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The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick)


Power abusing superplaytester
The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from The Flash set.
Its model number and name are #001a / The Flash.

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from The Flash Gravity Feed set.
Its model number and name are #201 / The Flash.

Character Bio - Turned into a speedster by an experiment gone wrong, Jason Peter “Jay” Garrick was the first superhero to use the name the Flash, becoming the lightning fast protector of Keystone City. During World War II, Jay, along with six other heroes, banded together to form the Justice Society of America. Years later, after a multiversal crisis that merged the multiple versions of Earth, Jay met Barry Allen, the Flash from Earth One. Jay came out of retirement much later to reform the Justice Society of America along with fellow members Ted Grant and Alan Scott, with the goal of training a new generation of superheroes who could carry on fighting for truth and justice.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • As a figure with the Superspeed special power, Flash cannot be affected by aspects of Professor Zoom's Negative Speed Force Special Attack.

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 10

POINTS = 220

Flash may move through all figures, never takes leaving engagement attacks, and does not have to stop his movement when entering water spaces. After taking a turn with Flash, if he did not use his Disorienting Whirlwind special power this turn, he may move up to an additional 4 spaces.

After moving and before attacking with Flash, you may choose 2 small or medium figures he moved through this turn and either:
- switch the chosen figures; or
- if the chosen figures are in the same army, move up to 1 unrevealed Order Marker from each chosen figure's Army Card to the other chosen figure's Army Card.
Figures moved by Disorienting Whirlwind never take any leaving engagement attacks.

All Mystery Men, Protégés, and figures with the Superspeed or Speed Force special power you control that are within 6 clear sight spaces of Flash add 1 to their Defense numbers.

Spoiler Alert!
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Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

This is the version I posted in the faction discussion thread. Superspeed is a must, and I definitely want to keep Inspiring Speedster, as that part of Jay’s character is the most important in my opinion (though I’m not married to the power name; any better suggestions?). I know when I posted this before not many people liked Disarming Whirlwind, and after thinking on it more, I’m not that big on it myself (I like the theme but the mechanics are mostly just annoying). Spidey had been pushing for a hat throw power, which I would be okay with; probably something along the lines of:

When attacking with Flash’s normal attack, you may subtract 1 from his attack number to add 2 to his range number.

I had contemplated just dropping Disarming Whirlwind and going with a 2-power card, but that leaves Superspeed without a limitation power. I guess we could switch Superspeed to Speed Force to get around that.


Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

I actually like Disarming Whirlwind. It has nice theme that we haven't previously expressed on a speedster and that I've seen Jay actually do in the comics a lot more than I've seen him throw his hat. The hat throw is cool and all, but I like Disarming Whirlwind better.

My only concern with Disarming Whirlwind is it's the type of power that gets competitively abusive, especially when you get in a situation with Jay where you're taking multiple turns per Order Marker, thanks to some hub figure. So I'd want to see the D20 upped to 15+ or so if we kept it.

Alternately, the same theme and a D20 power could be use to subtract from that figure's defense until the end of this player's turn, which would be fun and help him on team ups, but wouldn't be as abusive.

I like the name for Inspiring Speedster just fine, but I'm a tad iffy on the mechanics. What's the theme behind him inspiring folks to defend themselves harder? Wouldn't he inspire them to run faster? (Thus a +1 to Move?).
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

I'll echo Bats - concerned with Disarming Whirlwind being abused but like the concept, a bit iffy on the execution of Inspiring Speedster, which feels a bit cookie-cutter. I can't think of any good alternatives, though, so I'll ruminate on it.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

The disarming whirlwind is an interesting power, it's just way too powerful as currently written. With 3 rolls on 3 different figures, he could end an opponents entire turn on OM1. If you scaled it back I think it could be a pretty nifty power.

After moving and before attacking with Flash, you may choose one figure Flash moved through this turn and roll the 20-sided die for the chosen figure. If you roll a 14 or higher, remove 1 Order Marker at random from that figure’s card.

I thought it was pretty cool when Jay taught Barry how to throw lightening in the TV show. I don't know if that is something ever done in the comics or not but I think it would be cool if he had a Thrown Lightening SA.

Range 5. Attack 4.
Figures on a water space attacked by this special attack roll 2 fewer defense die when defending. When a figure with the Electrically Charged Special Power is attacked with this special attack, they receive no damage and may instead remove one wound marker for each shield rolled while defending.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

Maybe rearrange OMs on figures he moves through instead of removing OMs? Then you can keep the roll low.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

That's a cool idea... spinning people around and confusing the battle is a different theme, but still an appropriate one, I think.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

I actually like Disarming Whirlwind. It has nice theme that we haven't previously expressed on a speedster and that I've seen Jay actually do in the comics a lot more than I've seen him throw his hat. The hat throw is cool and all, but I like Disarming Whirlwind better.

Well, if you guys like it, I'm in for exploring it farther; like I said, I like the theme I just don't like the current mechanics.

Alternately, the same theme and a D20 power could be use to subtract from that figure's defense until the end of this player's turn, which would be fun and help him on team ups, but wouldn't be as abusive.

I had thought about doing a defense subtract power like that, I do think it'd be fun.

I like the name for Inspiring Speedster just fine, but I'm a tad iffy on the mechanics. What's the theme behind him inspiring folks to defend themselves harder? Wouldn't he inspire them to run faster? (Thus a +1 to Move?).
I'll echo Bats - concerned with Disarming Whirlwind being abused but like the concept, a bit iffy on the execution of Inspiring Speedster, which feels a bit cookie-cutter. I can't think of any good alternatives, though, so I'll ruminate on it.

Well, inspirational powers are almost always stat boosts in C3G (Cap, Solovar, Skrull Warriors, etc.). Thematically, I don't like the idea of an attack boost for Jay (he's just not very aggressive), which leaves us with boosting Move or Defense; but mechanically, boosting Move just wouldn't be very useful, considering half the units he boosts are speedsters. Plus I really like how a defense boost will work with both the JSA and the speedsters.

As to the theme of boosting defense, for me, I see it as these figures being mostly heroes he's helped train or raise, and Jay (being a non-aggressive fighter) would naturally train people to focus on defending themselves and finding peaceful solutions.

After moving and before attacking with Flash, you may choose one figure Flash moved through this turn and roll the 20-sided die for the chosen figure. If you roll a 14 or higher, remove 1 Order Marker at random from that figure’s card.

Ooh, I actually really like that version. Simple, but the tension between Disarming Whirlwind and the extra move from Superspeed should be interesting.

I thought it was pretty cool when Jay taught Barry how to throw lightening in the TV show. I don't know if that is something ever done in the comics or not but I think it would be cool if he had a Thrown Lightening SA.

Range 5. Attack 4.
Figures on a water space attacked by this special attack roll 2 fewer defense die when defending. When a figure with the Electrically Charged Special Power is attacked with this special attack, they receive no damage and may instead remove one wound marker for each shield rolled while defending.

I've never read anything where Jay (or any of the speedsters for that matter) have thrown lightning. I think it's a cool idea, but I don't think it's iconic enough for Jay's card.

Maybe rearrange OMs on figures he moves through instead of removing OMs? Then you can keep the roll low.

I like the idea, but I don't think it'd be all that useful. Also seems to loose the theme a little.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

I disagree, jumbling up the opponent's OM would feel just like a
"Disorienting Whirlwind".
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

How about something like this?
After moving and instead of attacking with Flash, you may choose up to 3 Unique Heroes Flash moved through this turn. One at a time, roll the 20-sided die for each chosen figure. If you roll a 8 or higher, until the next time you reveal an Order Marker, the chosen figures roll 2 fewer attack dice.

Less annoying than removing OMs, but also less of a gamble, and still useful, as long as he's teaming up with someone.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

I guess my thinking is that that's not the theme we've use to represent OM rearrangement before (it's always been used with mind game or tactical type powers). That aside, I'll take a shot at writing up so we can see what it'd look like:

After moving and before attacking with Flash, you may choose up to 3 figures Flash moved through this turn. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, you may move 1 Order Marker from each chosen figure's Army Card to the Army Card of a different chosen figure, as long as both figures are in the same opponent's Army.

I guess it could be pretty fun; it would certainly be unique.

EDIT: I like that too TB, it really gets the theme I was going for. I'm a little worried of keeping track of that power, but maybe it's not too bad.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

How about something like this?
After moving and instead of attacking with Flash, you may choose up to 3 Unique Heroes Flash moved through this turn. One at a time, roll the 20-sided die for each chosen figure. If you roll a 8 or higher, until the next time you reveal an Order Marker, the chosen figures roll 2 fewer attack dice.

Less annoying than removing OMs, but also less of a gamble, and still useful, as long as he's teaming up with someone.

I like this!
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

Not a fan of the -2 Attack version personally. Memory issues and, well, I just prefer the OM version personally.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

Yeah, I like the moving OM idea over the reduced attack dice. I think you would need to introduce markers to keep track of it in a 4+ player game (which we play a lot of). Flash moves 10 spaces on OM1 and does not take a turn again for the rest of the round. As for the OM moving idea, the theme really hits a strong note for me. I see it as him zipping around so fast that people stop doing what they were planning on doing and try to deal with him, but then he may or may not be around to deal with since he moves so fast. He uses distraction and confusion to thwart his enemies plans rather then aggression.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

I guess my thinking is that that's not the theme we've use to represent OM rearrangement before (it's always been used with mind game or tactical type powers). That aside, I'll take a shot at writing up so we can see what it'd look like:

After moving and before attacking with Flash, you may choose up to 3 figures Flash moved through this turn. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, you may move 1 Order Marker from each chosen figure's Army Card to the Army Card of a different chosen figure, as long as both figures are in the same opponent's Army.
I guess it could be pretty fun; it would certainly be unique.

EDIT: I like that too TB, it really gets the theme I was going for. I'm a little worried of keeping track of that power, but maybe it's not too bad.

I like that! I think it works really well. But I think either a) you should lower the D20 roll or b) you should be able to rearrange the actual placement of the figures as well, like:

After moving and before attacking with Flash, you may choose up to 3 figures Flash moved through this turn and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, you may rearrange the chosen figures on the battlefield, placing each chosen figure on a space previously occupied by another chosen figure, and move 1 Order Marker from each chosen figure's Army Card to the Army Card of a different chosen figure, as long as both figures are in the same opponent's Army. Figures moved by Disorienting Whirlwind never take any leaving engagement attacks.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

So you would have just the one roll for all 3 figures and then you can rearrange the placement and OMs on those 3 figures only. I like it! Could really mess with an opponents plans.
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

So you would have just the one roll for all 3 figures and then you can rearrange the placement and OMs on those 3 figures only. I like it! Could really mess with an opponents plans.

Yep, that's the idea. Feels really Flash-like to me.

Just a heads up. Reality Gem has a similar power and it is VERY good. I'll note that this requires a d20 and Jay to get into place to use it. I'm not calling broken or anything but just keep an eye on it.

~Dysole, who really likes the power themewise
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

Should we up the D20 to 16/17+?
Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

I really like where this is headed, and I am a HUGE Flash fan. Heck, Barry was my first LD. I really liked the idea of a ranged attack to vary him from the other speedsters, but frankly, this new power screams Golden Age Flash!
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Re: The Book of Flash (Jay Garrick) - Design Phase

After moving and before attacking with Flash, you may choose up to 3 figures Flash moved through this turn and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 14 or higher, you may rearrange the chosen figures on the battlefield, placing each chosen figure on a space previously occupied by another chosen figure, and move 1 Order Marker from each chosen figure's Army Card to the Army Card of a different chosen figure, as long as both figures are in the same opponent's Army. Figures moved by Disorienting Whirlwind never take any leaving engagement attacks.

Hmm. It's a little more complex then I was hoping for, and I wonder how useful the figure rearrangement will actually be since it's so limited; but if there's a lot of support for it I'm open to at least seeing how it plays.
Re: Flashpoint

Just a heads up. Reality Gem has a similar power and it is VERY good. I'll note that this requires a d20 and Jay to get into place to use it. I'm not calling broken or anything but just keep an eye on it.

~Dysole, who really likes the power themewise

Well Dysole seems to indicate that it will have use here.

I can definitely see where rearranging your targets on the fly might have some tactical use. Trading meat shields for Order Marker hubs? Yes, please.