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The Book of Gentleman Ghost


Never CoN a CoN man
The Book of Gentleman Ghost



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a HeroClix figure from the Origin set.
Its model number and name are #090 / Gentleman Ghost.

Character Bio - In the 1800s, "Gentleman" Jim Craddock was a notorious English highwayman, but his journeys brought him to America, where he was killed by the gunslingers Nighthawk and Cinnamon, reincarnations of Egyptian royalty Prince Khufu and Chay-Ara. Unfortunately, Craddock's spirit rose from the dead, forever entwined with the immortal souls of his killers. Today, these souls inhabit the bodies of Carter Holl and his wife Shiera, better known as Hawkman and Hawkgirl. Cursed with eternal un-life, Gentleman Ghost now exists only to destroy those that wronged him and bring chaos to the realm of the living.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)




LIFE = 2

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 165

Gentleman Ghost can move through all figures, Fortress Walls, and obstacles, and is never attacked when leaving an engagement. Gentleman Ghost cannot be targeted by opponents' non-adjacent figures for any attacks or for any opponents' special powers that require clear sight.

When Gentleman Ghost attacks a figure equipped with an Equipment Glyph or a figure occupying a road space, add 1 die to his attack.

When Gentleman Ghost is destroyed, Order Markers can still be placed and revealed on this card. Once per round, if Gentleman Ghost is destroyed, after revealing a numbered Order Marker on this card, you may roll the 20-sided die.
• If you roll 1-4, nothing happens.
• If you roll 5-12, you may place Gentleman Ghost on any unoccupied space on the battlefield, remove all Wound Markers on this card, and take a turn with Gentleman Ghost. After taking this turn, destroy Gentleman Ghost.
• If you roll 13 or higher, you may place Gentleman Ghost on any unoccupied space on the battlefield, remove all Wound Markers on this card, and take a turn with Gentleman Ghost.

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Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Comic Pictures:
Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

For Highwayman, can we give him the attack bonus if he attacks a figure with an E-Glyph too?

For Danse Macabre, you need to specify wound markers coming off his Army Card.
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

I really like the Danse power! I think Intangibility should be last on the card since we're all pretty familiar with it at this point.

Leftbox and stats look good.

I think this change might help make it completely clear that it's the defending figure on the road space, not GG, for the bonus (also I think it reads better):

When Gentleman Ghost attacks a figure occupying a road space, add one die to his attack.

I'd like to at least to ask if we should consider opening the bonus up to asphalt as well, since it's pretty narrow in uses.

Edit: Good notes from Margloth. I like the E-Glyph thing, especially as that's been a big aesthetic for us regarding thieves.
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Will do with Wound Markers, change to "occupy" sounds like a good one, and I can get behind the E-Glyph addition. If so I don't think there's a reason to add asphalt to the list.

For the power order I went with gameplay order - movement, attack, destroyed. So far it's always at or near the top, though I could see an argument for Danse coming first.
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

I agree that asphalt isn't needed if we go E-Glyph. We do typically go gameplay order, and that's a good aesthetic overall for sure, but we've gotten to the point where less referenced powers are getting moved to the bottom in favor of more referenced powers at the top, especially when we're putting reused powers on the card. Not a huge deal for me either way, though. :)
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Looks good & I am for all suggested changes.
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

I'm with A3n. I think this design it looking pretty good. Glad you started with him johnny!
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Nice design Johnny and I agree with the changes. I thought about the addition of asphalt too, but the E-Glyph helps add enough to keep it from being too niche with just the road.

Nice work :thumbsup:
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Really liking it! Danse Macabe is a really cool power, and Highwayman is thematic. I like the E-Glyph addition, since he is a thief. Very cool!
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

The E-Glyph is definitely cool - great suggestion, Margloth. Thematic in what it does (greedy thief is more brutal when there's something to steal) and what it doesn't (no finesse or sneaking - a highwayman takes what he wants by force).

The only thing worth discussing, I think, is the power order (which I prefer as-is), which isn't really integral right now anyways. Unless SirG or anyone else notices something off!

Also, mini pictures - does anyone have them, and if not, should I request them now?
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

The only thing worth discussing, I think, is the power order (which I prefer as-is), which isn't really integral right now anyways. Unless SirG or anyone else notices something off!

Also, mini pictures - does anyone have them, and if not, should I request them now?

I like the power order as it is now as well. :up:

I don't have this mini. I'd go ahead and ask for pics.
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Power order is fine to me and I don't have the mini for pix. Request away!
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

I have the mini but taking pictures and me don't get along, so use me as a last resort if you can. :)
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

I always preferred the order of special powers to parallel turn order when possible.

I do not have this figure. :(
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Alright, second post updated with what I think is the "finished" draft. So, I should send out ERB messages now, right? And once those are in (and pending any changes), I do my own Initial Playtest? How are we feeling on the point cost, by the by... it sort of feels high to me, but he's a ranged figure with 7 Move and Intangibility AND he keeps coming back.

Also, looking kind of far ahead, miniature pictures linked in the first post. Figure itself is kind of scuffed and splatched, though - from a quick glance, is it workable?
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

You're allowed to do the ERB any time you want to after the initial breathing period is up (though I usually like to do it before testing) and we're definitely hoping that you and LP will both consistently be able to do your own initials, as well as hopefully among you be able to help out A3n or with the public tests, or SirG when he's swamped with work. Griff was A3n's dedicated playtester, but without Griff there's no one really helping A3n out, and as our Art Department head, we try not to ask as much of A3n when it comes to playtesting.

I trust you to get the initial point cost sorted out - once you get him on the battlefield, the results should start speaking for themselves pretty quickly. :)
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Alright, ERB messages sent, then!

EDIT: Oh, and another fix - currently Danse Macabre can be used even when Gentleman Ghost is alive which isn't really the intent, so I switched "once per round" with "if Gentleman Ghost is destroyed."
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Nevermind testing Thanos Johnny. You might as well concentrate on this and helping A3n get his initial done. There are 3 others signed up for Thanos anyway.
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Oh, good, thanks - I'd actually forgotten about Thanos until I was thinking about the initial here and that was a bit of a worry!
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

Oh, good, thanks - I'd actually forgotten about Thanos

I know :p

The joy of being a hero is having a few things going on at once :) I'm sure I'll have to put AIM on hold to do Uncle Sam next weekend since 90% of the time I only have time on the weekends to do army tests. Then have Odin to do in house, so AIM might get done in July. But that's part of the Hero bidness. :)
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

First ERB response in from davidhsl...

davidlhsl said:
Gentleman Ghost

The best part of returning from a hike is finding myself covered in ticks.

Second best part? Checking my PM box and finding a design to ERB.

Very fitting for a ghost and a vetted ability. Moving on! (scratch)

Oh, now here’s an additional glyph counter! If attacking someone with multiple Equipment Glyphs (e.g., Mandarin), I wouldn’t think based on the wording that you’d stack +1 bonuses for each glyph.

Danse Macabre
This is a unique take on resurrection, where you’re allowing the figure to return for just one turn on 5-12.

I’m pretty certain this would still happen if G.Ghost was placed on another card via Ghost Rider’s Penance Stare or Brainiac’s Miniaturized Collection.

Final Thoughts
I’ve finished reviewing the design, but it hasn’t taken care of my tick problem. (scratch)

TMI, perhaps? :p
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

ERB #2, via Porkins!

Porkins said:
johnny139 said:




LIFE = 2

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 170

Gentleman Ghost can move through all figures and obstacles such as ruins and is never attacked when leaving an engagement. Gentleman Ghost cannot be targeted by opponents' non-adjacent figures for any attack or for any opponents' special powers that require clear sight.

When Gentleman Ghost attacks a figure equipped with an Equipment Glyph or a figure occupying a road space, add one die to his attack.


When Gentleman Ghost is destroyed, Order Markers can still be placed and revealed on this card. If Gentleman Ghost is destroyed, after revealing a numbered Order Marker on this card, you may roll the 20-sided die.
  • If you roll 1-4, nothing happens.
  • If you roll 5-12, you may place Gentleman Ghost on any unoccupied space on the battlefield and remove all Wound Markers on this card. After taking a turn with Gentleman Ghost, he is destroyed.
  • If you roll 13 or higher, you may place Gentleman Ghost on any unoccupied space on the battlefield and remove all Wound Markers on this card.

Looks like a fun one to play. Like Steven Seagall, he's Hard To Kill. I know nothing about this character, but I like him. Too bad we couldn't get him into the Trick Or Treat pack!
Re: The Book of Gentleman Ghost (Design Phase)

I had some free time today and figured, since we seem pretty close to final with GG, I'd get his Initial Playtest out of the way while waiting on the last ERB response. Tell me if anything looks off!



- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.

- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit too powerful or too weak.

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.
PASS (SO fun. It's cool to place him on the battlefield, fire a shot, and then take him back off again. Like he's haunting the place.)

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.
PASS (Highwayman is a bit niche, of course, but usable.)

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.

Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? YES!
- What should be the unit's point value? 160 POINTS
- Give a brief overview. He did FAIRLY well. On par with some at 170, way worse than others. Considering he can come back from the dead, of course, I'd say he's closer to the 170-180 point range in a full army build.
Spoiler Alert!


Squad Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? YES!
- What should be the unit's point value? 170 POINTS
- Give a brief overview. Gentleman Ghost barely loses to the last officer after a long period of domination; definitely a good match.
Map: Mountain Spring
Units: Gentleman Ghost (170 Points) vs. Science Police x2 (170 Points)
Spoiler Alert!


Squad Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? YES!
- What should be the unit's point value? 170 POINTS
- Give a brief overview. Gentleman Ghost uses his mobility to avoid the Apokoliptian Weaponry of the Parademons.
Map: Mountain Spring
Units: Gentleman Ghost (170 Points) vs. Parademon Shock Troopers x2 (160 Points)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? YES!
- What should be the unit's point value? 160-170 POINTS
- Give a brief overview. He was able to do some real damage to Wonder Girl and was a great help clearing out some Amazons, but went down fast and his reappearances were sporadic at best. I think a better roll for Danse Macabre could have helped turn things around, though... the Amazons didn't really have a way to fight back.
Map: Mountain Spring
Units: Gentleman Ghost, Ventriloquist, Vulture, Street Thugs x3 (575 Points) vs. Wonder Girl, Spoiler, Amazon Warriors x4 (590 Points)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? YES!
- What should be the unit's point value? 150-170 POINTS
- Give a brief overview. Gentleman Ghost was able to do some real damage to Red Skull, knocking away the Cube and almost turning the tide of battle. The rest of the army (Carnage in particular) disappointed, and he didn't do as well as he could have, bu he was pretty solid overall.
Map: Mountain Spring
Units: Gentleman Ghost, Carnage, Harley Quinn, Green Goblin, Joker (1000 Points) vs. Red Skull: Johann Schmidt, Madame HYDRA, HYDRA Agents x3, Wizard, Doctor Octopus, Bodyguard x3 (1000 Points)
Spoiler Alert!

FINAL THOUGHTS: I like him! He's good for an Order Marker now and then, even after he's destroyed, and the ability to still "use" him once he's dead makes for interesting placement strategies. However, 170 seems a bit high... his armies lost both tests, and he's a bit niche, and really not too strong overall. I'm going to return the once-per-round restriction to Danse Macabre and put him at 160.