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The Book of Hatamoto Taro


Well-known member
The Book of Hatamoto Taro
Crest of the Valkyrie - Einar's Flag Bearer

Spoiler Alert!

Character Bio: The standard of Einar shall never fall. Hatamoto Taro will never fail. Outnumbered ten to one, the samurai of Einar gather under the waving yellow banner, and at Taro¹s command, fight with such renewed might that their enemies falter and scatter at their feet.

Taro¹s sword has been passed down for five generations, his armor, seven generations. He will not dishonor his forefathers by proving himself unworthy of bearing these tools of war. In battle Taro shows unrelenting courage, and that makes him neigh unbeatable.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • - HEROIC DEFENSE AURA : How Many Dice
    How many dice do I roll when using Heroic Defense Aura
    You should roll the normal number of defense dice plus any enhancements from auras, height, and glyphs. Instead of using regular defense dice, use Hatamoto Taro’s valkyrie dice. (dnutt99)
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
  • - ADJACENT TOUGH 1 : Figures That Follow Einar
    When rolling defense, any adjacent unit that follows Einar may aid Hatamoto Taro through ADJACENT TOUGH 1 defense bonus.

    - KATO KATSURO : Kato Katsuro's Command
    As a Samurai Hero, Hatamoto Taro may benefit from Kato Katsuro's KATO KATSURO'S COMMAND activation synergy.

Synergy Benefits Offered

  • - SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
    Having a Disciplined personality, Hatamoto Taro may aid the Sacred Band with their DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS
    *NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.

C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

  • - TBA

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Hatamoto Taro- With the release of the Tagawa Samurai Archers and Kaemon Awa in Wave 6, Ashigaru in Wave 7, and Kato Katsuro in Wave 8, Hatamoto Taro is still bad. Sometimes, the winning move is not to play him. F

OEAO: A+ (bookkeeper's note: this is a joke, in reference to Matthias Maccabeus' winning GenCon army in 2018 which included Hatamoto Taro. If you are using these power rankings to run an event, consider his ranking to be F.)

Cleon: Tier 1 (208/208)

dok (VC inclusive): F

Master Index
MKSentinel said:
Hatamoto Taro
General Discussion and Analysis http://heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=3634

Unit Strategy Review
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Has anyone translated the text appearing on the flag?

I recognize "英" as the Kanji character for "Britain" or "British", but I don't know enough Kanji to figure out what the flag actually says.

Cavalier said:
Siran Dunmorgan said:
Has anyone translated the text appearing on the flag?

I recognize "英" as the Kanji character for "Britain" or "British", but I don't know enough Kanji to figure out what the flag actually says.


It says "Hero"


Ah. Okay. I see where I messed up; the Unified CKJ logogram directory I'm using has separate sections for Japanese and Chinese; I was looking at the Chinese section, where 英 means primarily "British", rather than the Japanese section, where it means "talented." It doesn't seem to be used in Korean.

Much thanks, Cavalier!

Siran Dunmorgan said:
Ah. Okay. I see where I messed up; the Unified CKJ logogram directory I'm using has separate sections for Japanese and Chinese; I was looking at the Chinese section, where 英 means primarily "British", rather than the Japanese section, where it means "talented." It doesn't seem to be used in Korean.
Doesn't matter whether you were using Chinese or Japanese in this case. The kanji character was taken from the Chinese character.

"英" is not often used on its own. You can consider it as the "Anglo-" prefix. However, in our context, in conjunction with "雄" character , the two characters has a different meaning from the sum of its parts and actually do mean "Hero".
I've used this guy to great affect in a couple of different situations. He's really fitting as a flagbearer in the right situation. Ideally, you get him set up before hand, on the high ground overlooking the battlefield, with a unit beside him. This gives him 3 Defense with an auto shield, which averages to be 6 defense total. Once he's secure (at 5 life, he's going to be there for a while), its time to send your Samurai charging in. The Izumi make a good first wave as they are quite fast and durable. The Kosuke fill in nicely behind them, and can charge ahead to inflict a lot of damage. If you can engage your enemy at this point, you're pretty hard to beat.

Really the best part about Hamatoro is that he's an absolute tank when used correctly. Put him at the entrance to a narrow passage with another troop and he gives you an absurd amount of time to move forces into position. Personally, I haven't had a chance to use him with Kaemon or the Samurai Archers yet, but I'm guessing he's an excellent figure to pair them with. Out front, he can take a lot of abuse while they attack approaching figures. The hard part is finding a situation where your opponent needs to take him out rather than avoid him. This is why narrow passages are so important, and key to getting the most out of Hamatoro.
He works pretty well with Kaemon or the Samurai Archers because they can stand right next to him and attack your opponent from range. By standing next to Hata, they give him a boost while receiving his boost. Synergy-tastic!

Izumis, Tagawas, and Kozukes all have to leave his adjacency in order to attack your opponent (unless your opponent is all up in Hata's face, in which case you have bigger problems to deal with) thus ruining the "auto-shield" specila power.
I actually had great luck with Tagawa+Hamatoro once. I had the 4 of them on a high plain so that no one could attack them without height. At 6 Defense (or 3+Auto Shield) range was rather useless, and melee didn't stand a chance of getting through 6 Valkyrie Defense rolls. They were forced to try and bring some heavy hitters against Hamatoro, which brough units in range of the Tagawa. By the end of the encounter the Tagawa were Bloodlusted and rampaging all over the map unchecked. Definitely a sight to behold.
Eclipse said:
I actually had great luck with Tagawa+Hamatoro once. I had the 4 of them on a high plain so that no one could attack them without height. At 6 Defense (or 3+Auto Shield) range was rather useless, and melee didn't stand a chance of getting through 6 Valkyrie Defense rolls.
Err, that seems wrong. Adjacent Tough only ever gives 1 free Shield, not 3. Gotta read the description closely, as it says "at least one figure", not "for every one figure".
Lynx7725 said:
Eclipse said:
I actually had great luck with Tagawa+Hamatoro once. I had the 4 of them on a high plain so that no one could attack them without height. At 6 Defense (or 3+Auto Shield) range was rather useless, and melee didn't stand a chance of getting through 6 Valkyrie Defense rolls.
Err, that seems wrong. Adjacent Tough only ever gives 1 free Shield, not 3. Gotta read the description closely, as it says "at least one figure", not "for every one figure".
He means the Tagawa were rolling 6 Valkyrie Dice. (5 + height) :wink:
Omnicron said:
Lynx7725 said:
Eclipse said:
I actually had great luck with Tagawa+Hamatoro once. I had the 4 of them on a high plain so that no one could attack them without height. At 6 Defense (or 3+Auto Shield) range was rather useless, and melee didn't stand a chance of getting through 6 Valkyrie Defense rolls.
Err, that seems wrong. Adjacent Tough only ever gives 1 free Shield, not 3. Gotta read the description closely, as it says "at least one figure", not "for every one figure".
He means the Tagawa were rolling 6 Valkyrie Dice. (5 + height) :wink:
Ah ok. Go Tagawas!

Seriously, they're a pain when dug in that way. Would seriously need nukes to shift them off a ridge.
Roufus said:
MKSentinel said:
Power Ranking
Hatamoto Taro- Perhaps the Ashigaru will realize Hato’s value. For now, he just isn’t viable in any army. C-

Will you change your power ranking assessment for units when/if they become more viable in future releases?

Considering those Power Rankings are from Spider Poison I don't think MKS will be the one that changes them.

I think Hatamoto is a great addition to a Samurai army.
I used Mr Taro in a battle alongside Mr Awa and kept Hatamoto 8 spaces behind the archer. The extra defense came in very handy for Kaemon and he managed to kill off half of my opponents team!
Sculpt-wise, my favorite FB.

I used him with Kae and the T.S. Archers against Minions, Marro Warriors, and Nakitas.
Counterstrike rolls were hot in this game. :twisted:
Get Hatamoto up high and get some Adjacent Tough action going.
His pose epitomizes exactly how he'd look while the other samurai go out to Counterstrike all kinds of nastiness.

I know he gets no respect from the competitive scene, but I really like Taro.
Heres the deal...Im just tryin to help anyone out there not do something as stupid as i just did tonight.

It basically comes down to this: The one little friggin line on Hatamoto's card that says "when defending against an adjacent attack". We had the "ultimate" tounament, and it came down to Jandar vs. Einar in the finals. Each team had 1500 points and 3 ppl on it (6 total). The knights were basically shut down by all those samurai, and at the time we thought the Omnicron and the 4th Mass. were too. It ended up being a close game, but afterwards we realized that all those defense he was rolling against our range didnt count at all!

Hope that helps a few newbs out. lol
Adjacent and Normal :roll:

Hopefully his stock goes up with the Ashigaru release.

On a slightly irrelevant note. He is a Samurai, and as such, counterstrike from enemy samurai does not work on him.
So, we now have seen the two squads of Ashigaru. How much do you think they are going to help Hamato Taro?
Chimpy said:
So, we now have seen the two squads of Ashigaru. How much do you think they are going to help Hamato Taro?

Yes! Yes! A resounding yes! I mean, 190 points for him and the Harquebus. If you keep them next to him, not only do they get an automatic defense die, but with height, they have an average of 2 Shields. Doesn't seem that good, but it'll work WONDERS.
johnny139 said:
Chimpy said:
So, we now have seen the two squads of Ashigaru. How much do you think they are going to help Hamato Taro?

Yes! Yes! A resounding yes! I mean, 190 points for him and the Harquebus. If you keep them next to him, not only do they get an automatic defense die, but with height, they have an average of 2 Shields. Doesn't seem that good, but it'll work WONDERS.

Ok I am the first to admit I am a simpleton, but how exactly does symbol = shield equate to automatic defense die for Ashigaru?
Rychean said:
johnny139 said:
Chimpy said:
So, we now have seen the two squads of Ashigaru. How much do you think they are going to help Hamato Taro?

Yes! Yes! A resounding yes! I mean, 190 points for him and the Harquebus. If you keep them next to him, not only do they get an automatic defense die, but with height, they have an average of 2 Shields. Doesn't seem that good, but it'll work WONDERS.

Ok I am the first to admit I am a simpleton, but how exactly does symbol = shield equate to automatic defense die for Ashigaru?

Adjacent Tough 1 mean that all adjacent Einar units add 1 automatic shield to the roll. Counting the Einar Symbol, it's a 50/50 chance of rolling a shield. Therefore, and average of 1 defense rolled, and 1 added.
johnny139 said:
Rychean said:
johnny139 said:
Chimpy said:
So, we now have seen the two squads of Ashigaru. How much do you think they are going to help Hamato Taro?

Yes! Yes! A resounding yes! I mean, 190 points for him and the Harquebus. If you keep them next to him, not only do they get an automatic defense die, but with height, they have an average of 2 Shields. Doesn't seem that good, but it'll work WONDERS.

Ok I am the first to admit I am a simpleton, but how exactly does symbol = shield equate to automatic defense die for Ashigaru?

Adjacent Tough 1 mean that all adjacent Einar units add 1 automatic shield to the roll. Counting the Einar Symbol, it's a 50/50 chance of rolling a shield. Therefore, and average of 1 defense rolled, and 1 added.
Adjacent Tough only applies to Hatamoto. He gets the bonus, not the unit.
johnny139 said:
Uprising said:
johnny139 said:
Rychean said:
johnny139 said:
Chimpy said:
So, we now have seen the two squads of Ashigaru. How much do you think they are going to help Hamato Taro?

Yes! Yes! A resounding yes! I mean, 190 points for him and the Harquebus. If you keep them next to him, not only do they get an automatic defense die, but with height, they have an average of 2 Shields. Doesn't seem that good, but it'll work WONDERS.

Ok I am the first to admit I am a simpleton, but how exactly does symbol = shield equate to automatic defense die for Ashigaru?

Adjacent Tough 1 mean that all adjacent Einar units add 1 automatic shield to the roll. Counting the Einar Symbol, it's a 50/50 chance of rolling a shield. Therefore, and average of 1 defense rolled, and 1 added.
Adjacent Tough only applies to Hatamoto. He gets the bonus, not the unit.

He... does? I've been playing all wrong then!

Nevermind... he's borderline useful, then.

Yeah. I'm not exactly estatic about Hatamoto Taro now. I thought the Ashiguru would bring out his inner god-like mode. But with only 1 defense die for each Ashigure unit, it's now that impressive. A 50/50 of rolling one defense die isn't that helpful. Even if they're on height, that's only two, and that's not enough for Hatamato Taro to do anything. I guess Hatamoto Taro is gonna continue to live in his pimpish purple bag of his.....