Basic Side Card:
Spoiler Alert!
The figure used for this unit is a Mechwarrior Solaris VII figure from the Heavy Class Action set. The model name is Neanderthal.
The figure fits on a normal single base.
The figure fits on a normal single base.
Character Bio: Bio soon
_________________________________________________________________DEADLY STRIKE
When attacking with Executioner 616, each skull rolled counts as one additional hit.
Instead of attacking, you may choose Executioner 616 or another Soulborg you control within 4 clear sight spaces of Executioner 616. Roll the 20-sided die. Add 3 to your die roll if the chosen figure is medium, 7 to your die roll if the chosen figure is large, and 10 to your die roll if the chosen figure is huge. If you roll 1-12, nothing happens. If you roll 13-19, all figures adjacent to the chosen figure receive one wound. If you roll a 20 or higher, all figures adjacent to the chosen figure receive 3 wounds. After using Remote Detonation, destroy the chosen figure.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- Executioner 616 is a single hex figure.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Offered
Soulborgs that can be destroyed with Remote Detonation
- Admiral EJ-1M
- Blastatrons
- Deathcommander Mark 3
- Deathreavers
- Deathstalkers
- Deathwalker 7000
- Deathwalker 8000
- Deathwalker 9000
- Executioner 616
- Gladiatrons
- Hoplitron
- Major J15
- Major Q10
- Major Q9
- Major X17
- Omegacron
- Omnicron Repulsors
- Omnicron Snipers
- Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
- Warden 816
- Zetacron
- Zettian Deathwings
- Zettian Guards
- Zettian Infantry
Synergy Benefits Received
As a Unique Soulborg Hero, Executioner 616 may benefit from Beorn Boltcutter’s UPGRADE power. - DEATHCOMMANDER MARK 3 : HEAVY SUPPORT COMMAND BEACON and MARKED FOR DESTRUCTION
As a Unique Large Soulborg Hero who follows Utgar , Executioner 616 may take a turn with Deathcommander Mark 3’s HEAVY SUPPORT COMMAND BEACON. As a Soulborg who follows Utgar, she may also benefit from Deathcommander Mark 3's MARKED FOR DESTRUCTION power. - HOPLITRON : MELEE SOULBORG BONDING
As a Soulborg with a Range of 1, Executioner 616 may take a turn with a Hoplitron's MELEE SOULBORG BONDING. - ORNAK : RED FLAG OF FURY AURA
As a Unique Hero who follows Utgar, Executioner 616 may take a turn with a Ornak's RED FLAG OF FURY AURA. - ZETTIAN INFANTRY : UTGAR SOULBORG BONDING
As a Soulborg Hero who follows Utgar, Executioner 616 may take a turn with the Zettian Infantry's UTGAR SOULBORG BONDING.
Synergy Imposed
As a large figure, Executioner 616 causes The Axegrinders of Burning Forge to roll an extra die when attacking or defending against her due to their FEARLESS ADVANTAGE special power. - BEORN BOLTCUTTER : SABOTAGE
As a Soulborg, Executioner 616 rolls two fewer defense dice when adjacent to Beorn Boltcutter due to his SABOTAGE power. - MAJOR J15 : BREACHING SCYTHE
As a large figure, Executioner 616 causes Major J15 to add 1 automatic skull when making a normal attack against her, due to his BREACHING SCYTHE special power. - OMNICRON REPULSORS : EMP RESPONSE
As a Soulborg, Executioner 616 will cause EMP RESPONSE to trigger if an Omnicron Repulsor successfully defends against an attack from her. - QUASATCH HUNTERS : TECHNO HATRED
As a Soulborg, Executioner 616 causes Quasatch Hunters to roll an extra die when attacking her due to their TECHNO HATRED special power. - ZOMBIE HULK : ZOMBIES RISE AGAIN
As a large figure, Executioner 616 causes an opposing Undead Savage that destroys her to replace her with a previously destroyed Zombie Hulk due to Zombie Hulk's ZOMBIE RISES AGAIN special power.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
_________________________________________________________________-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking & Master Index
The math on spending an attack to kill your own figures is rarely favorable. Still, decent stats of her own, and Zettian Infantry and Hoplitrons provide bonding options (and potential explosives). B-
Unit Strategy Review
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