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The Book of Cybermen

Re: The Book of Cybermen (VOTE for Public Playtesting)



Army Test 1
Map: Island Plane Crash (Glyph of Wannok)
Units: Team 1 (1,100): Cybermen @140 x3 (420), Ultron (680)
Team 2 (1,100): Cosmic Boy (260), Mon-El (390), Timber Wolf (260), Triplicate Girl (190)

Pre-game thoughts: A decently cheap Cyborg squad obviously makes a good pairing with Ultron, but they also get to stack OM removal powers which is a nice bonus.

Summary of the game:
Spoiler Alert!

Post-game thoughts: Well, the Legion decided to be good today. :p I do think Ultron’s inherent swinginess had a lot to do with this massive loss. If he had gotten off just 1 Program Transmission I think that would’ve made a considerable difference. However, the Cybermen weren’t great themselves, not really showing the capacity to break through even the mid-level Legionnaires.
NOTE: Point Value changed to 130.

Army Test 2
Map: Island Plane Crash (Glyph of Wannok)
Units: Team 1 (1,000): Cybermen @130 x2 (260), Captain Marvel (Carol) (370), Livewire (230), Laserbeak (140)
Team 2 (1,000): Captain America (240), Bucky (60), Wolverine (280), Colossus (260), Wild Child (160)

Pre-game thoughts: Obvious Livewire pairing, providing her a decent way to get some Technopathic shots in for fairly cheap. Also some potential interplay with Laserbeak looking at OMs and the Cybermen removing them, but that seems fairly minor.

Summary of the game:
Spoiler Alert!

Post-game thoughts: Probably worth noting that Team 2 won 5/6 initiative rolls. I should probably start noting that, since it feels like every game I play has a heavy lean like that.

Another rough one for Team Cyber, without a doubt. When Bucky is taking a ton of you out, you know there’s something wrong. They just don’t feel like an effective fighting force, as a squad with fairly low move, attack, and no bonding.

I do think Island Plane Crash isn’t the optimal map for them, since it favors mobilizing early and speedily.
NOTE: Attack Value changed to 4.

Army Test 3
Map: Island Plane Crash (Glyph of Wannok)
Units: Team 1 (1,000): Cybermen @130 x2 (260), Iron Patriot (290), Iron Man (Avengers) (270), Harley Quinn (180)
Team 2 (1,000): Captain America (240), Bucky (60), Wolverine (280), Colossus (260), Wild Child (160)

Pre-game thoughts: Alright, I upped their attack to 4 as they just weren’t feeling effective. Going to try a strategy where I send the Unique Heroes out as a first wave, but use Norman’s leadership to hopefully advance the Cybermen up as a second wave.

Summary of the game:
Spoiler Alert!

Post-game thoughts: While this was a narrow loss, that was primarily because I accidentally put two guys with auto-shields up against weaker squaddies. Up against guys with lower defense, I think this would’ve been a big win. I think the attack boost took Electro-Touch from not very effective to super effective, and I could easily see them draining a whole round’s worth of OMs when going up against cheap Rogues or Sidekicks.
NOTE: Electro-Touch update made.

Army Test 4
Map: Island Plane Crash (Glyph of Wannok)
Units: Team 1 (1,000): Cybermen @130 x2 (260), Iron Patriot (290), Iron Man (Avengers) (270), Harley Quinn (180)
Team 2 (1,000): Pinhead (335), Freddy Krueger (175), Jason Voorhees (175), Michael Myers (135), Leatherface (95), Chucky (85)

Pre-game thoughts: I think these two teams will have a nice interplay. Slashers have lots of unblockables to pierce through the higher defense of Team 1, but the Cybermen have lots of low-defense targets for Electro-Touch as well. Tony is Michael’s Victim

Summary of the game:
Spoiler Alert!

Post-game thoughts: This was a pretty intense match, with Harley constantly trying to take out Pinhead and getting blocked every turn by the Slashers.

The Slashers managed to adapt to Team 1’s OM removal powers pretty well, just by hiding Freddy away as much as possible. Harley’s Pop Gun was a much more effective OM remover than Electro-Touch, but obviously in an ideal situation, the Cybermen get to use theirs 3 times per turn to Harley’s 1.

A lot of wounds dealt by the Cybermen here, but taking a lot of hits is kind of the whole deal for the Slashes, so that doesn't really concern me at all.

THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT'S COST, BALANCE, & DRAFTABILITY: They really struggled when their attack was stuck at 3, but felt much more worth it at 4. Iron Patriot felt like the best ally for them at the moment because of the mass mobilization, so that’s definitely an effect I’ll be looking to mimic on a future Cyber unit.

GENERAL THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT: They’re fun, but definitely a bit basic. Which is fine by me, cause the plan here is to have them be a sort of combo deal, either with the Cyber-Converter or whatever wacky Invader synergy we put together.
I'm feeling good at 120.

I'd like to call a VOTE for Public Playtesting.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

Looking for me to hit anything specific here Nobody?
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

Looking for me to hit anything specific here Nobody?

If it's too much of an inconvenience (like having to build a new physical map), don't worry, but it would be nice to see how they feel on a map with lots of LoS blockers like Sewer Labyrinth.

I had the most success with bringing ~2 squads with Iron Patriot. Might be worth trying either the Livewire or Ultron combos again as well, since the Cybers have gotten more effective since those pairings were tested.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

I can toss a bunch of trees on X Marks the Spot to make it more interesting. :lol:
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

Zakizzryn said:

Army Test
Map: Country Road
Units: Iron Patriot(290) Livewire(230) Captain America(240) Cybermen(120) Cybermen(120) (1000) VS Darkseid(380) Yellow Lantern Sinestro(330) Solomon Grundy(290)(1000)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Country Road
Units: Ultron(680) Ultron Drone(100) Ultron Drone(100) Cybermen(120) (1000) VS Starlord(250) Nova Prime(380) Quasar(370) (1000)
Spoiler Alert!

I feel that the unit cost is reasonable. Useful unit to add into an army to keep in the back lines and attack the enemy in order to remove their Markers, as was seen in the second test. The opposing army did not stand much of a chance once their turns were taken away. I would suggest teaming them up with Units that subtract enemy defense dice.

In my opinion, I feel you could take a little away from defense and add to attack, Fortunately rolls were in favor sometimes with the Cybermen. During the first test it was rather difficult to at least get a single wound on a target. However as previously mentioned in above thoughts, pairing with units that subtract from opponents defense could prove rather beneficial in a battle.
I'm a moron who sent Zaki the Cybermen with 3 Attack instead of 4. :duh: So not sure these tests are worth a lot. Still, pretty strong showing for being a whole attack die lower. Maybe a bump back up to 130 or a raise of the Electro-Touch roll?
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

If the tester was concerned about the loss of turns stacking up when just facing an attack of 3, seems like 4 would also be a concern.

What does the 2nd power even do?
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

If the tester was concerned about the loss of turns stacking up when just facing an attack of 3, seems like 4 would also be a concern.
I felt they were perfectly fine when I played the same version that Zaki did but at 4 attack. The ceiling to potentially remove up to 3 OMs in a single turn is obviously devastating, but they're slow, fragile, and need to inflict a wound and score a 16+ to do it.

Zaki also got incredibly lucky too. In game 2, a single 3-figure squad of 3 attack units managed to inflict 4 wounds on Nova Prime, 2 wound on Quasar, and 2 wounds on Star-Lord, and also triggered the Electro-Touch (16+ D20 roll) on 3/5 attempts.
What does the 2nd power even do?
It works similar to the Civilians or the Zombies from Classic Scape. Move with any 3, attack with any 3.

There were worries about such a generic power having a specific Cyberman name though, so I added a slight synergy hook where you could also use the power to attack with any future Common Cyber designs. (None of which will be more powerful than this one, most likely.)
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

That is some pretty crazy good luck.

Think the 2nd power needs to be reworded now that I know the intent. Switching from Cybermen to a long winded description of the Cybermen is just confusing for a possible synergy hook that may not ever come. Better to put that synergy on the future card when it gets made.

When taking a turn with the Cybermen, after moving 3 Cybermen, you may attack with any 3 Cybermen you control.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

The idea was to make it more specific so he could use the Cyber Legion power name and not have to change it to make it more generic.

Also don't forget to link Zak's playtest and I would mention that they were run at 3 attack in the OP.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

Yeah, I'm pretty sold on the mechanics and it doesn't seem like anyone else has found it confusing. Anyone have suggestions to add clarity without changing the mechanic?
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

When taking a turn with the Cybermen, after moving 3 Cybermen, you may attack with any 3 Cybermen you control. Order Markers cannot be removed from this card.

What if we just did something like this? Basically trinket text but also sells the theme of a legion mind.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

I like DW baddies being affected by OM removal whammies and stuff, just cause that feel like the kind of gimmick that future Doctors might have.

I like the Emotionless Cyborgs hook because one of the additional Cyber designs I'd actually seriously be considering would be Cybermats, which are tiny little scouts. So the idea would be that you send the Cybermats out first, then attack with them while moving the Cybermen up.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

Just finally getting these games set up, so revisiting the wording thing on Cyber Legion. I didn't find it confusing, but I knew the intent from the start.

I do think it's worth keeping the synergy hook there, since it's pretty light touch and it'd be difficult to work that effect in cleanly on a future card, but... can't hurt to make the thing more explicit. Got the space here. Just something like:

Instead of attacking with the Cybermen you moved this turn, you may attack with any 3 Emotionless Cyborgs you control.

Honestly, I'd probably lift the "Common" restriction, unless you think we really need it. We can always just not call Uniques Emotionless if they shouldn't be part of it. (Hell, you could probably drop the Cyborg part, but you'd just have to say "Emotionless figure" anyway)
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

Yeah, I suppose we could drop the Common part. There are definitely more powerful types of Cybermen, but I (a) don't really have any desire to do them in the foreseeable future and (b) don't really think most of them would have huge offensive firepower, anyways. Maybe a rare attack of 5 or 6, but I don't think that's shattering this power in a way that can't be adjusted for.

Updated. Appreciate it, thanks!
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)



Army Test
Map: X Marks the Spot (w/ added trees per Nobody's request)
Units: Cybermen x3 (360), Iron Patriot, Robot, Spider-Girl (1000) VS X-Men (1000)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: X Marks the Spot (w/ added trees per Nobody's request)
Units: Cybermen x2 (240), Ultron and Mechanical Contructs x2 (1000) VS Fantastic 4 (1000)
Spoiler Alert!

THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT'S COST, BALANCE, & DRAFTABILITY: They felt good, definitely felt like the Cybermen with the front line attacking and the replacements advancing from the start zone. Didn't feel too great with Ultron, but they're a bit pricy for you to choose them for Program Transmission if you have other options in play like the Mechs or an enemy figure you wounded. Playing them against OM hubs is interesting, in the X-Men's case they hardly get a chance to engage the Prof and try to remove OMs, and in the Fan 4's case it's hard to get past Mister Fantastic's defense, but it would have been devastating if they had been able to.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

Thanks, Tickle! Out of interest, did the LOS blockers help allow them to advance any easier?

I think 120 is good for them after seeing this. 1 win, 1 loss, but the win didn’t seem to have that much to do with the Cybermen themselves, just Ultron being Ultron. Still will hold out for Ronin’s tests, but I’m feeling pretty good here.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)

I wouldn't say it made it easier or harder to advance, it was just there. And yea the win they had hardly had anything to do with them.
Re: The Book of Cybermen (Public Playtesting)


NAME OF THE PLAYTEST UNIT: Cybermen @130 points

Army Test
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Units: Cybermen x2 (260), Iron Patriot, Venom (Gargan), Mystique (I) (960) vs Martian Manhunter (I), Black Canary (I), Green Arrow (Ollie), Robin (Dick), Speedy (Roy), Batgirl (Cassie) (960)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Units: Cybermen x3 (390), Ultron (1070) vs Professor X, Jean Grey, Angel (Warren), Armor, Jubilee, Blink, Cable (1070)
Spoiler Alert!

THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT'S COST, BALANCE, & DRAFTABILITY: They feel like they can be pretty strong as a clean-up squad, but the bulk of their army let them down both times in this one. They're bringing a lot of attack power relative to their points, and they have the potential to bulldoze low/mid-level guys, but they're up against C3G being rough on squads in general.

They're definitely fun to play, though. Cool movement dynamics.