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The Book of Banshee


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The Book of Banshee



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The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Armor Wars set.
Its model number and name are #022-024 / Banshee.
Character Bio - Sean Cassidy is the heir to both a small fortune and a castle in Ireland, Cassidy Keep, where he was born. As a young man, he married Maeve Rourke and took a job with Interpol. While Cassidy is away on a long mission, his wife gives birth to their daughter, Theresa Cassidy, unbeknownst to Sean. Not much later, Maeve dies in an IRA bombing. With no means to contact Sean, his cousin Tom takes Theresa in. When Sean returns he is informed of his wife’s death. Devastated, he lashes out at Tom with his Sonic Scream before he finds out about his daughter. Sean leaves Interpol and becomes a freelance detective. Later, Cassidy is forced to obey Factor Three's commands and performs various criminal missions for the organization. On a mission in New York City, Banshee encounters the mutant team of superheroes called the X-Men. A few years later, Xavier approaches Banshee to join his second group of X-Men and Banshee accepts. After the mission at Krakoa, Banshee remains with Xavier and, along with Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Thunderbird, becomes a part of the first core team of "New X-Men."

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Q: Do I have to use flying for Banshee's entire movement in order to use the Sonic Flying special power?
    A: No, as long as flying is used for part of Banshee's movement, he gains the bonus movement that comes with the Sonic Flying special power.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A

-Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses-

  • When Banshee uses his Sonic Scream Special Attack Symbiotes roll 1 fewer defense dice. Current Symbiotes.

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
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Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 160

Range Special. Attack 4.
Choose 4 spaces in a straight line from Banshee. All figures on the chosen spaces, and all figures other than Banshee within 1 space of the chosen spaces, are affected by this special attack. Roll attack dice once for all affected figures. Each figure rolls defense dice separately. Symbiotes roll 1 fewer defense die against this special attack.

When using the Flying special power, Banshee may add 3 to his Move number. If he does, he cannot attack this turn.

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Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Stealth Carry is a nice twist on the official Carry.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

I was shooting for a more offensive version of Angel here. Does that come across well? Banshee Shriek is just Canary Cry, but it really works for him too. I left out "his" in "Banshee is not affected by his Banshee Shriek Special Attack." because he has Special Selective Hearing and should be immune to the power when it hopefully appears on Siryn's card.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Glad to see some more mutant love. :) It's fun to see an Agent here too. More fun for Nick Fury army. Based on his stats/abilities I'd say he's closer to 160-170 points.

Also, I thought his yell was typically referred to as Sonic Scream?
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Glad to see some more mutant love. :) It's fun to see an Agent here too. More fun for Nick Fury army. Based on his stats/abilities I'd say he's closer to 160-170 points.

Also, I thought his yell was typically referred to as Sonic Scream?
It is, but the precedent is Canary Cry and all the grammar works with that kind of set-up. I suppose I could/should change it, but I thought the closer it was the less tweaking would be needed.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

I wouldn't worry too much about the grammar here. I think you could keep the text the exact same and call it Sonic Scream. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Looking at wikipedia it says that he can fly at the speed of sound (768 mph). I'd say we could also up his move to 7-8.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Maybe I don't know about the character here, but he's never struck me as "stealthy" ... does he have a superpower other than his screaming and flying that explains his stealth?
5 attack seems a tad high for his power ... I'd almost rather see the range on it shortened a space if it's going to be that powerful, or the range increased a space and the attack brought down to 3.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Basically, his scream is a more powerful version of canary cry, which it is. In reading up on him, he can direct sound away from people in addition to at people thereby being stealthy. I figured any more on move might be too much with stealth flying, but I'm open if thats what majority wants.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

I still worry about an area attack of 5 for game purposes ... what would you think about bumping the attack down to 4 and just increasing the range by one, so it's more powerful than Canary Cry in terms of distance rather than attack?
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

I like the range boost. :) It would certainly help with the usefulness of it. That's typically what keeps Canary Cry from being used over BC normal attack most of the time. I'd think Banshee should be yelling almost every time over regular attack.

What do you guys think about move 7 for him?
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Does he have super or somehow enhanced speed? 7 move for a flier (not to mention a stealth flier) is really fast.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Area attack of 5 is far too powerful - make that a 4.

I never really thought of him as having a Carry power - I am not really liking that for the character honestly.

Defense of 5 for this guy is way too much IMO. I wouldn't mind a defense of 3 for this light weight - he has no fighting skills.

For the same reason above, his attack should be 3. I think Angel could hit harder than this guy though, so maybe even an attack of 2.

This guy is kind of a loser with a cool scream...... he should be filler, NOT on Batman's level of point cost. Get him below 100 please.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Yeah, I had the same basic reaction ... maybe I just don't know the character that well, but he always seemed like a bit of an "also ran" loser to me, not a 200 point hot shot. I'm cool with him having a big scream (if we can get it down to 4 attack) but I'm not sure he needs to be so slick everywhere else.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Does he have super or somehow enhanced speed? 7 move for a flier (not to mention a stealth flier) is really fast.

From wikipedia - He could hover or fly at the speed of sound, and could carry at least one passenger.

Speed of sound = 768 mph

I think he could fit anywhere in the 100-150 range. He will probably have to be more than 100 points with such a powerful special attack too.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

I'm not too familiar with this guy so what he had looked good and balanced. If you guys think it is way to strong for the character then you are probably right.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Ok, background on Banshee is obviously required here. First off, he is not a loser. He was a former Agent for Interpol (which means he is better trained than most of the X-Men in hand-to-hand combat, since mostly they train to use their powers in combat.)
wikipedia said:
Banshee is a mutant whose superhumanly powerful lungs, throat, and vocal cords could produce a sonic scream for various effects, in concert with limited, reflexive psionic powers which directed his sonic vibrations. He could hover or fly at the speed of sound, and could carry at least one passenger. He could overwhelm listeners with deafening noise, stun them with tight-focus low-frequency sonic blasts (effective even against shielded ears by penetrating the skull via bone conduction), plunge them into a hypnotic trance, disorient them, nauseate them, or simply render them unconscious. Using sonic waves, he could rapidly vibrate himself or other masses at will. He could generate sonic blasts which struck with tremendous concussive force, liquefying or outright disintegrating targets at his highest levels of power. By radiating sound waves outward and reading the feedback, he could locate and analyze unseen objects in a sonar-like fashion. By modulating his scream's harmonics, he could confuse most scanning equipment. He could instinctively analyze, replicate, and block sonic waves or vibrations from other sources.
Banshee generated a psionic field which protected him from the detrimental effects of his sonic vibrations, though his sonic powers could still injure him when pushed beyond safe limits. For a while, his sonic powers were gone after having to use them up and down the harmonic scale to stop a weapon of Moses Magnum's. His physiology seemed fully vulnerable to conventional injury when his sonic powers were not engaged. Banshee had selective hearing, enabling him to focus upon, enhance, or totally block out any given sound in his environment; this shielded him from the deafening sound of his own screams, and made him a superhumanly acute eavesdropper in surveillance situations. Sean and his cousin Black Tom were immune to each other's natural mutant energy powers, though Sean's immunity did not extend to the new powers Tom later developed via artificial mutations.
A gifted detective, veteran undercover operative, and formidable unarmed combatant, Cassidy was an excellent marksman and a competent amateur machine-smith, well-versed in combat strategy & tactics, and teamwork drills, from his training at Interpol. An effective educator, organizer, and lobbyist, he was also an avid American country music aficionado and skillful amateur piano player. As Cassidy, he wielded conventional firearms, sometimes loaded with explosive "micro-bombs." As Banshee, he wore synthetic costuming designed to resist air friction, usually including underarm wings that helped him glide on air currents and his own sonic waves. The "ribbons" on Banshee's costume (a visual trademark of the character) aid him in his flight.
From this and the talk of psionically being able to manipulate the Sound waves coming from his scream, that is where the Stealth came in. His training certainly makes me feel he could hold his own against a pretty boy, spoiled rich kid like Angel. I certainly feel his stats are warranted.
Marvel Wiki said:

Banshee is a mutant.

Audiokinesis: he creates powerful sonic waves with his voice with which he can achieve various effects, often with the assistance of psionic abilities which function only in unison with his sonic power.
  • Sonic Scream: ability to shatter solid objects with a sonic scream
  • Flight: ability to fly at subsonic speeds by using his voice to propel him through the air and ride the sound waves.
  • Sonar: can use his sonic powers as a form of sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging). By sending out a precise, pure note and listening to the returning, altered wavefront of the note, he can evaluate his surroundings in total darkness with varying degrees of resolution.
  • Sonic Shield: can tighten sound waves around himself or others near him, making a barrier against outside attack.
  • Vocal Disorientation: ability to change someone’s balance, by affecting their equilibrium using his sonic scream
  • Vocal Trance: ability to subtly influence people's subconscious mind by changing the tones and vibrations of his voice using sonics
  • Vocal Unconsciousness: ability to affect the fluid in someone’s ear causing the person to go unconscious.
  • Sound Immunity: Banshee's hearing and equilibrium are unaffected by his power or other similar abilities.
Superhuman Vocal Stamina: possesses superhuman stamina in his lungs, throat, and vocal cords.


A gifted detective, seasoned undercover operative, and unarmed combatant, Sean was also well-versed in combat strategy and tactics. He was an excellent marksman, amateur machinesmith, educator, organizer and lobbyist. His interests included American country music and playing the piano.

comicvine said:
Banshee's mutant power was his ability to generate huge amounts of sonic energy using his voice. This 'sonic scream' had a variety of uses. Banshee could use it to fly, create concussive or disintegrating energy blasts, create force-fields, shatter certain materials by using different wavelengths of sound, or cause his enemies to become disoriented, nauseous, or even unconscious. He could even use sonic pulses to let him move very fast.
I hope this helps clear up the misconceptions about this guy. I also hope I am not coming as a know-it-all, however I do feel safe in saying (especially after the comments made) that I know him best of our group of Heroes. I will look over the comments (I think lowering the attack on Sonic Scream and upping the range is warranted, and I can see getting rid of Carry or Stealth Carry. I have seen him carry others, but its most oftne he flies solo. Two powers could work for him.) and post changes that seem to be majority opinion in the SP.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

I think part of the issue was seeing the OP listed at 200 points. I really don't think the OP as it's written would be more than 170. With Bat's suggested tweak to the special attack he could be accurately priced in the 150-160 range with his stats left at 4 attack / 5 defense.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

I think part of the issue was seeing the OP listed at 200 points. I really don't think the OP as it's written would be more than 170. With Bat's suggested tweak to the special attack he could be accurately priced in the 150-160 range with his stats left at 4 attack / 5 defense.
Well, honestly, costing is my BIGGEST weakness. I kinda guessed and threw a number out.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

I am gonna poll everyone:
A) Carry, Stealth or otherwise


B) No Carry
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

B, get rid of Carry and replace Stealth Flying with Supergirl's

SUPER SONIC FLYING: When using the Flying special power, Banshee may add 4 to his move number. If he does, he cannot attack this turn.
Re: The Book of Banshee - Design Phase

Well it would actually be Sonic Flying. Super sonic would be faster than the speed of sound, which is his limits.

I do like that idea though. Maybe make it +3 move?