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The Book of Hand Mystics

Re: The Book of Hand Mystics (VOTE On Deck)

D'oh! Always forget markers. They actually need two. (marker design looks great!)
Re: The Book of Hand Mystics (VOTE On Deck)

Clearly, I need to read the powers. :lol: :( Updated.
Re: The Book of Hand Mystics (VOTE On Deck)

Just realized you had signed up to do the art for this one @japes, sorry about that. I was thinking Scape had them so I just took care of them.
Re: The Book of Hand Mystics (VOTE On Deck)

Just realized you had signed up to do the art for this one @japes, sorry about that. I was thinking Scape had them so I just took care of them.

It's not an issue. I think I signed up for it because I had the mini. I've been so tied up lately that by the time I realized Ronin was looking for pics you had already started it. If anything I owe you a thanks.