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The Book of Dash Parr


Tickle Pickle
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The Book of Dash Parr



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Nano Metalfigs figure from the Incredibles 2 set.
Its name is Dash Parr.


Character Bio - Middle child of Robert and Helen Parr. Superhuman with superspeed. Reckless teenager.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Incredible Siblings and Superspeed: Since both trigger at the end of your turn, you choose which one you use first. If you activate the extra move of Superspeed, you have choosen not to activate Incredible Siblings, if you choose to bond with Violet, Dash's turn ends and he cannot use Superspeed.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • Dash may activate Violet Parr with his Sibling Rivalry special power.
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing


SPECIES = Superhuman
UNIQUENESS = Unique Hero
CLASS = Student

SIZE/HEIGHT = Medium 4

LIFE = 3

MOVE = 9

POINTS = 105

Dash may move through all figures, never takes leaving engagement attacks, and does not have to stop his movement when entering water spaces. After taking a turn with Dash, if he does not use his Incredible Siblings special power this turn, he may move up to an additional 4 spaces.

After revealing an Order Marker on this card and taking a turn with Dash, you may take a turn with a Violet Parr figure you control.

When Dash defends against an attack, and you roll at least one blank, Dash takes no damage and may immediately move up to 2 spaces.
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Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

Simple yet thematic design. Love seeing this faction come together. :up:
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

One change I was considering was giving him a Defense of 7 and swapping Speed Dodge with this to make him play a little different than other speedsters and show his reckless nature more.

If Dash is not adjacent to any friendly figures and is engaged with at least one enemy figure, add 1 die to his normal attack and subtract 1 die from his defense.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I prefer low defense on speedsters generally. In Dash's case specifically, low defense and speed dodge make him work very well with Violet. Sibling Rivalry kinda gets that reckless feel anyway.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I could really go either way here, just thought that was another good power reuse that would make him play different than other speedsters. Figured it was worth throwing out there.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I think it makes more sense to go Speed Dodge here (or something similar) because that's definitely more the archetypal thing to do. Like as much as the Incredibles are doing their own thing, they're also pastiche and I think it makes sense for them to echo the iconic C3G tropes for their powersets.

I do think he could use a little pop, though, so maybe a slightly-more-reckless-than-usual Speed Dodge? Not sure exactly what that looks like, but a small twist on the power could help the card out a lot. I think Kid Flash pretty much puts him out of business right now, so he'd come in at a lower point value than you've got in the SP. :2cents:
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

Not too worried about where he lands cost wise, what I have was a total guess. I'm open to suggestions on a reckless version of Speed Dodge. Don't have anything myself.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I like the power set. Am I the only only one struggling to see an attack of 4 on this guy? He never struck me as stronger than the average kid or particularly skilled at combat, just fast. An attack of 3 would feel right to me.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I just copied Kid Flash there. Though I realize I also changed his move to be 10 at some point when it should probably be 9 to mirror Kid Flash as well
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

My initial thought was that yeah, 10 Move seems a bit high for a kid. He seems more like the 8-9 range when you factor in the +4 from Superspeed.

In general I like him as-is. I buy him at either 3 or 4 attack, I can justify that minor bump above "normal" just by factoring in his speed and momentum and stuff.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I consider 4 attack here just meaning his punches are harder to dodge.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I consider 4 attack here just meaning his punches are harder to dodge.

Sure. That’s why a little kid is hitting as hard as lots of guns and bows (3 attack). Without his speed I’d think he’d be a 2.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

Symmetry with Kid Flash's 4 attack makes sense to me. With 3 he'd be basically worthless on offense.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I don’t mind 3 attack. He punches a random thug like 30 times before it does anything. That said it’s no deal breaker. I like speed dodge to Combe with Violet, just gotta make sure it’s not too potent (I don’t think it would be)

Looks good though!
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing


Because Dash is 10 and Kid Flash is more early to mid teens. Also, Kid Flash has muscles!
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

Symmetry with Kid Flash's 4 attack makes sense to me. With 3 he'd be basically worthless on offense.

I mean, I only have the movies to go by, but what did he do offensively in the movies of note?
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

Also the symmetry of 3 attack on both Violet and him is nice, especially with Sibling Rivalry.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

I'm more just worried about factional play. In our playtests, Vi clearly wanted someone to carry her around so you didn't have to bother actually spending turns on her. Incredibles won't have that, but I kinda assumed activating her through Sibling Rivalry would be the equivalent. But how often am I doing that if I have to score a wound with an attack of 3? And honestly, how often am I drafting Dash with an attack of 3? He's not offering much else at the moment. And where does that leave the Incredibles when it comes to damage-dealing?

It just seems like a recipe for frustration overall.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

OK, then maybe the design needs revisiting? If his basis for being useful as a character is consistently reliable offense when that's not really what he is as a character (he's fast and annoying, more of a defensive interference/clean up type than a hitter at all from what I've seen), then is he working as is?

Like maybe he should have a power that lets him carry/push Violet with him (something he did in the movies - at least on the water).
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

Or switch Sibling Rivalry to Not wounding. So if you don't get a wound with the first you get the second shot at it for that "I can do it better" idea. Then you get two attacks of 3 each turn which is better than getting one attack with 4 and hoping for the follow up.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

Or switch Sibling Rivalry to Not wounding. So if you don't get a wound with the first you get the second shot at it for that "I can do it better" idea. Then you get two attacks of 3 each turn which is better than getting one attack with 4 and hoping for the follow up.

:up: I'd support that direction. Shouldn't be a problem to change it on Violet since it didn't come into play yet on her tests.
Re: The Book of Dash Parr - Breathing

For the record, not petitioning for anything here just had a thought based on other posts I read and posted it