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The Book of Corvor the Tainted One


Active member
The Book of Corvor the Tainted One

C3V Wave 22 - Scourge of Apollyon - Heroes of Dark Ridge

Printer-Friendly PDF​

The figure used for this unit is a Pathfinder Battles figure from the Crown of Fangs set. The name of the figure is Leukodaemon. The figure is double-spaced.

Figures attacking Corvor the Tainted One with a normal attack subtract 1 from their attack dice.

Before moving, you must roll the 20-sided die for all figures within 2 clear sight spaces of Corvor the Tainted One, one at a time. If you roll a 15 or higher, that figure receives a wound. Demons are not affected by Avatar of Corruption.

When counting spaces for Corvor the Tainted One's movement, ignore elevations. Corvor may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Corvor starts to fly, if he is engaged he will take any leaving engagement attacks.

The PDF for this card can be downloaded here:

Character Bio:
Spoiler Alert!


-Rulings and Clarifications-


-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Offered

AVATAR OF CORRUPTION: Demons that are not affected:

Synergy Benefits Received

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Note: Corvor is a double-spaced figure.
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Re: Corvor the Tainted One

Thanks for doing another one, Andre. These are a huge help to the community.
Just now realized from the picture that he should be on a double base. Can we get that added to the original post? Thank you.
I've been having a lot of difficulty getting this guy to work. I've tried him with and without the Acolytes of Vorganund and while the Acolytes help, he still goes down really fast and the Avatar of Corruption ability just isn't reliable enough to hold out for (not to mention the positioning headaches it induces.) What strategies and tactics do you guys employ with Corvor?
I've been having a lot of difficulty getting this guy to work. I've tried him with and without the Acolytes of Vorganund and while the Acolytes help, he still goes down really fast and the Avatar of Corruption ability just isn't reliable enough to hold out for (not to mention the positioning headaches it induces.) What strategies and tactics do you guys employ with Corvor?

I always see my buddies rush Corvor in as a spearhead, but I think he really shines as an endgame cleanup powerhouse. He does much better when the enemy is running on fumes than when they are throwing everything at him out of the gate. Axentia plays nearly the same way, and she's always thrived as a janitor in my games as well.
My Thoughts

I pretty much always make sure CORVID-19 is on height when summoned. I play cautiously with him. If you minimize the number of attacks he can take, the attack reduction is going to just feel absolutely brutal for your opponent. If you're careful with him, he'll be nearly unkillable as your opponent will have to come into a fortified position to do something to get through 7 life and 3 defense (unless they have range in which case you have to be more aggressive but you also want to stay on as high of ground as possible)

~Dysole, who had a lot of fun playing him with the Acolytes in one of the online seasons
I always see my buddies rush Corvor in as a spearhead, but I think he really shines as an endgame cleanup powerhouse. He does much better when the enemy is running on fumes than when they are throwing everything at him out of the gate.

Yeah, that was my intuition. I think maybe he's just had some bad matchups vs other figures. In 4 matches with him he faced Rechets in one and a Feral Troll in another. But I suspect I'm still moving in too early.

I pretty much always make sure CORVID-19 is on height when summoned. I play cautiously with him. If you minimize the number of attacks he can take, the attack reduction is going to just feel absolutely brutal for your opponent. If you're careful with him, he'll be nearly unkillable as your opponent will have to come into a fortified position to do something to get through 7 life and 3 defense (unless they have range in which case you have to be more aggressive but you also want to stay on as high of ground as possible)

That's a good suggestion. If I'm running him, I can probably afford to take greater losses in the rest of the army in order to neutralize range as first priority. One of my losses was vs the Harquebus and the damage from them, even if they weren't a full strength squad at that point, still really hurt.

Thank you both for the suggestions! I'll try to incorporate them. I'm determined to make him work.
What are the rulings for spawning Corvor in, since he’s a double spaced figure and the acolytes are single spacers? I assume you can only summon him if he can fit and be legally placed.
From the Acolyte’s book:

Q. What happens when replacing an Acolyte with a double-spaced Bound Hero using Blood Summoning?
A. The Bound Hero must be placed in a legal position for a double-spaced figure. The Bound Hero must be placed on the space the destroyed figure occupied; the other space the Bound Hero occupies after placement may be any adjacent, same-level space. If there is no legal space, the Bound Hero cannot be placed.
From the Acolyte’s book:

Q. What happens when replacing an Acolyte with a double-spaced Bound Hero using Blood Summoning?
A. The Bound Hero must be placed in a legal position for a double-spaced figure. The Bound Hero must be placed on the space the destroyed figure occupied; the other space the Bound Hero occupies after placement may be any adjacent, same-level space. If there is no legal space, the Bound Hero cannot be placed.

Ah, I see. Thanks.
Using Corvor with the Acolytes is hand down the most fun I've had using any figure ever. Getting in range of a very large group and then summoning him can be amazing. In one turn with him I took 5 figures off the board and inflicted wounds on a 6th.

Acolytes of Vorganund x5
Corvor the Tainted One
Father Caylus
480 Points, 17 Figures, 18 Hexes