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The Book of C3V Glyphs
Power Glyphs
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Glyph of Frosa (Freeze)
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All water spaces are considered normal ice spaces while standing on the Glyph of Frosa. Figures do not have to stop their movement on normal ice spaces.
C3V Wave 2, Age of Chaos - Valkrill's Vengeance Booster
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Glyph of Holdir (Heroic Attack)
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Once during each turn, a Hero you control may add one extra attack die when attacking normally.
C3V Wave 2, Age of Chaos - Dwarf & Soulborgs Booster
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q. When can this Glyph be used, exactly?
A. Once per turn. That means that, for example, a Fen Hydra could only use the bonus for one attack. Note that when taking turns with multiple Common Heroes (e.g. Firestorm), each Hero gets its own turn, and they can therefore all use the bonus.
Glyph of Lorja Ivor (Range +1)
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For each figure you control with a Range number of 4 or more, add 1 to the Range number.
C3V Wave 6, Crevcor's Commission - Warriors of Elswind Forest Booster
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Glyph of Xipta (Exchange Orders)
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After placing Order Markers and before rolling initiative, roll the 20‑sided die. If you roll an 11 or higher, choose an opponent who must, one at a time, remove two different Order Markers from Army Cards that opponent controls, and then may place them again. Each Order Marker must be placed on a different card (or cards if your opponent has more than one common card for that figure) than it was removed from, or else it cannot be placed again this round.
C3V Wave 2, Age of Chaos - Army of Darkness Booster
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- Q: If I only have one card in my army, and my opponent rolls 11+, does Xipta have any effect?
A: Yes. You must remove two order markers, and cannot place them again this round. The glyph states that you must remove the order markers, and can only place them again if there is another card to place them on. (In practice, what you will typically do in this situation is remove one numbered order marker and the X order marker, so you will only lose one turn as a result of Xipta.)
- Q: If I remove one OM from one card, and the second OM from a different card, do I have to place them on a third, different card, or can I just switch them?
A: You are allowed to switch them. In the phrase "Each Order Marker must be placed on a different card... than it was removed from", the "it" refers to that order marker. Each individual order marker has to be placed on a different card from where that order marker was removed from.
- Q: Can I place order markers on the cards of destroyed figures, either before Xipta triggers or as a result of Xipta?
A: Yes. Note, however, the Glyph of Xipta only has a 50% chance of triggering. "Pre-switching" your order markers in anticipation of Xipta doesn't improve your chances of getting them where you want them. (However, doing this occasionally could help keep your opponent guessing about which figure has the X marker.)
- Q: Let's say I'm playing a regular two-player game, my opponent is only using one common card for each common figure, and my opponent has more than one card, total. Could you give me a simpler version of the text that would apply?
A: The text could read like this:
After placing Order Markers and before rolling initiative, roll the 20‑sided die. If you roll an 11 or higher, your opponent must, one at a time, remove two different Order Markers from Army Cards your opponent controls, and then may place them again. Each Order Marker must be placed on a different card than it was removed from. - Q: That's still a lot of text. Could you describe what to do in layman's terms?
A: If Xipta triggers, your opponent must do the following:- Pick up an order marker.
- Put that order marker back down on a different card from where it was before.
- Pick up a different order marker.
- Put that order marker back down on a different card from where that order marker (the second one you picked up) was before.
Glyph of Yngvild (Disengage)
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Figures you control are never attacked when leaving an engagement.
C3V Wave 6, Crevcor's Commission - Hunters and Drones Booster
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Glyph of Zawit (Teleport)
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At the end of the round, you may place the figure on this glyph on any empty space(s) on the battlefield not adjacent to any other figures. If the teleported figure is engaged, it will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
C3V Wave 6, Crevcor's Commission - Heroes of the Dark Lakes Booster
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Treasure Glyphs
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Gem of Lava Resistance (Lava Resistant)
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This figure gains the Lava Resistant special power. This figure never rolls for molten lava damage or lava field damage and does not have to stop in molten lava spaces.
C3V Wave 2, Age of Chaos - Heroes of Pazium Booster
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Glyph of Searing Amulet (Searing Intensity)
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After moving and before attacking, you must roll the 20-sided die once for each figure adjacent to this figure. If you roll a 14 or higher, that figure receives 1 wound. Figures with the Lava Resistant special power are not affected by the Glyph of Searing Amulet.
C3V Wave 6, Crevcor's Commission - Goliaths of the Plains Booster
-Rulings and Clarifications-
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