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The Book of Heracles


was heroscaper2010. Now Beep, Beep, I'm a Sheep
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The Book of Heracles

C3V Wave 7 (Wave 20) - Oreld's Orders - Heroes of Crumland


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The figure used for this unit is Hercules from the Heroclix, Infinity Challenge set.

Character Bio: Heracles, renowned for his monster-slaying, is summoned by Jandar. Heracles takes upon himself Labors, feats of extraordinary power, tossing aside anybody foolish enough to stand between him and his monstrous foes.

After taking a turn with Heracles, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker that is on Heracles's Army Card and take another turn with Heracles. During this additional turn, Heracles cannot attack a small or medium figure.

Heracles rolls an additional die when attacking or defending against large or huge figures.

After moving and before attacking, choose one small or medium non-flying figure adjacent to Heracles. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 14 or higher, you may throw the figure by placing it on any empty space within 4 clear sight spaces of Heracles. If the figure was placed on a non-water space on a level equal to or lower than Heracles's height, roll the 20-sided die. If you roll an 11 or higher, the thrown figure receives 2 wounds. The thrown figure does not take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
    As a Human who follows Jandar, Heracles may benefit from Capt. John Varan's PURPLE HEART wound reassignment.
Synergy Benefits Offered
  • EBON ARMOR : Animated Materiel & Eternal War
    As a Unique Human, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Heracles' Army Card to replace Heracles upon his own destruction.
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking and Master Index
It’s hard for an expensive non-bonding melee figure to be very good, but Heracles kind of bonds with himself once a round, and throw is nice too. A-

Unit Strategy Review
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Assuming that Heracles can still "Throw" a small/medium figure on turn that he uses "Labors" because Throw is a Power and not an Attack?
Assuming that Heracles can still "Throw" a small/medium figure on turn that he uses "Labors" because Throw is a Power and not an Attack?

Yes. It's great to close in on a unit like the KMA from 12 spaces out and then throw one of them out of position.

He is super fun to use. I love Labors because he can grab a glyph in the first round or get to Raelin tho he wouldn't be able to throw or attack her, the threat is there.

I just used him and 2x 10th at our last tourney here in Ohio and his army went 3-0. The only time he died was against a pod of PKs and Torin, and even then he had done more than his part of damage. He slaughtered the likes of Charos, KMA, Major J15, among others.
I snatched this guy up as soon as he showed up on the front page. Haven't had a chance to draft him myself yet, but the little siblings seem to like him.
I can see Heracles potentially wrecking Q9--Labors and Move 6 to close in before the Major can get a shot in, 7 Attack to bring him down, and 8 Life and 4 Defense should let him take a few helpings of Queglix if it comes down to that--but I'd probably be hesitant to try it in an actual game. May have to give it a shot just to satisfy my curiosity, though.
I snatched this guy up as soon as he showed up on the front page. Haven't had a chance to draft him myself yet, but the little siblings seem to like him.
I can see Heracles potentially wrecking Q9--Labors and Move 6 to close in before the Major can get a shot in, 7 Attack to bring him down, and 8 Life and 4 Defense should let him take a few helpings of Queglix if it comes down to that--but I'd probably be hesitant to try it in an actual game. May have to give it a shot just to satisfy my curiosity, though.

Don't hesitate! This guy is absolutely meant to bring down the big guy. Small and medium flying figures (especially as a squad) are the biggest pain for him because he can't labor or throw, but even then, his base stats keep him around a long time.
Don't hesitate! This guy is absolutely meant to bring down the big guy. Small and medium flying figures (especially as a squad) are the biggest pain for him because he can't labor or throw, but even then, his base stats keep him around a long time.

So what you're saying is counter-draft a squad or two of Protectors of Ullar.
Don't pit him against Krug..... Though that should already be obvious!! I'm speaking from experience. It's not pretty.
I would think a well-timed Labors turn should give Herc a chance. Krug does what Krug does, though.
Picked him up as a prize for a monthly tournament rather than choosing the $80 gift card for the game shop we were at! He's that cool.

I've played him twice. The first time it was against a bunch of medium guys. The only reason he survived the game was because of a lucky high roll with Kelda. He might have gotten his points worth. The second time he faced an army of Marrden Hounds and SBN. Heracles absolutely dominated. He took almost double his points worth (including a OHKO from height on SBN)!

Such a fun and thematic unit.
Don't pit him against Krug..... Though that should already be obvious!! I'm speaking from experience. It's not pretty.
Actually, I did just that earlier today (since I haven't had a chance to pit him against Q9 yet), and it worked pretty well. They were both at full health going in, and Krug only managed to inflict two wounds in the time it took for Heracles to bring him down. Of course, it could easily have gone the other way, and Heracles' luck ran out in a big way just a few rounds later...
It was definitely a last-resort move, and I wouldn't do it again except in dire circumstances, but it's hardly a death sentence.
Don't pit him against Krug..... Though that should already be obvious!! I'm speaking from experience. It's not pretty.
Actually, I did just that earlier today (since I haven't had a chance to pit him against Q9 yet), and it worked pretty well. They were both at full health going in, and Krug only managed to inflict two wounds in the time it took for Heracles to bring him down. Of course, it could easily have gone the other way, and Heracles' luck ran out in a big way just a few rounds later...
It was definitely a last-resort move, and I wouldn't do it again except in dire circumstances, but it's hardly a death sentence.

No, and that's completely believable! I just had a couple unfortunate games. And even though it's not a death sentence, there are many more effective units to deal with Krug. Leave Heracles to deal with safer targets. (If you can.....)
The Ebon Armor synergy should be added to the OP, @heroscaper2010. Here it is for convenience:

- EBON ARMOR : Animated Materiel & Eternal War
As a Unique Human, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Heracles' Army Card to replace Heracles upon his own destruction.
The Ebon Armor synergy should be added to the OP, @heroscaper2010. Here it is for convenience:

- EBON ARMOR : Animated Materiel & Eternal War
As a Unique Human, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Heracles' Army Card to replace Heracles upon his own destruction.

EDIT: My computer seems to have made glitched out and double-posted. Please ignore this post.
Heracles Touch Up (Not Quite a Repaint just a wash and paint in places that need it):

Also, I believe Heracles can benefit from Capt. John Varan's "Purple Heart" since he is a human that follows Jandar (this synergy is not listed in either book).
Also, I believe Heracles can benefit from Capt. John Varan's "Purple Heart" since he is a human that follows Jandar (this synergy is not listed in either book).

@heroscaper2010, any chance that this can be added to the original post? Here's the necessary text for convenience:

As a Human who follows Jandar, Heracles may benefit from Capt. John Varan's PURPLE HEART wound reassignment.
I have a question that was discussed in the Discord but never officially resolved. If Heracles is adjacent to Ana Karithon, is he able to take advantage of Healing Word for both the numbered OM and the X OM when he uses Labors?

Based on the verbiage for Healing Word, "After revealing an order marker.....before using any other special powers.." I'm inclined to think he can utilize the heal for Labors too, as opposed to heroes like Siege and Scarcarver, who must reveal the X immediately after the numbered OM (if they choose to do so).
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:bump: @Scytale @dok - Would love to hear your stances on this^ if you have a moment :)
It's a good question, and one I'll have to take to the Rules Team. My gut reaction is to follow the intent of the wording, where "after revealing an order marker" is essentially a code word for "taking a turn with a unit specifically due to revealing a numbered order marker when doing so as a result of round order as determined by initiative." There are various abilities that reveal order markers outside of that, and I would not expect those to trigger powers such as Healing Word. Ultimately, I think, the question is whether Heracles's Labors turn is similar enough to other order-marker-revealing turns to quality. In this case, as with most 'X' reveal powers, revealing the 'X' is primarily a marking system to indicate a one-per-round power has been used, so I doubt it. But don't consider that a final response as of yet.