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The Book of Hulk (Avengers)


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The Book of Hulk (Avengers)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Avengers Infinity set.
Its model number and name are #G004 / Hulk.


Character Bio - "Hulk like real fire. Like... raging fire. Thor like smoldering fire." - Hulk to Thor (Thor: Ragnarok)

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Base Clarification: Hulk is a single-spaced figure.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • As a Gamma Mutate, Hulk has these Gamma Mutate Synergies.
  • As a Creature, Hulk has these Creature Synergies.
  • As a Bruce Banner figure that is not a Scientist, Hulk may be drafted into an army with Bruce Banner due to his Secret Identity special power and may be switched with Bruce Banner due to his Monster Within and Puny Human special powers. If Hulk is drafted with Bruce Banner and does not start the game on the battlefield, he gains these Off-the-Battlefield Synergies.
Outgoing Synergy:
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath




LIFE = 7

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 450

At the start of the game, choose another Unique Hero you control to be Hulk's Rival. After revealing an Order Marker on a card that has an Avenger Marker or is his Rival's and taking a turn with that Hero, if that Hero inflicted a wound this turn and is in clear sight of Hulk, you must immediately reveal an Order Marker on this card and take a turn with Hulk, if possible. You may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.

Instead of moving Hulk normally, you may choose Hulk or an adjacent figure and a figure or obstacle that is 3 to 8 clear sight spaces from Hulk. Place the first chosen figure on an empty space within 10 spaces of its current placement and is adjacent to or on top of the second chosen figure or obstacle. One at a time, roll an unblockable attack die against each chosen figure that is not Hulk. Figures other than Hulk moved by this special power do not take leaving engagement attacks.

Range Special. Attack 4.
Choose 2 spaces in a straight line from Hulk. All figures on the chosen spaces, and all figures other than Hulk within 1 space of the chosen spaces, are affected by this special attack. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Symbiotes roll 1 fewer defense die against this special attack.

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Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

I just went with Incredible Hulk II here for the name, but does anything else fit? Could he just be Hulk?
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

I'm cool either way as far as mentioning his credibility in the name. It's a little weird to have "Incredible" in there, but it's precedent at this point. Don't think any of his other monikers really fit this card, but I'm not an expert.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Some comic art options:


Here is Hulk with some friends, which would fit the team-up/Avengers concept for the card, but he isn't doing anything exciting.


This one looks pretty good for a team-up kind of deal:


Kind of like this one, just because it has Punisher in it.


We could just use this comic art and slide him into the Venom release! :)


Could do more of a 'thinking' Hulk vibe since his stats don't change:

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Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Seriously thinking about changing the title here to just Hulk. Anyone have any objections?
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

I'd be moderately annoyed that he's listed in a different place in the books, but that's Hasbro and vI's problem really, not this guy's.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Yeah, I'd probably prefer just Hulk here. It's one of those things where I think perpetuating Hasbro's weirdness does more harm than good.

Bruiser as a class is going to tie him in with the X-Force Investigations crew - not sure if that's really ideal? It's probably not the best setup for him, since his first power is all about him doing the semi-bonding, but Hulk with some Multiple Men as backup isn't anything to sneeze at either.

I'll go on record that I don't like non-leaders giving out Avengers markers, and I particularly don't like Hulk doing it. Hulk is barely an Avenger - he left the team in the SECOND ISSUE, and didn't formally rejoin for another 50 years (in 2012). He doesn't like the Avengers. He doesn't consider himself an Avenger. Other figures being Avengers or not being Avengers has no bearing on how he acts.

In short, I like the power, don't like it being an Avengers Marker.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Yeah, I'd probably prefer just Hulk here. It's one of those things where I think perpetuating Hasbro's weirdness does more harm than good.

Bruiser as a class is going to tie him in with the X-Force Investigations crew - not sure if that's really ideal? It's probably not the best setup for him, since his first power is all about him doing the semi-bonding, but Hulk with some Multiple Men as backup isn't anything to sneeze at either.

I'll go on record that I don't like non-leaders giving out Avengers markers, and I particularly don't like Hulk doing it. Hulk is barely an Avenger - he left the team in the SECOND ISSUE, and didn't formally rejoin for another 50 years (in 2012). He doesn't like the Avengers. He doesn't consider himself an Avenger. Other figures being Avengers or not being Avengers has no bearing on how he acts.

In short, I like the power, don't like it being an Avengers Marker.

Partially agree; I think the "rivalry with an Avenger" bit works for me as the comics character. Actually placing a marker definitely feels more like a spot of EMH and MCU influence to me.

(I'm not like a hardline objector or anything here, just share the sentiment up to a point)
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Yeah, I'd rather keep him out of the Multiple Man synergy web. That class was just an older place holder, open to other ideas. Okay with a class with no synergy, or one that has light synergy that makes sense for him. Any thoughts?

As for the marker power, I would honestly be perfectly happy if it were a rivalry marker and thus limiting the bonding with just one other figure. That would be cheaper to pay for and let you draft him without needing a bunch of other Avengers around to increase the markers in play. I was just trying to satisfy those who wanted an Avengers based Hulk.

I was thinking a bit more about how it works with the bonding requiring a successful attack. That makes you want to pair him up with other heroes that are more likely to be successful with attacking. So those who also throw a lot of dice like Thor or She-Hulk, but also someone like Hawkeye III who doesn't roll a bunch of dice but has a special power that increases his odds of landing a W. Six-Gun Gorilla was pretty consistent when I tested him with that SA, I could see him as another good pairing. Then of course I'll need to test him with Nebula in tow, so you can bond with one or the other depending on the attack results of his rival.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Y’all know I like my Avengers Markers, but Johnny makes a compelling argument. I guess it comes down to deciding if that non-comic influence is big enough to matter; outside of the actual 616 comics, Hulk is a pretty iconic Avenger. In addition, 2012 to now is hardly a short span of time; some MCU-inspired designs like Baby Groot are based on takes that have existed for less time than that. I think Avengers Hulk fits in well with our other blended MCU/comic designs.

I had a dream of having all the OG Avengers (plus Cap) having marker versions that could be played together, and I’d be lying if I said part of my thinking here isn’t based off that vision. But I also don’t want to cram a marker power where one doesn’t fit. I still like it, but I wouldn’t pitch a fit if it just went back to being a non-marker power.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Y’all know I like my Avengers Markers, but Johnny makes a compelling argument. I guess it comes down to deciding if that non-comic influence is big enough to matter; outside of the actual 616 comics, Hulk is a pretty iconic Avenger. In addition, 2012 to now is hardly a short span of time; some MCU-inspired designs like Baby Groot are based on takes that have existed for less time than that. I think Avengers Hulk fits in well with our other blended MCU/comic designs.

I had a dream of having all the OG Avengers (plus Cap) having marker versions that could be played together, and I’d be lying if I said part of my thinking here isn’t based off that vision. But I also don’t want to cram a marker power where one doesn’t fit. I still like it, but I wouldn’t pitch a fit if it just went back to being a non-marker power.

But they don't all have to give out markers for the whole team to have markers play together. This version of Hulk already pairs up with Avengers just fine.

Yeah, I'd rather keep him out of the Multiple Man synergy web. That class was just an older place holder, open to other ideas. Okay with a class with no synergy, or one that has light synergy that makes sense for him. Any thoughts?

As for the marker power, I would honestly be perfectly happy if it were a rivalry marker and thus limiting the bonding with just one other figure. That would be cheaper to pay for and let you draft him without needing a bunch of other Avengers around to increase the markers in play. I was just trying to satisfy those who wanted an Avengers based Hulk.

I was thinking a bit more about how it works with the bonding requiring a successful attack. That makes you want to pair him up with other heroes that are more likely to be successful with attacking. So those who also throw a lot of dice like Thor or She-Hulk, but also someone like Hawkeye III who doesn't roll a bunch of dice but has a special power that increases his odds of landing a W. Six-Gun Gorilla was pretty consistent when I tested him with that SA, I could see him as another good pairing. Then of course I'll need to test him with Nebula in tow, so you can bond with one or the other depending on the attack results of his rival.

Which feels perfect to me. His biggest deal in the Avengers was trying to One Up whoever was laying out the pain. So Thor would be high on the list of Avengers he'd be trying to outdo.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

I like the Avengers Marker, but it’s definitely not needed. Hulk’s been an Avenger in Ultimates and a main member since the MCU, so there’s thematic justification. A rivalry marker works just as well though.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

But they don't all have to give out markers for the whole team to have markers play together. This version of Hulk already pairs up with Avengers just fine.
Sure, when you're playing in a team with all of them, and I probably would try playing them all at once in a crazy big Avengers army. But the real charm of these designs to me is the mix-and-match potential of basing an army just around 2-3 of them.

If I want to draft Avengers Wasp, Hulk bringing an extra marker to the table helps both of them out, and that encourages me to draft them together over random non-thematic options.

If we end up doing something like a Rivalry Marker, I don't see why we wouldn't just make it an Avengers Marker at that point.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

IDK, I think the points difference between potentially bonding with exactly 1 hero and potentially bonding with 5 other heroes (ie. drafted with Cap) is pretty huge, especially when considering you are bonding a guy with a base att. of 8. I'd feel a lot better about the overall usefulness of the design if it weren't priced based on being played with Cap every game. Don't have to use a marker, just pick a UH at the start of the game to be his 'rival' or whatever you want to call it.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

I’m pretty uninterested in designing Zombie but as Hulk. Not sure what my suggestion here would be right now but a Hulk that bonds just doesn’t feel like Hulk to me, even with a Rivalry flavor to it. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

I’m pretty uninterested in designing Zombie but as Hulk. Not sure what my suggestion here would be right now but a Hulk that bonds just doesn’t feel like Hulk to me, even with a Rivalry flavor to it. :shrug:
I mean...I don't think bonding is a particularly Nebula ability either, but it feels good there. :shrug:

The two things I think of when I think "Hulk in the Avengers" are the rivalry aspect and rampage. More than any other member, the Hulk is just a machine of destruction that's constantly going, no matter what everyone else is doing. Sometimes in the movies he's almost in the background doing his thing while everybody else is making plans and all that.

Part of what I want to see in an Avengers Hulk (or Rival Hulk, I guess) is that sense of constant action. He's not waiting for you to reveal OMs on him or anything like that, he's just going. To that end, I think it would probably even make sense if the power was a MUST instead of a MAY, just to get a tad of that uncontrollable Hulk theme down.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Seems like the first power would be a great place to use his catch phrase "Hulk Best There Is!"
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

One important thing to note here is that the power (as written) requires an OM, so no matter how often it's triggering, it's going to be used a lot less than Zombie or other universal bonders. There's a resource cap.

Is there room to blend the two, maybe?

At the start of the game, you may choose one other Unique Hero you control to be Hulk's Rival. After revealing an Order Marker on the card of Hulk's Rival and taking a turn with that Hero, if that figure inflicted one or more wounds or has an Avengers Marker on its card, you may immediately reveal an Order Marker on this card to take a turn with the Hulk. If you do, you may not take any additional turns with other figures you control.

So normally you do need to pick a good pal for him, your Thors or whoever. In an Avengers army, you can pick whoever and be a little more consistent with activations.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

I'm a fan of that. Gets him one extra turn a round or allows you to do a TMNT thing if you burn a numbered OM.
Re: The Book of Incredible Hulk (II) - Breath

Yeah, I'm down with that. Doesn't place markers, but synergizes with them.