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The Book of Doctor Sivana


Book Wyrm
The Book of Doctor Sivana



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Crisis set.
Its model number and name are #020 / Doctor Sivana.


Character Bio - Doctor Sivana is a brilliant scientist and longtime nemesis of Captain Marvel. Sivana himself coined the nickname "Big Red Cheese" to mock the hero, but it quickly became a term of endearment used by many. Sivana uses his inventions, influence, and wealth to try and take down the Marvel Family, often teaming with others like Mister Mind and the Monster Society to accomplish his goals.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • As a figure with the Brilliant personality, Doctor Sivana interacts differently with these special powers.

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: LordVenoc
  • Second playtest: IAmBatman
  • Third playtest: Karat
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Card Art by japes
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Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)



LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 170


Start the game with 3 black Technology Markers on this card. After combat dice or the 20-sided die is rolled for a figure you control, you may remove a Technology Marker from this card to do one of the following:
• Long Range Laser: If a 7 or lower is rolled, choose an opponent's figure to receive one wound.
• Temporary Exoskeleton: Add one automatic skull to whatever is rolled if the defending figure is adjacent.
• Force Field: Add one automatic shield to whatever is rolled.
At the end of the round, if there is at least one revealed Order Marker on this card, you may return all Technology Markers to this card.

When Doctor Sivana rolls defense dice against an opponent's normal attack:
• if at least 2 shields are rolled, Doctor Sivana takes no damage and may immediately move up to 2 spaces. He will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
• if at least 2 skulls were rolled and the attacking figure is within 5 clear sight spaces of Doctor Sivana, it receives one wound.
You may choose which effect to use first.
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Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Mini Pics
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Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Two minor changes from the LCW: Moved the marker recharge to a separate power for readability. Swapped the Laser to work off receiving wounds, and made it a D20 to give a little better synergy with Mister Mind and Black Adam.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Cool design, but I’d get a text space check fairly soon.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Folding the recharge back in is definitely possible for the sake of space, because yeah, two bulleted lists gets long for sure.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

A couple slight space savers.
Start the game with 3 black Technology Markers on this card.
•Long Range Laser: After an opponent's figure receives one or more wounds from a special power on a card in your army, you may remove this marker to roll the 20-sided die. If you roll an 11 or higher, the figure receives one additional wound.
•Temporary Exoskeleton: Before attacking with a figure you control, you may remove this marker. Add one automatic skull to whatever is rolled.
•Force Field: After a figure you control is targeted for an attack, before dice are rolled, you may remove this marker. Add one automatic shield to whatever is rolled.
After removing a Technology Marker from this card, you may not remove an additional marker until the next time you reveal a numbered Order Marker.

When the Doctor Sivana rolls defense dice against an opponent's normal attack:
•if at least 2 shields are rolled, Doctor Sivana takes no damage and may immediately move up to 2 spaces. He will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
•if at least 2 skulls were rolled and the attacking figure is within 5 clear sight spaces of Doctor Sivana, it receives one wound.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

The recharge feels way too restrictive. The markers aren't that powerful: a conditional 50% chance of a auto wound, Secret Attack Plan X, and a one off auto shield on defense. I think you could just make the recharge instead of moving with him, or if you're going to keep all those restrictions at least let him recharge all of his markers.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

The recharge feels way too restrictive. The markers aren't that powerful: a conditional 50% chance of a auto wound, Secret Attack Plan X, and a one off auto shield on defense. I think you could just make the recharge instead of moving with him, or if you're going to keep all those restrictions at least let him recharge all of his markers.

The intent there is actually that he doesn't even have to take a turn to get it back, just that he didn't attack if he did take a turn. So reveal on him, then take a turn with Mind's Host, and he gets a marker back. Or reveal a marker on him with some other power (could see something like that in a flunky, or a invention type add on card) and he still gets a marker back.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Ah, yeah, was reading that as no figures attacking during your turn, not during his turn. Not sure if I love the oddness of that mechanic.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

It does feel like there are too many restrictions there still.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Definitely don't want to loose too much pull to Mind, so what about just like a "At the end of the round, if there is at least one revealed Order Marker on this card, you may replace all Technology markers on this card"?
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

There's definitely a lot of text here for not the biggest payoff in the world. I think feeling him out in a game to see how to handle the recharge is probably a good idea. Otherwise my thought might be to cut genius escape and add something simpler like Wizard's Force Field X (If it's thematic of course).

Otherwise the marker mechanic is pretty cool.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

So Genius Escape is intending to sort of rep his Invisibility Serum, which is one of his more famous classic inventions. What about even combining the Laser and exoskeletons due to the sort of similarity:

Start the game with 2 black Technology Markers on this card. Before combat dice or the 20-sided die is rolled for a figure you control, you may remove a technology marker from this card to do one of the following.
•Long Range Laser: If an opponent's figure would receive one or more wounds from the attack or special power, it receives one additional wound.
•Force Field: Add one automatic shield to whatever is rolled.
After removing a Technology Marker from this card, you may not remove an additional marker until the next time you reveal a numbered Order Marker.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Do you need the last line? I get that it's a balancing measure, but with only two markers you could safely cut it I think.

Instant Innovations needs "to a max of 2" or whatever number you want the max to be.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Yeah I think that could be cut as well with the combination. Part of it was rooted in the Laser and Exoskeleton being slightly stackable, but I don't think it would be a problem now if we combined to two (even if we gave him 2 of each, letting him only burn one at a time would probably be fine comparatively).
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Definitely don't want to loose too much pull to Mind, so what about just like a "At the end of the round, if there is at least one revealed Order Marker on this card, you may replace all Technology markers on this card"?

I like that simplification. :up:

I’d prefer to keep three markers for the first power f possible. Two options doesn’t feel worth the mechanical overhead.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

as of what is in the OP, you don't have room. Just for reference if you don't even get to the bullets in Genius Escape. So that's about how much you need to trim.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Maybe something like that and cut the second power? Could probably be further streamlined.

Start the game with 3 black Technology Markers on this card.
•Long Range Laser: After an enemy figure receives one or more wounds, you may remove this marker to roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 11 or higher, that figure receives one additional wound.
•Temporary Exoskeleton: Before attacking with a figure you control, you may remove this marker to add one automatic skull to your attack.
•Force Field: After a figure you control is targeted for an attack, before dice are rolled, you may remove this marker to add one automatic shield to your defense.
After removing a Technology Marker from this card, you may not remove an additional marker until the next time you reveal a numbered Order Marker. At the end of the round, return all your Technology Markers to this card.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Maybe something like that and cut the second power? Could probably be further streamlined.

Start the game with 3 black Technology Markers on this card.
•Long Range Laser: After an enemy figure receives one or more wounds, you may remove this marker to roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 11 or higher, that figure receives one additional wound.
•Temporary Exoskeleton: Before attacking with a figure you control, you may remove this marker to add one automatic skull to your attack.
•Force Field: After a figure you control is targeted for an attack, before dice are rolled, you may remove this marker to add one automatic shield to your defense.
After removing a Technology Marker from this card, you may not remove an additional marker until the next time you reveal a numbered Order Marker. At the end of the round, return all your Technology Markers to this card.

considering he only has three and they are done for the round is it really needed the bolded part?

If you drop the second power and eliminate the bold part above...it fits.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Trying this to go leaner:

Start the game with 3 black Technology Markers on this card. Before combat dice or the 20-sided die is rolled for a figure you control, you may remove a technology marker from this card to do one of the following.
•Long Range Laser: If an opponent's figure would receive one or more wounds from the special power, it receives one additional wound.
•Temporary Exoskeleton: Add one automatic skull to whatever is rolled.
•Force Field: Add one automatic shield to whatever is rolled.
At the end of the round, you may replace 1+X Technology Markers on this card, where X is equal to the number of revealed Order Markers on this card.

When Doctor Sivana rolls defense dice against an opponent's normal attack:
•if at least 2 shields are rolled, Doctor Sivana takes no damage and may immediately move up to 2 spaces. He will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
•if at least 2 skulls were rolled and the attacking figure is within 5 clear sight spaces of Doctor Sivana, it receives one wound.
You may choose which effect to use first.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Trying this to go leaner:

Start the game with 3 black Technology Markers on this card. Before combat dice or the 20-sided die is rolled for a figure you control, you may remove a technology marker from this card to do one of the following.
•Long Range Laser: If an opponent's figure would receive one or more wounds from the special power, it receives one additional wound.
•Temporary Exoskeleton: Add one automatic skull to whatever is rolled.
•Force Field: Add one automatic shield to whatever is rolled.
At the end of the round, you may replace 1+X Technology Markers on this card, where X is equal to the number of revealed Order Markers on this card.

When Doctor Sivana rolls defense dice against an opponent's normal attack:
•if at least 2 shields are rolled, Doctor Sivana takes no damage and may immediately move up to 2 spaces. He will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
•if at least 2 skulls were rolled and the attacking figure is within 5 clear sight spaces of Doctor Sivana, it receives one wound.
You may choose which effect to use first.

This fits
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Cool. Updating the SP. If people are cool with that, I'll propose initial here in a bit (wanna do a public test or two first).
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Japes did say it is a little tight (no symbol room, and his lowest font size). Switching the recharge to just full charge if at least one revealed would save a little space, and still keeps a bit of the synergy with Mind, whereas the math one might accidentally push him more toward a pilot role, so I'll make that change as well per the suggestions.
Re: The Book of Doctor Sivana (Breathing)

Japes did say it is a little tight (no symbol room, and his lowest font size). Switching the recharge to just full charge if at least one revealed would save a little space, and still keeps a bit of the synergy with Mind, whereas the math one might accidentally push him more toward a pilot role, so I'll make that change as well per the suggestions.

I'm cool with that but FTR, he doesn't have Flying or SS so there is no need for Symbols. I was just stating that it was close enough that if he needed a symbol we were screwed.