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The Book of Brunak


Well-known member
The Book of Brunak
Orm's Return - Heroes of Laur

Spoiler Alert!

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio: This ferocious creature looks like a cross between a troll and a giant lion. Raised in the lava fields of Wolflin, Brunak is naturally resistant to the searing heat emitted by them. He is so strong that he can carry virtually any smaller ally into battle with him. Brunak attacks his foes with a large shimmering Falchion, making him a relentless adversary. His attacks are so merciless that he becomes hungry for the blood of his next opponent. This blood lust drives him on until there is no one left but allies on the field of battle. (Hasbro)

Before moving Brunak, choose an unengaged friendly small or medium figure adjacent to Brunak. After you move Brunak, place the chosen figure adjacent to Brunak.

Range 1. Attack 4.
If Brunak's Blood Hungry Special Attack destroys a figure, Brunak may attack again with his Blood Hungry Special Attack. Brunak may continue attacking with his Blood Hungry Special Attack until he does not destroy a figure.

Brunak never rolls for molten lava damage or lava field damage and he does not have to stop in molten lava spaces.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
- CARRY : Placing Carried Unit on Height
Can I place a figure that I carried onto a high spot adjacent to Brunak once he is done using Carry?
Yes, as long as the figure would still be considered adjacent to Brunak. See adjacent rules on page 12 of the 2nd edition rulebook. (Hasbro FAQ)

- BLOOD HUNGRY SPECIAL ATTACK : Successfully Destroying A Figure
Once I kill a figure using Brunak's Blood Hungry Special Attack, can I move and attack again with Brunak?
No, you can only attack again. If you are not adjacent to any other figures, your turn ends. (Hasbro FAQ)

- CARRY : Friendly Figures
What figures are considered friendly?
Per the Master Set rules (page 9) friendly figures are your own figures and teammate’s figures. All figures you control are always considered friendly. Whenever you are allied with a teammate at the beginning of a scenario, any figures you both control are considered friendly. A temporary alliance between opponents during a battle doesn’t change anything. Remember, alliances can always change (unless stated at the beginning of a scenario), so even when you have a temporary truce with an opponent, that opponent’s figure is never considered friendly. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
- ORNAK : Red Flag of Fury
As a Unique Hero that follows Utgar, Brunak may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy.
Synergy Benefits Offered
- N/A
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Brunak- Brunak does everything well, but nothing great. B


Cleon: Tier 6 (92/208)

dok (VC inclusive): B

Master Index
Placement of Carried Figures?
Move into adjacent carried occupied space?
Dismount onto Ladder?

Unit Strategy Review
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I was thinking about who's best to team up with Brunak, in terms of who he should be toting around. Obviously Finn and Thorgrim, but he could also be helpful to Valguard for helping him become disengaged. Although with that combo youv/e already tied up 220 points in 2 characters that aren't considered "elite."
Matthias Maccabeus said:
I was thinking about who's best to team up with Brunak, in terms of who he should be toting around. Obviously Finn and Thorgrim, but he could also be helpful to Valguard for helping him become disengaged.

Brunak is only allowed to carry people who are unengaged when he picks them up. So I don't see how Brunak can help him "become disengaged".

I could see Brunak running Valguard around, to prevent him from becoming engaged in the first place, but that's not what you wrote, or a strategy that I'd find viable.
Matthias Maccabeus said:
I was thinking about who's best to team up with Brunak, in terms of who he should be toting around. Obviously Finn and Thorgrim, ..."

Finn doesn't really help if you are using Brunak's special attack. Thorgrim though is a very good addition.

Others that I like to pair up with Brunak:

A Nakita Agent: she can help protect from ranged attacks as he advances due to her Smoke Powder. In addition, if the opponent tries to surround Brunak at least one of them is going to get a swift kick in the chops with her Engagement Strike.

Raelin: even more defense.

Agent Carr: once Brunak ties up the opponents front line you have Carr in position to run in and assasinate whatever enchancing hero they're using.

Kelda: after a battle she can make Brunak as good as new.

Morsbane: just in case you run up against a bunch of Counterstrike or some other power than can slow Brunak down.

Ne-Gok-Sa: can't beat em? take em! A nice secondary tank that can take up where Brunak left off.

Sudema: Brunak is good against the squadies but what if you're stopped by a dragon.

Obsidian Guard: I know this one has got to have someone scratching their head. If you are playing with a map that has molten ground and lava Brunak can carry one of the OG into the field faster than they can travel on their own. He can cross rivers without slowing down, if they are one hex across, and without harm. Once the OG is dropped off in the lava he gains a ranged component that will allow him provide cover fire for his comrades as you slowly move them up to the lava as well.

Saylind: This is a fun one. If Brunak is stopped by an obstacle (lets just say the castle door for example) you can take a turn with Saylind instead to fly past the obstacle and summon Brunak to her. Another way to use her is to drop her off at a high point along the way, tie up the front with Brunak, then use her to start summoning powerful ranged units.

These are the first ones off the top of my head. I'm sure later I'll have some others pop into my head.
I had surprising success with Brunak carrying X17 and tackling Nilfheim.
Even against those with Special Attacks (negating Melee Defense 4), it's a nice hefty duo to send in against Heroes.
Let's say Brunak carried DED with him on the first order marker. Would DED be able to use his special on order marker #2, assuming you had someone in range and the #2 order marker was on DED? If so that could be a decent combo.
About brunak

Brunak is my favorite figure in heroscape. That's why my account name is after him. He is best drafted with the anubian wolves, or just all figures in the "Utgar's Rage" set that can be drafted with Khosumet. This is my strategy: Brunak carries the powerfulful common anubian wolves to your enemies, so they don't waste their turn moving. It's better to move Brunak while carrying the wolves nearer to Khosumet, so they can get a +1 to their special ability. Also, it's smarter to draft an army of anything, So that you can draft sir gilbert with Brunak. He has an abilty for attack that Brunak can gain, adding 1 to his 4 attack. And there's more to this. But I'll mention more later.
I desperately want this guy to be good, but the unreliability of his attack and low lives means that he usually doesn't kill near his points. Being a Trolticor and a Mount, I doubt there's much hope for him in the future either.
I love Brunak, for some reason he always seems to eat the Roman Legion my friend plays for breakfast lunch and dinner, and a few snacks in between. I can't remember how many times he's managed to get in position to take out 3 or 4 legionaires at once and finish it off with a swing at Marcus.

He's had a few poor showings for me, but more often than not he can dash into a big mess of guys once some units get tied down fighting and start swinging away.

I mostly stick him with an assortment of Marro Armies and Ne-Gok-Sa rides him around to stay close to the battle to threaten heroes with mindshackle even though it rarely works, its scary nonetheless.

Always sad to see him go once his defense fails however.. 3 life is so fragile.
Shades fan said:
I tend to draft a death walker 7000 or 8000 , and Brunak and while they are nevous about the DW Brunak comes chargeing in and most of the time kills them.Or I back them in to a corner and let the Zombies Have at em.

The only time I'm ever nervous about DW is if I've drafted it.
Shades fan said:
WOW! Even if you have a squad army and they have DW 9000.

Assuming there's a question mark in there...all the DW have a very shallow defense at high point costs. If you play an army of all low defense squad figures then you've probably built a crappy army. If you've actually built something worth fielding, then you shouldn't have much of a problem coping with any of the DW.

Why would you field 9K when you could use Q9 instead?

Shades fan said:
Q9 is next on my list to get.I just recently picked up heroscape again at wave 6 but I have picked up some others.

You definitely need to pick up Q9. He's full-fledged evil. Has anyone kicked around the idea of using Brunak with Ornak. Besides having similar names, they work quite well together.

You can move Brunak with Ornak, sneak a move with another baddy via Carry (possibly even Ornak) and Brunak isn't a slouch at handing out damage. Just a thought.

Ornak 100
Brunak 110
Kee Mo Shi 130
Heavy Gruts 70 x2 140
Marcu Esenwein 20

Ornak on 1st activation uses Brunak to move, carrying Kee Mo Shi, Kee Moshi is still within 8 and moves as the other hero for a total of about 13 move on turn 1. KMS needs to be in base quickly. This is a nice way of accomplishing. You still have Orc Warrior support for Ornak after his trick pony is up and a redundant Unique Utgar Hero in the form of Marcu...love the new filler units.

Just a thought on fun with Brunak.

How about Shades of Bleakwood with Brunak?

Brunak is versatile and works with a lot of units, so you're not tipping your hand by picking him up early. But if you see a Hero-Heavy army on the other side of the table, use your last 100 points to draft Shades. One of their major drawbacks is that you have to spend a turn getting into position since their Sould Devour must be attempted before they move, but Brunak can help you avoid this, by carrying a Shade right next to a Hero.

Order marker 2 is on the Shade, roll to devour, and if things don't work out, the Shade has the opportunity to Stealth Fly on to another Hero, stand and try to Devour again, maybe move further into the field for a quick Glyph capture, etc.

And since you could potentially slingshot the Ghostie up to 16 spaces from its starting position, you can have him in the middle of your enemy's starting Zone at the end of turn 2. He'll be dead soon, but in the mean time he's engaging units and interfering with some very crucial early movement.
Sisyphus said:
Why would you want to draft Brunak to help out with the Shades? The Shades move faster than Brunak and have flying.

Well, like I said before, the principle drawback to the Shades is that you have to spend a marker moving them into position, and then try to Devour the next turn.

By carrying a Shade, you can still move the ghost into position without spending an order marker on the him. You spend the marker on Brunak instead, so you get a twofer - The shade is in position to devour on turn 2, and Brunk has moved in to attack or do whatever else is is Trollticors like to do.
brunack is a really good figure to use for his carry and sqaud killing power (or DW killer) but i think the name of it is weird, whenever i read it i always picture this in my head...

squad: watch out!
brunack kills squad: yum, i like the taste of this! (goes for another one)
brunack: this taste is addicting! ( nothing left) well now for squad 2! ( saying this while he runs for the next victims.
Squad killer specialist Brunak is a great ladder too. With his height he can be used to help another unit gain height advantage very fast and to grant up to three additonal moves.
I played a marvel scape game and fielded Brunak. He carried Doom so that he could give a devastating second turn blast taking out one of my frineds custom jobs. Then Brunak was even holding his own for a while after slugging it out with some super heroes. I see him as a fleshy Deathwalker with three lives and no range. However, his carry ability is so useful.
Just to give good 'ol Brunak some kudos, I dusted him off the other night from a long "sabatical" he was on, and paired him up with his buddy, Thorgrim, for a run through the Highways & Dieways battlefield. My opponent had, as part of his army, 3 sets of Einar Imperium.

Long story short, Brunak proceeded to shrug off 18 attacks from the imps who had height advantage, (thus 4A strength blows) before FINALLY falling to the 19th attack... And during 2 of those turns, he Blood Hungry Special Attacked his way through 2 complete sets of Imps, as they continued to surround him on 3 sides with height advantage.

It was a beautiful moment of glory for good 'ol Brunak. He killed off 7 4D/4A Imps before taking his well-deserved dirt nap.

I forgot how much fun the Brunak/Thorgrim combo really is. Obviously it doesn't always dominate like that, but giving Brunak that extra defense dice for an 8-Defense / 3-Life stat is nothing to sneeze at. Plus, it's just darn fun to cry out "Blood Hungry Special Attack!!" when rolling. :D

One of the beauties of Heroscape, in addition to trying out the new units and new combos, is to occassionally take a walk down memory lane and dust off the army builds of "the old days".

Based on this success with the EI, I would assume he'd last a while against Q-9. I was just wondering the other day how he'd stand up to the Major. Has anyone tried this out?

(Also, I'd seach for it, but I'm not sure what it's called; Is there a match-up calculator (or something) available on the site? I might just use that) People have mentioned it in passing, but I've never used it.
nickmodaily, here's a link to the thread talking about Mathguy's matchup calculator. It's a rather useful tool, but remember to turn off special abilities that don't make sense. (Like Braxas' acid breath against large/huge figs, counterstrike against specials, etc.)
Based on this success with the EI, I would assume he'd last a while against Q-9. I was just wondering the other day how he'd stand up to the Major. Has anyone tried this out?

(Also, I'd seach for it, but I'm not sure what it's called; Is there a match-up calculator (or something) available on the site? I might just use that) People have mentioned it in passing, but I've never used it.

...And using the calculator gives the Major an 81.076% chance of defeating Brunak:x... Unless the fight is on Hot lava Death!
nickmodaily, here's a link to the thread talking about Mathguy's matchup calculator. It's a rather useful tool, but remember to turn off special abilities that don't make sense. (Like Braxas' acid breath against large/huge figs, counterstrike against specials, etc.)

Thanks, Jexik.

If anyone cares: By adding the extra defense die from Thorgrim he still doesn't stand much of a chance. However, if Brunak manages to get height on Q-9 and he has Thorgrim, it evens it to about 50/50, but still slightly in favor of Q-9.
Re: Brunak is back!

That is an awesome Brunak moment. Whatta battle!
I would figure he would have dropped a lot sooner with the EI laying down the attacks as such.
Exciting to read. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to pull out Throgrim/Brunak next chance I get.

What is wrong with raelin? She would add 2 def.

Not after she dies...Thorgrims bonus takes place both while he lives... and from beyond the GRAVE... (que spooooky music). But your right Raelin is also a suitible rider for Brunak, although she is more manuverable on her own using her flight...

As Paradox22 pointed out, the advantage that Throgrim has over Raelin as a "Brunak-Buddy" is that typically Brunak will be diving deep into harm's way in his Blood-Hungry rage... Once Brunak falls, your opponent is left with a Thorgrim in his grasp that he now has to decide what to do with...

1) He knows if he attacks and kills Thorgrim, you're happy because now the defense spirit can go on your next Hero to join the fray... And while he's spending turns attacking the viking, you can move up your reinforcements, buying you time....

2) If you're opponent decides NOT to kill Thorgrim, to avoid giving you the defense spirit bonus for your next hero, you can now choose to activate Thorgim and both attack and possibly tie-up his other units on the front line, forcing the issue of dealing with the viking, making him hard to ignore... (this is what I did in the recent battle, engaging Q10 with Thorgrim and actually inflicting 3 wounds in one blow!... all for the low cost of one turn marker, with all the rest going to my Nagrubs/TKN.)

3) If you use Raelin with Brunak, she's a very tempting target to attack first... (unlike Thorgrim, as he will provide Brunak with a +1D whether dead or alive)... This is what I do when someone pairs Raelin with Brunak. Her defense of 3 is much more tempting to take a whack at than Brunak's pumped up 9! And once she falls, Brunak loses his defense bonus, AND none of your other units will be able to benefit from her anymore, unlike Thorgrim's spirit.

Essentially, I see Thorgrim as the perfect partner for Brunak when you use the Trolticaor primarily as an offensive weapon, versus just a glorified mount.