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The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand)


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The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand)



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Justice League set.
Its model number and name are #020/Black Hand.


Character Bio - “Black Hand possesses a device that can manipulate the energy of Green Lantern power rings. It can obtain this energy by directly draining it from a ring or through the residue a power ring gives off. Like power rings, however, the device needs to replenish its energy on a regular basis in order to operate. Hand usually recharges his device during battles with Green Lanterns, and has been shown to use it in order to help him locate nearby power rings [....] After his suicide, Black Hand is reanimated by Scar when she releases the first Black power ring, making him the first Black Lantern. Reanimated by the ring, the head injury he inflicts upon himself during his suicide is erased, restoring his body to a working state. When the first Black power rings choose wearers, they present themselves to the deceased without a charge. The rings (which constantly ask for "flesh") are recharged by killing living beings and removing their hearts; each heart restores .01 percent power to every ring in the Corps. Black Lanterns are also able to read the emotions of the living as a colored aura that correlates to the emotional spectrum (red for rage, violet for love, etc.).,” (Wikipedia, 2014). _________________________________________________________________

-Rulings and Clarifications-_________________________________________________________________

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • Black Lantern's Blackest Night 9 special power may place a black Battery Marker on the cards of all Black Lanterns you control.

Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips--Heroscapers Community Contributions-
  • Initial playtest: (IAmBatman)
  • Second playtest: (Tornado)
  • Third playtest: (Aggressive Sock)
  • Fourth playtest: (darkraptor5413)
  • Black Hand changed to 9+
  • Fifth playtest: (Viegon)
  • Black Hand 9+ and Rise of the First Lantern added
  • Sixth playtest: (orgsbane)
  • Seventh playtest: (Viegon)
  • Black Hand 9+ and Rise of the First Lantern added/Undead/Blackest Night triggers on Black Hand
  • Eighth playtest: (IAmBatman)
  • Above changes + Final Version of Rise of the First Lantern at 475
  • Ninth playtest: (johnny139)
  • Tenth playtest: (Viegon)
  • Eleventh playtest: (IAmBatman)
  • Art: Comic, Figure, Background
  • Art by A3n
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Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 475

Start the game with 3 black Battery Markers on this card. If this Black Lantern would be destroyed, you may instead remove a black Battery Marker from this card and remove all but 3 Wound Markers from this card. This Black Lantern may never have more than 3 black Battery Markers on this card.

After moving, before attacking with this Black Lantern, you may choose a figure he is engaged with and roll the 20-sided die, adding 1 to the roll for each Battery Marker on the chosen figure's Army Card. If you roll 9 or higher, the chosen figure receives one wound.

If an enemy figure that is not an Android, Construct, or Undead would be destroyed by this Black Lantern's attack or special power, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 9 or higher, place a black Battery Marker on each Black Lantern card you control, if possible. After rolling, if the destroyed figure was a Unique Hero, you may remove a black Battery Marker from this card. If you do, remove all Order Markers from that card, take control of that Hero and its card, and place or remove Wound Markers until the Hero has up to 2 Life remaining.


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Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

I'll need to know two things with this guy, really, more than anything else:

1. Is all that text going to fit OK?
2. Can we do the Black Lanterns this way without them being overpowered/broken? I know the Undead faction is scary already.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Ooooooooh. :D

Shouldn't his name be Black Hand? And his army Black Lanterns? That's what I've understood.

What's the theme behind him powering up his army after killing someone? Steal their life force or something?

Right now he doesn't make his stolen people undead. Should be undead for theme, but they shouldn't be for easier balance, so that's probably the way to go!

And an easy way to make him immune to the awesome undead synergies is to make him an event hero. 400 points and being the big bad of Blackest Night I think can warrant it!
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

1. Arguably during Blackest Night when he became the first Black Lantern, it'd be more appropriate to name him Black Lantern (William Hand). Kind of like how Sinestro is only ever Sinestro, but we called him Yellow Lantern (Thall Sinestro). Also, if we ever do a silver age Black Hand, it'll make it easier to distinguish. Finally, it lets me just reference Black Lantern figures in the Blackest Night 13 power.

2. From the above bio:
When the first Black power rings choose wearers, they present themselves to the deceased without a charge. The rings (which constantly ask for "flesh") are recharged by killing living beings and removing their hearts; each heart restores .01 percent power to every ring in the Corps.
Note that he starts with 4 markers, but they don't start on his card. No Black Lantern rings have any power until they suck life force. And it's not an automatic when they kill another figure, thus the required roll of 13.

3. I think they're functionally thematically undead based just on being killed and resurrected, but I don't think the actual change is necessary or that it behooves us in terms of balance. Also, if someone is resurrected but freed from the ring, they're no longer undead at that point. I also don't make them actual Black Lanterns, so they won't be able to charge up.

4. Good call on Event Hero. That might be worth a change. I originally had him at 350. I'm not sure where his ultimate cost will fall, as he could easily get taken out before his ring charges up at all. Naturally, once there are more Black Lanterns with him, his value will go up, because Blackest Night 13 is likely to get reuse.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

I would really specify that the markers don't start on the start. It says you start with them, so it's really easy to assume they're on his card. He's actually going to be fairly weak if he has no markers, plus he'd be pretty awful against heavy hitters. Maybe give him one or two markers since he's the leader? Or even just up his life so he can stick around until he kills something.

Basically with starting with no markers, I don't see his cost being that high at all, and that's where he should be. :?
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Interesting... so the Black Lantern rings don't power them up any? And are we assuming that Blackest Night is going to go on pretty much every Black Lantern? Not that there are many of them available that aren't majorly expensive Chase figures...

Looks pretty cool overall. Not sure if he warrants Event Hero - wouldn't that be more Nekron's territory? - but I'm not against it on principle.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

I think he should only power up when destroying Unique Heroes. It'll help balance him a bit and I think is more thematic. They didn't go after "squaddies" in the comics.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

How would the how would the figures he takes control of lose their Power Markers?
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Interesting... so the Black Lantern rings don't power them up any? And are we assuming that Blackest Night is going to go on pretty much every Black Lantern? Not that there are many of them available that aren't majorly expensive Chase figures...

Looks pretty cool overall. Not sure if he warrants Event Hero - wouldn't that be more Nekron's territory? - but I'm not against it on principle.

If there was room for more effects, I might've gone with a power boost to stats from the Black Lantern rings, but I figured this approach was just cleaner, and the keeping them alive aspect was more important to represent, IMO.

I think it'd be good if Blackest Night went on all of the named Black Lanterns, yeah, which I know doesn't make many (Superman, Martian Manhunter, and ?). Of course some of that will be based on what can fit on cards. Those two at least can't be too tough to do as repaints.

Yeah, I'm on the Event Hero fence for the same reason. Nekron is certainly an Event Hero and Scar is probably one. Black Hand? Maybe less so. But the Undead synergies do have the potential to be scary. Any additional feedback on this one would be much appreciated! :)

I think he should only power up when destroying Unique Heroes. It'll help balance him a bit and I think is more thematic. They didn't go after "squaddies" in the comics.

That's not a bad idea. It would make him less swingy, certainly. My one concern is that going against an all squad or squad heavy army would really cripple him and the Black Lanterns in general, which doesn't seem thematic.

How would the how would the figures he takes control of lose their Power Markers?

Zatanna would be the only way possible right now, but it'd leave open an effect for White Lanterns that could be thematic.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

:lol: If you're up for it, your feedback is definitely welcome, Tickle!
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Few thoughts:
1. It's gonna be incredibly hard to test this guy without more Black Lanterns, because his Blackest Night power is gonna scale significantly with the number of Black Lanterns in your army.

2. Really like the different "Ring" power given here with the Regeneration instead of pumping stats and the limit on markers on the card seems needed.

3. White Lanterns should be able to remove any counter from a card to signify healing wounds, curses, ect. so I like that they can return control of your creatures.

4. Seems like he might be more in the 500 point range but I've been away from this game for too long so take all my feedback with a grain of salt.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Yeah, 1 and 4 are really tied together. It's really hard right now to know how much he'll be worth without others, but if these are going to be the basic powers on any Black Lanterns, we have to start somewhere! Maybe I should hold off on him until we're ready to do two or three BLs in close succession?

Edit: And I think your take on White Lanterns is spot on. Maybe something like removing a white Battery Marker to remove all markers from a chosen figure's Army Card. (Though maybe a Unique Hero restriction so that doesn't get broken with Event Heroes).
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

How many other Black Lanterns are there? It probably would be good to do the others (Or at least a few) first, if his powers will be tied into beefing them up.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

But I think, for the most part, their powers will all be tied to beefing each other up. And we have to start somewhere.

I'm having trouble finding the complete list of Heroclix Black Lantern figures (maybe Johnny or Spidey could help). I believe there are somewhat affordable Martian Manhunter, Superman, and Cap'n Boomerang ones, and chase Batman and Wonder Woman ones.

The nice thing is that if we want to do just about any from the comics, it should be a matter of a fairly simple repaint.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Oh yeah, definitely repainting for me in this case.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Beyond Black Hand and Nekron, there are currently:

Scar (cheap and plentiful HERE)
Martian Manhunter (one expensive FULL SCULPT and one weird HALF SCULPT)
Superman (one $80 and one $30)
Batman ($30)
Wonder Woman ($30)

However, in War of the Light we'll add:

Generic "Reanimate"
Hal Jordan
John Stewart
Abin Sur
Gallius Zed

Of course, of these only the Reanimate and Aquaman could be available at reasonable prices...
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Does anyone else have any plans/interests in doing any of the above? This would work better with a few going in close succession so they can all be tested together before release, IMO.

Should I wait on this guy until some of those figures are out and start up someone like GL Alan Scott instead?
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Does anyone else have any plans/interests in doing any of the above? This would work better with a few going in close succession so they can all be tested together before release, IMO.

Should I wait on this guy until some of those figures are out and start up someone like GL Alan Scott instead?

Haven't read Blackest Knight yet, so no plans from me.

But you could totally start up someone like Superboy Prime coughcough ;)
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

:lol: Yeah, let's start with something easier and with a more affordable figure, why don't we? :p
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Maybe do a Black Lantern Uncommon Hero? Give it the Ring and Blackest Night. Lets you see how a full army works.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

Maybe do a Black Lantern Uncommon Hero? Give it the Ring and Blackest Night. Lets you see how a full army works.

Something like this? (sorry couldn't resist the urge to try and design something):


CLASS = ? (Depends on if you want something for the faction)

LIFE = 4
MOVE = 4

Start the game with 2 black Power Markers. This Black Lantern may never have more than 2 black Power Markers on this card. If this Black Lantern would be destroyed, you may instead remove a black Power Marker from this card and remove all but three Wound Markers on this card.

When this Black Lantern destroys an enemy figure that is not Undead with his normal attack, you may do any of the following, in order:
  • Place a black Power Marker from this card on that enemy figure's card, take control of that figure and that figure's Army Card, and remove any Order Markers and all but two Wound Markers on that Army Card. If all black Power Markers are removed from the affected figure's Army Card, that figure returns to the player who originally controlled it.
  • Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 17 or higher, place a black Power Marker on each Black Lantern card you control, if possible.

Re: The Book of Black Lantern (William Hand) - Design

That looks pretty cool. :) Maybe Devourer for the class? Not really sure there.

One thing I'm wondering is if it wouldn't be better to just put Blackest Night on one or two figures to free up space on the rest of the faction? Or would that make it too hard to play the others by themselves and be a bad idea, since they'd need one of the figures with Blackest Night to charge up?

Or is everyone content with the idea of all Black Lanterns pretty much having variations of those two powers and just one unique power?

Also, Tickle, do you remember what Griff had for Nekkron or Scar at all? I don't have anything written up for either, I've realized.