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The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne) (II)

Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

K, I'll prioritize this, then, but I'm still going to try not to leave you waiting long. :)
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

:lol: OK, I laughed! I think I owe you an Order Marker.

Great stuff as always!


davidlhsl said:

Yes, the exclamation points were necessary. :grin:

Utility Belt

I like the timing of this, as it allows Batman to size the battlefield before equipping the glyphs.

I wondered if the second sentence was necessary or redundant. However, if Shadow Thief or Black Cat takes a glyph, I'm not certain Batman would be able to retrieve it if the sentence wasn't included. Great job!

My standard ERB practice has been to delete designs once I completed the ERB, because it allows me to forget the abilities. Since joining EPB, I no longer have the benefit of amnesia. So I've held onto the Utility Glyph write ups for this moment. I can see uses for each glyph, and I actually would like to equip more than the 3 glyphs allowed, which is what I was hoping would happen. That means that drafting Batman presents you with a tough decision to make from the start, and that's always fun. This will only get better as you add more Utility Glyphs, which I hope you will do in the future.

Shadow Strike 15

When moving the 3 spaces, could Batman Bat-Grapple if he has the glyph? I can't remember whether or not this constitutes a normal move. I'm thinking no.

I'm not certain that you need the comma after "Batman takes no damage".

The Shadow Tile bonus is a nice touch.

Final Thoughts

Love the design, and I love the ability to select the starting Utility Glyphs. Here are some other Utility Glyphs to consider:

Nintendo: Roll the d20 before taking a turn. 1-4, the turn immediately ends while you play Mario Kart.

Snack: When you equip this Glyph, you receive 6 Triscuits. Write B-A-T-M-A-N on the Triscuits with EZ Cheese. After revealing an Order Marker on this figure, eat a Triscuit. If there are no Triscuits, this figure gains +2 to attack and defense for the remainder of the game.

Batusi: After revealing an Order Marker on this card, dance the Batusi. If your opponent laughs, remove one unrevealed Order Marker from any of your opponent's cards.

Whoops: Roll the 20-sided die. Of you roll a 1, you immediately lose the game. Whoops!

Backscratcher: In case he runs into Bane.
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Great stuff as usual from David, extra funny though :lol:
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Man, I love me some triscuits and EZ cheese!!! I know Bats and Griff already knew that though. ;)
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Looking good.

Mini 4: We did the Grey & Black, I want to see the Grey & Blue here, but not in scuba gear.
Comic 6: to match the mini.
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Tests updated through squad tests. I'm liking 250 so far, but only with a slight change to the First Aid Kit glyph (I'll post over there, but basically I'd prefer to see it heal only one wound. It's still plenty of an impact and I still want to take it into battle every time).

I'll inform the Sidekicks that the first to pm me gets to place a tie-breaking vote! :)
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

He's looking like a ton of fun! :D
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Scapey has cast the tie-breaking vote for mini 4!

Now there's just the question of whether anyone has that mini?
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Sweet. Would you be willing to take pictures? :-D

Also, just wrapped up playtesting here and I like 250! 24 hours on the clock and, of course, I will accept any interested pre-yeas as always. ;-)
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Doh! Looking at the Kryptonite Gauntlet thread, it's already restricted to adjacent attacks only (as it should be), in which case Batman wouldn't have been able to do so much damage to Doomsday in the latter part of that test so quickly, because he did a lot of it while attacking from range and height with the Bat Shurikens and still taking the Kryptonite bonus. So that one probably should have been a little closer (which also makes me feel better about 250, so good!).
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

I will definitely try! Forecast looks kind of iffy though for the next few days...
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

No worries - this is a few days from Final Editing yet. :) Maybe more! And thanks!
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

So I could start with 3 First Aid Kit Glyphs here?
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

So I could start with 3 First Aid Kit Glyphs here?

Since he has to forfeit a turn to use First Aid and he wouldn't have a ton of tactical options I wouldn't necessarily have a problem with this as long as it was specifically tested once or twice. If it is by and large the best option, that would be a problem though.
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

3 First Aid kits would let him heal 3 wounds during a game, but he would have no ranged attack (other than Shadow Strike) and he wouldn't have mobility to grapple anywhere. So for 250 points he's a melee guy that can heal and dish wounds when defending (on a roll of 15+ unless on shadow). As Margloth said, he'd have to forfeit a turn to heal 1 wound, so that would be 3 turns forfeited during a game to heal 3 total wounds and make him even less of a threat than he is going to be as a non-ranged or grapple unit. Heck, you might not even want to attack him for awhile in that case. Let the opponent throw down OMs on him all they want because that will take away from his teammates activations.
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

If Batman is attacked by any opponent's figure in clear sight and at least 1 skull is rolled, roll the 20-sided die, adding 2 to the roll if Batman is occupying a Shadow Tile. If you roll 1-14, roll defense normally. If you roll 15 or higher, Batman takes no damage, and may immediately move up to 3 spaces. If Batman ends this movement within 5 clear sight spaces of the attacking figure, the attacking figure receives one wound. When Batman moves with Shadow Strike 15, he never takes leaving engagement attacks.

Is this going to allow him to do this when he isn't targeted but has to defend against an area of effect attack like Explosive Arrow, Shotgun or Hawkeye 1's Trick arrow that affects figures 2 spaces from the targeted one?
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

I wouldn't think so, because he isn't being attacked, just affected.
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

I wouldn't think so, because he isn't being attacked, just affected.

I agree with this ruling, but I believe the trigger is the same as on Evasive Strike and Spidey-Sense - how were those ruled?

And Tickle brings up a good point about the 3 glyphs of the same type. It definitely was the intention that you choose three different Utility Glyphs, but I suppose it's not thematically broken to allow you to choose three of the same, and if it's not broken in terms of power or mechanics (not sure it isn't, but I don't think it is at least), I guess I'm good with it as is.

I think most folks will want the variety anyway, just because it's more fun! It will be something to think about for future glyphs, though! So far, I think the First Aid is the only one that can stack.

Hmm ... or can the Kryptonite Gauntlets? Yeah, that could be a problem. I think we need to restrict it to different glyphs. I'll post some wording in a minute for feedback and see if I can't make something work!
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Would this be enough to do it?

At the start of the game, after Order Markers are placed and before initiative is rolled, you may place up to three different Utility Equipment Glyphs on this card. Batman can equip a Utility Equipment Glyph even if there are other Utility Equipment Glyphs on this card, up to a maximum of 3. Batman cannot lose these Equipment Glyphs by any means unless he is destroyed.

Or, if that's not enough, we could do this:

At the start of the game, after Order Markers are placed and before initiative is rolled, you may place up to three Utility Equipment Glyphs of different types on this card. Batman can equip a Utility Equipment Glyph even if there are other Utility Equipment Glyphs on this card, up to a maximum of 3. Batman cannot lose these Equipment Glyphs by any means unless he is destroyed.

Actually, yeah, I think that second one really locks it down. What do you guys think?
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

I wouldn't think so, because he isn't being attacked, just affected.

If you are rolling defense dice, isn't it still against an attack even if you weren't the target for that attack? If your figure not the targeted figure but was the affected figure adjacent to that targeted figure and your figure has a power that had "...after this figure rolls defense dice against an attack, if the attacking figure had failed to roll a skull and is within 5 clear sight spaces of this figure, the attacking figure recieves one wound..." wouldn't that power apply to the attacking figure even though this figure wasn't targeted?

It's just that we've been doing a lot of "targeted by adjacent or non-adjacent attacks" wording that there becomes that weirdness between that wording and "attacked". Does "attacked" = "targeted"? or does "attacked" = "having to defend"? I know it's kind of goofy of me asking but my brain is burnt somewhat lately. :(
Re: The Book of Batman (Bruce Wayne)(II) - Design

Well, again, whatever the ruling is on Hasbro Spidey is the ruling for that here. The trigger here isn't at all groundbreaking.

What do folks think of my suggested language tweak (my last post)?