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The Book of Buffy Summers


Who ISN'T One of My Brothers??
The Book of Buffy Summers




Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Repainted Horrorclix figure from the Base Set.
Its model number and name are ##067-069 / Vampire Hunter.

Character Bio - Buffy Summers believed herself to be a normal girl until the day her Slayer abilities activated. Slayers, a line of young women stretching back to ancient days, are gifted with mystical abilities including enhanced strength, durability and agility and trained by the Watchers Council to fight against supernatural threats to the world. Shortly after discovering this destiny, Buffy moved with her mother to Sunnydale, California, which, unbeknownst to her, was built directly over a Hellmouth, a portal to the hell dimensions. With the help of her Watcher, Giles, and her friends, Buffy devotes herself to defeating the evil that plagues Sunnydale and the world.

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Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 210

At the start of the game, choose an opponent's Unique or Event Hero. When Buffy Summers attacks the chosen Hero with a normal attack, all blanks rolled count as skulls.

Undead and Demon figures roll 2 fewer defense dice against Buffy Summers' normal attack. Buffy Summers may attack any or all figures adjacent to her with her normal attack. Roll each attack separately.

Range 5. Attack 3 + Special.
When Buffy Summers attacks a figure that is exactly 2 spaces away with this special attack, roll 2 additional attack dice. After attacking with this special attack, Buffy Summers may attack with this special attack one additional time.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

Make sure to get comic art and find mini pictures for her (or get someone to take them) to add to the SP and link in the OP. :)

Write up looks good! She's definitely 200-something.

I'd put Challenge The Big Bad first on the card, since it's a "beginning of the game" power. I'd also go with black for the Marker color.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

I snapped some pictures yesterday, I'll try to get 'em up soon, along with comic art options.

Black is a good color choice, that's where I was leaning as well.

Couple things:

One, what do we want to do for species? By C3G definition, she's not technically Human, if she were Marvel or DC she'd be Mutate or Metahuman. Do we want to go with one of those, or make up a new one for Indy designs?

Two, I feel like the Big Bad power could use a little more oomph. Blanks as skulls against one figure per game just isn't going to be a big deal, I don't think. Here are a couple more ideas:
  • All blanks rolled count as 2 additional skulls.
  • All blanks rolled count as unblockable hits on the defending figure.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

I don't think it needs any more oomph, personally. She's already going to be averaging 3 skulls at a time versus the Big Bad. So that's like having an attack of 6 against the Big Bad. That's not bad at all, IMO, considering she's not meant to be over 250 points, I wouldn't think.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

For Slayer Training, do Undead and Demons roll 2 fewer defense dice against her ranged attack too?
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

Looking good so far TB. I'd think she should get the Slayer Training bonus with her ranged attack. SS? is she really that strong? I agree with Bats her attack oomph is enough as it is.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

For Slayer Training, do Undead and Demons roll 2 fewer defense dice against her ranged attack too?

The way it's currently worded, I'd say yes. Though perhaps if we moved that sentence to the front of the power, it'd help avoid confusion.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

The defense subtraction works with her range, yes. A crossbow bolt is as a good as stake to a vampire. :) Moving it to the top of the power is a good idea, though.

On SuperStrength, her strength level is well above that of a human, even topping most vampires. When sparring with a trained soldier in good condition, she has to hold back most of her strength just to keep from seriously hurting him.

With the Big Bad power, the blanks are only adding, on average, a half-a-skull an attack. I'm just worried that the power, as is, is not very exciting. I don't want her to be too powerful (low-to-mid 200s would sound about right), but I don't want to end up with a power that's boring or has too little an effect on the game.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

How about going in an entirely different direction with Big Bad?

Choose an opponent’s Unique or Event Hero to be Buffy's Big Bad. When Buffy's Big Bad is within 4 clear sight spaces of Buffy and attacks with a normal or special attack, the Big Bad must attack Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

How about going in an entirely different direction with Big Bad?

Choose an opponent’s Unique or Event Hero to be Buffy's Big Bad. When Buffy's Big Bad is within 4 clear sight spaces of Buffy and attacks with a normal or special attack, the Big Bad must attack Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I'd rather see it force Buffy to attack the Big Bad than vice versa ... but I prefer the current direction too, remembering that any time you add dice to her attack as well (height, Cap, etc.) it adds more effectiveness.

How many shields does Superman's Man of Steel really add on average? And yet I get tons of use out of that power and it definitely always feels worthwhile.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

For species I think Human is best. Unless the series has another name for Slayers as non-human beings, she's still a human - note that guys like Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel are still human despite their magical powers as well.

Is she ever referred to as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in-series? If she doesn't have a real code-name within the show, she should just be "Buffy Summers" without a secret identity.

Personally I'd aim for about 200 point-wise. And the power order should probably be reversed ("start of the game" first, targeting figures for attacks second, rolling for the attacks/defending last)
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

How about going in an entirely different direction with Big Bad?

Choose an opponent’s Unique or Event Hero to be Buffy's Big Bad. When Buffy's Big Bad is within 4 clear sight spaces of Buffy and attacks with a normal or special attack, the Big Bad must attack Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Interesting, but yeah, I prefer the current direction. The theme doesn't feel quite there.

Bats, Superman is also rolling at least 7 dice. He has much better odds of rolling blanks, plus he's getting that chance every time he rolls defense against a normal attack. Buff's only getting the boost against one figure. But if everybody else is good with the power as it is, then I'm fine with going to testing with what we have and seeing how it plays.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

Excellent points all around, Johnny! :up:

I totally agree with "Human" and "Buffy Summers". Having the class of "Slayer" is more than enough.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

How about going in an entirely different direction with Big Bad?

Choose an opponent’s Unique or Event Hero to be Buffy's Big Bad. When Buffy's Big Bad is within 4 clear sight spaces of Buffy and attacks with a normal or special attack, the Big Bad must attack Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Interesting, but yeah, I prefer the current direction. The theme doesn't feel quite there.

Bats, Superman is also rolling at least 7 dice. He has much better odds of rolling blanks, plus he's getting that chance every time he rolls defense against a normal attack. Buff's only getting the boost against one figure. But if everybody else is good with the power as it is, then I'm fine with going to testing with what we have and seeing how it plays.

I'd honestly consider bumping her attack up to 4 as well. But I'm OK with it being a small touch. Those half-skulls add up.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

Good points johnny. If it's good with you guys, Human works well for me.

She's referred to as 'The Slayer', but never 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' so I'm good with Buffy Summers. That's what I had originally, but changed it just before I posted. Should I change the title now, or wait and update it after the breathing period is up?

I'm fine with her falling in anywhere from about 180-250 points but 200 or a little above is where I'd prefer.
Re: The Book of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Design Phase

Feel free to change the title now. :)
Re: The Book of Buffy Summers - Design Phase

Agree with all that has been said already but would also say her Life should only be 4.
Re: The Book of Buffy Summers - Design Phase

What's your reasoning for that? Buffy's gifted with abilities beyond that of a human, including durability. This is someone who takes on vampires nightly, she can take a hit or two and keep going. I know Close Combat Expert makes her pretty tough, but 5 Life puts her survivability right on par with Black Widow, which seems reasonable to me.
Re: The Book of Buffy Summers - Design Phase

What's your reasoning for that? Buffy's gifted with abilities beyond that of a human, including durability. This is someone who takes on vampires nightly, she can take a hit or two and keep going. I know Close Combat Expert makes her pretty tough, but 5 Life puts her survivability right on par with Black Widow, which seems reasonable to me.

I agree with TB here. I think Buffy is a prime candidate for 5 life.
Re: The Book of Buffy Summers - Design Phase

What's your reasoning for that? Buffy's gifted with abilities beyond that of a human, including durability. This is someone who takes on vampires nightly, she can take a hit or two and keep going. I know Close Combat Expert makes her pretty tough, but 5 Life puts her survivability right on par with Black Widow, which seems reasonable to me.

I disagree, in the whole stats comparison thing I don't believe she would / should have more then 4 life. She has always been portrayed as still very human fragile when getting wounded & the such. I agree that she avoids being wounded better than most but nothing has ever said to me that she has a constitution above human. She has a lot of friends that help bring her back from death & near death.
Re: The Book of Buffy Summers - Design Phase

I'm with A3n. Raise her defense and drop her life. Also remember that losing Life doesn't mean the character is dead, just out of the battle.
Re: The Book of Buffy Summers - Design Phase

Fwiw, I support life of 4 or 5 here. With Close Combat Expert, though, I don't really want to see higher than 4 defense.
Re: The Book of Buffy Summers - Design Phase

I think 4 Life would probably keep her price in a more ideal range and allow more leeway/power with her other abilities.
Re: The Book of Buffy Summers - Design Phase

4 life definitely seems like the right way to go for me.

Human and Buddy Summers also looks good.

I like the current Big Bad power. Knowing from experience how much blanks can affect gameplay (Zauriel), they will definitely have an impact. I wouldn't be against 4 attack though. Big Bag does not need a marker however, just like with Jonah Hex's Bounty, it's easy enough to remember one figure until Buffy or that figure dies.