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The Book of Brave Arrow


No Soup or Happy Endings For You!
The Book of Brave Arrow

Blackmoon's Siege - Collection 9 - Heroes of the Moon Tribe


If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio: TBA.

While moving, Brave Arrow may add 2 to his Move value. If he does, he cannot attack this turn.

All friendly Scouts adjacent to Brave Arrow receive an additional attack die when attacking a figure adjacent to them.

If Brave Arrow is targeted and receives one or more wounds from an attacking figure who is not adjacent, you must roll the 20-sided die. Count the minimum number of spaces between the attacker and Brave Arrow. Add this number to your die roll. If you roll a 10 or higher, ignore any wounds Brave Arrow just received.


-Rulings and Clarifications-

  • - CONCEALMENT : Determining the Bonus?
    On Concealment, if a Mohican is 5 spaces away from the attacking figure, does that mean he can add 5 to the roll?
    No. The minimum number of spaces is not the range that the figures are at. It is the number of spaces BETWEEN the 2 figures. In the example, if the Mohican is being attacked at a range of 5, the minimum number of spaces between the 2 figures is
    more than likely 4. Do not count either space the figures are on. (Hasbro FAQ v9.4 p15)
  • - CONCEALMENT : What triggers Concealment?
    What attacks and abilities qualify as targeting Brave Arrow?
    Most of the time, any time a figure is affected by an Attack or a Special Attack, they are targeted. There are a few exceptions. "Area" Attacks like DW9000's Explosion, Gurei-Oni's Tetsubo, or Zelrig's Majestic Fires only target one figure, but also affect those other figures adjacent to the target. Brave Arrow may only roll for Concealment if he is the target of a non-adjacent figure's attack. Additionally, Special Abilities that inflict wounds - like Dragon Swoop - are not Attacks, and do not trigger Concealment rolls.
  • - CONCEALMENT : Okay, what about Mimring?
    Does Mimring's Line of Fire Special Attack trigger Concealment?
    No, Mimring is the exception. Brave Arrow may not roll for Concealment against Line of Fire because it does not specifically target any figures.
    What figures are considered friendly?
    Per the Master Set rules (page 9) friendly figures are your own figures and teammate’s figures. All figures you control are always considered friendly. Whenever you are allied with a teammate at the beginning of a scenario, any figures you both control are considered friendly. A temporary alliance between opponents during a battle doesn’t change anything. Remember, alliances can always change (unless stated at the beginning of a scenario), so even when you have a temporary truce with an opponent, that opponent’s figure is never considered friendly. (Hasbro FAQ)

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
As a Unique Tribesman Hero, Brave Arrow can take a turn after the Mohican River Tribe if two or more Tribesmen are engaged at the end of their turn.

Synergy Benefits Offered

C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Brave Arrow- Though decent as a stand-alone figure or pseudo-bonded to the Mohican River Tribe, Brave Arrow has yet to prove his true value. B+


Cleon: Tier 7 (64/208)

dok (VC inclusive): B+

Master Index
Build a Competitive army with Brave Arrow and the Mohicans

Unit Strategy Review
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So the Native Americans have synergy with the Vipers and Spiders. Interesting. I see new armies already forming there:

Brave Arrow 50
River Tribe x2 190
Fyorlag x3 310
Sujoah 495

Brave Arrow 50
River Tribe x3 260
VW 380
Venocs x3 500
I can see this guy working by himself as a clean-up unit. He has fast move, some invulnrability from range attacks, decent attack and defense, and is only 50 points. He should be able to hold his own against other clean-up units.
I'm just glad to contribute, Rev!

I think that Brave Arrow and his Mohicans are going to make a great clean up crew, or a first assault. But they seem to burn bright and fast (not unlike the Vipers they synergize so well with), so they lack the stability to serve as a reliable army core.

But this is all theory at this point, so maybe I should test them out, first...
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Hm, never thought about them as a clean-up unit.
Mohicans x2
Brave arrow

That right there is 190 points for clean-up. I don't think that would be worth it.
Clean up unit or early scout party? Who cares, their defense ability so far is unique and interesting and I think either way they will be fun to play.
If he's being attacked at 6 range, Brave Arrow has an 80% to doge.
(If I did my math right that is. 10+=55%, +5 spaces= additional 25%)

That's pretty darn awesome. Fast move, nigh-invulnerable from range. Glyph grabber anyone? :D
If he's being attacked at 6 range, Brave Arrow has an 80% to doge.

I think you just answered my question: His card says "count the spaces between," which should mean "do not count the spaces on which the two figures are standing," correct?

EDIT: I just re-read your post and I don't think we agree. If BA is being attacked at 6 range, you should be adding 5 to his die-roll, the 5 spaces between the two figures. 10+5=15=only a 75% chance to dodge.
I think the developers have figured out that medium non-ranged heroes need some extra survivability to be useful. Good.
I read it the way you read it spite. A 10+ is actually 11 numbers though.

10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20=11 numbers. 5% per number= 55%

5 spaces between means 5 more numbers: 5,6,7,8,9, which equals 25%

Hm, never thought about them as a clean-up unit.
Mohicans x2
Brave arrow

That right there is 190 points for clean-up. I don't think that would be worth it.

Yeah, I was thinking that too. It'd be hard for him not to earn his points back against some squad figures in the end of a game. I also like the design on tracking- it lets him move faster in those early "wait until I get you" stages.
As soon as Wave 9 comes out and Wave 1 is re-released, I am going to try a Natives & Vipers army. MRT+Brave Arrow+Venocs+Mittens is something I can see becoming a tournament-worthy army. Right now, power rankings wise, I can see the Mohicans & Brave Arrow being in the B+ or A range. Also, there's a little typo in the first post; siege is spelled wrong (same in the Mohicans book).
Just day dreaming now, but...I think it would be hillarious to run Brave Arrow into the middle of a group of enemies,and then target him with an explosive attack like Zelrig, or DW9K. :D If you maximize the distance, he's VERY likely to avoid any damage dealt, but figures adjacent to him will still have to take the hit. Silly, but fun.
In my opinion he is worth much more than 50. I mean ten is pretty easy to roll by itself. But, if its Syvarris or Dan then he can't be hurt at all! So this guy could really good at breaking into a castle if you use him right.

I've already thought of some armies:

Brave Arrow 50
Mochians x2 190
Spiders x3 310
Sujoah 495

HEY! Aquilla finally has an army!
I'd just draft this guy to spite Syvarris abusers! With 8 spaces in between, there will be a lot of range frustration going on there. This guy will annoy the heck out of those long-range lovers! :D
I can already see a Theracus & Brave Arrow Team up. Theracus carries Brave Arrow and Brave Arrow gives Theracus an ATT boost!
I'd just draft this guy to spite Syvarris abusers! With 8 spaces in between, there will be a lot of range frustration going on there. This guy will annoy the heck out of those long-range lovers! :D

Don't bring me into this.
Also- I think "long-range lovers" might be a Hootie & the Blowfish song.

I definitely like the potential of the Mohicans on jungle maps. Defense boost, long-range LoS blockers, and Concealment = very sneaking Native Americans.
What do ya'll think about him as a clean-up unit? HE has some invulnrability from range, good stats, and is only 50 points and 1 start space.
Perhaps not the best use of resources, but I had a mental scene of Brave Arrow fighting something perhaps a little too big for what he can handle, then Zetacron runs in on height, adjacent to the enemy figure and Brave Arrow, and rolls 4 dice with double skulls! Add Taelord, Finn's Spirit, and/or an attack glyph, and you may be looking at one hit one kill in a sense we've not seen before!
I think that he is a great hero. For his point cost he has good survivability, good move, and a decent attack. He also has alot of good synergy. Brave Arrow 3 squads of spiders and sujoah charging would be a scary group and you could even have the tribe backing them up with some range.
He is my new favorite cheap hero. He will be very hard to kill. It is pretty pointless to attack him from range and he has decent enough stats to stay alive in melee for a few turns. He will gain his points back very easily I think every game. That 4 attack is awesome. He could actually put a wound on Q9 before he gets pummeled by the upcoming adjacent attacks.

I love the army options with these new figures!
The survivability of this guy is insane when against ranged units. Here are some Concealment calculations (assuming I have them correct in the first place, of course):
Chances of dodging one attack at:
3 range (Wolves of Badru only): 65% dodge chance.
4 range (Major Q10's Wrist Rocket): 70% dodge chance.
5 range (Ex. Stingers): 75% dodge chance.
6 range (Ex. 4th Mass): 80% dodge chance.
7 range (Ex. Krav Maga): 85% dodge chance.
8 range (Ex. Major Q10's Machine Pistol): 90% dodge chance.
9 range (Ex. Syvarris): 95% dodge chance
10 range (Ex. Deadeye Dan): 100% dodge chance (!!!!!!)
Chances of dodging two attacks at:
3 range: 42.25%
4 range: 49%
5 range: 56.25%
6 range: 64%
7 range: 72.25%
8 range: 81%
9 range: 90.25%
Chances of dodging three attacks at:
3 range: 27.4625%
5 range: 42.1875%
6 range: 51.2%
7 range: 61.4125%
8 range: 72.9%
Chances of dodging four attacks at:
6 range: 40.96%
7 range: 52.200625%
8 range: 65.61%
(If you're wondering why I skipped some ranges, as far as I recall there are no units that can have four attacks at ranges of 5, 9, and 10 in the game, none with three attacks at a range of 9, etc.)
With these calculations in mind, this guy makes ranged heroes weep. Attacking this guy with Deadeye without using Sharpshooter is pretty much impossible. Syvarris has a new worst enemy, as well, and this is probably one foe that Major Q10 will want to Wrist Rocket. Zetacron can't snipe this guy without making you pull your hair in frustration. None of this also takes into account Brave Arrow's regular defense - against a jungle bush/tree, he has 4 defense, making attacking with a ranged unit a waste of time. Ranged squads fare better, but one wonders if they have better things to do than use their entire squad to hit a 50 point hero. This guy was practically made to make ranged units howl in frustration merely trying to hit him!
For only 50 points, this guy seems to me like a steal against some of the ranged heavy armies. He won't stop them by himself sure - he loses his concealment when he can attack, for one. But he has bonding with the River Tribe, and seems like he can kill a few things before going down.
My worry with him is that he'll end up a bit similar to Gueri-Oni - ranged units will just ignore him and hit the easier to strike River Tribe. He'll definately be more useful, but I imagine that ranged units would rather not try to get closer to this guy - the way to beat him is to let him get closer to you, in my opinion.
It appears to me that this guy is a perfect assassain. With 4 attack, he can heft out damage. With up to 8 movement, this guy can move along into enemy areas with ease if he picks his target. Also, he has stealth dodge but it is a little harder to use. If we sneaks around the edge of the map, Raelin will be Indian bait.
(If you're wondering why I skipped some ranges, as far as I recall there are no units that can have four attacks at ranges of 5, 9, and 10 in the game, none with three attacks at a range of 9, etc.).

I think you missed something here bud. When figuring how many to add to BA's concealment roll you add the number of spaces between BA and the attacking figure, it looks like you're just adding whatever the attacking figures max range is. The 4th Mass. line could make four attacks at a range of 5 or even 2.

Your calculations are much appreciated, I just think you missed that detail is all.:)
Now here is the question. Why would anyone take the he works with squad over the stingers.

1) They're scouts, so they synergize with Venoc Warlord;

2) They're Indian braves, not alien warriors, which would be important in a themed army;

3) They have limited bonding, and;

4) They have new, different and interesting powers.

Isn't that what we all think when we see new figures? How they might help you win?

No, not necessarily. Some of us think about how fun they might be to play. ;)