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The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond)

Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck

Since I seem to remember someone mentioning this guy splitting off from Firestorm proper and even sharing panel space with him, should he be getting the crossover symbol?
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck

Pardon the terse answer, was just in the middle of something and wanted my stance on that clear with a vote open.

The stuff where the evil persona splits off from Ronnie and becomes Deathstorm is a separate character, in my eyes. Not the right situation for the crossover symbol. Deathstorm isn't Ronnie, he's a different thing and he shouldn't count as Ronnie. Not sure he even counts as a Black Lantern really.

We could probably implement Deathstorm as just like an alt card here that had the "Deathstorm" name and no SI, if we wanted. Crossover symbol wouldn't be telling the right story about who BL Ronnie or Deathstorm is, though.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck

Pardon the terse answer, was just in the middle of something and wanted my stance on that clear with a vote open.

The stuff where the evil persona splits off from Ronnie and becomes Deathstorm is a separate character, in my eyes. Not the right situation for the crossover symbol. Deathstorm isn't Ronnie, he's a different thing and he shouldn't count as Ronnie. Not sure he even counts as a Black Lantern really.

We could probably implement Deathstorm as just like an alt card here that had the "Deathstorm" name and no SI, if we wanted. Crossover symbol wouldn't be telling the right story about who BL Ronnie or Deathstorm is, though.
Is he not a BL at this point then?
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck

Don't understand why that's in question. Ronnie became a Black Lantern. Some aspect of BL Ronnie (Deathstorm) split off and stuck around as a separate thing after Ronnie got de-Lanterned and re-alived. I don't think Deathstorm is a Black Lantern himself though, he's just an evil Firestorm copy. Probably wouldn't count as Undead either.

EDIT: We're a bit in the weeds, but anyhow, final answer: this isn't a Deathstorm card and a crossover symbol would just be a weird half-and-half between a Black Lantern (Ronnie) and a Deathstorm card.
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Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck

I mean, I think it's pretty telling you used art from the Brightest Day version of the character on the card. :p
Spoiler Alert!

Deathstorm is pretty clearly the same entity as Black Lantern Ronnie Raymond. They call him Black Lantern Firestorm before he edgily renames himself, he has the exact same personality, and one of his goals is to create more Black Lanterns. It's the same dude in basically the same outfit doing the same things.

I think one of the mistakes we're making is assuming that Black Lanterns are exactly the same person as the body they're animating. If I remember correctly, it's stated pretty clearly that the Black Lantern rings don't actually make people into zombies. Instead, the ring creates a copy personality, with all the memories, knowledge, and traits of the original individual, but y'know...eviler, and that personality takes control of the body. (This is why Deadman can still be a ghost while his body is walking around.) So Black Lantern Ronnie Raymond is never truly Ronnie Raymond at all, but both we and DC usually treat him like he is because it's simpler. Deathstorm is the BL RR personality, having found a way to survive after Blackest Night because Firestorm Matrix or whatever.

However, Ronin has stated pretty clearly from the beginning that he wants this to be specifically the Blackest Night version of the character, and that seems perfectly acceptable to me. We're allowed to do cards for specific periods of time for characters, and this is a card for the time that he was Black Lantern Ronnie Raymond, pre-Deathstorm.

An alt card would be a nice thing to have, since a Deathstorm card is likely never to happen otherwise. But also it's not really essential? I think encouraging people to break the rules and play this guy as Deathstorm or with Firestorm is healthy.

You have my Yea either way. Cool design.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck

I mean, I think it's pretty telling you used art from the Brightest Day version of the character on the card. :p
Spoiler Alert!

I mean, gotta go where the good art is. :p

I do appreciate the run-down. But yeah, this is definitely meant to be a Blackest Night sort of card.

We've got a couple months before release - I'll just read the dang Brightest Day stuff myself and figure out if the best plan of attack on Deathstorm would be an alt card or a Cuckoo-ish "technically slightly different" design, or what.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck


The wikis seem to support the Blackest Night version as Ronnie Raymond, while the Brightest Day version is when the ring switched hosts to the Firestorm Matrix itself, creating Deathstorm. Not a huge deal, but since this design is geared on Black Lantern synergy, it makes sense to me to lean more towards the Blackest Night incarnation.
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck


(I don’t really have any preference on the whole Deathstorm bit)
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck

Yea - no preference from me either, I trust people more familiar to sort things out.

Love the fact that the mini and comic match... hate the fact that Heroclix mirrored the costume (or maybe mirrored the pose?) for no reason. They must do these things just to bother people. :p
Re: The Book of Black Lantern (Ronnie Raymond) (VOTE On Deck

This passes

Power check: I think this card was missed in the “THIS COLOR Lantern” standardization.
Rampage needs “this” in the last two BLs. Deathstorm for both BLs. Ring Charge, unsure, but it should be the same as BL (Crispus), when that is clarified.
We stopped doing "this" on every Lantern a while back. The wording is correct as it stands.
Thanks! As I said in the Book of BL (Crispus), I missed that convo/decision. Unfortunately, I got this clarification after I checked all of the Festival of Lights releases. *headsmack*
D'oh! No worries. If I recall right, we had that conversation in the Inner Sanctum, so there was no way you could have seen it anyway.