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The Book of Emil Hamilton


Book Wyrm
The Book of Emil Hamilton



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Justice League Unlimited set.
Its model number and name are #023 / Dr. Emil Hamilton.

Current Invention Glyphs


Character Bio - Emil Hamilton is a former S.T.A.R. Labs scientist and U.S. Government employee. He worked for a time as a scientific advisor and support to Superman, even helping Superboy with getting his heroic career started.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
  • N/A
Outgoing Synergy:
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

*8/11/2022 - Changed both powers slightly per C3G Con changes.
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Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)



LIFE = 3

MOVE = 5



At the start of the game, place up to two Invention Equipment Glyphs of different types into a Glyph Pool, power-side up, and set them aside. Before moving normally with a Unique Kryptonian Champion Hero, if it is adjacent to Emil Hamilton, you may place a glyph from his Glyph Pool on its card. If it is not adjacent to Hamilton, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker on that card to place a glyph from his Glyph Pool on its card.

At the start of the game, choose an opponent’s figure to be Emil Hamilton’s Subject. Once per game at the start of any turn, you may choose for all special powers on his Subject's card to be negated until the end of that player turn or when the figure would receive enough wounds to be destroyed.
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Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Mini Pics:
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Comic Art:
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Background Art:
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Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Glyphs To go with him:



Whenever the figure equipped with this glyph would be affected by a glyph or special power, you may ignore its species of Kryptonian. Figures equipped with the Glyph may not drop it and cannot lose this Glyph by taking wounds. If the figure equipped with this Glyph receives two or more wounds from a single attack, ignore one of those wounds and destroy this Glyph.



Before moving with this figure, if this figure is not engaged, you may look at the power side of any one Glyph that is Symbol Side up. Instead of attacking with this figure, you may choose a figure within 4 clear sight spaces. Roll the 20-sided die, adding five to the roll if this figure is Kryptonian. If you roll 16 or higher, the chosen figure receives one wound.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Alrighty, tweaked the second power name per LCW, but otherwise no changes since I brought it up there. I am thinking some limits on who he can give gear to might be a good idea to help keep costs in check (as I do want him to be a cheaper figure), but otherwise I'm pretty happy with the general feel here and how he will fit into Family stuff.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Cool design! He seems extremely swingy, but I don't know that character and if that's fine. Seems very thematic though.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Definitely do need to limit Countermeasure Development to Unique Heroes, as he shouldn't be pulling that on Event Heroes IMO. Countermeasures will probably be a relatively rare occurrence, so yeah I do get the swingy feel there.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Definitely Uniques! :up:

Any power with a high roll is inherently swingy, but when it's a very potent power like this the swingyness is exponentially bigger. This guy seems like he should be cheap, but I think his potential will drive up his cost a tad. Kind of a bummer if most games he barely does anything, and then one game he's killer. Also figures are more fun to play if you can use their powers more often (Doesn't need to be all the time, but something I like to keep in mind personally when designing!) Just some things to watch!
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

I could see making it something more automatic to help even it out. Then it doesn't really feel overly stronger than say, Hawkeye's SA that negates. Like:

At the start of the game, choose an opponent’s Unique Hero to be Hamilton’s Subject. Once per game, at the start of your turn, you may choose to negate all Special Powers on the card of Hamilton's Subject until the end of your turn.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

I think I like that better. Also lets you time it, since otherwise you might only hit that roll when all you have left is Emil, who isn't exactly doing much damage.

Though I do like the round timer mechanic.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Only other way I could think to keep the timer would be giving him like, Counter Markers each round, then he can spend as many as he can to negate his subject in one round, but looses them all at the end of the round. Like:

At the start of the game, choose an opponent’s Unique Hero to be Hamilton’s Subject. At the end of the each round, you may place a red Countermeasure Marker on this card. At the start of any of your turns, you may remove a Countermeasure Marker from this card to negate all Special Powers on the card of Hamilton's Subject until the end of your turn. At the end of that round, remove all Countermeasure Markers from this card and this power is negated for the rest of the game.

But that just feels way too complex at that point. I did dig the round timer a lot, but not sure its worth the swingyness.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

What if you just significantly lowered the needed roll so after a certain number of rounds the roll was automatic?

At the start of the game, choose an opponent’s figure to be Hamilton’s Subject. At the start of each round, you may roll the 20 sided die, adding X to your roll, where X is equal to the current round. If you roll a 6 or higher, you may negate all powers on Hamilton's Subject's card during your turns until the end of the round. Figures may only have powers negated by this effect once per game.

Something like that? Honestly I think the bigger risk with the power right now is choosing to roll too early, hitting it before you expect to, and not really being set up to take advantage of it. So you really have to choose not to roll for it for a round or two until you're in position.

I dig the general direction. What's the current list of Glyphs of Invention?
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

What if you just significantly lowered the needed roll so after a certain number of rounds the roll was automatic?

At the start of the game, choose an opponent’s figure to be Hamilton’s Subject. At the start of each round, you may roll the 20 sided die, adding X to your roll, where X is equal to the current round. If you roll a 6 or higher, you may negate all powers on Hamilton's Subject's card during your turns until the end of the round. Figures may only have powers negated by this effect once per game.

Something like that? Honestly I think the bigger risk with the power right now is choosing to roll too early, hitting it before you expect to, and not really being set up to take advantage of it. So you really have to choose not to roll for it for a round or two until you're in position.

I dig the general direction. What's the current list of Glyphs of Invention?

Yeah I could see that. Could see limiting it to just a turn as well if it feels too strong. Lowering the roll is definitely solid.

Current Invention Glyphs:
Anti-Grav Gauntlet
Cosmic Converter Belt
Experimental Medicine
Shield Belt
Shrinking Ray Gun
Sonic Gun
Teleportation Belt
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Limiting to a turn is a good way to reign it in if need be. Bats' idea overall is cool.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Yep. So I'm thinking this is where I'll head post breathing:

At the start of the game, you may place two Glyphs of Invention beside this card. Before moving normally with a Unique Hero with either more than one species or the class of Champion you control, if it is adjacent to Hamilton, you may place one of those Glyphs of Invention on its card. If it is not adjacent to Hamilton, you may reveal an "X" Order Marker on that card to place a Glyph on Invention on its card.

At the start of the game, choose an opponent’s figure to be Hamilton’s Subject. At the start of each round, you may roll the 20 sided die, adding X to your roll, where X is equal to the current round. If you roll a 6 or higher, you may negate all powers on Hamilton's Subject's card during your turns until the end of the round. Figures may only have powers negated by this effect once per game.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Hmm, the Champion addition could get a tad scary. Shield Belt seems like the one that could be really nasty on a Champion.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Hmm, the Champion addition could get a tad scary. Shield Belt seems like the one that could be really nasty on a Champion.

I mean it was originally wide open, so technically its a limitation there. We can limit it to Kryptonians (as he mostly worked specifically with Superman before going more crazy/Cadmus) and multi-species instead if we like.

And Shield Belt isn't terrible. Its just annoying on Braniac 5. Its supposed to die the first time you whiff the D20 roll.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Sure. I was thinking on like Doctor Fate (JL), but I suppose he can help manipulate the roll even if it's not on him.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Sure. I was thinking on like Doctor Fate (JL), but I suppose he can help manipulate the roll even if it's not on him.

Dr. Fate makes D20 defensive stuff a pain. More news at 11 :p

Yeah there's no real perfect way to handle that when the faction I'm most wanting him to work with can kinda sorta include Fate as is. Lack of overall D20s has been the main thing to keep him out, and I think/hope he's going to be inclined toward at least the visor here in a lot of cases. A lot of his flexibility will depend on if we lock to Kryptonians or let him support Champions. Because I'm actually fine going full Champion lock because he's not always been a part of Cadmus, and most everything he interacts with at Cadmus is part Kryptonian anyway..
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Eh, I think that synergy's there if you want it already (Doctor Fate + Shield Belt) without Emil being involved, so I wouldn't really worry about it.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

He seems like a juiced Lucius Fox with the glyphs, plus the whole negation thing. Though I think Lucius is a bit undercooked for his cost, so there's an argument for making Emil more reliable.

I'd definitely limit him to in-faction figures, whatever that ends up being (Champion, multi-species, Kryptonian, etc.). Less potential for Glyph cheese that way.

I don't love Countermeasure Development lasting for the rest of the game. There's no way for the opponent to play around it, and it seems like something that'd be really swingy. Maybe make it last just one round.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

He seems like a juiced Lucius Fox with the glyphs, plus the whole negation thing. Though I think Lucius is a bit undercooked for his cost, so there's an argument for making Emil more reliable.

I'd definitely limit him to in-faction figures, whatever that ends up being (Champion, multi-species, Kryptonian, etc.). Less potential for Glyph cheese that way.

I don't love Countermeasure Development lasting for the rest of the game. There's no way for the opponent to play around it, and it seems like something that'd be really swingy. Maybe make it last just one round.

Its till the end of the round already. Not sure where you're seeing the rest of game. Fox is still a good comparison to him I think, definitely willing to drop the effectiveness of Countermeasures, as I do want the Inventions to feel more like the core of the card.
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

I don't know how I misread that, whoops. Ignore the mad ramblings of Archie. :lol:
Re: The Book of Emil Hamilton (Breathing)

Updated dice roll of Countermeasures, and moved Science support to Kryptonians only, as all his interactions with Cadmus stuff are characters that are already part Kryptonian. Dual species thing felt unnecessary there if we're trying to keep out Champions here.

Let's move Dr. Hamilton to initial testing at 60 points.