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The Book of Gali


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The Book of Gali



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

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The figure used for this unit is a Custom figure that is 3D Printed.

See this link for the file to print your own Gali miniature. See this link for a painting tutorial.​


Character Bio - Gali is the Toa of Water and wears the Kanohi Kaukau, the Great Mask of Water Breathing. Although considered to be the wisest and most peaceful of the Toa, Gali still has an edge to her. She is not all calm waves lapping against the shore - she has a slight temper, though not to the degree of Tahu or Kopaka. However, Gali is always restrictive in using her powers and believes that fighting is not the answer to all conflicts.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • As a Toa, Gali has these Toa Synergies.
  • As a figure with a special power benefitting from water tiles, Gali can benefit from water tiles being placed by one of these figures.
Outgoing Synergy:
  • Gali can add to the 20-sided die rolls of nearby Toa and prevent opponents from taking control of them due to her Toa Unity special power.
  • As a figure that can change tiles to water tiles, Gali can benefit these figures.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Gali (breathing)




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 150

Gali does not stop her movement when entering water spaces. Add 2 dice to Gali’s attack while she is within 2 spaces of a water space.

When rolling the 20-sided die for any Toa you control within 5 clear sight spaces of Gali, you may add 3 to the roll. An opponent may never take temporary or permanent control of any Toa you control within 5 clear sight spaces of Gali.

While there is not a revealed Order Marker on this card, Gali and all friendly figures within 5 spaces of Gali never take leaving engagement attacks. While there is a revealed Order Marker on this card, all spaces within 5 spaces of Gali are considered water spaces in addition to their normal terrain type for the purpose of any special powers.
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Re: The Book of Gali (breathing)

Comic Art:
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Mini Pics:
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Re: The Book of Gali (breathing)

Alrighty, Toa #2 has started. Lewa has been alone for too long!

Gali is designed as a supporter for the Toa thanks to her d20 boost, but her Water Control power should make her at least somewhat useful as a generalist.
Re: The Book of Gali (breathing)

Gali Painting Tutorial

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Re: The Book of Gali (waiting for initial)



Army Test
Map: A Couple Puddles
Units: Gali (170), Lewa, Ms. Marvel (660) VS Iron Men: Mk 5, Hasbro, Mk 1, Mk 1 (660)
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Army Test
Map: A Couple Puddles. Added a couple swamp water tiles to the map this game because this map doesn’t have much water.
Units: Gali (170), Lewa, Captain America (550) VS Batman I, Huntress, Robin Dick, Robin Damian (550)
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Army Test
Map: A Couple Puddles
Units: Gali (170), Ocean Master, Atlantean Palace Guards, Aqualad Garth (670) VS Phil Coulson, Sharon Carter, Dum Dum Dugan, Mockingbird Black Widow I (670)
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THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT'S COST, BALANCE, & DRAFTABILITY: Rough results, with 3 losses. Gali has some decent attack potential with a ranged attack of 4 when she’s near water, but she’s nothing special defensively. Water Control is a useful support power against melee figures, but not needed against all armies. The second pip (subtracting opponent’s defense) never got any use, but she kinda needs a bonder that can move figures to set that up.

Factional thoguhts: The Toa kinda suck together right now, but I’m hoping that changes as more Toa synergy comes in. I think Onua and Tahu will have to provide some pretty good synergy to the group to get them to work well together, but that’s fine thematically. Gali herself offers some nice boosts to Lewa. They just lack offensive oomph - Tahu's turn bonding is going to be pretty essential.

Going into public testing, I’d say increase the range of all Gali’s effects to 5 - allowing her more of a safety net away from opponents. Additionally I think a 20 point drop would be fine.
Re: The Book of Gali (initial is in)

Sound like good changes, as long as she stays above Lewa. I like him thematically being the “youngest brother” of the group.

I do think her D20 booster will be massively helpful as long as Tahu keeps his Mr. Fantastic style swingy bonding.
Re: The Book of Gali (vote for public testing)

Cool stuff, we're on the same page there. Made the discussed changes, so let's send her to public testing.
Re: The Book of Gali (vote for public testing)

Honestly I wouldn't really sweat point costs too much for the Toa until we get the whole team together. Seems like once we get to the last one we can shuffle some costs a bit of we feel the need too.

Re: The Book of Gali (vote for public testing)

Yeah, I'm not too afraid to make tweaks later on.
Re: The Book of Gali (vote for public testing)

No rush since Flash is still in public testing, but we'll need a few more votes here eventually.
Re: The Book of Gali (public testing)

Is it intentional that nearly every range on every power is 5, except for the second pip of water control?
Re: The Book of Gali (public testing)

If all the pips were 5s people would assume it was a reference to the the Sherlock Holmes story The Five Orange Pips. And we can't have that.