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The Book of Crimson Dynamo


Prickly Cactus
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The Book of Crimson Dynamo



Comic PDF


Mini PDf

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Armor Wars set.
Its model number and name are #070-072 / Crimson Dynamo.
Its model number and name are #212 / Gennady Gavrilov.
Character Bio - Gennady Gavrilov, a Russian collegiate, became the eighth Crimson Dynamo after he found the helmet of a suit designed by Anton Vanko - a "Beta unit", based on but improved over the original, with its very own recharging satellite in orbit. Believing the helmet to be a sophisticated gaming system, Gavrilov caused the dormant armor to awaken and make its way towards the helmet, inadvertently leaving a trail of destruction. He would eventually, if briefly, wear the entire armor in a standoff with the Russian military. He kept the armor afterward.


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Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 150

Range 4. Attack 4 and 3.
Choose a figure to attack. You may also choose one other figure within 2 clear sight spaces of the targeted figure to be affected by this special attack. Roll 4 attack dice once for all figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Figures with the Electrically Charged special power are not affected by Electrical Blast Special Attack. After attacking with this special attack, Crimson Dynamo may attack 1 additional time, rolling 1 fewer attack die for the subsequent attack.

Range 6. Attack 2.
Only non-adjacent figures can be attacked with this special attack. For each skull rolled, the defending figure subtracts 1 die from its defense. After attacking with this special attack, Crimson Dynamo may attack two additional times.


Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Looks great! :up: Not super crazy about the class ... but I like the rest of it, powers, stats, etc.

A couple of quick wording fixes:

Range 4. Attack 4 and 3.
Choose a figure to attack. You may also choose one other figures within 2 clear sight spaces of the targeted figure to be affected by this special attack. Roll 4 attack dice once for all figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Electrical Blast Special Attack does not affect destructible objects or figures with the Electrically Charged special power. After attacking with this special attack, Crimson Dynamo must attack 1 additional times, rolling 1 fewer attack die for the subsequent attack.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Borrowed the Electrical Blast Special Attack from Tickle's version in the Armor faction thread. He had mentioned I could use that design a long time ago.

I wasn't keen on the targeting thing like Warmachine had, nor the normal attack of 4, even though it was ranged, nor the move of 6. So I lowered the move to 5, base attack of 5 for melee and added the armor piercing rockets.

He had Agent as class and Patriotic. But this version of CD was a Russian collegiate who found the helmet and thought it was a video game counsel and used it to call the armor, which caused lots of damage on the way. He then got into the armor and caused some trouble. So I didn't really have much to go on as far as class and personality. :)
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Hmm, now I'm wondering why you chose this kid for the secret identity - it seems like he only wore the armor very briefly.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

That's who the figure represents - each Crimson Dynamo, insofar as I know, had his own separate armor.

My feelings on the reuse of Armor Piercing Rocket Launcher is mixed... I know "Guys in Armor" is pretty small design space, but I feel like we could be a bit more unique there.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Ah. Really weird they chose to do a mini of him unless there's more to his story than what I read on Wikipedia! Seems like he's just a college gamer who stumbles into the suit, takes it for a joy ride, and then gets to take it out like one more time against the Russian government.

Personally, I like Armor Piercing Rocket Launcher enough to see it reused. And I feel like we have a ton of variety in the "Guys in Armor" sector already. As long as the overall design feels unique, nothing wrong with bringing back a solid power.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Well, Armor Piercing Rocket Launcher was already sort of a retread, since we tapped that design space with Punisher. But it hasn't been run into the ground, and I don't have any alternatives to offer at the moment, so just ignore me if no one shares the concern. :D

I think they just picked Gavrilov because he was the Dynamo pretty recently when the set was released and he had his own mini-series. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Did he appear more than once outside of that mini-series, though?

And, yeah, it hasn't been run into the ground yet. :) At the point we're at in terms of the overall number of powers we've designed, I think we should create new powers with some reluctance, as it's difficult to produce elegant powers at this point without them accidentally being differently named repeats of something that's come before.

There's still some untapped design space here and there, of course, but it's getting tighter and tighter.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

I could always change the secret identity to Dmitri Bukharin,as he was the longest reigning CD from '78-'90. I don't have the mini version of that Crimson Dynamo, so someone will have to get the mini and get pictures of it.




The Crimson Dynamo wears an armored battle-suit that serves as an exoskeleton, providing the wearer with superhuman strength and durability. The suit's outer layer was composed of a carborundum matrix alloy, and is equipped with hand-blasters that can fire high-frequency electrical bolts, small missiles contained in the back shoulder area of the battle-suit, computers and radio transmitter and receiver, boot jets that allow flight. Subsequent versions of the battle-suit have featured upgrades of various kinds, by the Gremlin and other Russian scientists. As Crimson Dynamo, Valentin Shatalov's version of the armor was equipped with a powerful chest-mounted fusion-caster weapon.

I was just going to have the Electric Blast power and keep it low key, but added the Rockets because they are listed as him having them in his shoulder area. I didn't think there was any sense in reinventing the wheel, and while Punisher started the Armor Piercing Rocket, Warmachine's (which CD's is from) is different enough from Punisher's and I don't see a reason to not reuse it. Part of the problem here has been reinventing the wheel so many times that things get confusing. I don't need to have the shiniest and newest, though the electric blast power is new (Tickles). That should be fine. He's a dude in a suit, he's got electric stuff, some rockets, can fly and has superstrength.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

I have the figure that looks like an eraser.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

I like the mini of this guy & want to see it on my battlefield. I believe I have that second mini you pictured Hahma so I should be able to get the photos if you go that way. But Gennady mini is really much better looking.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

I have the Gennady mini A3n and agree that it's the better looking one. In fact, that's why I bought it a couple years ago. At the time, I didn't realize that the different armors were different people, I just thought they were upgrades.

As long as the powers and stats are going to be the same anyway, does anyone really care who is wearing it? I would doubt that most people would have any idea who all the different guys were in the suit.

The only issue with Gennady is that he wouldn't have synergies. Is that a problem? The other one would be an Agent, and that would be some wonky synergies.

I'm fine with Gennady, but will go with what the majority wants.

Which version of Crimson Dynamo do you want?

A: Gennady (collegiate/student, careless) mini in op

B: Dmitri Bukharin (agent, patriotic) one of the above minis
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

A for me. Both will likely be designed eventually anyways, so it would be best to go with the LDs choice here.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Or even, do we want to see the 2 different figures on our battlefield, one further down the track?

I like the mini too much, so I have to go with A for this design, but I am definitely fine with seeing B come out later slightly different.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase


But I want to say that if we did do the second design, no not use that second mini, please!!! I have it, and it's awful. :p
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Definitely don't want to switch the mini here, so A. The class is still odd, but I'm not sure there's a better one for this guy, and if the class is my only misgiving, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. :p
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

A but I think collegiate is too specific. How about citizen? It would be weird but fun running him with civilians.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Maybe just Student for the class. I don't like him as Civilian as they really shouldn't be powered up people.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

Is he really "powered up" though? He's more a college student screwing around in a powered up suit, it seems like. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

A but I think collegiate is too specific. How about citizen? It would be weird but fun running him with civilians.

Maybe just Student for the class. I don't like him as Civilian as they really shouldn't be powered up people.

Is he really "powered up" though? He's more a college student screwing around in a powered up suit, it seems like. :shrug:


Not sure that having a figure as powerful as Crimson Dynamo would be a good thing to have bonding with Civilians and getting free movement, free attack and possible bonus to attack.

Student would probably be a better class for him. Unlike other Citizens that have a weak human design to bond with the Civilians, they don't retain that Citizen class when they are Captain Marvel.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

All sorts of options. "Rebel" or "Renegade" or something like that would work.
Re: The Book of Crimson Dynamo - Design Phase

It appears we are going with the kid, I kind of feel he should only have a defense of 5. Simply because he wouldn't have the experience to use the armour as defensively as Iron Man & I feel that the armour itself without the experience should only offer the same as a master of combat like say Bats. ;)

The more I think about it, the more I like Student. :D