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The Book of Blastatrons


Well-known member
The Book of Blastatrons
Thora's Vengeance - Collection 5 - Soulborgs
Valkrill's Gambit - Collection 10 - Soulborgs

Spoiler Alert!
If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio:Alpha Prime is now a war-torn husk of the glorious world that used to be. In a time now lost to history, a brilliant race thrived there. The planet was then called Mariedian. With technology the Mariedians ended crime; with technology they ended hunger; and with technology they ended war. Life was good. Hard labor was preformed by the Robota, complex machines design to perform arduous tasks. It was one grief-stricken scientist who after losing a child to a fatal accident, changed that beautiful world’s history forever. In an effort to save the child from death, he twisted science to preserve the soul of his child in the metal encasings of a Robota. Thus, the Soulborg were born. Three Millennia pass, and now the Soulborg rule the planet, fighting among themselves in a constant state of war. Mariedians still exist, mostly as slaves on the prison planet Isadora. But there is a resistance. Small factions of Mariedians, driven deep underground, still fight the Soulborg. The Blastatrons, and their counterparts the Gladiatrons, were built to mimic the size, movement, and guerrilla fighting style of the Mariedian resistance— for the Mariedians continue to adapt and survive against great odds. While that disgusts many Soulborg, others envy those traits. (Hasbro)

Before taking a turn with Blastatrons, you may move 4 Gladiatrons you control up to 5 spaces each.

When attacking a non-adjacent figure, add 1 attack die for every Soulborg you control who follows Vydar that is adjacent to the defending figure.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
- GLADIATRON MOVEMENT BONDING : Using Movement Enhancements
When using the Gladiatron Movement Bonding, can the Gladiatron’s movement be enhanced by anything like roads, or auras to increase the amount of spaces it can move?
No. That is a static move value. The 4 Gladiatrons that you choose to move may move up to 5 spaces each, but cannot move any further. (Hasbro FAQ)

- HOMING DEVICE : What Vydar Soulborgs Apply
Can an opponent’s Vydar Soulborg figures adjacent to my target enhance my Blastatron’s Homing Device special power?
No, only Soulborgs who follow Vydar that you control contribute to your own Blastatron’s Homing Device special power. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
- HOMING DEVICE : Soulborg Units that Follow Vydar
As Soulborgs that follow Vydar, Blastatrons may benefit from the following units for their HOMING DEVICE attack bonus:
- LAGLOR : Vydar’s Range Enhancement Aura
Being Vydar units with a range greater than 4, Blastatrons may benefit from Laglor’s VYDAR’S RANGE ENHANCEMENT AURA.

- WARDEN 816 : Guard Leadership
As Guards, Blastatrons may benefit from Warden 816's GUARD LEADERSHIP movement bonus.

- Deathwalker 9000: Range Enhancement
Being Soulborg Guards, Blastatrons may benefit from Deathwalker 9000's RANGE ENHANCEMENT.

Synergy Benefits Offered
- SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
* Having a Disciplined personality, Blastatrons may aid the Sacred Band with their DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS.*NOTE: See The Book of Sacred Band for proper application.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Blastatrons- Highly mobile and potential for crazy-high attacks help the B-Trons compete with the best. A


Cleon: Tier 9 (25/208)

dok (VC inclusive): A

Master Index
Counters to Blast/Glad builds?
Strategy for Blast/Glad builds
Can Homing Device work with enemy Vydar Soulborgs? No.
SOULBORG SPECIAL Unit Debate #12 -- 'Crons Vs. 'Trons
Examining the Guard Class in Heroscape Part 2: Blastatrons

Unit Strategy Review
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These guys are crappy without drafting the Gladiatrons, and can be crazy good if you have 3 or 4 Gladiatrons engaged with the figure you wanna attack. Like said in a previous thread, a 2(Gladiatrons) to 1(Blastatrons) is what you want to maximize they're potential.
Not nessecerily true, you can still do something that's very risky but just as effective, attack wise. Instead of moving the glads adgacent, you move the blastrons adjacent and shoot away. it still gives you the extra attack, but defense may be an issue. I find it useful with a bunch of squaddies. You move the blasts adjacent and shoot each opponet with an enhanced attack.
Sargent_Drake_8 said:
Not nessecerily true, you can still do something that's very risky but just as effective, attack wise. Instead of moving the glads adgacent, you move the blastrons adjacent and shoot away. it still gives you the extra attack, but defense may be an issue. I find it useful with a bunch of squaddies. You move the blasts adjacent and shoot each opponet with an enhanced attack.

So what you're saying is instead of shooting from afar you would rather have these guys engage your opponent even though they're ranged figures? I don't exactly understand what you're saying. The most common idea with these guys stratagettically(sp?) you move the Gladiatrons first with their bonding, and engage the figures you want to attack, engaging as many Gladiatrons as you can. Then you move the Blastiatrons and get within range of the targeted/surrounded figure(s). You then attack with all eligable Blasatrons with an enhanced attack, while being held by the Gladiatrons. Once your turn is over, your opponent can't move since they are engaged with the Gladiatrons(unless it's a large or huge figure) and they have to fight their way through the Gladiatrons to get to the Blastatrons. If you have suffered any Gladiatron casualties, you move more in since they bond, or you reposition your engaged Gladiatrons. Once they're done, you can reposition your Blastatrons and then fire away some more with an enhanced attack.
I'm saying that if you draft the b-trons without the g-trons, they can still be good. Yes, you would have to engage them, but it is still worth it to get the extra dice, since a whole lot of ones is going to be less effective than one big attack. Don't throw them into a crowd, but they can often handle the first wave as they come along in small numbers.
I have to admit that Drake's idea is sound in theory but from personal experience, it doesn't work well against Charos. Lost all 8 Blastatrons without even wounding him. Thanks Goodness for Crixus. Crixus + Raelin + Height = Dead Charos.
The problem with using blastatrons to boost themselves is in the fact that they can only get the bonus when attacking a nonadjacent enemy. Couple that with the fact that you can only attack figures that you are engaged with when you are engaged.

The only way to be successful with this strategy using strictly blastatrons would be to have multiple squads of them and to shoot with the ones that are not engaged. If you are going to invest the points into it you might as well spend a few more and pick up some gladiatrons.

On the other hand, I do like to use them as fly swatters for Q9. Hold them a little further back from Q9 at a higher point. If Q9 gets swarmed you can take 4 3 dice attacks (1base+1height+1homing) at the angry mob leaving Q9s attacks to fire down range.
Non adjacent, :duh: . oh well, there goes my plan.

Though that may be a pretty effective Q9 counter-Send the G'trons in with movement bonding, then have the blasts move in and fire!
As awesome as the Glad/Blast combo can be, I really often find it rather limiting. A big part of the problem is that the Blastatrons lose the flexibility and range that normal ranged units are blessed with for their damage bonus. Essentially, their threat range is limited to just 6 spaces and is reduced further by height.

The combination isn't quite as hard to defeat once you keep this in mind. The best way to battle against this combo is rethink the natural tendancy to see the Gladiatrons boosting the Blastatrons. As far as game mechanics are concerned, its better to think of it as the Blastatrons augmenting the Gladiatron's attack. Focus on battling the Gladiatrons as the Blast half is worthless without them. Treat the Glads like you would the MacDirks with full Highland Fury running. Make sure you can strike first and only attack if you can make a fair trade (sacrifice < 80 points for each one you can destory). Of course, like any melee horde, your best bet is to simplly snipe away as long as you can.
The Blastatrons carry on that fine tradition of the ranged, Soulborg unit.
Everything on their figures -weapons included - is a valid hit zone.
The Omnicrons, DWs, and Major Q9 are gifted in this area as well. :twisted:
Perhaps Major Q10 can be the exception?
By the way, is that a hair on the Blastatrons' card scan?
The Glads should definitely be your 1st choice for homing bonuses, but it never hurts to add a Blaster adjacent as well, especially against high-defense units. A 4-attack, 4-attack, 4-attack, 1-attack volley is going to do better than 4 threes, usually.
Jonathan said:
The Glads should definitely be your 1st choice for homing bonuses, but it never hurts to add a Blaster adjacent as well, especially against high-defense units. A 4-attack, 4-attack, 4-attack, 1-attack volley is going to do better than 4 threes, usually.

Blastrons can't really be used to boost homing device. Well, they can, but then you can't attack with them.
Sargent_Drake_8 said:
Jonathan said:
The Glads should definitely be your 1st choice for homing bonuses, but it never hurts to add a Blaster adjacent as well, especially against high-defense units. A 4-attack, 4-attack, 4-attack, 1-attack volley is going to do better than 4 threes, usually.

Blastrons can't really be used to boost homing device. Well, they can, but then you can't attack with them.

Depends on the order you attack. If you move 3 Blastatrons adjacent to a figure and shoot with the 4th, you can get your +3 bonus and, assuming you kill the figure, continue to fire with the other Blastatrons on other units (hopefully units you moved the Gladiatrons next to).
Eclipse said:
Sargent_Drake_8 said:
Jonathan said:
The Glads should definitely be your 1st choice for homing bonuses, but it never hurts to add a Blaster adjacent as well, especially against high-defense units. A 4-attack, 4-attack, 4-attack, 1-attack volley is going to do better than 4 threes, usually.

Blastrons can't really be used to boost homing device. Well, they can, but then you can't attack with them.

Depends on the order you attack. If you move 3 Blastatrons adjacent to a figure and shoot with the 4th, you can get your +3 bonus and, assuming you kill the figure, continue to fire with the other Blastatrons on other units (hopefully units you moved the Gladiatrons next to).

Yes it's possible, but for the trouble it causes, I'd rather not take the chance of losing three of my attacks. That's the only advantage of squads.
The 1-attack guy is the one you moved adjacent to their fig. If the other 3 kill the fig, that guy is free to attack something else. If not, who knows - the 1 die might do something :D
These guys (with the gladiatrons) could be really devestation against a double-spaced figure! Get 2 squads of Glads around a double-spaced figure and then have height advantage with the B-trons would give you 10 attack each! Great way of taking down those Dragons; especially Charos!
Sargent_Drake_8 said:
Eclipse said:
Sargent_Drake_8 said:
Jonathan said:
The Glads should definitely be your 1st choice for homing bonuses, but it never hurts to add a Blaster adjacent as well, especially against high-defense units. A 4-attack, 4-attack, 4-attack, 1-attack volley is going to do better than 4 threes, usually.

Blastrons can't really be used to boost homing device. Well, they can, but then you can't attack with them.

Depends on the order you attack. If you move 3 Blastatrons adjacent to a figure and shoot with the 4th, you can get your +3 bonus and, assuming you kill the figure, continue to fire with the other Blastatrons on other units (hopefully units you moved the Gladiatrons next to).

Yes it's possible, but for the trouble it causes, I'd rather not take the chance of losing three of my attacks. That's the only advantage of squads.

Well what i've done on numerous occasions is get the Glads in between 2 of you opponents players and then have 2 blastatrons next to one of the opponents figures and 2 next to the other, this way the Blastatrons can attack figure they aren't adjacent to but still allow the other 2 to get the extra attack bonus. Hope that was understandable, i'm not great at explaining these types of things.
Sargent_Drake_8 said:
Non adjacent, :duh: . oh well, there goes my plan.

Though that may be a pretty effective Q9 counter-Send the G'trons in with movement bonding, then have the blasts move in and fire!

or just send 3 while leaving the other back
I've noticed that blastatrons are great at taking out Krav Maga Agents from range and here is why: you only get 1 attack die = 50%chance to get a skull (greater odds with a height advantage); now attacking the krav it doesnt matter if you get 1 skull or 50 you just have to hope that they just dont roll any shields (33% chance for a shield on each die + 3 dice), so you basically get 4 chances for a krav maga to not roll any shield thats roughly a 70% chance, thats as close to a guarantee in heroscape as you are going to get. Furthermore, the blastatrons are a much cheaper unit than the krav, even if they only kill 1 of them they almost make paygrade (15 points a blastatron versus 33.3 points per krav maga agent)
Sargent_Drake_8 said:
Yes it's possible, but for the trouble it causes, I'd rather not take the chance of losing three of my attacks. That's the only advantage of squads.

I employ this strategy often as part of Glad/Blast swarm. Sometimes, especially if you are facing a lower defense figure it is very advantagious to move up one or two Blastatrons to get the extra attack dice, especially if you feel you can defeat that figure and improve the engaged Blastatron's position to attack the next figure. You are engaging the Blast, but only temporarly until you free them with the attack from another Blastatron.

I also use this strategy when I am facing a higher defense opponent....say for example Q-9. I will always sacrifice a Blast to increase the number of dice I am rolling. Let say I have 3 Gladiatrons surrounding Q-9 and have 4 Blasts in range. I will march one of the Blasts up to Q-9 as well. This will give me 3 attacks of 5 instead of 4 attacks of 4. I'll take the extra dice against someone rolling 7 defense dice. I actually had this exact scenario in the main event at Gencon....on one of the rolls, I rolled 5 skulls and my opponent rolled 5 shields.....arrrggggh!
Jandars_Hope said:
Well what i've done on numerous occasions is get the Glads in between 2 of you opponents players and then have 2 blastatrons next to one of the opponents figures and 2 next to the other, this way the Blastatrons can attack figure they aren't adjacent to but still allow the other 2 to get the extra attack bonus. Hope that was understandable, i'm not great at explaining these types of things.

I don't understand this! Say you have 4 Glads, 4 Blas attacking 2 opponent figures. You would move 2 Glads and 2 Blas to be adjacent to each figure, is that right? Remember you always have to attack an adjacent figure.

I find the combo 2Glads+1 Blas, or 3Glads+2Blas, is pretty good. I once killed both Q9s in a 3-way game with the 3Glads+2Blas. The limitation of this combo is the map. If the map has a bridge, for example, and you can't have your guys adjacent to the opponents, you are in trouble.
What's the best ratio of Blasts to Glads, in your opinion?

I currently have one Blast and two Glads... I'm tempted to pick up another Blast pack to field 2B and 2G together so that I can more easily absorb a Blast loss without immediately losing squad strength.

Considering a 530pt army build.

Snotwalker 8000 said:
What's the best ratio of Blasts to Glads, in your opinion?

I currently have one Blast and two Glads... I'm tempted to pick up another Blast pack to field 2B and 2G together so that I can more easily absorb a Blast loss without immediately losing squad strength.

Considering a 530pt army build.


530 is an unusual total -- my suggestion (given you have 2 of the commons):
2x Gladiatrons
2x Blastatrons
Major Q10
Major X17