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The Book of Boomerang


Prickly Cactus
Site Supporter
The Book of Boomerang




The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Infinity Challenge set.
Its model number and name are #040-042 / Boomerang.
Its model number and name are #162 / Fred Myers.


Character Bio - Fred Myers was born in Australia but moved to America when he was a small child. In America, his great love was baseball and he developed an extraordinary pitching arm. He became a professional baseball player in the minor leagues after graduating high school, and a few years later entered the major leagues. Within a year he was suspended for accepting bribes. Embittered, he was eventually contracted by the subversive criminal organization, the Secret Empire, and offered employment. They designed special weaponry for him to exploit his pitching ability and he became their special operative, code-named Boomerang. When the Secret Empire crumbled, Boomerang went to Australia to hide out and recuperate. There he incessantly practiced the art of throwing and decided to become a freelance assassin. Obtaining a new arsenal of weapons designed and financed by underworld financier Justin Hammer, Boomerang came back to America to pursue his criminal ambitions. (Marvel Comic Database, 2011).

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • Symbiotes attacked by Boomerang's Screamerang Special Attack must subtract 6 from their 20-sided die roll. Current Symbiotes.

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 130

Range 5. Attack 3.
Choose a figure to attack. Any figures adjacent to the chosen figure are also affected by this special attack. Roll 3 attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Boomerang can be affected by this special attack.

Range 5. Attack 3.
If an opponent rolls the 20-sided die for a figure attacked by this special attack, you may subtract 3 from the roll, or 6 from the roll if the chosen figure is a Symbiote.

If Boomerang does not inflict one or more wounds when attacking an opponent's non-adjacent figure with his normal attack, he may attack that figure one additional time with his normal attack, even if he is engaged during the additional attack.

Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Wording may need help but that's why this is collaborative. :D

Basically his Specialty Boomerangs are and exploding one and a sonic one or some other type that would hinder mess up certain special defenses.

The Returning Boomerang is pretty obvious in that if he misses on the initial attack the boomerang has a chance to come back and hit the target on the way back. I added the bonus against huge figures figuring it would be easier for the boomerang to hit such a big target. That line doesn't have to stay there if we don't want it to, but I put it out there for added theme. The d20 roll for this power can also be adjusted as well if need be.
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Cool! :) Yeah, I like the direction for the two choices in his special attack. I have a similar approach for Hawkeye that I'm going to unveil once I've helped get a few things cleaned up around here with playtests and what not for the Christmas Package.
That second bullet is the thing that seems like it needs the most wording help.
Maybe something like this (taking from Bullseye's Deadly AIM)?

Choose a figure to attack. If an opponent rolls the 20-sided die
when Boomerang attacks the chosen figure, you may subtract 3 from the roll.

Or, since it's Sonic, if we want to be consistent with how we've been handling that ...

Choose a figure to attack. If an opponent rolls the 20-sided die
when Boomerang attacks the chosen figure, you may subtract 3 from the roll, or 6 from the roll if the chosen figure is a Symbiote.

(So far sonic attacks have been especially rough on Symbiotes).
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

That looks like a good change Bats, thanks :D

The intention was for it to be a sonic attack since they are called Screamerangs. So an extra bonus against Symbiotes seems appropriate.

I'll wait to hear what others think before making any changes to the Legendary Text :D
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Cool. I really like the design. :)

The Returning Boomerang is a great thematic power! Theme wise, should it be able to work with his Sonic Boomerang? Could we perhaps cut out the d20 aspect of it since his attack is only 3?
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

I'll wait to hear what others think before making any changes to the Legendary Text :D

I like Bats' suggestions too, but as the new guy around here there are a few things you need to know.

1) No matter how good your design is we call it Legacy text, not Legendary.

2) You can't change the Legacy text for 48 hours after starting the design. It gives everyone a chance to see the design and speak up for parts they like/dislike. You can make notes of changes you are going to make, but leave them under the original powers until the breathing period is up.

The Returning Boomerang is a great thematic power! Theme wise, should it be able to work with his Sonic Boomerang? Could we perhaps cut out the d20 aspect of it since his attack is only 3?

I thought this same thing. I can't see it being too overpowered, I mean he has to miss his first attack for it to even trigger.
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Cool! :) Yeah, I like the direction for the two choices in his special attack. I have a similar approach for Hawkeye that I'm going to unveil once I've helped get a few things cleaned up around here with playtests and what not for the Christmas Package.

Woot. I'm excited about Hawkeye. I have the nice miniature for him from the Avengers set that doesn't have his Skycycle if you want to put that on the card.
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

I'll wait to hear what others think before making any changes to the Legendary Text :D

I like Bats' suggestions too, but as the new guy around here there are a few things you need to know.

1) No matter how good your design is we call it Legacy text, not Legendary.

2) You can't change the Legacy text for 48 hours after starting the design. It gives everyone a chance to see the design and speak up for parts they like/dislike. You can make notes of changes you are going to make, but leave them under the original powers until the breathing period is up.

The Returning Boomerang is a great thematic power! Theme wise, should it be able to work with his Sonic Boomerang? Could we perhaps cut out the d20 aspect of it since his attack is only 3?

I thought this same thing. I can't see it being too overpowered, I mean he has to miss his first attack for it to even trigger.

Oh Tickle, thanks for the info. Actually I know it's Legacy Text, but I put Legendary just as a joke and to see if people would catch it. :D

I agree with both you and Good Pig in that the Returning Boomerang could do without the d20 power. It's only an attack of 3 or 4 with height, so not that big a deal.

Great work fellas, thanks!
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Overall I like this design a lot with that change. :up:
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Cool! :) Yeah, I like the direction for the two choices in his special attack. I have a similar approach for Hawkeye that I'm going to unveil once I've helped get a few things cleaned up around here with playtests and what not for the Christmas Package.

Woot. I'm excited about Hawkeye. I have the nice miniature for him from the Avengers set that doesn't have his Skycycle if you want to put that on the card.

You mean this one?

Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Cool! :) Yeah, I like the direction for the two choices in his special attack. I have a similar approach for Hawkeye that I'm going to unveil once I've helped get a few things cleaned up around here with playtests and what not for the Christmas Package.

Woot. I'm excited about Hawkeye. I have the nice miniature for him from the Avengers set that doesn't have his Skycycle if you want to put that on the card.

You mean this one?


This one actually. I got it a while back in a random booster I bought, I just recently found out it was a fairly expensive mini.
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Cool! :) Yeah, I like the direction for the two choices in his special attack. I have a similar approach for Hawkeye that I'm going to unveil once I've helped get a few things cleaned up around here with playtests and what not for the Christmas Package.

Woot. I'm excited about Hawkeye. I have the nice miniature for him from the Avengers set that doesn't have his Skycycle if you want to put that on the card.

You mean this one?


This one actually. I got it a while back in a random booster I bought, I just recently found out it was a fairly expensive mini.

Ah, well I have the kneeling one and the skycycle one. But we should actually wait for the Hawkeye thread to figure this out. :D
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Some mini pix. I had to try to prop him up a little as his pose has him leaning forward and it would be hard to get his face in otherwise. I may have to try again if none of those work out.




Just took some new pix, they seem better:


Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Ooh, that's rough on the comic front for sure. I think the second to last one is the nicest looking - not sure about the size, though.
I guess I'll have to put up Hawkeye today after all! :) Especially now that I have mini pics readily available for it. :p
I think Returning Boomerang is something we could use for Cap'n Boomerang as well to tie these two together (the power just makes tons of sense for both of them). I also like how Flash and Spidey can both counter the power with their special powers that let them move after being attacked.
Great changes suggested for the Returning Boomerang as well. Things look solid here. :)
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Yeah, the comic pix are kind of limited :(

I took a couple more mini pix just a few minutes ago while the sun was dancing between clouds. The latest two seem much better.

I certainly like the suggested changes. Cleaner and simpler for sure and just plain better.

I also agree that Returning Boomerang could work with Captain Boomerang and it's left open to include any special boomerangs that Cap Boomer might have. It also makes perfect sense as well since they both kind of use the same weapons.

I agree that units like Spidey and Flash can avoid Returning Boomerang. That was the original idea behind it and why I didn't make it an automatic second attack. :)

Look forward to seeing Hawkeye. :D
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Just thinking about the physics of throwing a boomerang... would it make sense to have Returning Boomerang only work when he targets a non-adjacent figure within 3-4 spaces? That way the boomerang misses, goes another few spaces and then comes arching back. Whereas if he tosses the boomerang at someone at the limit of his range of 5 it just hits or misses the target and goes back to him.

Maybe I'm thinking about it too literally.

Btw, if we ever did a Thor v2 this would be a great mechanic for Mjolnir toss.
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

I think you are thinking too literally GP :D
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

I don't know if you remembered or not, or if you just thought of it today, but I had suggested the Boomerang power a while back, but without the D20 roll. So I would like to see that drop. :)
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

I didn't remember that Griff,(though I'm sure you suggested that when I believe Whitestuff drafted him) I just wrote it up a week or so ago and just went with what made sense. The d20 roll was kind of a dumb part of it considering the low attack, so it's going to be dropped for sure as others have commented likewise. :)
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

I updated the legacy text with the suggested changes.
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

Range 5. Attack 3.

When Boomerang attacks with his Specialty Boomerangs Special Attack, you may choose one of the following:
  • Choose a figure to attack. Any figures adjacent to the chosen figure are also affected by this attack. Boomerang only needs a clear sight shot at the chosen figure. Roll 3 attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately.
  • Choose a figure to attack. If an opponent rolls the 20-sided die when Boomerang attacks the chosen figure, you may subtract 3 from the roll, or 6 from the roll if the chosen figure is a Symbiote.
If Boomerang does not inflict at least 1 wound when attacking a non-adjacent enemy figure, you may attack that figure one additional time with the same attack as long as the targeted figure remains in its original position.

I think the second bullet in the SA is weird. I seem to remember something being said about him maybe having a sonic boomerang, but I don't think there is much hope of people making that connection. I think the second bullet could go altogether, and replace it with something different.

I think the Returning Boomerang should only work for normal attacks. Either way though, it should explicitly state either "normal attack" or "normal or special attack".
Re: The Book of Boomerang - Design Phase

This might be a crazy suggestion, but ... he only has two powers right now, so why not just give him two special attacks (and put the cool names in there)?