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The Book of Blue Wyrmling


no baby bump - false alarm!
The Book of Blue Wyrmling

Warriors of Eberron – Collection D2 – Golem & the Wyrmlings

Spoiler Alert!

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check the Heroscapers Gallery for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio: TBA

Range 4 + Special. Attack 2.
Choose a figure to attack. You may also choose one other figure within 3 clear sight spaces of the targeted figure to be affected by Fledgling Lightning Breath Special Attack. Roll attack dice once for both figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Fledgling Lightning Breath Special Attack does not affect destructible objects.

After revealing an order marker on a Blue Wyrmling Army Card, before taking that Blue Wyrmling's turn, you may take a turn with one other Wyrmling you control.

When counting spaces for a Blue Wyrmling's movement, ignore elevations. A Blue Wyrmling may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. If a Blue Wyrmling is engaged when it starts to fly, it will take any leaving engagement attacks.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q. A Shocking Encounter: Can the Blue Wyrmling use FLEDGLING LIGHTNING SA on an adjacent figure and then choose a non-adjacent figure to be affected by the attack?
A. Yes.

Q. Do figures chosen after the first targeted attack also get targeted, and therefore trigger other "targeted" special powers such as Kita the Springrunner's Apparition or Nakita Agents' Smoke Powder?
A. No, they are chosen but not targeted. Also importantly, these figures do not need LoS to the affected figures, may affect figures with which they are not engaged, and may even choose themselves to be affected where relevant.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received

WYRMLINGS : WYRMLING BONDING : As a wyrmling, the Blue Wyrmling may benefit from WYRMLING BONDING Activation Synergy, listed on each wyrmling's card:
Synergy Benefits Offered
Terrain Benefits Received
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Blue Wyrmling- The most unwieldy of the wyrmlings. B-


Cleon: Tier 5 (108/208)

dok (VC inclusive): B-

Master Index
Blue Wyrmling Pre-Release Discussion Thread
Early Wyrmling Strategy Musings - More than meets the eye?
New Dragon Teaser?

Unit Strategy Review


(Thanks for the shot, Guru)
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Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

I love the Blue Wyrmling's Special. Because the special range asks only for a number of spaces and clear sight, but without height restrictions, it's great to use him to get a "bank shot" off one guy to ping someone who's hiding behind an obstacle, or inside a castle.
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

I'm not too bent outta shape about the Lightning Breath Spoiler.

It hints at an Aquilla dragon that breathes lightning, but some jump to the conclusion that a Blue dragon will take the place of any other possible Aquilla dragon. Did we miss the fact that Utgar has a classic and DnD dragon?

I for one hope Aquilla gets a Blue Dragon, because that will in no way rule out the Water Dragon I've been hoping to see fighting for aquilla ;)
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

Is anyone else thinking that this guy may be a good counter to Raelin? I mean, he could blast a squaddie, and then the lightning would jump to Raelin. 2 attack dice stands a pretty good chance(in my experience) at busting 3 defense.
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

Two or three of these guys will make a great ranged support for the dwarves
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

I had an interesting thought for this guy: what if you choose to attack your own figure, like a Deathreaver or something, so that you could attack an opponent's figure that is more than 4 spaces away? You would use your own figure as a stepping stone for the lightning. And if you chose a stronger figure the Lightning probably won't even hurt.

And if you bounce the lightning off the Iron Golem it is impossible for him to get hurt :p
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

I had an interesting thought for this guy: what if you choose to attack your own figure, like a Deathreaver or something, so that you could attack an opponent's figure that is more than 4 spaces away? You would use your own figure as a stepping stone for the lightning. And if you chose a stronger figure the Lightning probably won't even hurt.

And if you bounce the lightning off the Iron Golem it is impossible for him to get hurt :p

It could be a nice way to zap Raelin while she's covering a rat screen.
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

I had an interesting thought for this guy: what if you choose to attack your own figure, like a Deathreaver or something, so that you could attack an opponent's figure that is more than 4 spaces away? You would use your own figure as a stepping stone for the lightning. And if you chose a stronger figure the Lightning probably won't even hurt.

And if you bounce the lightning off the Iron Golem it is impossible for him to get hurt :p

Awesome! Iron Golem's new name is Rod, as in Lightning Rod.
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

That was brought up in the pre-realse thread. Most people didn't like the idea of wasteing one of the attcks. I liked the idea of using the Golem to keep the wrymling out of line of sight.
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

I'd generally take the Golem's attack of 6 against a single target than have two shots of 2 attack. Unless if I'm playing Vipers or some-such.

Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

All the Wyrmlings have their own uses to me and I find that the Blue Wyrmling is the best Normal Attacker. (And with figures like Iron Golem on the field you will need that!) Plus he's a decent squad killer.
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

All the Wyrmlings have their own uses to me and I find that the Blue Wyrmling is the best Normal Attacker. (And with figures like Iron Golem on the field you will need that!) Plus he's a decent squad killer.
I have been realizing that by doing it wrong. After playing a few games with the Wyrmlings, last time I had Blue x4, Black x4, and 1 Red. The Blues just weren't coming through for me. I kept trying to use their Lightning SA, and I have a problem with 2-Attacks, man. They just don't land a lot of the time. I think the single Red did more damage than most of my Blues.

Afterwards, I realized a) The Blues may not have been the best choice against the squads I was facing, and b) I'm too reluctant to put them in melee and use their normal Attack. The Blue Wyrm is the only one out of the 4 who starts with a nice, hefty 4-Attack. Drop that guy on height and you get a blow of 5 on whomever was dumb enough to sit there. Next time, the Blue Wyrm is going in. Lightning is only good for thinning ranks of paper-screen.
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

If the Blue Wyrmling is adjacent to two enemy figures. Can the chain lightning target a non-adjacent figure as the second target? Or must it target the other adjacent figure?
The second figure chosen is not subject to engagement rules.
Re: The Book of the Blue Wyrmling

Range 4 + Special. Attack 2.
Choose a figure to attack. You may also choose one other figure within 3 clear sight spaces of the targeted figure to be affected by Fledgling Lightning Breath Special Attack. Roll attack dice once for both figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Fledgling Lightning Breath Special Attack does not affect destructible objects.

After revealing an order marker on a Blue Wyrmling Army Card, before taking that Blue Wyrmling's turn, you may take a turn with one other Wyrmling you control.

When counting spaces for a Blue Wyrmling's movement, ignore elevations. A Blue Wyrmling may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. If a Blue Wyrmling is engaged when it starts to fly, it will take any leaving engagement attacks.

Custom Tech Review:
#1) "Range 4 + Special. Attack 2.": Allowing the figure to target additional targets adds the "+ Special" tag to Range and not Attack.

#2) "You may also choose one other figure within 3 clear sight spaces of the targeted figure to be affected": I think many of us would have also called the "targeted" figure the "chosen" figure. 'Choose one other figure within X ... spaces of the chosen figure'. The double 'choose' is disorienting and this figure deals with it by officially calling the original choice the "targeted figure".

#3) "Roll ... for both figures.": "Any or all" is grounded official lingo in HS and as such many modders will use exclusively that language. This figure addresses that by officially stating "both" for two figures instead of 'all'. "Each figure rolls" continues instead of "All". both and each

#4) "...Special Attack does not affect destructible objects.": Interesting, does this imply that destructible objects can be targeted with special attacks by default. Traditionally, we modders include language that permits a special attack to target a destructible object. This official power adds language to disable targeting DO's. It is still presumption to think that the one means the opposite. Perhaps all this means is that one should state permissions for either case.

#5) "After revealing an order marker on a Blue Wyrmling Army Card, before taking that Blue Wyrmling's turn, you may ...": Use "on" instead of "from"
Blue Wyrmling
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
As was discussed on discord today, there are a few rulings about the mechanics of Fledgling Lightning Breath Special Attack that should be added to the FAQ in the OP. Namely:

- the Blue Wyrmling does not require LOS to the second figure affected by the attack, only the first figure
- the second figure affected by FLBSA must be within clear sight of the first figure
- the Blue Wyrmling can choose itself to be the second figure affected by FLBSA if it wants (granted, the circumstances that you would ever want to do this are extremely rare)