Bruce takes the Bat Credit Card. Batman takes the Shuriken, Bolas, and Smoke Pellet. Batwoman takes the Bolas and Smoke Pellet.
Blockbuster Blackmails Batwoman. Killer Moth attaches his Moth Signal to Blockbuster.
Round 1: Initiative Bat Family. Batwoman advances with Damian and Batgirl following.
Penguin moves 4 Criminal figures 4 spaces each (Croc and three Hired Guns).
Batwoman advances with Damian and Batgirl following.
Penguin has the last Hired Gun, Killer Croc, and two Body Guards advance.
Batwoman advances and fails to Bolas Croc. Batgirl swings forward. Damian takes height and KO’s a Hired Gun. He is sent back to the start zone next to Bruce and Alfred.
Blockbuster advances. He has the Hired Guns open fire on Batwoman. Only two are in range. Batwoman uses a Smoke Pellet to avoid the first one and claim the highest height. The second Hired Gun whiffs both attacks.
Round 2: Initiative Gotham Crime Family. Batwoman loses two Order Markers to Blackmail. Killer Moth moves next to Blockbuster.
Penguin has Killer Croc and the remaining three Hired Guns all move up four spaces each.
Batwoman’s OM1 was taken.
Penguin has two Body Guards and two Hired Guns advance and Batwoman takes an auto wound from Criminal Syndicate.
Batgirl swings to height. Batwoman hits Croc with a Bolas and KO’s a Hired Gun.
Penguin has the Body Guards advance and the Hired Guns attack. The Hired Guns can’t get past Batwoman’s Bulletproof Suit.
Batwoman’s OM3 was taken.
Round 3: Initiative Gotham Crime Family. Batwoman loses another OM to Blackmail.
Blockbuster engages Batgirl and tires to hit her, but she senses it and hits him for three wounds with excess shields.
Batwoman had OM1.
Penguin has three Street Thugs move and has Croc circle Batwoman. The Criminal Syndicate roll on Batgirl fails.
Batgirl can’t hit a Body Guard from height.
Penguin has a Body Guard circle Batwoman and has the Hired Guns attack Batgirl from more than three spaces away. They roll poorly and she hits all her Premonitions and defends easily.
Batgirl follows the Secret Attack Plan and targets Blockbuster. Penguin tries to use his Political Investment, but the Bat Credit Card stops him. Batgirl KO’s Blockbuster.
Round 4: Initiative Bat Family. Batwoman fails a Bolas roll and fails to hit Killer Croc from height.
Killer Croc can’t hit Batwoman in melee.
Batwoman fails a Bolas roll on Croc, follows the Secret Attack Plan, and hits Croc for one wound plus one additional wound with Surgical Strike.
Croc Death Rolls Batwoman for one wound.
Batwoman hits Croc with a Bolas roll, thanks to Bruce’s Investment, but can’t wound him.
Street Thugs and Penguin advance, but are in poor position to hurt Batgirl or Batwoman.
Round 5: Initiative Bat Family. Batwoman fails to put a second Bolas on Killer Croc, then follows the Secret Attack Plan and KO’s Killer Croc with a Surgical Strike.
Croc had OM1.
Batwoman can’t hit a Body Guard.
Penguin has Street Thugs advance and fails to hit Batwoman with Criminal Syndicate.
Bruce has Alfred use Remote Field Extraction on Batwoman, then Bruce and Alfred advance.
Penguin has his Criminals take height, but they fail to hit Batgirl with Criminal Syndicate.
Round 6: Initiative Gotham Crime Family. Penguin has more Criminals advance and hits Batgirl for a wound with Criminal Syndicate.
Batwoman advances, with Robin (Tim Drake) following along. Robin gets in attack range and follows the Secret Attack Plan to attack a Hired Gun, but misses.
Penguin has criminals advance and fails to hit Batgirl.
Bruce and Alfred advance. Alfred fails a shotgun blast on a Hired Gun and a Street Thug.
Penguin has the last two Hired Guns go all in against Tim Drake, but they only put three wounds on him.
Batwoman KO’s a Hired Gun with a Bolas, but can’t hit a Street Thug. Robin engages a Hired Gun, but can’t KO him.
Round 7: Initiative Bat Family. Batwoman advances and KO’s a Street Thug. Tim Drake follows the Secret Attack Plan and KO’s the last Hired Gun.
Street Thugs get height on Robin and Batwoman on adjacent spaces, but can’t hit, nor can Penguin firing from height disadvantage on Robin.
Bruce has Alfred advance and a Shotgun blast on three Criminals fails. Then Bruce punches out a Street Thug.
Penguin has his Criminals surround Alfred, Robin, and Batwoman, but can’t hit Robin for the killing blow.
Batwoman can’t hit, but Tim KO’s a Street Thug.
Penguin has Criminals advance, but fails to wound again.
Round 8: Initiative Gotham Crime Family. Street Thugs go. Penguin can’t KO Robin, but a Street Thug does and another puts two wounds on Alfred.
Batwoman can’t KO a Body Guard.
Penguin KO’s Alfred. Street Thugs can’t hit Batwoman.
Batwoman follows the Secret Attack Plan and KO’s a Body Guard.
Penguin has his Criminals advance, but can’t hit Batgirl with an auto wound.
Batwoman can’t KO a Street Thug.
Round 9: Initiative Bat Family. Batwoman follows the Secret Attack Plan and KO’s the last Body Guard. It’s just Penguin and Street Thugs now.
Penguin and the Street Thugs can’t hit Batwoman but one Street Thug does hit Bruce for one wound.
Batwoman targets Penguin, he tries to use his Political Investments, Bruce deflects with the Credit Card, and Penguin takes two Surgical Strike wounds.
Penguin and the Street Thugs can’t hit Batwoman but one Street Thug does hit Bruce for one wound.
Damian advances, but whiffs an attack on a Street Thug.
Penguin has his Criminals advance, but fails the auto wound on Batgirl.
Round 10: Initiative Gotham Crime Family. Penguin hits Batwoman for two wounds. The Street Thugs KO Bruce.
Batwoman can’t hit a Street Thug, but Damian engages and KO’s him.
Penguin and Street Thugs can’t hit Batwoman, but do KO Damian.
Batwoman KO’s a Street Thug.
Penguin has Criminals advance and Batgirl takes a wound.
Batwoman follows the Secret Attack Plan and KO’s a Street Thug.
Round 11: Batman returns to a space next to Batwoman. Initiative Bat Family. Batman follows the Secret Attack Plan, but can’t hit on his Bolas and only KO’s one Thug with his Shuriken.
Killer Moth bumbles over and hits himself and Batwoman for one wound each.
Batman fails another Bolas attempt and punches out a Thug.
Killer Moth bumble KO’s Batwoman and inflicts a second wound on himself.
Batman KO’s a Street Thug with a Bolas, but fails to hit another with his Shuriken.
Street Thugs go. All they accomplish is losing one of their party to a Shadow Strike.
Round 12: Initiative Bat Family. Batman KO’s a Street Thug with a Bolas, thus ending the potential of Criminal Syndicate. Batman has his attack on Penguin deferred by a Political Investment.
Killer Moth fails to bumble wound Batman.
Batman KO’s Killer Moth, following the Secret Attack Plan.
Penguin dodges a swipe from Batgirl, climbs to even height with Batman, then takes a wound from Shadow Strike.
Batman fails to hit Penguin due to a Political Investment.
Penguin hits all skulls and inflicts a third wound on Batgirl, despite her premonition.
Round 13: Initiative Gotham Crime Family. Penguin falls to a Defensive Premonition.
Batman KO’s the final Thug with a Bolas roll.
Unit Summary: The Batman Family was rolling so hot on the D20 here that Bruce’s Investments were largely unneeded. Between solid dice luck and the Street Thugs being off home turf and thus only truly useful when Penguin hit his rolls for Criminal Syndicate (for which he seemed unlucky here), the Batman Family just felt set up to counter their enemies well here. Bruce was a part, but a smaller part than either Vigilante or Batgirl.
- Damage Done (Normal Attack): KO’s (1) Street Thug.
- DARK KNIGHT RISES: Bruce was KO’ed and Batman came back into the fight at an opportune time.
- WAYNE INDUSTRIES: He brought the Bat Credit Card this time to counter Penguin or provide him more Investment power. The Credit Card stopped Penguin from saving Blockbuster from Batgirl KO’ing him, which freed Batwoman from Blackmail, and used to ensure Penguin took two wounds from Batwoman.
Investment Markers from Bruce were used (1) times to get a successful Bolas roll.
- GENTLEMAN’S GENTLEMAN: Useful for timing a Remote Field Extraction while getting more out of an Order Marker, though Shotgun Blast had poor luck here.
- Damage Taken: KO’d in Round 10.
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Batgirl with 1/4 Life, Batman with Full Life, and Oracle with Full Life win.