is on an ice space, he may also remove an additional wound marker due to his COLD REGENERATE power.

Ornak: Red Flag of Fury:
As a unique hero that follows Utgar, Ice Troll Berserker may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy.

Synergy Benefits Offered
Terrain Benefits and Penalties Received
SNOW and ICE TILES: Ice Troll Charge May add 3 to die roll.
SNOW and ICE TILES: Cold Regenerate May remove an additional wound marker.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Rankings

Jexik: Ice Troll Berserker- Helped convince me to take my Arrow Gruts out of retirement. B


Cleon: Tier 5 (131/208)

dok (VC inclusive): B

Unit Strategy Review
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For the amount of "charges" I usually get with the vikings, this guy should be amazing.
It's interesting that although his powers have something to do with snow, he doesn't have anything to let him move through it quicker. With only 5 move, he's going to need both of those powers to accomplish anything on a map with much snow.
It's interesting that although his powers have something to do with snow, he doesn't have anything to let him move through it quicker. With only 5 move, he's going to need both of those powers to accomplish anything on a map with much snow.

It seems to me like he'll do better on a map without snow, to be honest...or one with only a few isolated patches of snow...
It's interesting that although his powers have something to do with snow, he doesn't have anything to let him move through it quicker. With only 5 move, he's going to need both of those powers to accomplish anything on a map with much snow.

It seems to me like he'll do better on a map without snow, to be honest...or one with only a few isolated patches of snow...
Or with normal snow and ice rather than heavy snow and slippery ice...
Does anyone have any stories about using this guy?
I used him the other day. With his charge at such a low number he can move almost 10 spaces a turn. This allows him to get first dibs on all the glyphs. He will repel a couple attacks but will fall fast against squad. He faced Torin and the drow he did 3 wounds to Torin and killed 2 Drow (really 3 do to HiD.)
Although he tends to go down quick in the early game, if you have a troll around for clean up he does better since your opponent isn't likely to have the fire power to damage him as much per OM so he gets a chance to heal.

I used this guy recently in an Ornak army. He did pretty well since the opponent was much more worried about the incoming hydra. Since the troll double moved once and got out ahead of the hydra, he took the first volley but then my opponent switched his attention to taking on the hydra once it was in range. By the time the hydra finally went down, the troll was completely healed and had killed a bunch of pieces. His 5 attack is no joke if you get to take a half dozen swings with it.

I'm not sure if the troll was really the best option in this case, but he did do very well. I think the trick with this guy is to try and avoid letting your opponent focus all of his attacks on him at once. He really needs a chance to put his healing to good use and he is a little too fragile to do it unless you have some big nasty target around to take the heat off of him.

As great as the troll worked in that Ornak match, I've also seen him taken out in a single volley by some Krav with height, so he is one of those high risk and reward kinds of pieces.

I can't really think of a good build for him that includes Raelin but I imagine that the extra defence would really do wonders for this guy's durabillity. Healing one wound per OM is a lot nastier when you have to penatrate 4 defence to remove each hp.
Does anyone have any stories about using this guy?
I've tried him out a bit, but in the first game he died in one turn to three DCoT.

The second he killed Cyprien, with both starting unwounded. Then Marcu killed him.

His movement is really awesome on snowy maps, and I'm looking forward to playing him more.
If my calculations are correct, on standard terrain they have average move of 8.3333....

On snowy terrain, they get an average move of 11.1111.....

<Can someone confirm my calculations? I used the formula for the sum of an infinite series, a1/(1-r), with a1=5 and r=.4/.55>

Wow. Speedy little buggers.
That looked too high at first glance, but then I did some rough estimating in my head and it actually looks pretty spot on. I got around 10 as my answer on the snow but that's probably just my rounding and fuzzy thought that made it come out low.

I know that in the games I have seen him played, which isn't many, he has always gotten the double move at least once.

Judging from my own experience and the stories others have told, the troll seems to be one of those heros that is seriously luck dependant. He either kicks some serious tail or gets his tail kicked.

With an attack of 5 and the abillity to close across half a playing field in one lucky OM, he can be quite a dangerous little beasty.
I have indeed kicked serious tail with him, but as you say, he is also frail. The Iron Golem is another such figure.
Just to be sure, he does get to keep rolling for the charge until he fails right? It works this way for others with similar abilities so I assume it's the same for him.
Just to be sure, he does get to keep rolling for the charge until he fails right? It works this way for others with similar abilities so I assume it's the same for him.
Yes, if you want to. If you're already at the spot you want to be, you don't have to roll again.
I don't have the Ice Troll yet, but I could see him working really well in Arrow Grut armies. Of course, they bond with him, that's pretty obvious. But one potential problem with Krug is that he is slow enough that your opponent can put a real hurt on him as he approaches. The ability to move multiple times is going to make that less of an issue. But working with the Gruts is also going to work well for the Troll. Since he heals with each turn taken, the best way to use him is to keep using him, so his life can stay higher. However this strategy will only be giving you one attack per turn, and will allow the Troll to be swarmed, and potentially killed in one turn by a large squad. Using him with Arrow Gruts partially solves the crowd control problem, as they can provide the extra shots that will keep large common squads from swarming the Ice Troll. Using them together could cover the weakness of the Troll, while still allowing access to his high attack and continual healing, and help the Gruts since he will be able to engage the enemy quicker than a slower Krug. Win-win for each unit.

How about:
Arrow Gruts x4 160
Swog x3 235
Ice Troll x2 405
Raelin 485
Isamu 495

Seems like a decent build at 500 points, where everything works well together with everything else
3x arrow gruts and one of each of the beasts
(Ice troll
= 500

Could be fun, even though you only get the one swog.
Or 4x arrow gruts and 4x Ice trolls = 500.
Run in and smash with four waves of ice trolls while the archers take whatever height is around...could be fun. :)
(Though maybe a bit silly to play arrow gruts w/o any swog at all...)
Its not the loincloth. It's what he as under it that you hit ;)

This is actually an eratta made by Hasbro, or WOTC, due to the fact that, like capes, you can just position him in a way so that his loincloth is the only visible part of him and then he cant get hit.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
The Ice Troll's loincloth is targetable

Where is this coming from?

It looks like its non-targetable on the card. :confused:

Its not the loincloth. It's what he as under it that you hit ;)

This is actually an eratta made by Hasbro, or WOTC, due to the fact that, like capes, you can just position him in a way so that his loincloth is the only visible part of him and then he cant get hit.

Check out the Official FAQ. That particular ruling was made on a few of the DnD wave 3 units, as well as a few of the older units with untargetable capes/dusters.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
The Ice Troll's loincloth is targetable

Where is this coming from?

It looks like its non-targetable on the card. :confused:

Its not the loincloth. It's what he as under it that you hit ;)

This is actually an eratta made by Hasbro, or WOTC, due to the fact that, like capes, you can just position him in a way so that his loincloth is the only visible part of him and then he cant get hit.

Check out the Official FAQ. That particular ruling was made on a few of the DnD wave 3 units, as well as a few of the older units with untargetable capes/dusters.

Got it. Thanks ev'body. :)

Hooray for the FAQ. Soooo much to study now. Thanks for the link.