The Book of Himmelskralle
C3V Wave 22 - Scourge of Apollyon - Heroes of Crooked Isle
C3V Wave 22 - Scourge of Apollyon - Heroes of Crooked Isle
The figure used for this unit is a Pathfinder figure from the Shattered Star set. Its name is Wyvern.
This figure fits on a single-spaced base.
This figure fits on a single-spaced base.
Character Bio:
Spoiler Alert!
It was long ago when the skies were dark with wyvern scales. She can still remember when they were the apex predator, when they were the ones who ruled the rooks and mountains and jungles. Then the elves with their bows and flying steeds, then the Rechets, then--no matter. Though the tooth and claw of the natural order has decided that the wyvern be left behind...the hunter known as Himmelskralle, old and wizened, still with a spark of that youthful vigor, dares to dream. Dares to dream that one day, it will come to pass that the wyvern rules Feylund's skies once more.
_________________________________________________________________ONSLAUGHT 3
After attacking with Himmelskralle, if she destroyed a figure with her normal attack, Himmelskralle may move up to 3 spaces and attack again. Himmelskralle may continue using Onslaught until she does not destroy a figure.
When counting spaces for Himmelskralle's movement, ignore elevations. Himmelskralle may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Himmelskralle starts to fly, if she is engaged she will take any leaving engagement attacks.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- Q: If Himmelskralle destroys a figure and moves using Onslaught, does she have to attack another figure?
A: No. The attack is optional. Additionally, Himmelskralle does not need to end her Onslaught movement adjacent to another figure, nor does she need to move toward another figure. - Q: If Himmelskralle attacks a Deathreaver, which happens first, Scatter or Onslaught?
A: Scatter. Scatter and Scurry happen after rolling defense dice or after a figure is destroyed, respectively, which is still during the attack phase of Himmelskralle's turn. Onslaught happens after the attack phase is complete and starts a new attack phase. - Q: If Himmelskralle destroys a destructible object, could she use Onslaught?
A: No. A destructible object is not a figure, and Onslaught is neither an attack nor a power that deals wounds.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
As a Hunter figure, Himmelskralle may receive an additional attack die when adjacent to Arktos.
- N/A
- N/A
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
_________________________________________________________________-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking and Master Index
Unit Strategy Review- TBA

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