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The Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond)


A Man of Taste
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The Book of Firestorm



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Brightest Day set.
Its model number and name are Firestorm #002


Character Bio - High school student Ronnie Raymond and Nobel Prize-winning physicist Martin Stein were caught in a nuclear accident that allowed them to fuse into the "nuclear man" Firestorm. Due to Stein's being unconscious during the accident, Raymond was prominently in command of the Firestorm form with Stein a voice of reason inside his mind, able to offer Raymond advice on how to use their powers without actually having any control over their dual form. Banter between the two was a hallmark of their adventures. Initially Stein was completely ignorant of their dual identity, leaving him concerned about his unusual disappearances and blackouts, but Ronnie was eventually able to convince him of the truth, allowing them to bond as separate individuals rather than as parts of a whole.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

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Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

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  • N/A
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Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 7

POINTS = 330

Firestorm has the secret identity of Martin Stein, the class of Scientist, and the personality of Brilliant in addition to what is listed on this card. Before taking a turn with Firestorm, you must roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 5 or lower, Firestorm cannot use his Firestorm Matrix special power this turn. If you roll 16 or higher, roll 1 additional combat die if Firestorm uses his Firestorm Matrix special power this turn.

Instead of taking a turn with Firestorm, you may roll 4 combat dice. After rolling, choose one of the following:
- For each shield rolled, remove 1 Wound Marker from this card.
- For each shield rolled, choose a figure or Destructible Object within 4 clear sight spaces of Firestorm and place 1 Wound Marker on that figure's card.
- If two or more shields were rolled, choose an equipment glyph that is within 4 clear sight spaces of Firestorm or that is equipped by a figure within 4 clear sights spaces of Firestorm. Destroy the chosen glyph.

Firestorm never rolls for molten lava damage or lava field damage and does not have to stop in molten lava spaces.


Spoiler Alert!
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Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

What I rather like about this card is if you roll right. You get choices with the Matrix, much like some of my favorite cars in Magic where you choose from "two of four" on the card.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I'm not familiar with the character outside of what we saw on Flash this season, so how does the Firestorm Matrix work? Rapid healing, repairing or destroying androids or DO's, and destroying glyphs (the cosmic cube/infinity gauntlet destroyed?) seems like a lot of different stuff with potentially really powerful results.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

Honestly I think this is pretty much perfect to start with. The exact numbers (and exact powers on Firestorm Matrix) may need tweaking as he goes into testing, but I think we're in a good place here.

I'm not familiar with the character outside of what we saw on Flash this season, so how does the Firestorm Matrix work? Rapid healing, repairing or destroying androids or DO's, and destroying glyphs (the cosmic cube/infinity gauntlet destroyed?) seems like a lot of different stuff with potentially really powerful results.

Firestorm's core power is rearranging atoms and subatomic particles. So crazy powerful and really flexible are totally appropriate.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

Thanks for the info Johnny!

I was looking at Grish cards the other day and really appreciated the way he incorporates a figures weakness, I think it is one thing C3G has not represented all that well and I'd like to make some effort to change that in future designs.

With Martian Manhunter having the Fire Weakness power and it looks like the Firestorm Matrix has some kind of anti-Android aspects to it, Firestorm should be a natural counter draft to him. I'd like to work somewhere into the Firestorm design a power that lets him do extra damage to figures with the Fire Weakness special power. Or maybe have any figures with the Fire Weakness special power adj. to Firestorm takes a wound.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

This is what comicvine says about his powers

BTW this guy should have the species of Fire Elemental instead of Metahuman

Molecular Manipulation: Firestorm has the ability to rearrange the atomic and subatomic structure of inorganic matter, rearranging subatomic particles to create objects of different atomic characteristics of equal mass. He can not only change and transmute the atomic composition of an object (e.g., transmuting lead into gold of equal mass) but he can also change its shape. He cannot, however, affect organic matter without painful, even lethal, feedback. This organic limitation does not extend to his person as he can change himself at will, allowing him to regenerate lost and damaged tissue, boost his immune system, shapeshift, and survive indefinitely without food, water and air. Much like a Green Lantern's limitations, Firestorm can only create items the "driver" of the Firestorm matrix is able to understand the workings of. Unlike a Green Lantern's creations, Firestorm's alterations are permanent unless he reverses them.

Switching Drivers: Following Raymond's resurrection during Brightest Day, Firestorm gained the ability to switch "drivers" between Ronnie and Jason at will.

Flight: Firestorm has also demonstrated the ability to fly at fantastic (but unmeasured) speeds

Intangibility: Raymond can render himself intangible and thereby pass through solid objects harmlessly

Energy Manipulation: to generate destructive and concussive blasts of fusion energy from his hands, to absorb radiation harmlessly

Enhanced Physical Stats: Firestorm has superhuman levels of strength, a healing factor, and resistance to injury.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I worry that such an easy chance to destroy a glyph is way too strong. Certain Red Skull builds are almost entirely built on the Cosmic Cube, destroying the Cosmic Control Rod negates a lot of Annihilus's strength, a lot of Apocalypse's value comes from him drafting two glyphs, it will really hurt Batman (II), etc.. 2/3 of Firestorm Matrix being counters, he'll be amazing against certain armies, and pretty weak against most others.

I really like the general direction though, I just think it needs some tweaking.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

The glyph destroying should at least have a range.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I don't really see the benefit of MENTAL INSTABILITY outweighing the cost, or the theme break. Firestorm doesn't argue with Professor Stein, and the name seems more fitting on an insane figure, or someone heavily unbalanced.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I don't really see the benefit of MENTAL INSTABILITY outweighing the cost, or the theme break. Firestorm doesn't argue with Professor Stein, and the name seems more fitting on an insane figure, or someone heavily unbalanced.

Actually you pointed out the reason for this in your previous quote...
This is what comicvine says about his powers

BTW this guy should have the species of Fire Elemental instead of Metahuman

Firestorm can only create items the "driver" of the Firestorm matrix is able to understand the workings of.

Raymond and Stein do battle for control at times and they do argue over who is the "driver" and Raymond (the comic version is not an engineer but a student) doesn't have the grasp of Physics that Stein does therefore he struggles with the manipulation at times...whereas when Stein manages to have a greater influence he actually gets the boost of an extra die in the Matrix power.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

Thanks for the info Johnny!

I was looking at Grish cards the other day and really appreciated the way he incorporates a figures weakness, I think it is one thing C3G has not represented all that well and I'd like to make some effort to change that in future designs.

With Martian Manhunter having the Fire Weakness power and it looks like the Firestorm Matrix has some kind of anti-Android aspects to it, Firestorm should be a natural counter draft to him. I'd like to work somewhere into the Firestorm design a power that lets him do extra damage to figures with the Fire Weakness special power. Or maybe have any figures with the Fire Weakness special power adj. to Firestorm takes a wound.

Honestly YK the fire thing is more from the Flash show and he's more manipulating atoms and changing things into other things.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I'm looking forward to seeing the endgame for this design.

One question I have though, is why not make the Matrix roll 3 dice naturally, instead of 4?
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I'm not familiar with the character outside of what we saw on Flash this season, so how does the Firestorm Matrix work? Rapid healing, repairing or destroying androids or DO's, and destroying glyphs (the cosmic cube/infinity gauntlet destroyed?) seems like a lot of different stuff with potentially really powerful results.

Soundwarp had a pretty good quote about his manipulations ability...

If Firestorm wants to turn your cloths to soap-bubbles he just does

I believe he also had the inspiration for the glyph power. I think we might have originally had it as a change power but thought that might make him to powerful in upgrading his teams glyphs.

Other directions that were contemplated was a terrain manipulation power but the execution of this turned out to be the downfall.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I'm looking forward to seeing the endgame for this design.

One question I have though, is why not make the Matrix roll 3 dice naturally, instead of 4?

Then exact number isn't finalized yet and will need to be tested but we started with 3 back when it was counting blanks and it was too swingy so it was pushed to 4 with a possible 5 and counting shields. Firestorm Matrix will definatly be used in the future for the other versions of Firestorm (which are stronger and felt like a base of 5 with a possible 6).
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

Ok, was just curious. I saw 3 options, and thought 3 just seemed right, but I'm sure it'll all come to balancing for sure. Cool beans.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

Thanks for the info Johnny!

I was looking at Grish cards the other day and really appreciated the way he incorporates a figures weakness, I think it is one thing C3G has not represented all that well and I'd like to make some effort to change that in future designs.

With Martian Manhunter having the Fire Weakness power and it looks like the Firestorm Matrix has some kind of anti-Android aspects to it, Firestorm should be a natural counter draft to him. I'd like to work somewhere into the Firestorm design a power that lets him do extra damage to figures with the Fire Weakness special power. Or maybe have any figures with the Fire Weakness special power adj. to Firestorm takes a wound.

Honestly YK the fire thing is more from the Flash show and he's more manipulating atoms and changing things into other things.

Actually, until recently, the fire on his body didn't even do anything, and was just for show, he could still project energy, but his personal flames were harmless. (I believe when he was reborn during the Brightest Day was when the switch was made to real fire.)

And there are enough instances in the comics of the two entities of the firestorm matrix not getting along to warrant a power to reflect that (although 1-6 is pretty high). I also think that some sort of power is needed to depict the dual personality, so what is there is fine. I was thinking it would be interesting if you would not be able to use one of the two classes/Identities if you roll low enough, depicting them not working together.

Firestorm Matrix is very cool as it is, although I think it is hard to get the full theme out of a guy who can conjure bubble gum from the air to catch people falling from the air.

One concern, you have his two Classes as Crimefighter, and Scientist, meaning he fits well into two, already very powerful factions. Not a huge concern by itself, but those two factions happen to be the Fantastic Four (+some other stuff) and Luke Cage's Avengers, both Marvel teams. One of the two would be fine, but two makes him feel like he's never going to be worth drafting in a thematic army. Just my opinion
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I really love this design, and the character totally deserves to be made.

A couple thoughts:
1) The Glyph option absolutely needs a range on it; as-is it's broken against certain figures. Also, it should use the "destroy" wording that Superboy (Kal-El) and Arnim Zola use.
2) I worry that Firestorm Matrix will just be kind of bland right now against most armies (if there aren't any glyphs, androids, or DOs, it's just a healing power). I know he can't normally use his powers on organic matter, but couldn't he find other ways of using it to attack? I mean, couldn't he transform the ground below them to fire or change the air above them into something that would fall on them? I think it would really help make him more useful if he had a fourth option that allowed him to wound other figures.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I really love this design, and the character totally deserves to be made.

A couple thoughts:
1) The Glyph option absolutely needs a range on it; as-is it's broken against certain figures. Also, it should use the "destroy" wording that Superboy (Kal-El) and Arnim Zola use.
2) I worry that Firestorm Matrix will just be kind of bland right now against most armies (if there aren't any glyphs, androids, or DOs, it's just a healing power). I know he can't normally use his powers on organic matter, but couldn't he find other ways of using it to attack? I mean, couldn't he transform the ground below them to fire or change the air above them into something that would fall on them? I think it would really help make him more useful if he had a fourth option that allowed him to wound other figures.

Maybe each shield inflicts one wound on a figure, or two wounds on a Android or Construct.

Also agree on the range restriction, and he'd still be a sucker punch against Batman, Mandarin and Red Skull with those rules.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I played Ubu today with his Lazarus Pit glyph and was wondering if the glyph-destroying should be on all glyphs or just equipment glyphs.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

As worded it destroys all glyphs but they must be on a figure's card.
Expanding it to glyphs on the board is logical.
You could exclude Infinity Gems if they should be invulnerable.

Personally I like adding his ease of glyph destruction into the meta-game. I think it gives a little more freedom in creating future glyphs when you know such a solid counter exists.
This could drive his cost beyond an acceptable level though. We may need to temper it a bit. Perhaps two shields to destroy a glyph.
My concern is with the Crime Fighter and Scientist synergy as Smithy expressed.
Viegon's point has merit. I would not like to see him pigeon-holed as a glyph counter.

It seems like his power over Androids should be greater. DOs is a bit tricky as some are organic, but I suppose with a tree he just turns the air around it to fire(?)
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

So no fire based powers then. I agree with others concerned about the crime fighter & scientist synergy, are there some DC characters he should team up with based on his comic book history?
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

Maybe Champion? That would give him synergy with at least one DC character, and I believe there were some ideas thrown around about a justice league figure who had synergy with champions (that would at least put him in the same category as supes and wonder woman
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I'm not familiar with the character outside of what we saw on Flash this season, so how does the Firestorm Matrix work? Rapid healing, repairing or destroying androids or DO's, and destroying glyphs (the cosmic cube/infinity gauntlet destroyed?) seems like a lot of different stuff with potentially really powerful results.

I worry that such an easy chance to destroy a glyph is way too strong. Certain Red Skull builds are almost entirely built on the Cosmic Cube, destroying the Cosmic Control Rod negates a lot of Annihilus's strength, a lot of Apocalypse's value comes from him drafting two glyphs, it will really hurt Batman (II), etc.. 2/3 of Firestorm Matrix being counters, he'll be amazing against certain armies, and pretty weak against most others.

I really like the general direction though, I just think it needs some tweaking.

The glyph destroying should at least have a range.

As worded it destroys all glyphs but they must be on a figure's card.
Expanding it to glyphs on the board is logical.
You could exclude Infinity Gems if they should be invulnerable.

Personally I like adding his ease of glyph destruction into the meta-game. I think it gives a little more freedom in creating future glyphs when you know such a solid counter exists.
This could drive his cost beyond an acceptable level though. We may need to temper it a bit. Perhaps two shields to destroy a glyph.
My concern is with the Crime Fighter and Scientist synergy as Smithy expressed.
Viegon's point has merit. I would not like to see him pigeon-holed as a glyph counter.

It seems like his power over Androids should be greater. DOs is a bit tricky as some are organic, but I suppose with a tree he just turns the air around it to fire(?)

Technically he doesn't destroy a Glyph but he transmutates it into something else...however that would in no way be balance-able so theme vs mechanic comes into play and the compromise of destroy came about...a need for range I agree with.
Re: Book of Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Desgin Phase)

I really love this design, and the character totally deserves to be made.

A couple thoughts:
1) The Glyph option absolutely needs a range on it; as-is it's broken against certain figures. Also, it should use the "destroy" wording that Superboy (Kal-El) and Arnim Zola use.
2) I worry that Firestorm Matrix will just be kind of bland right now against most armies (if there aren't any glyphs, androids, or DOs, it's just a healing power). I know he can't normally use his powers on organic matter, but couldn't he find other ways of using it to attack? I mean, couldn't he transform the ground below them to fire or change the air above them into something that would fall on them? I think it would really help make him more useful if he had a fourth option that allowed him to wound other figures.

I will pull up some of my ideas back when I had an auto wound power added in the matrix before the glyph idea was sprung...I dropped it after talking with Spidey for the organic aspect but your logic does pull the theme back in. I originally wanted to have a terrain aspect where I could turn one type into another to cancel out terrain boost heroes but the whole "transform the ground below them to fire" aka Lava broke the figure.

I can post the summary of our terrain discussions and maybe we can find a way to work it back in or just go with the auto wound idea.