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The Book of Cloak


Tickle Pickle
Site Supporter
The Book of Cloak



Comic PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Mutant Mayhem set.
Its model number and name is #046-048 / Cloak.
Its model number and name is #204 / Tyrone Johnson.


Character Bio - Cloak is the personification of darkness itself. He is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. A superhero of the streets, he wages a war against drugs and drug related crimes. Cloak's powers derive from his ability to manipulate Darkforce energy and access the dimension from which it originates. He might actually be made of this negative energy. Darkforce energy is perceived by humans as dark matter, either in gas, liquid, or solid form. It is cold, draining, and prolonged exposure can cause insanity, turn one evil, and even kill. Cloak can create a localized field of impenetrable darkness; create mobile, solid tendrils of darkness; and pull people into the Darkforce dimension by opening a portal within his cloak.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q - In a multi-player game if Player A's Cloak places Player B's last figure on this card while Player C still has figures on the battlefield, has Player B "lost"? Can he still place Order Markers on that figure's card if it was not destroyed at the end of the previous round, or does he need to wait until his figure comes back?

    A - Player B must wait until his figure is free from the Dimension of Darkness before placing any Order Markers on that card. If all of Player A's opponents are taken down before Player B's figure is freed, Player B loses as well.

    [*]Q - If Aura of Darkness is being applied to my own Kang or any other figure with a power that is similar to Time Warp in that it allows the affected figure to "only" take leaving engagement attacks from a specific figure, who can give my Kang a leaving engagement attack?

    A - No one. The two powers are meant to overlap so that all figures are excluded from being able to give your Kang a leaving engagement strike.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • If Cloak is within 5 clear sight spaces of Dagger before placing Order Markers, he does not receive a wound for Darkforce Hunger.
  • Figures within 2 spaces roll one fewer defense die against figures with the Sensory Assault special power due to his Aura of Darkness special power. Current figures with the Sensory Assault special power.

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Cloak - Design




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 195

Before placing Order Markers, if Dagger is not within 5 clear sight spaces of Cloak, Cloak receives one wound.

Before attacking, you may choose one figure within 2 spaces of Cloak that is not an Event Hero or a destructible object and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 16 or higher, place the chosen figure on this card. At the end of each round, if one or more figures that were chosen for Dimension of Darkness are on this card, roll a single attack die for each figure, one at a time. If a skull is rolled, the chosen figure receives one wound. Remove one Wound Marker from this card for each wound inflicted with Dimension of Darkness. If a blank is rolled, place the chosen figure on any space adjacent to Cloak. If Cloak is destroyed, remove all figures from this card and place them on empty spaces adjacent to the space previously occupied by Cloak. Figures that cannot be placed are automatically destroyed.

Cloak and any figures within 2 spaces of Cloak take leaving engagement attacks only from figures with the Sensory Assault special power and roll one fewer defense die against normal attacks from figures with the Sensory Assault special power.

Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

Looks good Tickle. :D

Should we specify "normal attack" from figures with Sensory Assault?

Cloak and figures within 2 spaces of Cloak only take leaving engagement attacks from figures with the Sensory Assault special power. Cloak and any figures within 2 spaces of Cloak roll one fewer defense die against a normal attack from any figure with the Sensory Assault special power.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

Probably. Good suggestion.

I'm very happy with this design and Bats really helped me come up with Dimension of Darkness here.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

Yeah, I think Dimension of Darkness is a really fun concept - a lot like what's on Brainiac Vril Dox, but with some extra "feeding" involved.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

I am getting really nervous with these "remove figure from the battlefield" powers, especially now that the Frost Giants turn figures into Ice Rocks.

Are you sure, Tickle, that this level of complexity is necessary or desired?
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

I think that 16 (-2 for non-SS figures) might be a little low for a power that is basically insta-kill.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

I am getting really nervous with these "remove figure from the battlefield" powers, especially now that the Frost Giants turn figures into Ice Rocks.

Are you sure, Tickle, that this level of complexity is necessary or desired?

Cloak needs to be totally awesome, I'm thinking I'll either bump the d20 roll to 18 or higher or make this an instead of attacking power.

Cloak's constitution isn't that great, so you should be able to take him down without too much trouble.

Would you guys prefer:
A) Upping the d20 roll to 18
B) Making Dimension of Darkness an instead of attacking power.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

I'd try it out as is since there is a mechanic for removing the figures, killing him. I can see the point though with Frost Giants and other figure removal abilities wiping out an army before the units can break free.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

I was thinking upping the roll to 18 (or 16 if the figure doesn't have SS) would be a good way to go.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

No. That's probably just a hold over from before I came up with this power. I'm OK with dropping him down to 4 lives.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

I think Life 4 is a good tweak to make as well. I think with 18+ you're going to have a hard time even using the power. It will hit maybe once a game. More often than not it won't at all.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

Well it is 16+ against figures without SS.

Should we keep the roll lower (or lower it even more?) and make it so they're freed when he takes a wound, or at the end of the round, or something like that?
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

After moving Cloak, before attacking, you may choose one figure that is not an Event Hero within 2 spaces of Cloak and roll the 20-sided die, adding two to your roll if the chosen figure does not have the Superstrength special power. If you roll a 16 or higher, place the chosen figure on this card. At the start of each of Cloak’s turns, you may place a figure on this card on any empty space adjacent to Cloak. At the end of each round, each figure on this card receives one wound. Remove one wound marker from this card for each wound inflicted with Dimension of Darkness. If Cloak is destroyed, remove all figures from this card and place them on empty spaces adjacent to the space previously occupied by Cloak. Figures that cannot be placed are automatically destroyed.
What happens when Cloak "steals" a vehicle (with passengers) or ice Rock (with a figure "inside") and then while it is on cloak's card, that DO takes a final wound and is destroyed? What happens to the figure?

I think this design is too complicated, but the LD and Bats seem to have worked really hard at making it this complicated, :p, and they like it as is. I think that at best, we need some wording here that doesn't allow Cloak to "steal" a DO.

Also, given the amount of complexity right now, can we please get rid of the SS modifier? It isn't necessary for the mechanics, and the theme is sketchy anyways - STRENGTH doesn't mean SHADOW RESISTANCE.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

After moving Cloak, before attacking, you may choose one figure within 2 spaces of Cloak that is not an Event Hero or a Destructible Object and roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 16 or higher, place the chosen figure on this card. At the start of each of Cloak’s turns, you may place a figure on this card on any empty space adjacent to Cloak. At the end of each round, each figure on this card receives one wound. Remove one wound marker from this card for each wound inflicted with Dimension of Darkness. If Cloak is destroyed, remove all figures from this card and place them on empty spaces adjacent to the space previously occupied by Cloak. Figures that cannot be placed are automatically destroyed.

Ok I dropped the SS roll modifier and made DOs immune to the power. I'll see if this is too powerful in testing and decide if they should come off the card at the end of the round, but I don't feel like that's thematic.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

Wouldn't "opponent's figure" stop it from being a DO or Vehicle?
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

Btw, I didn't work super hard on this design or anything, I just had an idea for a direction and Tickle rolled with it. I don't really know this character particularly well, so if people aren't loving this direction or know him well and think he should go in another direction, don't let me stop you. :)
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

My thoughts were that he doesn't really work that well in a team setting (hence the Recluse class), so he should be able to suck up a teammate if it would help him last longer to suck up more people.

I really like the current direction, but if people aren't liking it, my backup plan was Darkforce Teleport where he could choose up to 4 friendly figures to teleport but if he choose more than 2 he had to roll an unblockable attack die against himself.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

I'm happy to let those who know the character better get so they agree on an overall direction and then help fine tune the results.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

I really like this direction for this design, but I would be open to suggestions from others as to how we could improve it.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

If you are going to keep the die roll low & he heals when there are figures on his card, I think there has to be a way they can be removed earlier then his death, like any wound. Again I don't know the character though but with a defense of 5 it's only going to be the heavy hitters that could wound him regularly.
Re: The Book of Cloak - Design

Wouldn't "opponent's figure" stop it from being a DO or Vehicle?
Vehicles are in fact "opponent's figures" though.

I think Tickles edits make this a bit more doable than before, but I am personally not really liking the complexity of the design, and the theme starts to get lost on me after a bit. It feels a bit like Doctor Doom with complicated stolen powers in that regard.