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The Book of Black Wyrmling


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The Book of Black Wyrmling

Warriors of Eberron – Collection D2 – Golem and Wyrmlings

Spoiler Alert!

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check the HeroScapers Gallery or Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio (adapted from home page): The Black Wyrmling, like all aptly colored Wyrmlings, is both versatile and exciting! It may be wild, but Braxas and Othkurik keep it in line.

Instead of attacking with a Black Wyrmling, you may choose one small or medium figure within 4 clear sight spaces of it. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1-10, nothing happens. If you roll an 11-15, the chosen figure receives 1 wound. If you roll a 16 or higher, the chosen figure receives 2 wounds.

After revealing an order marker on a Black Wyrmling Army Card, before taking that Black Wyrmling's turn, you may take a turn with one other Wyrmling you control.

When counting spaces for a Black Wyrmling's movement, ignore elevations. A Black Wyrmling may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. If a Black Wyrmling is engaged when it starts to fly, it will take any leaving engagement attacks.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Wyrmling Bonding: Reveal an Order Marker
Q: Can I reveal my "X" Order Marker to activate Wyrmling Bonding?
A: No.
-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
WYRMLINGS: Wyrmling Bonding:
As a Wyrmling, a Black Wyrmling may benefit from the WYRMLING BONDING power of the following units:
Synergy Benefits Offered
WYRMLINGS: Wyrmling Bonding:
As Wyrmlings, the following units may benefit from the Black Wyrmling’s WYRMLING BONDING activation synergy:
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Black Wyrmling- Cute as Krav or PK tech. B+


Cleon: Tier 8 (30/208)

dok (VC inclusive): A-

Master Index
Wyrmlings - What's Your Army Idea?
Wyrmlings vs. Wyrms!
Early Wyrmling Strategy Musings - More than meets the eye?
Unit Debate #51 -- Wyrmlings vs. Elementals
Unit Debate #55 -- The Wyrmlings

Unit Strategy Review
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Black wyrmlings sort of make the white wyrmlings irrelevant. While the whites can use their Special attack on larger figures, most will easily be able to defend against it without an issue. Blacks are tough-squad killers and hero wounders. Two of them acting in concert can dump a good number of wound markers on a medium hero before they can take them out. Also like mama their breath isn't a special attack, which is nice. Two used wisely are a cheap amusing fix to Minions, SoJ, or Nakitas
Keep in mind, though, that the Black Wyrmlings can only attack one figure with their mini acid breath, while the white wyrmlings can get two with ther ice shards. White Wyrmlings also have an additional defence die, which can be the difference between life and death for common heroes.

I'm not saying the white is better, though. I'd choose the black over it unless I was going up against an Ashigaru army(Just off the top of my head; there are other armies I might use them against as well). But the black does not necassarily make the white irrelevant.
In the absence of all other modifiers and powers, the white's special does more average damage against a multi-life hero with defense of 4 or less or a single life figure with a defense of 3 or less.
In the absence of all other modifiers and powers, the white's special does more average damage against a multi-life hero with defense of 4 or less or a single life figure with a defense of 3 or less.

I find that hard to believe seeing that Whites have to attack different figures with their Ice Shards.

White is still better, though.
In the absence of all other modifiers and powers, the white's special does more average damage against a multi-life hero with defense of 4 or less or a single life figure with a defense of 3 or less.

I find that hard to believe seeing that Whites have to attack different figures with their Ice Shards.

White is still better, though.

You're right, I forgot about the different figures limitation. Still, if you can get 2 targets in range, white wyrmlings will often do more average damage then blacks. .
In the absence of all other modifiers and powers, the white's special does more average damage against a multi-life hero with defense of 4 or less or a single life figure with a defense of 3 or less.

I find that hard to believe seeing that Whites have to attack different figures with their Ice Shards.

White is still better, though.

You're right, I forgot about the different figures limitation. Still, if you can get 2 targets in range, white wyrmlings will often do more average damage then blacks. .
Yes but the opponent can't roll defense dice against the Black, I think it evens out. I like the Black better my self
I played a game with three Black Wyrmlings, and my opponents were calling for their blood by the end of the game. It may have been my rolling, but a few of these guys are easily as frustrating to play against as Braxas is, in my opinion.
I also just played a game with 3 of these guys on one team and they were pretty awesome!! Took KA down in just 2 turns. With 6 movement and 4 range they can get in position to start spitting acid rather quickly. While they won't live forever, it doesn't take much to get their points back when causing 1-3 wounds per ordermarker.
In the absence of all other modifiers and powers, the white's special does more average damage against a multi-life hero with defense of 4 or less or a single life figure with a defense of 3 or less.

I find that hard to believe seeing that Whites have to attack different figures with their Ice Shards.

White is still better, though.

You're right, I forgot about the different figures limitation. Still, if you can get 2 targets in range, white wyrmlings will often do more average damage then blacks. .
Yes but the opponent can't roll defense dice against the Black, I think it evens out. I like the Black better my self

I agree, it's also the reason I lean towards Braxas over other dragons in tournament settings. In this day and age Raelin is so common that being able to totally ignore her is huge. The whites look the least appealing to me, believe it or not. I like being able to ignore the defense dice completely. Especially with more and more units coming out with 4 or more defense and auto shield abilities. I havent been able to play any of the wyrmlings yet, so I cant say for sure which I like to actually play more, but on paper the order is Black/Red tie, then Blue, then White. I guess I'll see for sure when I actually get to play :)
All the Wyrmlings have their own uses to me and I find that the Black Wyrmling is the best Hero Killer.
I also just played a game with 3 of these guys on one team and they were pretty awesome!! Took KA down in just 2 turns. With 6 movement and 4 range they can get in position to start spitting acid rather quickly. While they won't live forever, it doesn't take much to get their points back when causing 1-3 wounds per ordermarker.
I played a game in which 4 Black Wyrmlings took out KA, Raelin, and 2 Omnicron Snipers. They seem best at taking out high defense dice / low life heroes. It is sometimes very useful to be able to ignore height and Raelin when attacking.
;) I played a pair of Blacks on my team "Vydar's Revenge" (as in "Hooray, I finally have some new units to get REVENGE against the other Generals!") at the recent Rhode Island Rampage Tournament, where many of us used our brand new D2 for the first time (except for proxying). As with other units, they are situational. They were useful twice.

1. By flying over difficult terrain early on, they grabbed the Initiative Glyph, giving me its benefit, although only for the first few turns while both lived.

2. The survivor repositioned, and then took Kaemon Awa right out in two turns! Very useful if you have a pal who often plays him (named Kolakoski, here in NYC).
These guys fill a niche that is very lacking, which is the niche of consistent auto-wound abilities. This is why I think they're the best wyrmling, because the others have alternatives that do the same thing.

Of course there's Braxas, but the expendable nature of the Black Wyrmlings gives them something Braxas doesn't have. Not to mention the expandable nature of the Black Wyrmling, as you are not limited to 210 points of auto-wound goodness.
That's a good point. And two Black Wyrmlings render Deadeye Dan even less playable. We need some sort of lawman bonding...
I've played Braxas so much against my most common opponent that when I played two of these guys as filler, they didn't have a chance. He went full bore to destroy these guys regardless of what else I had on the board. And maybe, just maybe, that made them worth their points becasue it left my squads in tact and my heros at full health at that point.

But I was a bit disappointed my first time out with them. You reap what you sow though as they say.
With 6 movement and 4 range they can get in position to start spitting acid rather quickly. While they won't live forever, it doesn't take much to get their points back when causing 1-3 wounds per ordermarker.

This is a good point that I have been messing around with. At what point in the game do they excel. An opener, inflecting as much damage as possible and giving you early board control. Mid game, to either take back board control, or to snipe off commons on glyphs. (Though glyph grabbers like Marcu still should be fine.) Or at the end game as clean up units, finishing off Raelin, or even better, Isamu!

At this point I am still not sure if I would take them to a tournment over say the Marro Warriors as long as I already had a special attack in my army. However, if I had only 2 starting spaces and 60 points left the dragons would most certainly be in my draft.
I think it's really cool how the black wyrmling has a very similar sculpt to Othkurik. It's basically a mini Othkurik in a different position. Especially taking into account the acid special attacks. Either way, a very neat little character and well worth it's 30 points
I think it's really cool how the black wyrmling has a very similar sculpt to Othkurik. It's basically a mini Othkurik in a different position. Especially taking into account the acid special attacks. Either way, a very neat little character and well worth it's 30 points

That's mainly because that Othkurik and the Blackie were made by the same company(Wizards of the Coast) and were essentially different stages of the black dragon life cycle.

Baby(blackie)->Young(Othkurik)->Matured(Big black Dragon that doesn't exist in Heroscape)

As a bonus that acid breath is very cool!
I think it's really cool how the black wyrmling has a very similar sculpt to Othkurik. It's basically a mini Othkurik in a different position. Especially taking into account the acid special attacks. Either way, a very neat little character and well worth it's 30 points

That's mainly because that Othkurik and the Blackie were made by the same company(Wizards of the Coast) and were essentially different stages of the black dragon life cycle.

Baby(blackie)->Young(Othkurik)->Matured(Big black Dragon that doesn't exist in Heroscape)

As a bonus that acid breath is very cool!
Worth to mention that if you focus on the powers rather than on the figures, the Black Wyrmling is a miniature of Braxas, not of Othkurik.
I think it's really cool how the black wyrmling has a very similar sculpt to Othkurik. It's basically a mini Othkurik in a different position. Especially taking into account the acid special attacks. Either way, a very neat little character and well worth it's 30 points

That's mainly because that Othkurik and the Blackie were made by the same company(Wizards of the Coast) and were essentially different stages of the black dragon life cycle.

Baby(blackie)->Young(Othkurik)->Matured(Big black Dragon that doesn't exist in Heroscape)

As a bonus that acid breath is very cool!
Worth to mention that if you focus on the powers rather than on the figures, the Black Wyrmling is a miniature of Braxas, not of Othkurik.

A bit of an oxymoron no?;)
Thinking about using this army against my friend who never uses large figures:

Raelin(RotV) - 80
Red Wyrmling x7 - 210
Black Wyrmling x7 - 210
Total: 500

Will edit this post when the battle occurs

EDIT: Well, they performed well. I switched out two of each wyrmling for Krug, just in case my opponents (Had to do a 3 player free for all) drafted a large figure. I won the game after getting teamed up on in the first 2/3 of it. The black wyrmlings were really good, even without Raelin's protection they could survive a couple hits! I should have switched out maybe 2 more reds for blacks (Especially considering I was up against a single squad of snipers as the only common units on the board, besides the wyrmlings).
I've experimented quite a bit with Wyrmlings/ Raelin, and as corny as it is too add them, they preform MUCH better with some rats thrown in.
I'm curious why these guys are black in the power rankings - my understanding is that means they ought to not be included in pre-made armies but these guys seem like they'd be pretty good sharks against high defense units.

Come to think of it, they may be black because they are situationally good - good against high defense or special defense (like the krav) but against say a ton of 4th mass there'd be better choices.
Black wyrmlings sort of make the white wyrmlings irrelevant. While the whites can use their Special attack on larger figures, most will easily be able to defend against it without an issue. Blacks are tough-squad killers and hero wounders. Two of them acting in concert can dump a good number of wound markers on a medium hero before they can take them out. Also like mama their breath isn't a special attack, which is nice. Two used wisely are a cheap amusing fix to Minions, SoJ, or Nakitas

I guess, but i like the white wyrmlings...