no baby bump - false alarm!
The Book of Death Knights of Valkrill
Moltenclaw's Invasion - Collection D3 (13) - "Valkrill's Legion"
"character biography" and other non-game unit info.
Character Bio: Death Knights are warriors who choose to come back and fight on, even after death. A death knight carries its soul in its weapon. This weapon has the power to become ghostly and pierce armor as if it was not there.
(Adapted from the Guru's front-page preview)
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q. "Death Knight" = "Knight"?
. . . Please?
A. No. "Death Knights" do NOT benefit from "Knight" synergies. (Bad Scaper--You know better than that).
Q. Cloak of Sassy Indifference?
According to the Death Knights' card, their cloaks are not part of their hitzones, meaning they can't really be shot in the back. Is this correct?
A. No. Cloaks are always target-able so figures don't disappear when they turn their backs.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
RELENTLESS HEROES : UNHOLY BONDING : As Small, Medium, or Large heroes with "Relentless" personalities, the following units may benefit from the Death Knights of Valkrill's UNHOLY BONDING activation synergy:
Synergy Imposed- ANA KARITHON : Turn Undead Special Attack : As Undead, the Death Knights of Valkrill are subject to Ana Karithon's TURN UNDEAD SPECIAL ATTACK.
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
RELENTLESS HEROES : UNHOLY BONDING : As Small, Medium, or Large heroes with "Relentless" personalities, the following units may benefit from the Death Knights of Valkrill's UNHOLY BONDING activation synergy:
As a Valkrill follower with a Range of 1, the Death Knights of Valkrill may benefit from the Skull Demon's VALKRILL ATTACK AURA 1 ability. - ZOMBIE HULK : PARALYZING FEAR
As an Undead figure, Death Knights of Valkrill may be aided by Zombie Hulk's PARALYZING FEAR special ability.
- GOTHLOK: Aura of Despair
As figures that follows Valkrill, Death Knights of Valkrill are immune to the affects of AURA OF DESPAIR
As an Undead figure, Death Knights of Valkrill provide Van Nessing an attack bonus when using DIVINE MISSION.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- - TBA
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
- Death Knights of Valkrill Pre-Release Discussion Thread
- VALKRILL: Beat my DK's army 700
- Death Knights: Death Itself
- Death Knights of Valkrill armies with C3V/SoV
Power Rankings
- Jexik: Death Knights of Valkrill- They're better than Zettians, that's for sure. B-
- OEAO: B-
- Cleon: Tier 4 (162/208)
- dok (VC inclusive): B-
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