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The Book of Hush


From less than zero to Hero!
The Book of Hush




The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Legacy set.
Its model number and name are #086 / Hush.


Character Bio - Thomas Elliot, better known as the mysterious Hush, had long been a mirror of childhood friend Bruce Wayne. Both brilliant minds born to privilege, unlike the loving Wayne family, Elliot hated his abusive and uncaring parents, eventually killing them both. Over time he began to loathe his friend, whose father had saved Mrs. Elliot from the car crash, whose shadow he could never escape, and whose "leisurely" lifestyle he envied. Taking the family fortune for himself, he embarked on a trip around the world, becoming an expert surgeon and Harvard graduate. Upon returning to Gotham, he sought out The Riddler to exact his vengeance on Bruce... and in the process, learned his rival's greatest secret. Hellbent on revenge, he began to recruit the city's criminals and psychopaths with a single goal in mind: kill Bruce Wayne, and with him, the Batman.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A​

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • Crime Lords and Criminals can be boosted by Hush's Obsessive Vendetta special power when activated by Hush's Master Manipulator special power. Current Crime Lords and Criminals.

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • N/A
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 220

At the start of the game, choose an opponent's Unique Hero. Hush, or any Crime Lord or Criminal you control taking a turn with Master Manipulator, rolls 1 additional die when attacking the chosen figure with a normal attack.

After revealing an Order Marker on Hush's card, instead of taking that turn with Hush, you may take a turn with any Unique Hero you control within clear sight of Hush.

If Hush inflicts at least one wound on an adjacent figure with his normal attack, the defending figure receives one additional wound.

Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Looks fun! Too bad the figure is so pricey.

Maybe this...?
When Hush attacks an opponent's figure, if that figure rolls at least 1 skull when rolling for defense, Hush may attack that figure one additional time. Add 1 die to Hush's attack value for the second attack.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

I guess I missed the part where the C3G Heroes actually gave this the go-ahead? :shrug:
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Scapey, you did NOT have permission to start this thread. Us Heroes decide who starts designs and when, NOT you.

This move pissed off just about everyone in the sanctum, but we were already deciding to allow you to design it anyways, as long as you cash in 15 points (and I know you have plenty ;)).

I am very happy to have you LD again, but please don't try to force your way into a design like this again. Oh, and please send out a PM to all members alerting them to this thread, and also post a link to this thread in the Public Announcement Thread. Thank you, and good luck. :)
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

So this thread is a go now?

While I like Weakness Exploitation, I think it might be a better fit for another character. For Hush, I'd like to see the original Lex's Criminal Deception except that it should apply to Crime Lords and Masterminds instead of Criminals.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

I like the writeup, I just have some wording changes for now, and a couple of small changes:

At the start of the game, choose an opponent's Unique Hero. Hush and any figure you control taking a turn with Master Plan adds 1 die to their normal attack when attacking the chosen figure.

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, and instead of taking a turn with Hush, you may take a turn with any Criminal, Crime Lord, or Mastermind you control. After taking a turn with Master Plan, if the figure chosen by Obsessive Vendetta received 1 or more wounds this turn, you may immediately take another turn with a Criminal, Crime Lord, or Mastermind you control.

When Hush attacks an opponent's figure, if that figure rolls at least 1 skull, Hush may attack that figure one additional time. Add 1 die to Hush's attack value for the second attack.

At the start of the game, choose an opponent's Unique Hero to be Hush's Marked Target.

After revealing an Order Marker on this card, and instead of taking a turn with Hush, you may take a turn with any Criminal, Crime Lord, or Mastermind you control. After taking a turn with Master Plan, if Hush's Marked Target received 1 or more wounds this turn, you may immediately take one additional turn with any Criminal, Crime Lord, or Mastermind you control.

When an opponent's figure defends against Hush's normal attack and rolls one or more skulls, Hush may attack that figure one additional time.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Scapey, you did NOT have permission to start this thread. Us Heroes decide who starts designs and when, NOT you.

This move pissed off just about everyone in the sanctum, but we were already deciding to allow you to design it anyways, as long as you cash in 15 points (and I know you have plenty ;)).

I am very happy to have you LD again, but please don't try to force your way into a design like this again. Oh, and please send out a PM to all members alerting them to this thread, and also post a link to this thread in the Public Announcement Thread. Thank you, and good luck. :)
Will do. Sorry about that...
Griffin said:
Scapey, you have my confidence to run with that Hush design. :up:
IamBatman said:
I'm in favor. :smile:
Never saw the last page.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Alright, here's my thoughts on Hush:

Basic stats are fine, though I'd consider dropping his Life down to 4 (if only because that's par for Humans and he's pretty much equal to Batman in that sense). Left Box is just about perfect.

For powers, I'd switch Master Plan for vanilla Master Manipulator, and expand on Obsessive Vendetta. I feel like Hush shouldn't just be limited to any particular group of characters for his Manipulation - he could just as easily (or more easily) pull the strings of Creeper or Harley Quinn as Lex Luthor. But limiting Obsessive Vendetta to people more "brutal" in nature DOES make sense to me.

Weakness Exploitation isn't bad, but I, personally, would rather see a twist on Double Attack - his Twin .45s and experience as a surgeon are both pretty important character traits, so a ranged double attack and the ability to deal some real damage to an adjacent figure makes a good deal of sense. I DO think Weakness Exploitation works, though; if we stick with that I won't go cryin'. So, here's what I'd do:

At the start of the game, choose an opponent's Unique Hero. Hush and any Criminals or Crime Lords you control taking a turn with Master Manipulator adds 1 die to their normal attack when attacking the chosen figure. After revealing an Order Marker on this card and taking a turn, if the figure chosen by Obsessive Vendetta received 1 or more wounds from Hush or a Criminal or Crime Lord you control, you may immediately take another turn with a Criminal or Crime Lord you control.

After revealing an Order Marker on Hush's card, instead of taking that turn with Hush, you may take a turn with any Unique Hero you control within clear sight of Hush.

When Hush attacks a non-adjacent figure, he may attack one additional time. When Hush attacks an adjacent figure, if he inflicts at least one wound, the defending figure receives one additional wound.

Also, HERE is a better picture, though it has a watermark; I don't think it would be too tough to crop that part out, though.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Thanks for sending that info out, but we're still waiting to get approval from A3n and Sir G for this thread, so I'm locking this down in the meantime.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Let this be an example and a reminder to all that Design Threads in the C3G forum can only be created under strict allowance from the Sanctum.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Well, everybody but Sir G has weighed in and approved of this direction and Sir G seems to be MIA right now, so I'll go ahead and open this one back up. :)
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Well in that case, an idea I had for Twin .45's Special Attack that incorporates both double attack and the exploit weakness ideas:

Range: 5. Attack: 4.
After attacking with Twin .45's Special Attack, Hush may attack one additional time. If Hush attacks the same figure with the second attack, the defending figure may not roll more defense dice than he rolled shields for the first attack.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

That is really cool, but maybe a bit too powerful I think, unless you dropped the attack down to 2 or 3.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Yeah, definitely drop that to at least 3. I like the concept, though. :)
Channeling my inner Sir G, though, players roll dice/shields, not figures.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

I've always felt that exposing weakness can be accurately portrayed as forcing the defending figure to roll fewer defense dice based off of the number of wounds on the defending figure's card, or rolling additional attack dice based on the number of wound markers on the defending figure's card.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

I liked johnny's suggestions to put him at life 4 and also keep Master Motivator power as is, but use Obsessive Vendetta to do more with it.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

I liked johnny's suggestions to put him at life 4 and also keep Master Motivator power as is, but use Obsessive Vendetta to do more with it.

:word:... aside from the 4 life, which you all know I don't like, but we can stick with it for consistency's sake.

Also, instead of expert assault, we could try to be a little more thematic like:
If Hush deals at least one wound to an adjacent opponent's figure, add one more unblockable wound to that figure's card.

I'd be fine with dropping double attack. Sure, he shoots twice a lot, but that's not really the point of this card. Black Mask usually uses two guns, but he didn't need double attack, and Hush usually shoots at Bats, misses, then fights hand to hand, doesn't he? :p

Just some ideas! Otherwise Johnny's suggestions are what we should go with, in my opinion.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

I am liking Johnny's ideas, except that I am agreeing with LP and otehrs, he doesn't need that Double Attack. I also think that if he's going to have more powers then his Manipulator should be limited to a specific (but not too specific) group.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

I could be in the minority here, but I'm okay with him having 5 life. I feel like Bats probably would have had 5 life it weren't for Evasive Strike. Also, many new heroes with no special survivability are having 5 life (Punisher and Doctor Light come to mind). Finally, the man is a skilled surgeon, so the extra life could represent his ability to keep himself alive without resorting to a hard-to-fit healing power.
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

Surgical Strike is a great power name for this guy. :)
Re: The Book of Hush - Design Phase

I'm all for replacing Exploit Weakness with Surgical Strike, and even if the power doesn't fly, the name will surely stay. Also, 5 life sounds good.