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The Book of Brunak
Orm's Return - Heroes of Laur
Orm's Return - Heroes of Laur

Spoiler Alert!

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.
Character Bio: This ferocious creature looks like a cross between a troll and a giant lion. Raised in the lava fields of Wolflin, Brunak is naturally resistant to the searing heat emitted by them. He is so strong that he can carry virtually any smaller ally into battle with him. Brunak attacks his foes with a large shimmering Falchion, making him a relentless adversary. His attacks are so merciless that he becomes hungry for the blood of his next opponent. This blood lust drives him on until there is no one left but allies on the field of battle. (Hasbro)
Before moving Brunak, choose an unengaged friendly small or medium figure adjacent to Brunak. After you move Brunak, place the chosen figure adjacent to Brunak.
Range 1. Attack 4.
If Brunak's Blood Hungry Special Attack destroys a figure, Brunak may attack again with his Blood Hungry Special Attack. Brunak may continue attacking with his Blood Hungry Special Attack until he does not destroy a figure.
Brunak never rolls for molten lava damage or lava field damage and he does not have to stop in molten lava spaces.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- CARRY : Placing Carried Unit on Height
Can I place a figure that I carried onto a high spot adjacent to Brunak once he is done using Carry?
Yes, as long as the figure would still be considered adjacent to Brunak. See adjacent rules on page 12 of the 2nd edition rulebook. (Hasbro FAQ)
- BLOOD HUNGRY SPECIAL ATTACK : Successfully Destroying A Figure
Once I kill a figure using Brunak's Blood Hungry Special Attack, can I move and attack again with Brunak?
No, you can only attack again. If you are not adjacent to any other figures, your turn ends. (Hasbro FAQ)
- CARRY : Friendly Figures
What figures are considered friendly?
Per the Master Set rules (page 9) friendly figures are your own figures and teammate’s figures. All figures you control are always considered friendly. Whenever you are allied with a teammate at the beginning of a scenario, any figures you both control are considered friendly. A temporary alliance between opponents during a battle doesn’t change anything. Remember, alliances can always change (unless stated at the beginning of a scenario), so even when you have a temporary truce with an opponent, that opponent’s figure is never considered friendly. (Hasbro FAQ)
_________________________________________________________________Can I place a figure that I carried onto a high spot adjacent to Brunak once he is done using Carry?
Yes, as long as the figure would still be considered adjacent to Brunak. See adjacent rules on page 12 of the 2nd edition rulebook. (Hasbro FAQ)
- BLOOD HUNGRY SPECIAL ATTACK : Successfully Destroying A Figure
Once I kill a figure using Brunak's Blood Hungry Special Attack, can I move and attack again with Brunak?
No, you can only attack again. If you are not adjacent to any other figures, your turn ends. (Hasbro FAQ)
- CARRY : Friendly Figures
What figures are considered friendly?
Per the Master Set rules (page 9) friendly figures are your own figures and teammate’s figures. All figures you control are always considered friendly. Whenever you are allied with a teammate at the beginning of a scenario, any figures you both control are considered friendly. A temporary alliance between opponents during a battle doesn’t change anything. Remember, alliances can always change (unless stated at the beginning of a scenario), so even when you have a temporary truce with an opponent, that opponent’s figure is never considered friendly. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- ORNAK : Red Flag of Fury
As a Unique Hero that follows Utgar, Brunak may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy.
Synergy Benefits OfferedAs a Unique Hero that follows Utgar, Brunak may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy.
- N/A
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
As a Lava Resistant figure, Brunak rolls 2 fewer defense dice against the FROST BREATH SPECIAL ATTACK.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Rankings
Jexik: Brunak- Brunak does everything well, but nothing great. B
Cleon: Tier 6 (92/208)
dok (VC inclusive): B
Master Index
Placement of Carried Figures?
Move into adjacent carried occupied space?
Dismount onto Ladder?
Unit Strategy Review
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