Overview of Black Mask’s performance:
Damage inflicted through normal attacks: 1 wound on Batgirl, 3 wounds on Alfred Pennyworth, 1 on Black Bat.
Turns taken with Criminal Strategist: Two with Deadpool, one with Scarecrow, two with Mister Zsasz.
Order Markers moved with Criminal Strategist: None
Order Markers removed through Torturous Interrogation: 2 X Order Markers, 1 Order Marker 3.
Wounds inflicted with Torturous Interrogation: 1 on Batgirl.
Batwoman is equipped with a Flash Bang Grenade and a Gas Mask.
Black Bat is equipped with a Bat-Grapnel.
Round One
The Vigilantes claim the initiative and Batman and Tim advance.
Harvey flips his coin, and it lands Scarred side up. He and Deadpool advance.
Schmidt advances, uses the Cosmic Cube to move Scott into the river, on low ground, before punching him - the mutant blocks the blow.
Bruce charges Deadpool, punching him for two wounds. Robin grapples forwards and chucks a Batarang at the Mutant to no avail.
Black Mask advances and fires a bullet at Batman, but misses wildly.
Batgirl and Damien grapple forwards.
Two-Face tosses his coin again, and it lands on the un-scarred side. He commands Deadpool to reposition to height, remaining adjacent to Batman, and strike him twice, though he fails to harm him. Deadpool heals a wound.
Round Two
The Gotham Crime Syndicate claims the initiative. Black Mask shoots Tim Drake to no avail, but the commands Deadpool to strike Batman twice - his first blow inflicts a wound, but his second is countered by the Bat, causing him to receive a wound he immediately heals.
Both Bruce and Tim engage Deadpool on equal ground, but cannot harm him.
Two-Face flips his coin, and it lands scarred side up. Deadpool attempts to strike Batman twice, but is countered both times and can only heal one of the wounds. Harvey repositions and shoots Robin twice, inflicting one wound.
Barbara runs to height and throws an ineffectual Batarang at Two-Face, before Robin punhces Deadpool for a wound.
Two-Face flips his coin, and it lands un-scarred side up. He commands Mister Zsasz to advance.
Batgirl leaps down and punches Two-Face for two wounds. Tim strikes Deadpool to no avail.
Round Three
The Gotham Crime Syndicate claims the initiative. Black Mask shoots Robin to no avail and orders Scarecrow to advance and deploy his Fear Gas.
The Vigilantes are crippled by Fear Gas and unable to act.
Two-Face tosses his coin and it lands unscarred face up. He commands Mister Zsasz to charge Robin - he does so, slitting his throat with deadly efficiency before adding another tally to his skin.
The Vigilantes remain pacified by the Fear Gas.
Two-Face tossess his coin, and it lands scarred-side up. He commands Mister Zsasz to charge Batman. He does so, and, in two stabs, ends the Dark Knight’s life, before adding another tally to his skin. Two-Face shoots Batgirl twice - one bullet finds its mark, inflicting two wounds.
Batgirl, pulling herself together and moving forwards in utter desperation, grapples into combat with Scarecrow and kicks him in the head, inflicting three wounds.
Round Four
The Vigilantes claim the initiative, and Batwoman and Damien advance. Damien throws a shuriken at Scarecrow, but misses wildly.
Black Mask strikes Batgirl for a wound, and tortures her into forfeiting the ‘X’ Order Marker. He then commands Wade to strike her - he inflicts a wound, and she then dies under interrogation before Deadpool fires a bullet at Damien, inflicting two wounds. Deadpool heals.
Batwoman throws a Flash Bang Grenade at Mister Zsasz and Deadpool before charging in - she strikes Zsasz for a wound, inflicting a second with Surgical Strike. Damien runs to height and throws a bat-shuriken at Scarecrow which embeds in his jugular, killing him. Alfred brings him back to base for a time-out.
Two-Face flips his coin, and it lands on the scarred side. He commands Zsasz to strike Batwoman, who blocks his blows - he is still disoriented by the Flash Bang, after all. He then shoots her twice, but his bullets bounce off her armour.
Batwoman punches Mister Zsasz, but he evades her blow.
Two-Face’s coin lands on the side of mercy. Nevertheless, he commands Zsasz to attack Batwoman. She receives three wounds from his onslaught.
Round Five
The Gotham Crime Syndicate claims the initiative. Black Mask shoots Batwoman, but the bullet bounces off her armour. He then commands Deadpool to engage to finish her off, but she blocks his blows. Deadpool heals a wound.
Alfred extracts Batwoman.
Two-Face flips his coin, and it lands on the side of pain. Deadpool advances and fires two shots at Black Bat, inflicting a wound with each, before healing entirely. Harvey advances and also shoots her twice, though to no avail.
Alfred patches Black Bat up before she grapples forwards. He does the same to Damien before he advances, preparing to throw a shuriken at Two-Face. He receives a call from Penguin - it appears Bruce was merely injured, not dead, but will be soon if Damien doesn’t put the shuriken down. Damien complies.
Two-Face’s coin lands on the side of pain. Deadpool shoots Black Bat twice, inflicting two wounds. Two-Face shoots Damien twice, inflicting one.
Black Bat charges Deadpool and punches him, inflicting two wounds as he is taken completely by surprise. Damien grapples up to join her, and knifes Deadpool for a wound.
Round Six
The Criminals claim the initiative, and Two-Face flips his coin - it lands on the face of mercy. Deadpool strikes Black Bat twice and manages to inflict a wound before healing.
Black Bat knocks Deadpool out in two savage blows. Damien charges Two-Face, but receives another warning from Penguin.
Two-Face flips his coin, and it lands on the scarred side. He shoots Damien clean through the head before firing a shot at Black Bat, who retaliates with a quickly thrown shuriken, knicking his neck and leaving him nearly felled.
Black Bat charges Two-Face, and Penguin pulls his last strings to keep her from striking him. Two-Face flips his coin - he looks at the results, grins coldly, and raises his gun to finish Black Bat. She ducks down just as he squeezes the trigger, before rearing up and striking him across the head, knocking him out.
Black Bat runs back to Alfred.
Round Seven
The Vigilantes claim the initiative. Alfred fails to patch Black Bat up, so she reluctantly waits.
Black Mask advances.
Alfred continues to fail to tend to Cassandra’s wounds adequately, and she continues to hold tight.
Black Mask commands Mister Zsasz to advance.
Alfred heals Black Bat up, but she holds her ground.
Black Mask advances and shoots Alfred through the head.
Round Eight
The Crime Syndicate claims the initiative. Black Mask shoots Black Bat to no avail and Mister Zsasz holds his ground.
Black Bat grapples up and punches Black Mask twice, inflicting one wound.
Black Mask strikes Black Bat for a wound and forces her to forfeit the X. Mister Zsasz charges her and stabs at her three times, puncturing her abdomen with his third blow, inflicting a wound - he twists the knife, forcing her to forfeit her third turn or die.
Black Bat punches Black Mask twice, knocking him out and eliminating the criminals’ third turn, before turning around and focussing on Mister Zsasz, who blocks the one blow she throws his way.
Round Nine
The Vigilantes claim the initiative, and a weakened and broken Black Bat throws one pathetic and easily blocked blow at Mister Zsasz.
Mister Zsasz slits her throat, adding another victim to his tally.
Batwoman repositions, making sure that Mister Zsasz can’t quite get to her.
Mister Zsasz advances, slinking into the shadow.
Batwoman moves to height to strike him, but is blocked.
Mister Zsasz moves to equal height with Batwoman and stabs her four times. The final blow buries in her lung, and Kate Kane gasps out her last breaths, as Victor Zsasz grins.
Gotham Crime Syndicate Victorious - Mister Zsasz 2 wounds, Penguin unwounded.
Overview: Okay - that was awesome! I'll be honest, Criminal Strategist didn't feel that great when Two-Face was an option, especially since moving OMs to anyone other than a Crime Lord negates Criminally Insane, but Torturous Interrogation was really evil and useful, and, quite honestly, just opening up the Insane to Criminal synergy is useful in and of itself. In this game, Deadpool's always great, though the ‘all OMs on Crime Lords' restriction on CI kept him from healing at the end of the round, and Mister Zsasz... I'm going to say it, he's never seemed that easy to use before, but when you can get him into a proper criminal syndicate and pick his times to strike... he's bloody devastating! He was my biggest, and perhaps most pleasant, surprise of this whole game, honestly. The real turning point here was probably the Vigilantes losing all but an entire round thanks to Dr. Crane (insert Frasier joke here). I can see Roman getting a price bump, and I wouldn't mind something a tad more interesting than Criminal Strategist (not sure what that would be), but, in general, I really like him.