no baby bump - false alarm!
The Book of Brandis Skyhunter
Champions of the Forgotten Realms - Collection D1 - Heroes of the Faerun
Champions of the Forgotten Realms - Collection D1 - Heroes of the Faerun

Spoiler Alert!

Heroscape Character Bio: (from Truth's front-page description) :
Brandis is a Half-Elf summoned by Ullar. He’s adept at tracking those that use the trees to hide their advance. With his SKY WATCHER power, he adds 2 attack dice against Flying figures, and with ARCHER’S GLORY he takes a free turn every time he destroys a non-adjacent unique hero, so look out if your army focuses on flying figures!
_________________________________________________________________SKY WATCHER
If Brandis Skyhunter is attacking a non-adjacent figure that has the Flying or Stealth Flying special power, add 2 dice to Brandis Skyhunter's attack.
Each time Brandis Skyhunter destroys an opponent's non-adjacent Unique Hero, you may take another turn with Brandis Skyhunter.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
"Half-Elf" vs. "Elf"
Q. The card says Brandis is a "half-elf." Does that mean he gets synerg--
A. No (and you should really know better).
Q. Does Brandis's SKYWATCHER Special Ability give him an Attack bonus against figures whose flying ability has been negated, either by a wind glyph or by Morsbane's ROD OF NEGATION Special Ability?
A. No. Brandis loses the bonus against negated fliers, which previous rulings have stated should be treated like non-flying figures for abilities such as Jotun's THROW 14.
_________________________________________________________________Q. The card says Brandis is a "half-elf." Does that mean he gets synerg--
A. No (and you should really know better).
Q. Does Brandis's SKYWATCHER Special Ability give him an Attack bonus against figures whose flying ability has been negated, either by a wind glyph or by Morsbane's ROD OF NEGATION Special Ability?
A. No. Brandis loses the bonus against negated fliers, which previous rulings have stated should be treated like non-flying figures for abilities such as Jotun's THROW 14.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- ACOLARH : Ullar’s Amulet
As a follower of Ullar, Brandis Skyhunter may benefit from Acolarh’s ULLAR’S AMULET movement bonus.
Synergy Benefits OfferedAs a follower of Ullar, Brandis Skyhunter may benefit from Acolarh’s ULLAR’S AMULET movement bonus.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Rankings
Jexik: Brandis Skyhunter- Well, he might do well in cleanup, or to try to assassinate a Dragon, until they engage him. Bring rats. C+
Cleon: Tier 1 (204/208)
dok (VC inclusive): C+
Master Index
Brandis Skyhunter Pre-Release Discussion
Brandis Skyhunter the Half-Elf and synergy
Unit Strategy Review

(Thanks to LordRaidor for the image.)
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