The Book of Duke
Comic PDF
Mini PDF
The figure used for this unit is a Nano Metalfigs figure from the GI Joe set.
Its name is Duke.
_________________________________________________________________C3G IDW WAVE 46

Comic PDF

Mini PDF
The figure used for this unit is a Nano Metalfigs figure from the GI Joe set.
Its name is Duke.
Character Bio - Duke is field commander and second-in-command of the G.I. Joe team after Hawk. He was at the top of his class at Fort Benning, attended U.S. Army Special Language school, has undergone Special Forces training, and worked with South Vietnamese tribesmen. He was also an instructor in four different Special Forces schools. Despite his accomplishments, he has repeatedly turned down any officer commissions offered to him. He believes a commander's place is with his troops, not behind the battle lines.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- N/A
-Combinations and Synergies-
Incoming Synergy:
- As a Human, Duke has these Human Synergies.
- As a Commander, Duke has these Commander Synergies.
- As a possible Commando, Duke has these Commando Synergies.
- As a Patriotic figure, Duke has these Patriotic Synergies.
- Duke may allow Commandos and Soldiers to move with his Joe Field Commander special power.
- Duke may allow any figure without Super Strength to take a turn with his Coordinated Attacks special power.
- As a Human, Duke interacts differently with these special powers.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- N/A
- Initial playtest: fret_gurglo
- Second playtest: Ericth74
- Third playtest: IAmBatman
- Art: Comic, Figure, Background
- Card Art by tcglkn
- Optional modded figure
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