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The Book of Hand Ninja


Caretaker of the Custom Realm
The Book of Hand Ninja



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figures used for this unit are Heroclix figures from the Xplosion set.
Their model numbers and names are #004-006 / Hand Ninja.
Their model numbers and names are #202 / Kirigi.

The figures used for this unit are Heroclix figures from the Universe set.
Their model numbers and names are #010-012 / Hand Ninja.

Character Bio - The story begin years ago, in feudal Japan . Seeking autonomy from the oppressive class system of the time, a few citizens fled into the mountainous regions of Iga and Kōga. There they developed ninjitsu, a stealthy martial art perhaps inspired by Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Over a period of centuries, they refined their art in secluded camps. Students trained and practiced the art from birth, playing children's games designed to impart expertise in unarmed combat, swordplay, weaponry, camouflage, escape and evasion. Ninjitsu was also designed to encourage spiritual growth by pushing oneself physically and mentally beyond normal human limits. The ninja were expert in espionage and assassination, and offered their specialized services to samurai warlords and others who could afford them.

Kagenobu Yoshioka officially brought them together in 1588. The Hand covets power above all other objectives. They are primarily based in Japan, but operate internationally. They operated as a secret society of Japanese nationalist samurai but were soon co-opted by the Snakeroot, an ancient ninja clan which serves a primordial demon known only as The Beast.

Members of the Hand are practitioners of powerful occult magic and can murder a person and bring that person back to life as a servant of the Hand. Only Elektra, Psylocke, Northstar and Wolverine are known to have reversed this programming. Wolverine was brainwashed in a combined operation by the Hand and HYDRA.


-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • Hand Ninja can activate Unique Ninja and Assassin figures with their Ninja Assassin Bonding special power. Current Unique Ninja and Assassin figures.

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • N/A
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase




LIFE = 1

MOVE = 6


After revealing an Order Marker on this card and before taking a turn with Hand Ninja, you may first take a turn with any Ninja or Assassin Unique Hero you control, or you may take a turn with any Ninja or Assassin Unique Squad you control.

Hand Ninja can move through all figures and are never attacked when leaving an engagement.
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Nice, simple, straightforward, I like it. Though (especially with hero bonding) I think I might prefer a squad of three here.
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

I considered 3 vs. 4. Personally, I decided I preferred a higher cost so I could have swarms of Hand Ninja. But we'll see what the group prefers.
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

You could still have swarms at a lower cost - it's just a matter of how many squads worth you draft.
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

I like the idea of beefing these guys up a bit and making them a common squad of 2.

Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Good stuff GO. I was initially thinking a little too much powers for these guys, but these simpler versions are better.

So we have one wanting 4 figures and one wanting 3 figures because of the bonding power and one wanting 2 figures with beefed up base defense.

Hmmmmmmmm........perhaps we can split the difference somehow.

Maybe we can end up having two different Hand Ninja units? They can be 3 figure units and one unit could have the Katana Ninja sculpt and the other unit can use the Nunchuck Ninja sculpt.

The one unit can have the Assasin Bonding and maybe be more defensive somehow, while the other unit can be more of a kill squad with more offense and no bonding, but maybe a Brave Arrow type Concealment 10 or Mohican Tribe Concealment 19, or somewhere in between.

Just some thoughts from the peanut gallery. :D
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

I like the simplicity of these & am happy with any direction you guys feel best for the number of them in the squad. The only thing I have to question is the personality. Sworn just doesn't sound like a personality to me. I could go Loyal, Committed or even Devout.

Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Oooh, I like Devout. I had the same feeling about Sworn, honestly.
There's also Devoted, but I think Devout beats that.
Here's another idea - we could make their bonding work with unique squads as well (not like the Ninjas of the Northern Wind couldn't use help) then make them a 2 figure common squad using one of the sculpts and make a later, "elite" version with better stats that's a 3 or 4 figure unique squad using the other sculpt.
Or am I just being devoured by my own madness? :p
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Oooh, I like Devout. I had the same feeling about Sworn, honestly.
There's also Devoted, but I think Devout beats that.
Here's another idea - we could make their bonding work with unique squads as well (not like the Ninjas of the Northern Wind couldn't use help) then make them a 2 figure common squad using one of the sculpts and make a later, "elite" version with better stats that's a 3 or 4 figure unique squad using the other sculpt.
Or am I just being devoured by my own madness? :p

Sounds like a plan, but maybe we're just Madmen ;)

Spoiler Alert!
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Here are my thoughts:

- Devout is a winner!
- Make them a 3 person squad.
- Add unique squads to their bonding
- Keep their defense at 3.

The Hand Ninja are a swarm, having two of them isn't thematic. They're also like fodder to most heroes, so their defense should stay low.

EDIT: Devout is also what we used for Nightcrawler. I wonder if there's some quirky synergy we could use that for later. :shrug:
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Oooh, I like Devout. I had the same feeling about Sworn, honestly.
There's also Devoted, but I think Devout beats that.
Here's another idea - we could make their bonding work with unique squads as well (not like the Ninjas of the Northern Wind couldn't use help) then make them a 2 figure common squad using one of the sculpts and make a later, "elite" version with better stats that's a 3 or 4 figure unique squad using the other sculpt.
Or am I just being devoured by my own madness? :p

Sounds like a plan, but maybe we're just Madmen ;)

Spoiler Alert!
I am on board with this if GO is.
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Here are my thoughts:

- Devout is a winner!
- Make them a 3 person squad.
- Add unique squads to their bonding
- Keep their defense at 3.

The Hand Ninja are a swarm, having two of them isn't thematic. They're also like fodder to most heroes, so their defense should stay low.
That is cool, even though you didn't like any of my ideas. :p But how do you feel about using the same sculpt for this card, and then using the other sculpt later for a different more elite version, maybe even a Unique Squad for some cool bonding between the two?
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

That will also make us more tempted to make a unique squad of assassins (I was thinking the League of Assassins would be good here) or ninjas sometime.
I like it! :)
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

That is cool, even though you didn't like any of my ideas. :p

Nothing personal! :)

But how do you feel about using the same sculpt for this card, and then using the other sculpt later for a different more elite version, maybe even a Unique Squad for some cool bonding between the two?

I'm fine with that, but I probably won't draft the other version. I'm not sure the Hand has different levels like that. It seems more like they have some leaders (unique heroes) and a bunch of followers. But if someone wants to create an elite version of them, I don't really see a problem.
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Well these are the figures I happen to already have, like 9 of them. So if you choose this figure for the fodder squad (which I would go with since the ones I've seen in DD comics carry katana swords), here's some pix for them. :D







Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

Nope, still can't rep you Hahma. :thumbsup:
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

They look good. For that swarm effect maybe they should have the Marro Drone Swarm ability...

Shame they don't have some crazy resurrection power to bring back dead figures on their side (seeings as how that is even in their bio and everything)...
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

For the resurrection power, they usually need a more trained ninja assisting them. That would be a unique hero, and I have that power planned for a future one. But it will require Hand Ninja to pull it off. ;)
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

For the resurrection power, they usually need a more trained ninja assisting them. That would be a unique hero, and I have that power planned for a future one. But it will require Hand to pull it off. ;)

Too much information:p
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

For the resurrection power, they usually need a more trained ninja assisting them. That would be a unique hero, and I have that power planned for a future one. But it will require Hand Ninja to pull it off. ;)
Nice 8)
Re: Hand Ninja - Design Phase

For the resurrection power, they usually need a more trained ninja assisting them. That would be a unique hero, and I have that power planned for a future one. But it will require Hand Ninja to pull it off. ;)
I don't know, that sounds messy. :lol: