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The Book of Braxas


Well-known member
The Book of Braxas
Raknar's Vision - Heroes of Lindesfarme

Spoiler Alert!

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio: On Icaria dragons are no rare thing; yet even in a world filled with these majestic and mighty beasts, Braxas is a legend.From her powerful maw flows a river of searing acid, eating its way through even the most finely-crafted armament. Her elongated body flies and twists through the air like a beautiful, dancing black ribbon of death. Even her dragon-kin both fear her and hate her. Few have survived an encounter with Braxas. The destroyed are fortunate, for the survivors wake from sleep screaming, night after night, pursued by phantom yellow eyes. (Hasbro)

Instead of attacking, you may choose up to 3 different small or medium figures within 4 clear sight spaces of Braxas. One at a time, roll the 20‑sided die for each chosen figure. If the chosen figure is a Squad figure and you roll an 8 or higher, destroy it. If the chosen figure is a Hero figure and you roll a 17 or higher, destroy the chosen Hero.

When counting spaces for Braxas's movement, ignore elevations. Braxas may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Braxas starts to fly, if she is engaged she will take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
- POISONOUS ACID BREATH : Engagement Requirements
Do engagement rules apply to Poisonous Acid Breath?
No because Poisonous Acid Breath is not a Special Attack. (Hasbro FAQ)

- POISONOUS ACID BREATH : Engagement Requirement Clarification
Remember, you can use special powers and abilities that affect ranged opponents while still engaged to other opponents. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
As a Unique Huge Dragon Hero, Braxas may benefit from the Greenscale Warrior's LIZARD KING BONDING activiation bonus.
Synergy Benefits Offered
- N/A
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Braxas- Lessening the game of Squadscape, Braxas strikes fear in all high-cost squads, and stops Deathreavers in their tracks. A-


Cleon: Tier 9 (21/208)

dok (VC inclusive): A-

Master Index

Unit Strategy Review
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Braxas sure can be a devestating squad killer with that breath, though. Kinda like Grimnak with range on his Chomp (sure, you've gotta roll high enough for it, so it's not an auto kill like Chomp, but it's not too hard a roll to get)
IAmBatman said:
Braxas sure can be a devestating squad killer with that breath, though. Kinda like Grimnak with range on his Chomp (sure, you've gotta roll high enough for it, so it's not an auto kill like Chomp, but it's not too hard a roll to get)

It sure isn't hard to get. Statistically you're likely to lose 1-2 squad figures per attack which is why you have to keep your expensive and unique squads well away from her.
Her low def means she falls pretty quickly but her 8 life means you need either a few turns or a hard hitting squad/ hero. I usually use Aubriens or Jotun against my daughter's "Braxas of Evil." With a lucky frenzy or two they can make short work of her.
Braxas is like a Grimnak on crack. What better way to dispose of some unwanted Krav Maga Agents than a little death-puke? A quick note on the Deathwalkers, as I am a huge fan of them, DW7K is actually a medium sized character, so it should still work, unless it's like the acid skin, which wouldn't hurt any of the Soulborgs.

Braxas is real nasty for plugging away at squads, but with relatively low defense, a big, nasty hitter like Jotun, Drake, or Carr can have a field day with her. I'd really want to draft her with Raelin for support, but, then, you see Raelin always drafted with just about every group. Hell, I draft Raelin with DW9K(Much, much less chances for whiffs there). Still, I think Braxas has a great weakness in her lack of range attacks and low defense dice. It seems to me that if you got a few lucky rolls with the Krav Maga, or even just Syvarris, you'd pretty much have her beat. She's very powerful, but not powerful enough for me to recruit her.
IAmBatman said:
Braxas sure can be a devestating squad killer with that breath, though. Kinda like Grimnak with range on his Chomp (sure, you've gotta roll high enough for it, so it's not an auto kill like Chomp, but it's not too hard a roll to get)

Ask PoF how hard it was for him to roll a 7 for Seduma! It was like for every 3 or 4 rolls, he would roll higher than 7. So just because the number is under 10, it doesn't mean it's very easy to roll higher than it. But still, Braxas is probably the number 1 squad killer out there since you can kill all or 75% of a squad from range! With flying and 6 move, she'll be able to get you easily, and with a high attack it's almost garunteed to kill or wound a figure. I don't own her, nor have I played against her, so everything I'm saying is a guess.
Also, if she's on height and takes up all of the heighted area(if you know what I mean) she can really hold her ground.
Heres a couple units that have some great synergy with Braxus. I usually look to draft these whenever I have Braxus in my army.

Deathreavers - These guys are great at tying up ranged units. Move them out early and lock up the dangerous range units and Braxus is free to use her breath on dangerous range squads. Even if they're able to kill the reavers she should have height and most of her life by then.

Finisher Units - Marro Warriors in particular. Braxus is good at tearing apart units and crippling them. While the Marro Warriors aren't great early they shouldn't have to much of a problem finishing off broken squads.
One unit not yet mentioned as great synergy for Braxas is Kelda. With such a high health Kelda is really worth it. Add in another cheap hero with decent health and good hits (Sgt. Drake anyone) and pile on the cheap squads.

You could still have up to 2 or 3 cheap squads to go with that 500 pt army.

A good hero killer (Drake). A good squad killer (Braxas). A healer to keep them both up. And lots of cannon fodder.

Kelda is your bait.
Braxas just had maybe the best game for me she ever has, all thanks to bad drafting. It was a two-on-two with me picking first, and both enemies went hero-heavy in an attempt to counter Braxas. Trouble was, they invested in Medium heroes (yum!) who get a lot of their value from loads of defense and defense boosts (acid breath doesn't care!). End result... Braxas melted a healthy Iron Man and healthy Captain America, plus two Microcorp Agents, plus put some wounds on new Raelin with normal attacks. Well over 500 points! And she survived until the end of the game, which she almost never does for me.

News flash: that anti-hero roll of 17+ x3 is nothing to joke about! Yes, she is known primarily as a squad-killer, but when you counter-draft Braxas, you're looking for size, not heroes! And especially not a Cap and Raelin configuration that tries to build up a million defense dice!

Just had to get that off my chest. I feel better now.
When my girlfriend drafts Braxas(most of the time), I counter draft her with Morsbane. My strategy in defeating Braxas is to engage a large heavy hitter next to her and try to negate her Poisonous Acid Breath and Flying abilities with Morsbane.

Draft Deathstalkers for engaging Braxas. These cannot be attacked with poisonous acid breath because they are large. Plus, wounding Braxas should be easy with 3 attacks of 3 against her defense of 3. Deathstalkers have a move of 7, so engaging Braxas should not be a problem.
Sorry for :reaper: but here are 2 questions about Poison Acid Breath-
1) Does the range glyph work with it? I don't think so but, just to make sure...
2) Does the Glyph of Lodin work with Poison Acid Breath? I think so, but if the range glyph doesn't work, then why would Lodin? Again, sorry for :reaper: and sorry if this has been asked before.
Sorry for :reaper: but here are 2 questions about Poison Acid Breath-There is no necromancy with the Books; they are the right place for this sort of thing. :thumbsup:
1) Does the range glyph work with it? I don't think so but, just to make sure...No
2) Does the Glyph of Lodin work with Poison Acid Breath? Yes I think so, but if the range glyph doesn't work, then why would Lodin? Because the Range Glyph is for Attacks, which Poisonous Acid Breath is not and Lodin is + 1 to all 20-sider rolls, which Poisonous Acid Breath uses.
Again, sorry for :reaper: and sorry if this has been asked before.
I've made a mental note for myself about using Braxas. If you are trying to playtest a map, don't use her. :p

In a game last night I saw her burn away about 7 microcorp, all of the krav, and a pretty decent bit of damage on Nilfheim. She really can pack a punch for her points when used well. In an army with three squads of deathreavers she becomes really potent. It's also great how she ignores things like stealth armor and high defense. She sure is pricy, but I love to use her!
Looks to me like Braxas' stock is going up in the Wave 9 era. We've had six previews so far. Acid Breath can break through the Indians' Concealment (and Battle Fury defense). It breaks through Migol's One Shield Defense and the fearlessness defense of the Axegrinders. It prevents Dividers from dividing and Tuk-Bak-Ra from gating in reinforcements.

The tribesmen and dwarves do still get their attack enhancements against her, but still.

I used her with 3 Anubians yesterday at NHSD in Texas. I had play tested this army a few times and it did well, although I thought I would have done better than I did at the tourney. My strat was to use her exclusively against armies with a lot of squads to basically even the number odds for my wolves. It worked well a few times but I dont know if I dont know how to use her well, or if I was just unlucky but found her to die rather quickly. I guess 8 life with only 3 defense doesnt last as long as youde think. One game couldn't have been helped because she was withwerwooded by Atlaga(very annoying, especially with juicy expensive minions to destroy). I made a horrible opening move against knights that got 6 wounds on her my opponents turn 1(terrible I know ha) but besides that I feel I played pretty well. Anyway, any pointers on how to use her more effectively?

any pointers on how to use her more effectively?

Have a melee screen of some sort to engage as much as you can. then swoop her in there and cause havoc while the other squads or heroes are fighting off your own squads, you may even get some disengagement swipes.

Deathreavers work well for this.
I used Braxas in conjunction with Nilfheim the other day with great success. I was gassing three figures a turn with her. In one round I gassed a squad of sentinals, a squad of Microcorp, and three Knights of Weston without retaliation. She seems to be remarkably successful on maps where her range exceeds the mobility of her targets. On this map, for example, there were two large hills in the middle connected by a bridge. Braxas was able to quickly fly to the top and take out units struggling up the hill.
I never play with dragons, I believe they are giant bullseye targets that people like to focus on. Well that's true about all the huge figures. I've never personally used Braxis, but when I play against someone who does, sometimes I believe that they forget she has a normal attack of 5 which is a very good attack! If you can get a glyph/taelord and/or height advantage she can match even Jotun. Everyone goes for the 1-hit kills even against heros. It makes her very easy to take down if I can get a hard hitting hero in range (Kaemon Awa is my preference) because the chances of rolling a 17+ are slim. IMO her breath attack should only be used on squads.
It makes her very easy to take down if i can get a hard hitting hero in range (Kaemon Awa is my preference) because the chances of rolling a 17+ are slim. IMO her breath attack should only be used on squads.

Try playing a game against a 13 year old girl using Braxas. At a tournament earlier this year, I saw a 13 year old girl completely melt my friend's Elf Wizard army with Acid Breath. Then, against me in the next round, she flew Braxas in and rolled 18-17-17 against my Deathreavers, and then gassed Cyprien the next turn.
It makes her very easy to take down if i can get a hard hitting hero in range (Kaemon Awa is my preference) because the chances of rolling a 17+ are slim. IMO her breath attack should only be used on squads.

Try playing a game against a 13 year old girl using Braxas. At a tournament earlier this year, I saw a 13 year old girl completely melt my friend's Elf Wizard army with Acid Breath. Then, against me in the next round, she flew Braxas in and rolled 18-17-17 against my Deathreavers, and then gassed Cyprien the next turn.


That sounds horrifying. I had the same outcome as your friend recently in a friendly game. Braxas came in and killed Emiroon, Arkmer, and Jorhdawn on the same turn. Don't worry Braxas, I didn't need those 240 points...:cry:.

Don't be afraid to attempt the breath on heroes, the reward is worth the attempt.
How about this for a nasty army?

x5 Deathreavers-500

24 Start Spaces Exactly.

You have a huge melee screen, a defensive cheerleader to boost that wall, a sneaky Ninja that will very annoying, and a dragon to melt those stuck in combat with the rats. I would soil myself if I sat down against this army, simply because I would be so frustrated at being locked down while Braxas makes my plastic minis look like the plastic army men you light on fire and watch melt.
I played Braxas against my brother's steamroller army (3 capuans and all the heroes). I used dividers to build a wall, then started gassing the capuans. When he brought out both heroes, I started getting scared. Braxas didn't kill anything for a whole round as I failed to get 17+. Meanwhile, she was down to 4 life.

The next round, I got initiative. My rolls for Crixus, Rhetarious, and a Capuan were 20-20-19. We pretty much stopped playing after that.

My favorite Braxas army:

Braxas 210
Raelin 290
KMA 390
Deathreavers x3 510

That way, if Braxas falls, you still have an offensive force.
Braxas does have certain fear factor towards her. Perhaps 'concern factor' is a better term because I am concerned she will melt half my army. Throwing ranged commons at her seems like the best way to deal with her. Her weaker defense doesnt hold up. Tying her up with commons isnt great because her breath is a special power and she can use it on anyone within range.

Perhaps my most memorable battle against her was when my DW9K came up to engage her. Since my step-son had an irrational fear of disengegement strikes he kept her there and went toe-to-toe with the big borg. Braxas did pause one round to melt two nearby zettians and something else (cant remember what anymore). DW9K defended like a champ,those 9 defense die saved his bacon against those 5 attack dice. Each time Braxes attacked it was SCARY for the me because of 9K's famous glass jaw. However, he defended against 4 skulls on two occasions! Eventually the borg took down the dragon.
I think Braxas is great against Heroes. In fact, she's one of the best counters to the Silver Surfer or Thanos, in my opinion. Sure, she doesn't have a high defense, but that 8 life lasts fairly long against only one attack per turn. I find the best way to knock out Braxas is either just to use large/huge figures or a swarm of cheap commons (Venoc Vipers probably last longer against Braxas than they do most other units).
I think Braxas is great against Heroes. In fact, she's one of the best counters to the Silver Surfer or Thanos, in my opinion. Sure, she doesn't have a high defense, but that 8 life lasts fairly long against only one attack per turn.

Agreed. There have been three Marvel-allowed tournaments in the northeast over the last few years. Braxas was in the winning army for two of them.
Yeah, she's great against expensive heroes. Just do the math. Against the most expensive sqaddies that Braxas loves to face (Kyrie, Agents, etc) Braxas gasses, on average, about 22 to 24 points per breath. Against any medium hero that costs about 120 or more, Braxas's breath beats that average.

So attempting to gas Kaemon Awa is as good of an opportunity as attempting to gas a Minion of Utgar. And it only gets better from there.