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The Book of HYDRA Agents


Prickly Cactus
Site Supporter
The Book of HYDRA Agents



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figures used for this unit are Heroclix figures from the Infinity Challenge set.
Their model numbers and name are #007-009 / Hydra Operative.
Their model numbers and name are #153 / Operative 128.

Character Bio - HYDRA is a worldwide criminal organization that uses terrorist and subversive activities in their attempt to achieve world domination. HYDRA is funded by the recovered Nazi treasure from World War II that Baron Strucker escaped with from Nazi Germany with the help of Red Skull. They are also funded by the gains of the original leaders of the Japanese secret society that became HYDRA. HYDRA Agents are subject to background checks and are sworn to a death-oath. They are trained in hand to hand combat and are supplied with state of the art weapons.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • As Humans, HYDRA Agents have these Human Synergies.
  • As Terrorists, HYDRA Agents have these Terrorist Synergies.
  • As Fanatical Humans, Torquemada allows HYDRA Agents to receive an automatic skull against adjacent non-Human figures with his Pure Vigilance! special power and his My Terminators Are Watching! special power also lets them move and attack after Torquemada inflicts one or more wounds on a non-Human with his normal attack.
Outgoing Synergy:
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase




LIFE = 1

MOVE = 5


After revealing an Order Marker on this card and after taking a turn with HYDRA Agents, you may take a turn with any Ruthless Mastermind you control.

After the first HYDRA Agent you control is destroyed during a player's turn, add 1 to the defense of all remaining HYDRA Agents you control for the remainder of that player's turn.

Spoiler Alert!
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

NAME OF THE TEST UNIT HYDRA Agents @ 60 points

- Theme/ Does it pass. Pass
- Mirror/ Does it pass,. Pass
- Bonding/ Does it pass. Pass (not really good bonding unit)
- Synergy/ Does it pass?. Pass (don’t know yet)
- Power/ Does it pass?,. Pass
- Fun Test/ Does it pass? Pass
- Fun Competitive Test/ Does it pass? Pass
- Drafting Test/ Does it pass? Pass (Will need Ruthless Mastermind)
- Usage Test/ Does it pass? Pass
- Strategy Test/Does it pass? Pass
(Be sure to list what official units you used and what BoV map you used per section below.)
Heavy Hitter/ Does it pass?
Played on Ruins of Pine Tree Marsh map.

HYDRA Agents x 1 (60)

Vs. Zetacron (60) Zetacron wins with 1 wound on T1R2
Vs. Johnny Shotgun (65) Johnny wins with 4 wounds on T2R2.

HYDRA Agents x 2 (120)

Vs. Agent Skahen (120) Skahen wins with 2 wounds on T4R2
Vs. Mogrimm Forgehammer (120) Mogrimm wins with 5 wounds on T6R3.

HYDRA Agents x 3 (180)

Vs. Punisher @(180) Punisher wins with 3 wounds on T6R2.
Vs. Jean Grey @ (180) Jean wins with 3 wounds on T1R3.

Thus far, it’s evident that they aren’t worth their points w/o bonding use. Also, Skahen was tough because of Agility, though her double attack allowed the use of Hail Hydra for second attack. Mogrimm was tough because of Tough and his auto shield vs. mostly attacks of 2 or sometimes attacks of 3 with height. They had to roll at least 2 skulls and hope he whiffed with his 2 def dice to chip away at him.

Punisher had height most of the time and rained down some heat with his Assault Rifle. He made sure that the others got +1 defense for the rest of the turn after he killed the first Agent every time. Even with their defense up to 3, they are vulnerable to multiple attacks, at the 180 point range, that's what they'll face often.

I figured Punisher was kind of a rough test for them, so I tired Jean Grey who has a shorter ranged normal attack and an occasional Throw attack. She got a couple Throw kills, but had height often and her normal attack was pretty accurate. The Agents had some opportunities with two of them having height on her for a couple turns worth of attacks, but they couldn't take advantage of the bump to attack of 3.

Squad/ Does it pass? Pass
Played on Ruins of Pine Tree Marsh map

Hydra Agents x 2 (120) vs. Arrow Gruts x 3 (120)

Game 1. Arrow Gruts won with 4 left on T4R2.
Game 2. Hydra Agents won with 3 left on T5R2.

I had them go against Arrow Gruts because they were a ranged unit with bonding they couldn’t use, so they’d be even in that regard. They didn’t need their Disengage power, though Hydra Agents did use Hail Hydra.

Game 1 saw Arrow Gruts take advantage of their speed to gain height and that helped some of them to be even attack and defense vs. the Agents. Their numbers helped as the Hydra Agents weak attack didn’t ensure auto kills whenever attacking the lowly Arrow Gruts.

Game 2 saw the opposite in that due to initiative rolls the Hydra Agents were able to reach height point and destroy first wave of Gruts there and then maintain height for much of the game. Arrow Gruts did what they could, but their low attack and defense wasn’t helping them at this point and neither was their speed.

Army Test 1/ Does it pass?. Inconclusive as they didn’t have need to get activated until the end, but they died pretty good in the meantime. Not much of a threat.

Played on Platforms 5 and 6 map

Red Skull (190) Agent Skahen (120) Hydra Agents x 2 (120) Wyvern (100) Theracus (40) and Guilty (30) for 600 points.


Thugs x 2 (150) Black Mask (100) Nightcrawler (140) Pyro (120) and Angel (90) for 600 points
Spoiler Alert!

Army Test 2/ Does it pass?.
Played on Ruins of Pine Tree Marsh map

Red Skull (190) HYDRA Agents x 3 (180) Punisher (180) Spiderman (160) and Angel (90) for 800 points.


Cyclops (190) Jean Grey (180) Mystique (165) Iceman (150) Toad (95) and Marcu (20) for 800 points.

Spoiler Alert!
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

First post updated with link to preliminary playtest sheet.
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

They're looking pretty good so far. I think Bonding might bump them close to 70. They didn't win a single HH test, but ALL opponents were left with 1 Life. Technically, if Johnny Shotgunned a group of terrorists, killing one would also trigger Hail Hydra. Other than that, those were somewhat tough matchups (having to pin Skahen down, no Hail Hydra vs Zeta or Mogrimm [not to mention his tough]) and they still look like they performed well (a lot to be said for squadscape, I'm sure).
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

They're looking pretty good so far. I think Bonding might bump them close to 70. They didn't win a single HH test, but ALL opponents were left with 1 Life. Technically, if Johnny Shotgunned a group of terrorists, killing one would also trigger Hail Hydra. Other than that, those were somewhat tough matchups (having to pin Skahen down, no Hail Hydra vs Zeta or Mogrimm [not to mention his tough]) and they still look like they performed well (a lot to be said for squadscape, I'm sure).

I added 2 more HH tests.

Thanks for the input Necro, it's appreciated. I agree that they did fairly well considering they didn't get to use their major power of bonding. The thing about Hail Hydra, is that it takes one of them getting destroyed to get it to kick in and it's only for that turn, so not so good that someone has to die to get it to work and not useful when going against single attack opponent's. Though you are right in that it can help others after the first one dies in a shotgun blast or any other area of affect attack, as well vs other squads. The thing is, that for 75 points, Thugs have bonding too, but they get a 4th member and get a +1 to attack and defense on concrete or asphalt. They do have 1 less range but that extra attacker is nice. So I can see the Hydra Agents going up to 65, and 70 if they are awesome when they bond. Though when they bond with Madame Hydra, the higher priced the Hydra Agents are, the more it will suck to use Necessary Sacrifices :)
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

Added squad tests to playtest sheet
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

I don't know if the "immediately" is necessary in the bonding power.
Instead of "Hail HYDRA" what about "Immortal HYDRA"?
Overall, I like it! :thumbsup:
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

Another thread of yours Hahma that I missed. They look great & the playtest look good. This should fly through.

I agree that "immediately" is probably not required.

Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

Army Test 1 added to test sheet

I don't know if the "immediately" is necessary in the bonding power.
Instead of "Hail HYDRA" what about "Immortal HYDRA"?
Overall, I like it! :thumbsup:

Thanks and changed. :)

Another thread of yours Hahma that I missed. They look great & the playtest look good. This should fly through.


No biggie. :)

We'll see about flying through. :shrug:
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

I feel the same way about Hydra Flying that I do about SHIELD Agents Flying; they don't do it all the time, so I think it would be fun for each faction to have a Unique Squad that has Flying.
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

I feel the same way about Hydra Flying that I do about SHIELD Agents Flying; they don't do it all the time, so I think it would be fun for each faction to have a Unique Squad that has Flying.

Flying through the process. Nobody mentioned the units being able to fly, knuckle-head. :p
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

I feel the same way about Hydra Flying that I do about SHIELD Agents Flying; they don't do it all the time, so I think it would be fun for each faction to have a Unique Squad that has Flying.

Flying through the process. Nobody mentioned the units being able to fly, knuckle-head. :p
Excuse me if I am not as internationally refined as Hahma to understand your Aussie speech. :p No I am kidding, I misread your post as "Fly though" instead of "fly through". :lol:
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

Army Test 2 results added to Prelim Playtest, so test is complete now.

At this point, I think they may be fine at 60 points. They are 20 points apiece whereas Thugs are 18.75 points apiece. The HYDRA Agents have a range of 6 vs. a range of 5 for Thugs which is nice. But Immortal Hydra only kicks in after the first one is killed and only lasts for the rest of that turn, so it's only good vs. multiple attacks by the opponent for that turn. Thugs can automatically get the +1 to their defense from being on concrete or asphalt. They can also get +1 to their attack from being on asphalt and concrete. They both bond. So I think they are pretty close and could try them at 60 points.
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

Thanks Griff.

I'm also considering if I should change their class to Subversives instead of Terrorists, unless people would be fine with A.I.M. Agents also being Terrorist class. Either way, I think they should both be the same class. A.I.M. stems from HYDRA and they have the same objective of world domination through subversive means with technology. They both want the same thing but one uses tech and the other uses guns/bombs/gass etc.

Just thinking down the road with this A.I.M. thing. Also would think about a Dreadnought uncommon hero too for the Subversive/Terrorist faction down the road as well.
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

I prefer Terrorist ... so is this ready for the ERB phase?
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

I definitely prefer Terrorist. ERB time baby! :D
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase vote to go to ERB

Terrorists they stay :D

I Propose to move HYDRA Agents to ERB phase.
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

Yea, I like Terrorists.

Wait, what?
Re: HYDRA Agents - Design Phase

Yea - Send the Terrorists to the Execution Review Board. :p