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The Book of Chief Judge Cal

Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Judge Fish broke the calculator. :p Got him at about -40 points, but that might be high? lol
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Yes, that sums him up quite well.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Or, to put it more succinctly:
Dude's literally just Caligula, right down to the wacky animal sidekick, and only mildly exaggerated.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Made a slight change before I get into testing here. I bumped Cal’s defense by 1 up to 4 because I just don’t think a 3 defense 4 life OM hub (especially one so random and unpredictable) is really viable in C3G.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Made a slight change before I get into testing here. I bumped Cal’s defense by 1 up to 4 because I just don’t think a 3 defense 4 life OM hub (especially one so random and unpredictable) is really viable in C3G.
*Glares in Amanda Waller*
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Made a slight change before I get into testing here. I bumped Cal’s defense by 1 up to 4 because I just don’t think a 3 defense 4 life OM hub (especially one so random and unpredictable) is really viable in C3G.
*Glares in Amanda Waller*

To clarify, I meant like ‘OM Hub that needs to be in the action to get much out of them’. Like technically Cal can sit in the starting zone like Waller and move/attack with Enforcers, but if you’re not getting some attacks/wounds in with him that’s not a great use of your OMs.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

A few notes here, I added some lingo to Fish and Cal that I had just sorta forgot about but I wanted to be there. Namely:

Fish only lets you re-roll once per player turn which is still plenty useful but keeps him more toward Cal than someone that rolls like 4 d-20s a turn or something.

Cal has an OM reveal tied to Living Law because that was always the intent and I just didn't realize it wasn't there.

NAME OF THE PLAYTEST UNIT: Deputy Chief Judge Fish @25 points

Set 1
Map: Sewer Labyrinth
Units: A (Dead)Pool Full of Fish: Fish (25), Commander Rogers (260), Deadpool (285), Harley (130)- 700 total vs Dazzling Marvel: Ms. Marvel (350), Doppelgänger (250), Dazzler (100)- 700 total
Spoiler Alert!

Set 2
Map: Island Plane Crash (No E-Glyph)
Units: Laughing Fish: Fish (25), Ms. Marvel (350), Joker II (140), Nightshade (225) - 740 total vs A Brand New Kind of Magic: Abigail Brand (170), Iron Man (Stealth) (270), Zatanna 1 (240), Atom (50), Skrull Infiltrator x1 (10)- 740 total
Spoiler Alert!

Overall: He seems fine, I'm really not worried about him being broken or anything. Cost is kinda hard to judge since like 10-25 points is a margin of error for most designs. I kinda lean to him being fine at 15 since his attack boost is fiddly and compared to Destiny his D-20 boost is very limited and she's 55 with actual stats, but 25 might be safer if we think a better OM shuffler for crazy people is likely.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

NAME OF THE PLAYTEST UNIT: Chief Judge Cal @125 points

Set 1
Map: Sewer Labyrinth
Units: Dreadful Tasks: Cal (125), Taskmaster (270), Judge Dredd(210), Chucky (95), Angel (90)- 780 total vs The Main Marvel: Ms. Marvel (350), Lobo (330), Dazzler (100)- 780 total
Spoiler Alert!

Set 2
Map: Island Plane Crash (No E-Glyph)
Units: The Lantern Lights the Way to Madness: Cal (125), Bus Lantern (340), Joe Fixit (310), Domino (225), Reptile (185), Cinder (175)- 1360 total vs Warriors Come Out to Play: Warriors Three (920), Thor (430), Skrull Infiltrator x1 (10)- 1360 total
Spoiler Alert!

Overall: I like him. He is admittedly kinda fiddly and probably isn't going to win any 'most competitive unit of the year' awards, but there's a reason he is in the April Fools wave :lol:. He's here to do crazy D-20 rolls, not win games. I'm not really confident on his point cost, it could go down, it could go up, he's hard to judge given the crazy. He's honestly not the worst at just being an auto-wounder/healer clean-up guy.

I think he'll be more fun with Judge Fish in the mix, since well, that's what Fish was designed for.

He's on the ground floor of the Enforcer faction, so I'm fine if he's a little weak right now/ we want to raise his price to focus in more on the leader aspect while making him weaker. The idea is largely that you're drafting him for his recruitment power and you want to pair him up with another Enforcer leader to mitigate his crazy a bit early on, but unfortunately Bison just doesn't really cut it right now since his leader power doesn't compliment Cal's very well and isn't great in the first place, so he's kinda lacking in partners.

One thing I will note is that most of his Judge options for recruitment are not great right now. The Brit-Cits are basically worthless since they can't place their marker, but we could finagle that one a tiny bit to make them a least functional here by changing there power to say 'within clear sight of this Brit-Cit Judge or any other Judge you control' which might be a good idea anyway. We don't really have any Judges that are thematically on his team right now and the intent was for him to disrupt regular Judge synergy while they're on his team, so I'm not too worried about this at the moment. I think he'll be fine on this front if we get a generic Mega City One Judge that doesn't have major Judge callouts on it's card.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

So what are we thinking here? Good to go to playtesting? Do we want to send Fish first or send them together? Send 1/2 of each card out now and the rest later?
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Looks good. Not sure the best way to go forward. I would probably just send them together.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Yeah I'd probably just sent them together. Did you not test them together?
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Yeah I'd probably just sent them together. Did you not test them together?

No I ran them separately so they'd both have independent initials in case people wanted to slow roll them.

Anyway, I'm going to propose sending them to Public Playtesting together as a unit.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (PT)

Alrighty, I think the synergy section is up to date now which should make testing him easier.
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (PT)

Had a question about the “move at least four spaces if able” part. Is there ever a situation where figures should be using that to move more than four spaces? I played it as a static move of four, but the “at least” struck me as confusing.
Spoiler Alert!

Army Test
Map: Grundy’s Grave
Units: Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch (Johnny), Crystal (900) vs Judge Cal (125), Deputy Fish (25), Deadpool (285), Domino (225), Silver Samurai (240) (900)
Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Army Test
Map: Grundy’s Grave
Units: Doctor Fate (Kent) (I) (290), Flash (Jay) (220), Hawkman (Carter) (220), Atom (Al Pratt) (170) (900) vs Judge Cal (125), Deputy Fish (25), Judge Dredd (210), Silver Samurai (240), Omega Red (300) (900)
Spoiler Alert!

Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (PT)

Yeah it's supposed to just be static 4 spaces. The 'at least' is just an errant bit of text.

Thanks for the tests, :up:
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (PT)

No prob. :up: I thiiiiink I didn't screw anything up, then. :p
Re: The Book of Chief Judge Cal (Opening Insanity)

Wording updates:
All Judge and Mercenary figures you control have the class of Enforcer instead of what is listed on their cards.

After revealing an order marker on this card and before taking a turn with Chief Judge Cal, you must roll the 20-sided die. If you roll:
• 1-10, you must choose 2 Enforcers you control to move 4 spaces each if possible; and
• 11-20, you must choose 2 Enforcers you control and attack with each figure if possible; and
• an odd number, you must remove 1 wound marker from this card and you must choose a figure you control and move 1 unrevealed Order Marker from Cal's card to that figure's card; and
• an even number, you must choose a figure within 5 clear sight spaces of Cal to receive 1 wound and you must choose a figure you control and move 1 unrevealed Order Marker from that figure's card to Cal's card.

At the start of the game, you may choose one Unique Insane Hero you control to be Judge Fish’s Companion. Once per player turn, when you roll the 20-sided die for a special power on Judge Fish's Companion's card, you may re-roll that die.

Judge Fish cannot attack or make leaving engagement attacks.

The first time each player turn a special power moves an Order Marker from Judge Fish's Companion's card to Judge Fish's card, add 1 to Judge Fish's Companion's Move, Attack, and Defense until the end of this player turn.

When Judge Fish is destroyed, you must remove all Order Markers from his Companion's card.