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The Book of Firefly


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The Book of Firefly



Comic PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Arkham Asylum set.
Its model number and name are #027 / Firefly.
Character Bio - Originally a pyrotechnic expert for motion pictures, Garfield Lynns turns to crime to escape Gotham's severe poverty. Arson becomes a hobby, then an obsession, as he believes he can see visions in the flames. Inspired by actual fireflies, he builds a suit and becomes a professional arsonist.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: When Firefly uses Raining Fire, can he choose any or all figures he passed over (without the Lava Resistant special power), or does he have to roll for all figures he passed over?
  • A: He must roll against all figures (without the Lava Resistant special power) that he passed over.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-


-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-Card Updates:
7 March 2021 - Class changed to Criminal
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Re: Firefly - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 120

After Firefly moves with the Flying special power, instead of attacking, you may roll one unblockable attack die against each figure Firefly passed over that does not have the Lava Resistant special power.

Range 2 + Special. Attack 4.
Choose a figure to attack. You may also choose 3 spaces in a straight line from the targeted figure. All figures on those spaces are also affected by this special attack. Roll attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Figures with the Lava Resistant special power are not affected by this special attack.

Firefly never rolls for molten lava damage or lava field damage and does not have to stop in molten lava spaces.


Original Write-up
Spoiler Alert!
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Re: Firefly - Design Phase

I really like Updraft and feel like it is gonna get a lot of use once he gets into the fray. I think it may push his cost beyond 120 points though with the auto-wound but we shall see.

I figured you were getting ready to start this guy when you asked bout Heat Wave's Special Attack. I like the reuse here. :up:
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

One other thing is should we give this guy Lava Resistant like we gave Heat Wave since he has some kind of insulated suit? Not to sure about this guy but it could work.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

The updraft power is odd to me. This guy can fly... just fly. I think we should give him flying and replace Updraft with:
One other thing is should we give this guy Lava Resistant like we gave Heat Wave since he has some kind of insulated suit? Not to sure about this guy but it could work.
Absolutely. Yes.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

If we gave him flying we could have a "flyover" power similar to Archangel if that's what SirG whats to represent here.

I'm not familiar with the character though so I'm just spitballing at this point. Take my comments with a grain of salt. :D
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

Pyromaniac in a fireproof suit that flies and shoots flames. - that's pretty much it.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

A mechanic in addition to flying would be cool with me SirG, if you think it is necessary or desirable, but I have hard time buying into this figure without straight up Flying.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

The updraft power is odd to me. This guy can fly... just fly. I think we should give him flying and replace Updraft with:
One other thing is should we give this guy Lava Resistant like we gave Heat Wave since he has some kind of insulated suit? Not to sure about this guy but it could work.
Absolutely. Yes.

He kind of flies ... I mean, it's a hanglider that supposedly uses the updrafts of fires to push him upward. Think - have you ever seen him flying without having fire all around? (in the modern era at least, Golden Age doesn't count since that was a radically different character). So I think Sir G captured that pretty well here, for my :2cents:

I've gotta disagree on Lava Resistant. He wears a flame retardant suit, but he has no super powers and he's not particularly scientifically advanced compared to others. Basically, if he should be Lava Resistant, so should Batman. So should Iron Man. Etc. Superman has got to be a ton more lava resistant than this guy. He sets up a lot of fires, but he's not immune to them (which sometimes causes him trouble because he's insane).

Speaking of insane, I'd much rather see Insane or Obsessive as his personality. He's straight up wacko, spending lots of time in Arkham Asylum, and his defining personality trait is that he's obsessed with fire. He does some arson work, but he'd set fire just to set fire, even if he never got paid.

I do like Arsonist as his class, though. Criminal would also be fine, though, or Maniac, fwiw.

I like the write up on the whole. I think if he's coming in as too expensive, that the Updraft power could be instead of moving and attacking normally, but I'm happy to cross that bridge when we come to it.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

He kind of flies ... I mean, it's a hanglider that supposedly uses the updrafts of fires to push him upward. Think - have you ever seen him flying without having fire all around? (in the modern era at least, Golden Age doesn't count since that was a radically different character). So I think Sir G captured that pretty well here, for my :2cents:
Yes. He flies plenty with or without fire. I am not sure if I have ever actually seen him not flying. That huge trail of fire and smoke from his rear? That is his propulsion method, which looks like a small jet engine.

I've gotta disagree on Lava Resistant. He wears a flame retardant suit, but he has no super powers and he's not particularly scientifically advanced compared to others. Basically, if he should be Lava Resistant, so should Batman. So should Iron Man. Etc. Superman has got to be a ton more lava resistant than this guy. He sets up a lot of fires, but he's not immune to them (which sometimes causes him trouble because he's insane).
OK, that is a bad can of worms to open. According to your logic (which I do not subscribe to btw), NO ONE in C3G should have Lava Resistance because Superman doesn't have it. :poorpost: If you really believed that, why have you voted on so many designs to have Lava Resistance?

Superman doesn't have it because it doesn't fit on his card, and because it isn't an important part of his character - but it is on Firefly just like with Heat Wave.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

I'm more responding to the standard set in Dragon Man's thread - fire resistance is specifically listed as one of Dragon Man's attributes, but we went in a different direction. Do I really believe Firefly could survive a dunk in molten lava due to his suit? Not really.

But if Heat Wave has it, which I'd forgotten, then that ship has sailed already. If Heat Wave has it, Firefly should definitely have it. And Heat Wave does have it, so Firefly definitely should have it.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

Don't know anything about this psycho other than he likes setting things on fire. Sorry I can't help with theme in any way.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

That's mostly what there is to know, honestly.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

That and there is a really cool sculpt. One of my favorites.
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

Well if he did have the straight up flying power, could he have something where instead of attacking roll an unblockable attack die for each figure he fly's over, or something like that? He could be blasting people from the sky with his flamethrower. I don't know :shrug:
Re: Firefly - Design Phase

Here's what I'm hearing:

Post-Breathing Period


After Firefly moves with the Flying special power, instead of attacking, you may roll one unblockable attack die against each figure Firefly passed over that does not have the Lava Resistant special power.

Range 2 + Special. Attack 4.
Choose a figure to attack. You may also choose 3 spaces in a straight line from the targeted figure. All figures on those spaces are also affected by this special attack. Roll attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Figures with the Lava Resistant special power are not affected by this special attack.

Firefly never rolls for molten lava damage or lava field damage, and he does not have to stop in molten lava spaces.

Re: Firefly - Design Phase

Not knowing the character I have nothing to add. Looks fine.