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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Clobberin Time set. Its model number and name are #076-078 / Doctor Octopus.
_________________________________________________________________ Character Bio - Otto Octavius was a shy lad growing up. He was often bullied at school for being smart and then bullied at home by his father for allowing other children to pick on him. His mother was abusive in her own way too; always pushing Otto towards education and not allowing him to participate in any other activities. His isolation became worse when his mother convinced him to break up with his loving sweet heart in college, then he really lost touch with reality when his mother died due to a heart attack that he induced by yelling at her for dating a simple librarian after his father died. Focused on his research and education, Otto went on to become a brilliant physics and nuclear scientist. He created a set of mechanical arms that allowed him to safely handle hazardous materials, but when a powerful radioactive explosion occurred, it melted the arms to his body and mutated his brain to develop a telepathic link to the 4 metal limbs. Now completely broken and mentally unstable, Doctor Octavius has turned to a life of crime calling himself Doctor Octopus.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q - How do I climb with Doctor Octopus? A -
Level - heights of elevation on the battlefield
Space - horizontal locations on the battlefield that figures can occupy
When you would move with a flying figure, you count each space as you go while ignoring elevations. When Doctor Octopus climbs, you count each space as you go basically ignoring up to 2 levels. So Doctor Octopus moves just one space from level 0 to a level 2 hill and only used 1 movement. He could also move one space from level 0 to a level 4 hill and only use 2 movement.
LIFE = 4
MOVE = 5
POINTS = 215
Doctor Octopus may add 1 to his range when attacking a figure whose base is no more than 6 levels higher than his height or 6 levels lower than his base. When Doctor Octopus attacks, he may attack three additional times.
All opponents' small or medium figures that enter or occupy a space adjacent to Doctor Octopus may not move. Figures affected by Cyber Claw cannot be moved by any special power on an Army Card.
When moving up levels of height to move onto a space with Doctor Octopus, do not count spaces for the first two levels and only count one space for each two levels after the first two. You may ignore Doctor Octopus' height of 5 when climbing. Doctor Octopus never takes falling damage or major falling damage.
Good call, GP!
And, yeah, Tickle, with his normal attack being 3, you have to be very careful. Imagine this guy on height with Captain America boosting him - you're already up to 4 attacks of 5!
Griff - make sure to post a link to this in the Inner Sanctum Discussion Cave!
- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them. Pass
- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the Game. Pass
- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding. Pass
- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit to powerful or too weak. Pass
- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and What are the stipulations on the power if there are any. Pass
- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play. Pass
- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against. Pass
- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting. Pass
- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable. Pass
- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game. Pass
Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? I was thinking 230, but I am already seeing some 240 potential, and I haven't used any attack boosts other than height advantage. - Give a brief overview.He is great at closing gaps fast. He can't fly, and it doesn't feel like he can either, but he does well at catching up to fliers. Also, his attacks feel like a one man SQUAD.
Spoiler Alert!
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Spider-Man. Once engaged, Spider-Man can still use his spider sense, but he cannot move away. Spider Sense is great, but it won't last forever against all of those attacks from Doc Ock's Tentacles. Web Special is the only attack used by Spider-Man. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doctor Octopus wins with 3 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Human Torch. Human Torch had a hard time wounding Doc Ock fast enough, and Dock Ock was slinging tentacles left and right. Flame on 4 couldn't work either, because he could never actually moved or left engagement. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doc Ock wins with 1 wound.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Human Torch. Doc Ock had HT on the run, sorta. HT didn't want to get tied up in a cyber claw, but he was also enjoying kiting Doc Ock a bit. Eventually though, they were engaged with HT on permanent height and HT won with a burst of Super Nova right at the end. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Human Torch wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Aquaman. Doc Ock almost had Aquaman early on, but Aquaman was able to knockback Doc Ock just before an initiative switch and jump in the water on turn 1 of the next round. While in the water, Dock Ock had a hard time, but Dock Ock on height is NASTY for anyone. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doctor Octopus wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Aquaman. Doc Ock had a lot of good attacks and was able to hold Aquaman still and away from water this match. Also, AC couldn't quite heal this game. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doctor Octopus wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Aquaman. Aquaman got water early on and owned the engaged Doc Ock on height by ending round 1 and starting round 2. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Aquaman wins with 2 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Green Goblin. Goblin kited a lot after attacking with the pumpkin SA, he would simply fly away and keep flying. Doc finally caught up, and it was close, but Goblin was on height. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Green Goblin wins with 4 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Green Goblin. Doc Ock was fast enough to corner GG by round 2, and once cornered, GG couldn't use his SA anymore because he couldn't move to "pass over" Doc Ock. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doc Ock wins with 3 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Iron Man (Hasbro). Iron Man kited Doc Ock all game, and it was a brief game. Doc was able to get a couple ranged attacks in though, and one time was on height. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Iron Man wins with 2 wounds.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Iron Man (Hasbro). Doc Ock owned this one. Iron Man tried kiting but couldn't get his attack rolls up high enough, and Doc Ock closed the gap on an initiative switch and trapped Iron Man with the Cyber Claw on height advantage. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doc Ock wins with 3 wounds.
Squad Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 240 or 250. - Give a brief overview..
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS Hydra Agents x3.
Spoiler Alert!
Doc Ock was fast, I mean really fast. He is a great squad killer, but he doesn't have much range, and that puts him in a lot of vulnerable spots. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doc Ock wins with 4 wounds.
Squad Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 240. - Give a brief overview.It was nice to see him check so well, even if it was by a squad.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus VS SHIELD Agents x2.
Spoiler Alert!
Doc Ock just wasn't fast enough this game, and he took 2 attacks from the Kill Box.... nothing stands up to that. He did kill an entire squad though, and that is pretty good considering how quickly he died. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Agents win with 3 men dead.
Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 240. - Give a brief overview.He is fast and powerful, but he isn't above a good butt whipping.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus, Black Mask, Green Lantern (John Stewart), and Green Construct (Mech) - VS - Batman, Elektra, Bullseye, and Hand Ninja x3.
Spoiler Alert!
What a great game! Hand Ninja move quick to take a hill while Bullseye covers the road. Green Lantern creates the Mech Warrior, then carries Doc Ock and Black Mask up the road and park so that Black Mask has Bullseye bottlenecked and Doc Ock can still "reach" Bullseye from height. Elektra moves up and nearly kills Black Mask with one attack, then the Ninja start in on BM but he is saved twice by GL. Doc Ock then unleashes his fury with 4 attacks of 5 on Bullseye and rips him to shreds but took two wounds from failing twice with Black Mask's "motivation". Elektra tries to kill Doc Ock but only sneaks one wound in. Then the Hand Ninja try to kill Black Mask but fail twice and GL burns his last marker to save him on their third attempt. Doc Ock then rips Elektra to shreds and some Ninja but also failed once and took a wound from Black Mask - his boosted attacks are nasty, but ultimately they are less difficult to pull off than Captain America (Hasbro) and some Agents on height. The Construct moved up and killed some Ninja as Green Lantern flew far far away to hide. Batman swings in and attacks but fails his attacks except for killing Black Mask. The Construct kills the last of the Ninja. Doc Ock tries to hit Batman but on his first attack is hit with the E-Strike and dies. Batman then punches out the Construct after taking 3 wounds from its attacks. Two hidden Ninja reappear and jump out at Green Lantern, but fail, and he kills them both over the next two turns. A severely wounded Batman battles with a healthy Green Lantern with no batteries left and Batman wins. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Batman wins with 3 wounds.
Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes. - What should be the unit's point value? 240. - Give a brief overview.Doc Ock is annoying and a bit terrifying. He is sooo good at cutting a figure off from wherever it is trying to go. Also, his multiple attacks are great, but never feel like they are better than a lot of Hasbro Squads.
Map: Custom.
Units: Doctor Octopus, Kingpin, and Hired Guns - VS - Spider-Man, Spider-Girl, Dare Devil, and Robin.
Spoiler Alert!
Kingpin has the Hired Guns to take a hill. Spider-Girl moves up. KP has the HG move up some and attack S-G putting her one away from death, then Kingpin charges in for the kill on her. Spider-Man moves up and kills a HG. Doc Ock tears through with reach hits Spidey for 2 wounds. Doc Ock ended up engaging Dare Devil on height and crippling him. Spider-Man helps out and knocks Doc Ock away from Dare Devil. DD and Robin take flight and kill the wounded KP. Robin goes after the Guns while DD works Doc Ock over, but Doc Ock swings back and kills the wounded Dare Devil and Spider-Man in one turn. Robing finishes the Guns off. Robin (Healthy) and Doc Ock (wounded) go at it on a mountain and Doc Ock wins. Who won and how many wounds did they have?Doc Ock wins with 3 wounds.
Thanks for the quick response. Yeah, that attack of 3 is a bit deceiving at first glance. I am glad you "get" the design and its power.
Hahma said:
Griffin said:
Thanks for looking.
LIFE = 5
MOVE = 5
POINTS = 230
Doctor Octopus may add 1 to his range when attacking a figure whose base is no more than 6 levels higher than his height or 6 levels lower than his base. When Doctor Octopus Attacks, he may attack three additional times.
All small or medium opponent's figures that enter or occupy a space adjacent to Doctor Octopus may not move. Figures affected by Cyber Claw cannot be moved by any special power on an Army Card.
When counting spaces for Doctor Octopus' movement, elevation changes of up to 2 levels count as one space. You may ignore Doctor Octopus' height of 5 when climbing.
At first glance, the attack of 3 seems kind of low considering the power of those tentacles. However, unlike the Hydra who loses one attack for each wound, Doc Oc doesn't, so he'll always get 4 attacks (if possible). Add to that the Climbing that will help him get height advantage for 4 attacks of 4, that is pretty powerful enough, not to mention the Cyberclaw that keeps opponents from disengaging.
I think he looks really solid as is. Great job!
He will be really nasty when in the same army as Wonder Woman. Doc Oc adjacent to WW can keep opponents from getting out of her Lasso and if the opponent is a GL or someone depending on a special power to help their defense, they are in deep doo doo when Doc Oc puts the beat down on them with 4 attacks of 3 (or 4 with height).
Yeah, he's looking like at least 240. I could see him going to 250 possibly as well. Having short range, not being quite a flier, and having no defensive power holds him down, but he does have pretty solid life and defense.
His attack potential, of course, is off the charts.
240 is looking good. I wouldn't be surprised if that goes up to 250 after the public tests, though! I think 240-250 is pretty cemented as his range, though.
My only concern is that this guy really has four attacks of four regular potential and just like Blob, once he's got you there, he has four attacks of four until one of you is dead. And unless you're very lucky, it won't be Doc Ock. Four attacks of two should be considered. Squad scape has proven that even a lot of low attacks will net wounds (ala Flash too) so a start of four attacks of two with four attacks of three on his own potentially would be good.
Alternatively, I could see his life going down to 4. This guy is a nerdy wuss with really powerful mechanical arms. If you can get through that defense he should be easy to take down, but that's a big IF.
EDIT: Actually, I really think this is the way to go. And after double-checking the tests, it wouldn't really change any of the outcomes. (except two Heavy Hitter tests)